tv Made in Germany Deutsche Welle December 20, 2023 6:30am-7:01am CET
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to the genuine, to musicians under the swastika documentary about this sounds of power inspiring story about survival of the home and you go get the tennis. i was the only one who lives in nazi germany. watch now on youtube dw documentary, the, how serious is the business world when it comes to sustainability? protecting the climate. it's easy to talk green after all, but walking the walk has proven much more difficult. what about families and households, the affluence and the poor? what are their responsibilities when it comes to the environment?
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green economies and a division between rich and poor? that's our focus today. and we also have, this is electric rich on so providing a breath of fresh air. why the white gold lithium has become so valuable? and how the super rich, our super climate centers we welcome you to meet. don't you bellas, business magazine, or when it comes to the green transformation, the distance between here and there can seem immense, and businesses are often the bad guys. they are the ones pumping out the most carbon emissions. but that's often a little too simple. throughout replacing fossil fuels with renewables is inherently difficult and expensive. just look at green hydrogen, one of the most heights, clean energy solutions in recent years. but they're also natural occurrences of hydrogen, also known as white hydrogen. finding them however,
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is difficult. now some startups are giving it a go hydrogen, simply hidden deep in the earth ending huge quantities. underground deposits are believed to exist all over the world. and that's what i told jen is more or less well we have naval training, could naturally occurring hydrogen be the sustainable el dorado we need for our energy supply. hydrogen can be used to fuel vehicles as an alternative to diesel and gasoline. hydrogen can make this steel and chemical industry is climate friendly. as only water remains after combustion, nothing else natural hydrogen couldn't massively reduce c, o 2 emissions on our planet. but why is it not being promoted? this is not so we'll explode. and we, we have a lot of unknown in depth and the people are thinking that we know a lot,
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but it's not true. launch bulk of the, the cabinet is completely unexplored. every cachet has been looking for natural sources of hydrogen for years. he believes there is a source and up here and he is a mountain range in south western europe. we have some proof of the presence of, of idle gen because of stupid cheese at the see a face as though cpg is located in on big twist on big thoughts picked on the quotes to see we have connected in depth to a zone. we call this zone a kitchen. in the kitchen, deep below us, hydrogen is being formed. rainwater that penetrates the earth surface reacts with service rock and the kitchens. this allows hydrogen to be released and to accumulate. so far,
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only one source of hydrogen has been used in a village in west africa. hydrogen drives a generator to produce electricity for the entire village. hi hon. the last part of this show. it's a 120 meters. so how were uh, hiring, seen other countries and use this hydrogen to produce electricity for people. the brands such rings called very circles, clearly indicate hydrogen deposits when they had attached to the district. so with the images we can detect this structure and this is the, it's telling me that this hydrogen be generated or was generated before
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individual startups in the us have taking the 1st the risky and difficult step of drilling for hydrogen with the help of millions of dollars in financing contributed by investors, driven by the chance of huge profits. the main reason to really most engine once treat that is possible to extracts hydrogen from the grounds. because i heard from many investors and other people. certainly that just took me to be true. and we should be getting most treatment 1st that it is feasible. anyone who discovers a large deposit stands to make a lot of money. but drilling for hydrogen is a risky business because it is hardly been explored. this too hard to raise capital, financial hydrogen, because the risk for us risk are still high and then the rest are most of them are
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still waiting for small companies to decrease those risks. and then they will be able to step by him and then start making guaranteed profits. from that, the technology, the geologist, estimate that hydrogen would be about as cheap as natural gas if they were rich deposits. the lucky strike is still a long way off, but it could usher in a new era of energy supply. the. we're always on the go these days ends often wondering how that fits with our green emissions. but change happens gradually before it happens. suddenly look at india, whether a delivery services or 3 will tax these. the country is focused on electric mobility like few others. now rich charles with batteries have become a more common site. in fact, more than half of all rituals registered last year were electric. putting india
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well ahead of us appears. it's hard to tell at 1st glance, but batteries are located, denise being on sign feet is electric. rick shaw is a real treasure for him. sign by signing my electric, rick shaw. this is like, got a slack for me for me as it helps me earn a living. and i think it's my duty to take care of it daily. more and more make sean drivers are choosing to do without dirty diesel, as indians population is growing rapidly, especially in the cities. experts estimate that traffic alone could double by 2050 and with it picks off pounds. there are still millions of diesel powered to wheelers on india's roads. still the market for electric vehicles in india is booming. almost $730000.00 electric to wheelers were sold in the last fiscal year. the figure was little more than $250000.00 a year earlier. experts say there are several reasons for this. so it could be 2
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feet, major of reasons, reasons for those growth in india to begin with its index. climate pledge isn't the government policy, is that how sort of led to this transition from ice to electric way? it goes broadly. the 2nd reason if i were to attribute as sort of economics and the 3rd as the stock option. and deb, it's really started making easy to click where it goes and in, in frustrating to getting into manufacturing. it, it looks like we can talk to, you need it to the start. i would say, you know, certain and in many cases the model is simple. instead of large battery blocks, it's usually the small ones that have a shorter life. then what are affordable drivers like our shop show on the affordable it costs less and has so many advantages compared to a normal rickshaw, yet that i can save up to a $1000.00 rupees a day off the size of a heads up. i say yes. he's visiting a business where he hopes to buy a new electric brick shop,
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but he's still undecided. the indian government hasn't invested heavily in electron mobility and supports both customers and dealers. a vehicle like this used to cost almost $3000.00 us dollars. but thanks to the government subsidy, it now only costs the customer half as much, and therefore far less than a gasoline powered car. it's a whole new driving experience for customers. it is a good side. these electric rich songs are really useful and available everywhere. they don't use gasoline, so we don't have any exhaust fumes. i often use them to take my children to school or to go to the bench to full market and visit my brothers. once more, the service is cheap. it's also easier to get in and out of the electric ritual.
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getting aim is very comfortable. shelf, jo. hon gets to take a test drive today. yeah, i've been driving an electric vehicle for 3 years. i only commute with my electric rick shots that doesn't pollute the environment. it doesn't is meant as much exhaust fumes as gasoline and diesel vehicles. i got a bottle of me come on. if i he now wants to buy a new electric rick shaw this business. now sells $200.00 vehicles a month and the boss wants to hire new workers in yet. we've been in business for 10 years and they have good annual growth. but in the last 2 years, post cove in this industry is seen phenomenal growth. people's mindset is changing in favor of electron mobility and dice and huge success in the future as well. any one coffee we're getting it available and hundreds of companies in india are doing the same. as a result, more and more people are becoming self employed. like being on the sign as an electric ritual cam driver and the environment becomes less polluted. batteries
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like the ones in those rick shows are both present and future tech ology. and one role mineral makes them especially durable and powerful with you. the primary component of many batteries and with good reason, why is it that the plans of everyone from car bakers to electronics producers hinges around this one resource more than most others? are porter, took a look for us to understand why lithium make such a good battery? we need to know how a battery actually works. and if you hear a battery, this is probably what comes to mind. this one is retractable, and made of lift them. we can make a super simple circuit with a battery 2 wires and an l. e. d. is seen for the terms of it, but the deep east is more controllable and are not sto, julio cosmo is a professor and researcher who has spent the past 12 years focusing on lithium. you bought a lot of energy. you have various more. but as you want to get out all this energy
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very fast, and you're going to go away and not in an explosion, this works to the movement of electrons and i out. electrons are tiny, negatively charged particles that float around. adams. ions are items that have lost or gains an electron. this battery contains lithium graphite cobalt and a liquid. batteries have negatively and positively charged side. lithium ions and electrons on one side of the battery when connected to a circuit, electrons travel outside the battery along the circuit generating electricity. the electricity goes from negative to positive flowing through the l. a. b in the middle. meanwhile, what's left in the battery is lithium ion. that's where the lithium ion battery gets its name. the ions travel inside the battery from the graphite to the cold box . when it's recharging, they go in the other direction. but batteries basically destroy themselves in the process, either they lose their ability to create electricity or chemicals build up on the
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electrodes. as batteries age, the electrons travel less and less efficiently and the battery loses its capacity. the metals can also grow into spikes, which can short circuit the battery in the worst case of battery failure, big night and explode. so a good battery can store a lot of energy without exploding and doesn't quickly lose its capacity. making one of those as tough stuff. one of the many reasons why left them makes a great battery. is that unlike lead or as it was only mildly talks and these new lithium batteries can store more energy per graham than any other battery ever invented. what makes with themes so great? weird lee is that it's super reactive. so i got my hands on some lithium which should be no 99 percent pure. going to try and put it in some water and see what happens. but them safety 1st. it's a really soft metal, so it, so it'd be completely breakable just with my fingers. wow,
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look at that. so that's the lift them inside. it's reacting with the oxygen in the air so fast that the metal is already darkening. we're going to try and put this little bit of lithium in some water and see what happens. okay? so, moment of truth, ooh. to understand why this happens, we need to look at electrons again, lithium loses electrons and creates ions really easily. that means that the ions inside the battery move around really quickly and efficiently. that makes the batteries able to charge faster, have a longer live site goes and above all store more energy. aside from its ability to store energy, the theme is also winter when it comes to weight. all of these can be used in batteries, but they would make the batteries heavier. that's because the lithium is the least dense metal on the planet. the fact that it's so extremely light makes it the best
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option for electronics. one of the main reasons computers in this size instead of the massive machines they were in the eighty's, is the invention of the lithium ion battery. it's also by far the best option for electric cars, buses, and plains, because the light of the vehicle, the less energy it takes to move it around. and that's why our appetite for lithium is skyrocketing. according to the international energy agency, demand for lithium could increase between 13 and 51 times by 2040 australia is the top producer of lithium, followed by july. but other countries around the world are ramping up production to meet the max of global demand in 2022 global with in production. was that a 130000 metric tons? that's quadrupled from 2010. when production was a little over $28000.00 metric tons, the good news is that we technically have enough of it in the ground, according to some estimates around $80000000.00 metric tons of around 10 kilos per
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person on the planet. but just because those white gold is abundant, doesn't mean it's easy to get, getting it out of the ground can be slow and costly. and the mining and refining processes are concentrated in a few countries. that means that the demand for it is quickly outpacing the current available supply. this bottleneck is also raising the price after 2020 prices of raw materials went up for a while, others came down, lithium just continue to increase, and mining itself comes with its own host of problems extracting lithium from rock or requires a lot of energy often powered by fossil fuels, what's better is extracting it from bright water that's mixed with minerals to day . the last just process is to put a, these brang was that in ready shuttle bones, which are extremely large that say the 1000 times a football stadium, brian mines used thousands of leaders of water for one ton of lithium into a lithium mining has already led to water shortages in the area and diverted water
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from local communities. the mines can also cause soil degradation and disrupt local ecosystem. and then there's the whole problem of what happens to the batteries after we're done with them. although the lithium itself can be used, lithium batteries, deteriorate and most of them land in the trash. one obvious solution is to create infrastructure to recycle lithium batteries. that's what happened with lead batteries due to government regulation. 99 percent of lead batteries in the us are recycled? recycling with families entirely new technology. but it's catching up. lithium ion battery recycling is expected to increase to $420.00 killer tons per year by 2030 up from the current 50 killer tons per year. better looking back, batteries are also on the wet cobalt which is mines in very problematic conditions . could be replaced with nickel menu square iron, or the graphite in the battery could be swapped for graphed, feet. it's made by taking
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a layer of graphite just like this. and making it progressively spinner and thinner until it turns into a single layer of carbon atoms. graphic is the strongest material ever discovered, and more conductive than graphite. you can also make the inside of the battery solid instead of liquid to make it less likely to explode. most of this is still in the lab, but these advances could make the batteries safer, longer lasting, and store more energy, which could also make them more attractive for storing large amounts of renewable energy on a grid scale. so it certainly doesn't look like our addiction to lithium is going away any time soon because lithium dominates the battery worlds and for good reason the we all have our role to play when it comes to climate protection. and some roles are much bigger than others. and that's apparent in a new study of annual c o. 2 emissions per capita here in germany. i'll take a look at this half of the german population accounts for on average 6 tons of c o
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2 per person. while the richest one percent comes to a whopping $105.00 tons for the richest of the rich in germany. about 800 people. it's almost $12000.00 tons. a carbon emissions are just one more thing separating the wealthy from the poor. a division that could be a good thing or a bad thing. what is, well, what influences our attitude towards money and the few really, really rich people whether you make a lot of money, what you don't make a lot of money. it's on you that the cabinets as part of the dispute is coming from the guard edition. in our language wealth has a rather negative connotation, which is absurd because most people want to become rich. many americans still believe in the american dream. anyone can be successful in india,
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success as reserved for us select few and in germany. wealth often has a negative connotation. the world super rich live above all and the us where else the country has 700. 35 billionaires followed by in china with 490. 5 more and more billionaires are also living in india. there are now $169.00 and comparatively small germany. there are still 126 and in russia 105 no matter which your born porter or middle class, wherever you're born you, everyone can just move up. right. or, you know, in the us it's called the american dream. there's the babies and murder talk or see which leaves with the people at the top are there because they deserve it. right? but if you are rich, it's not because luck. it's not because of the external circumstances. it's because
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of something internal to you. and then there's the, the protest at work and the protestant work ethic is this idea of that, that a society, the people that work the hardest, are the ones that are most rewarded. if you take these b beach together, is that the, all of these together you, you get a glorification of the rich in india, the social structure has very different poverty and well exist side by side off and under the same roof. a guy, what does that mean? a lot more than more than 100 dollars dollars or something. and the guy was sitting on the back of the me back. they back, but i would maybe a little baby coming to the guy sitting on the back. maybe the cuff was the bench has considered to be the auspicious part of that. and just consider that if you people to watch,
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watch patients and then god gives me. this is the psychology gender psychology. and yeah, in germany, the few of the rich is shaped by the country's history got stationed up to the meat. of course the war did something to the reputation of the rich. i see that those who by sion. yeah. because many of the super rich were involved in the business of the nazi party with their large companies, weapons production and so on your own goals. and phil often puts you on when somebody, when da, here we go. and that's where the chapel comes from. because you hardly find any rich people in germany who really speak out in the media, median voltage also, that still influences the perception of wealth in germany today. displaying wells is frowned upon. that said, the distribution of wealth is also relatively balanced. ne woodson. i know what's the name and the doors, 90 percent of all companies in germany. our family business is mining from union
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with the name of us. and if you have a family business, you can earn quite well all but you also create jobs. you pay high taxes and so on, will show you what's available and the rich and you are the higher taxes you pay. so as a venue that is if you pay them properly. but if you pay them, you doing something for everyone. you are in germany. high earners paid 45 percent tax in india. the top tax rate is 30 percent, but only one in 10 citizens pays any income tax at all. these people are on the economy. it says i'm wondering what i mean. so, i mean, yes, i bought like this, 5755, maybe somebody on the me then it comes to you just bought it because the other company in the part of china and the bonus jones, all these in the, in the us life. so they put 5 percent, 10 percent of that in the in the us. the top income tax
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rate is 37 percent. but that's still far too high for many years. there's this attitude towards the taxes are bad for them. taxes are good. very, very, there's no real discussion of how taxes help society and the hard part of society and for more about how the taxes are some sort of pure evil. so bad that text unders or even celebrated by some like martha stewart, an american tv star, who became a billionaire. i think of them are the steward like we're not that concerned about it may be it really is that like well you know, associates love done her taxes or something, you know, maybe most americans think to themselves, well, i would do that if i could or something you know, and so good for a good for her as being
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a quality cross and perceptions of wealth change. people around the world are beginning to look more critically at the so called top one percent in india. know the politicians don't do that out of all their money. people do view the elite in society and one percent specifically as sort of co. ready calculating, individualistic, um and it is a group that is kind of in this sort of stratosphere right. that is very sort of divorced from the rest of society. when deeply in for me, the clientele of billionaires from all over the world, is a country and its own right. a group of their own people. and it's growing according to the wealth report. the super rich are getting richer every year, despite all the world crises. well, we'll keep an eye on those crises in the new year, including the climate change crisis. and we'll be ushering in our own change
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in 30 minutes on d w, a non root tons to hi, i'm says to her how difficult is a new beginning in the old home for christians, intact off to being persecuted escaping to a different life, a different place. cartoon that comes back to spiteful of the consequences. refined community, no stopped the in 90 minutes. on d w. the we say they're never giving up every weekend
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this is the dealt with your new slides from the in your waste course. the boss, donald trump, from the presidential primary ballot in colorado, the state's highest court says the former president's role in the 2021 attack. what think us capitol makes him eligible to hold office again? tom's campaign is st. they'll take the case to the supreme court to account as international pressure grows over the number of palestinian civilians killed in gaza. is wales president suggests he's country could be open to another ceased biased, the son to the un delays of o, consulting.
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