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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 21, 2023 10:00am-10:16am CET

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josh, december 22nd on d, w, and the this is the, the news coming to live from berlin. israel says that soldiers have found him us as nerves center. the is really military for lease has pictures of tunnels. where it says from us leaders were hold up. meanwhile, the us signals, it could back a new un resolution calling for a ceasefire, but israel's prime minister says his country will keep on finding pulse and coming up a k. all the collection in congo is extended into a 2nd day votes have been counted in some areas,
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but in others polling stations failed open and some voting lists were incomplete. the oppositions calling for a whole new ballot projecting the extension is elite. the hello, i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. we'll begin with the war and gaza, where there is no sign of a letter up in finding despite ongoing talks as calls grow for israel, the scale back it's military operation inside the territory. it has released these images of what it says is a major from us command center in the heart of gaza city. it's alleged that the network of titles was used by senior him, us leaders, including those accused of planning. the october 7th terrorist attacks causes from us. government says at least 20000 people have now been killed in his real
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defensive is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has failed to continue the operation until all of israel's objectives are met. there is no and to seems like the syndic as a street several is really air strike. heating this southern city of rough uh, survivors rush to barely fonts and the hospitals with little hold for safety. anywhere in the territory of all of a sudden the 1st rugged land in destroying everything. by the time the 2nd rocket hidden, we weren't able to see anything in the house anymore. we barely made it out. the whole house fell down. we found a woman who had just given birth viruses area and were able to drag her out with her baby girl who was choking. she was taking her last breath. there she is over there from the lovely la. hey, i'm over to the, the you, an estimate stands nearly 60 percent of old guys. this infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed in more than 90 percent of the population displaced as the
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smoke from the latest. when bob meant, feels this type of rough. uh, some of them shared their desperation. we came from the north and they said, you shouldn't had to rough. uh. it's a safe place. they followed us to rough. uh and hit us. where is it safe? where should we go? no, i wish for a complete ceasefire, an end to the death and suffering. it's been 75 days. people are still getting killed. there's still people under the rubble that i don't hear from many people. communications are out on the follow up, one for negotiations are taking place that could lead to a new, temporary truce. but many differences still need to be overcome. the costs are based. how much lead there are. you smile, how need to travel to car on wednesday for talks with adoption officials. the group
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which is considered a terrorist organization by multiple countries, says it only once a permanent ceasefire. something real down by israel with prime minister benjamin netanyahu say that is impossible until him us is defeated. present joe biden says the us is negotiating a new un resolution and gaza, that quote, we may be able to agree to us is holding talks with tia allies with the un security council. still working to get american approval on a current era sponsored resolution to hold the fighting a vote home that has been delayed for 3rd time as diplomats negotiate with united states on the word. the latest version calls for a suspension of hostilities over the weekend. friends, u. k, and germany joined global calls for us. so as far well as to our special correspondent, uber, hayman, jerusalem,
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that there are signs of progress on the diplomatic front. so unfortunately not, it does seem that these diplomatic efforts are reaching somewhat of a deadlock. i, the opinions of the various parties are still, it seems too far away from each other. israel a still, as it's determined to eliminate how much completely and to continue with the war as it has so far in order to achieve in order to achieve its goals. how much thing that they want to 1st seat a ceasefire before they can enter new negotiations for a hostage for a prisoner exchange agreement. and so they want different conditions from the one deal that we had before that saw a lot of hostages released and a lot of palestinian prisoners. and it is really jails released as well. as you
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mentioned, the united states also plays a huge role because it does have that video in the security council. and since it has cited overwhelmingly with israel in this conflict, the united states has to be convinced as well not to veto any more resolution. and that, that takes, of course, a lot of diplomacy and a lot of negotiations the us is also calling on israel to scale back is operations in gaza and to, to make those operations more targeted. is there any indication ad that is really, horses are doing not it doesn't seem so um it's really bombardment has continued throughout the strip and also in the southern part of the guys a strip where civilians were initially asked to evacuate to be safe. but now the military operation has, is well underway in the south as well. and recently,
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a 140000 people were asked to evacuate from the south. but then in getting the people there asking themselves where to it's already a very small piece of land and they have already moved a lot of and in many cases from the north to the south. the israel's military says it's bound to major him, us command center and gaza city, which it says was used by him. us as leaders. what more can you tell us about that? well, well, the information that we know is solely based on what the ideas says. we are not able to go in these tunnels or verify that information ourselves, but they say that they have found tunnels that belong to our believe to been used by how much leaders like if us and why and how much a dave and these are figures that are believe to be the master minds pretty much behind the october 7th, a her attacks a,
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a thank you very much. that was our correspond it evening in jerusalem. this is a look at a couple of other stories making headlines around the world today. 8 organizations or warning of a 100 catastrophe and sudan as the war, there pushes the economy into clumps. around 12000 people have been killed and 6000000 displaced during 8 months of fighting. un says it's been able to help only a small number of the 25000000 people in the debate. flooding triggered, but an unexpectedly powerful storm has left at least one person dead. and another missing in the us state of main authorities say the clean up in some areas could take weeks. hundreds of thousands of residents remain without power throughout the northeastern united states. the deadline in congo as presidential elections has been extended following a chaotic 1st day of voting. many of the countries eligible 14000000 voters faced
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long delays, missing bela papers or polling stations that never opened at all. the election, pitts, president, felix should security against 18 challengers. he's hoping to win, the 2nd term is considered the front rather voting has been disrupted by like the delays in some centers in conflict, civil conflict in the east. besides the logistical setbacks, there have been allegations of fraud and violence. come the leads, bonuses you to cause the ballots grow in patient after hours of wasting stimulus seems a sponsored, it's super low of a seem to is across the country. we've been here since 5 am, but so far, nothing has started. we don't understand. we're waiting for them,
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we're not leaving until they start. most is blame the chaos on delays and opening poles. while stations reported a lack of balance right before the election day. of the say they were surprised to find the names missing from folks unless a somebody came very early in the morning because i wanted to know which office that was going to vote and i looked for my name, but so far i haven't found it says you know, look aside the election chaos is being compounded by fighting and congress east, which has prevented one point. 5000000 people from registering to vote via the up on monday is all they were quite a few people who didn't end up on the list. we the observe is, can see that the organization was not good in this for speak to the people a wondering how they are going to voters,
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if they can't find the way around it. they also have the right to do the jersey and booked the meaning of the vote. counting will also face delays. joining us now, problem the congolese capital kinshasa is our correspondent eunice, getting us. why are these elections in congo? so chaotic? so yeah, none of this really comes as a surprise video. steve is this country, it's around as big as western europe. so it's really hard to get mature real to all the various provinces. and so this is something which everyone has accepted the expect a bit. it's going to be difficult, but still the kind of the degree you're also the k o s as something which still, well, it's kind of a surprise to some people. there's also the problems that some areas, especially in the east, is ongoing fighting as low. so it's difficult to access some of those areas and
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apparently they do use the government said that to go back to the commission, they sent that or that they would run the house elections right now. and i did. it could also set that we're going to let you election, but this would have caused lots of problems with your position. so probably the opposite. let's just push it to now, colorado has a history of disputed elections with some of those ending in violence. how are things shaping up this time? yeah, exactly. the has been violence in previous elections. the last selection was actually quite peaceful before us because there was in a position candidate who was declared to be not even there was some questions about the final results. this time, this has yet to be see if the position already has set. some of those members of your position have already said that they won't accept visa elections because of
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all the cases it's going on. so we will see by the people who will go to the streets, whether they will be protest until now the whole situation still looks looks quite peaceful. so probably this is rod or something we will need to what child for. once the results come out, you'll just remind us of the significance of these elections. what's at stake here? and now we're talking about the a c video. see it's been sent to africa. it's a country with 9 neighboring country. so it's really huge. it's really important for the west. it's important in terms ofa. it's role that it's a country which has still good ties with the west. it's within us with the european union, and it's a country with los mineral resources which we need to hold the. i was like the whole world these for the energy transition. it's a country where we help you train for us to the 2nd largest range for adults,
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the world. it's very important in terms of the climate change. while we always should never forget it. it's also month to call these people the around 100000000 people living in the do you see it with all those neighbors? it's really strategic place almost in terms of security for the product. reason an african us thank you very much. that was dw corresponded us gathering in contrast to. so you are watching dw news coming to live from roland. just reminder of the top story who are following for you this hour. israel has released these images of what it calls a major, a must command center in the heart of goes to city. it says was used by senior hum us leaders, including those accused of planning the october 7th terrorist attacks w . you can always get the news on the go, just download our app from google play or from the app store. it'll give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any
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breaking there's a back. so we've got a documentary for you asking why we'll hunting is still allowed in the arrow pilots course and get all the latest news information on our website at dw dot com. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching the advisor and have it under listening place of long in the mediterranean sea, unless i am just following up to carry him to us exploring modem, lodge styles, to amy and admitted to a man jenny this week on the dw.


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