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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 19, 2023 5:00am-5:16am CET

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in 90 minutes on d w, the, this is data, but the news lot from the coming up, the sound mounting, international pressure on these rout leveretts' attacks on causes us defense secretary on monday i met with prime minister opinion and y'all to intelligence. he says us support as well as on the cycle and he's also pushing is riley leaders to outline in the future for gaza. often also coming up international observers sites . so it'd be a snap election was anything but fit. a monitoring mission has reported multiple
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irregularities in the presidents, alexander, fluid churches, sylvia and progressive party. and germany's military announces it will be stationing some of the $5000.00 troops outside of time for the same with you, any part of the deal. but gemini is defense minister, as described as historic, the, i'm anthony out book into the program. we begin with increasing international costs is route scale back. it's assault on gaza. that includes from its closest ally, the us, us defense secretary lloyd austin was in television today to talk to his riley that it is about how they could better protect civilians in the war against a massive group considered a terrorist organization by numerous countries, according to the last run, health ministry, the death toll and johnson as nasa pos, no,
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19400 palestinians. shocked and in grief. these people in god saw sentenced to be updated by the more and the loss of their loved ones. and as in many of the past astride he strikes many of those who are 2, he seems like these are increasing pressure and is trying to predict civilians. according of accord at the us defense secretary lloyd austin, texting palestinian civilians and gaza is both a moral duty and a strategic imperative. so we will continue to stand up for israel's bedrock right to defend itself. and we will also continue to urge the protection of civilians during conflict and to increase the flow of humanitarian aid. integration is strange, fav. it is targeting how much militants, but the fighting has led to one of the worst humanitarian crisis ever in garza.
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food and clean water has become scarce for the strips over 2000000 people. and according to the un, 90 percent of the population has been displaced. the one i brought some more to some a neighbor over the i brought the volta and we needed to we don't have a single job. hello to left. there was nothing a tool laser. when i went to the head of the you went, agency for palestinian refugees has worn the coffins, could start dying of hunger disease and beat immunity along with the eat and drink because that's what the crossing drugs have also started entering from is trying to be accurate i'm showing that the u. n. c's, but conditions on the ground on suitable for delivering humanitarian supplies. many see a horse and fighting. that's the only solution and there to go. that's now being
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a good by many of 5th strains realize the un security council as postponed to vote on a safe 5 resolution until later on tuesday, the deputies janelle jamila and told me earlier, why the spain did light as well. the un security council has postpone the vote on the request of the united arab emirates, the u. i. e, of course, is the one who introduced this draft resolution calling for an urgent cessation of hostilities in gaza. and apparently this has now happened in order to give the negotiating parties more room to compromise on the wording of the draft resolution . so especially if a u. s. has taken issue with the fact that in the draft it doesn't uh, specifically condemn moss for its actions on october 7th. rather, it condemns terrorist acts more generally and calls for the release of the hostages . but here's the interesting part. so the us has said that it can to support
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a reference to the cessation of hostilities, but it might be amenable to a reference on a, in the wording a reference to a suspension of hostilities. and that's interesting because it represents a slow shift, perhaps in the position of the us. if we recall earlier this month, it blocked a similar resolution perhaps. now if it is going to support us as references to suspension in our studies, it might mean that it's days of simply vetoing the resolutions are over. and in the broader picture, it could be a reflection of a growing and patience with the israeli government. as the biden administration tries to put more pressure on israel to do more to protect civilians. but as i said earlier, as a, the death toll approaches 20000 according to the home us run health industry, that pressure appears to be very, very little fruit. the us defense secretary,
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a janelle lloyd austin, visited israel and stated quite that american support for israel. israel security is unshakable. that's putting the messaging all along. so what is lloyd austin achieved on this visit? so it really does seem like washington is trying to send a layered message to israel. here you do have that surface message of unshakable support to israel. but the nice of that surface message is the expectation that the u. s. as is relevant, biggest defense and diplomatic back or that it expects to be listened to. so lord austin, while he was in israel, he reiterated his message about protecting civilians is a moral and strategic imperative. at the same time, his talks with his rarely officials focused on how to scale back is really operations away from heavy aerial bombardment away from the heavy ground operation
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into gaza into something much more targeted and narrow intelligence driven aimed specifically at homeless leaders. but it is unclear how much is ro is taking on, is taking on board at the moment. it is not clear whether israel and the u. s. are on the same page with regard to how to prosecute this more with regard to the way forward for gaza and the associated timelines. however, given all of that, even as the pressure on the biden administration mounts to push israel to do more in the face of these mounting casualties, to do more, to protect these casualties. there's, there's still seems to be very little appetite in washington to attach conditions on the aid that is something to israel. but the longer this goes on, the more prominent discussion point of that is going to be here. the deputy is janelle de la in dc. thanks very much. i of the us as announced the
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creation of an allied, the task force in response to attacks by hoody rebels on ships in the red sea. the international force will conduct joint patrols and provide intelligence to protect ships from attacks by the human vice rebels. since october, the who the rebel group is attacked and seized multiple ships that it says uh, quite linked to is right. several major companies have halted shipping in the area in response to the threat, which is also caused oil prices to spot right. time to take a look at some of the, of the headlines making use around the world. this how trying to estate maybe a say a powerful earthquake is killed, the 110 people in the countries northwest. local officials say almost 400 people at the injured rescue. if it's a on going off of the quite collapsed buildings and then old in provinces of kent 2 and king high officials have warranted locals to be wary of potential aftershocks
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egyptian president of death a c. c has thank photos optis securing a 3rd to him and office. you've received almost 90 percent of the var just in last week's election, which was overshadowed by the board in java and a severe economic crisis. critics, i attorney alone cracked down on just saying hasn't eliminated any serious opposition parenthesis given the formal approval for priests to bless, same sex couples. the document released by the vatican francis suggested such blessings could be offered as long as they didn't confuse the ritual with the sacrament. sacrament, robert of heterosexual marriage, said priests should decide on a case by case basis. the european union has launched a legal legal proceedings against the social media platform ex, formerly known as twitter regulators, looking at whether it's filed account or
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a legal content. and this information. it's the 1st investigation and the use digital services that i am giving use as increased protections against big tech companies. us international, observe, as i say, it'd be a staff election on sundays were not fair and my by regularities, the organization for security and cooperation in europe has alleged media biased, both buying and bell and bulk stuff, and preliminary results show the populace. that'd be in progressive party led by president alexander footage 146.7 percent of the vice almost twice as much as the 2nd place. opposition the lines. so it'd be against watts on the streets of bel grade. these protesters are angry over an election. they say what stolen will do to that the gordon is doing was things been doing the 1990 s o b a that has never happened before. and then we never saw somebody
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stealing an election. this openly evaluated, they'll be the police didn't react to prosecute this office didn't react to either my also. so why should we take part in election if they always the, the election and literally nothing happens off the dock. are there any deductible from that is on sunday, serbian president alexander boot judge said his party had won an absolute majority in the snap elections. he had called 2 months prior to the me. i can't say we lost these 2 months because it was part of an important democratic process. but we do have to devote how selves to the country progress of the country and the continued progress of alice's
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for observers have heavily criticized the way the election was conducted of the snow. the election should not speak about caea elects and it was unfair. i can repeat that the building of the always the do it goes on say a and, and i think if you ask me is a bullet issue then that said, i think the victory in belgrade was stolen from the bushes, boots huge, and his party have denied allegations of irregularities, people here remain unconvinced. germany says it assigned to a historic agreement to deploy troops. in lithuania, it will be the 1st on the german, but his best soldiers permanently stationed outside the countries on board. his defense minister, bars pay stories said gemini, was ready to defend knighthood, territory, and historic signature germany. lithuania, signed
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a roadmap for the deployment of a german bonus, february gate to the baltic country. for the 1st time since world war 2, the german army will station soldiers permanently abroad. the reason rush, i poses a threat to europe as a whole, not just ukraine. some 4800 german military personnel and 200 civilians will make up the lift waiting yet brigade. the idea is to detach the rest of it from attacking the small baltic countries. a potential threat of the west. the military lines, nato is taking very seriously, with the less way near brigade germany aims to help strengthen nato's eastern slang . since specialists invasion of ukraine and february 2022. the bonus van has redefined its goals. the focus is now on national defense and strengthening nato. today, the milestone is that very new project and the very impressive project. i think we signed the roadmap, as is absolutely new for germany. absolutely new for the bonus with the 1st time we
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do that. it's a huge challenge, but we are really willing to do it. and we are keen on being successful together without at least being in france. germany already leads may to us multinational bethel group in this way, and yet of some 1000 troops which will be integrated into the new brigade. the german defense minister also used the occasion to sign the german soldiers stationed already in this way. now, as part of the traditional christmas trips, as it is hoped that the new german brigade will help secure nato's eastern border, it will likely be fully operational by 2027. and we'll leave you this out with some incredible pictures out of iceland. where of ok now has a rock did the, the capital reykjavik iceland had been on highland for a potential or option with thousands of small lists quite recorded in the region. since october,
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nearly $4000.00 residents of the nearby village of cleaned up at already been evacuated as a precaution. and that is all for now. i'm next will take you to autonomy african vision village where a centuries old way of life is threatened by modern chinese fishing troll is that story is coming up after short break. stay with the we want to be the number one for the book or is 00, the crew to clean and her entire of crime in the, to the cells one calling and they don't currency then she disappears. oh, so traced, as i mentioned willis about the will. last one said woman crypto queen stunts descend associates on dw.


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