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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 22, 2023 12:00am-12:16am CET

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the, the best to speed up your new laurie from the search photo sees file and got that. we look at bar, they're going, i took nation for george, he's gone through is the best interest in use and aimed at the politics the fighting. lots of ram mos children and the check for public prox police fate. a student went on around here to the university and leaving it to be supporting people that the
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member such as well. thank you for being with us. the united nations security council is making another attempts to foster the resolution on forcing the fighting and guys of the white house of cigna that had made back the initiative put forward by out of the states. the vote has been repeatedly delayed as diploma. and how good over the wording, the data soft costs for the suspension of opportunities between israel and how much which many can make which many can country is considered as a tentative school. israel has been under increasing pressure from its allies to protect somebody and into unity for this and political demands are ongoing. that's good for them. this from the w. washington go to safety and it's for the good for you in us. did you want to see has been debating this resolution for days now? why is it taking so long to reach a consensus to be fair and initially i think we has to mention the member states of the and has their own national interest to consider when they're working on a ceasefire. that's always the case. however,
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in this particular situation of the united states and israel and has been relatively isolated in the decision to oppose this cease fire in nevada view and general assembly some days ago. $153.00 members states out of the $193.00 total membership, a fact the resolution the us is apparently rejecting the u. n. monitoring mechanisms for age to garza. because israel does not want less control over monitoring everything which comes into gaza because they are apparently afraid of alms and concrete for tunnels being smuggled along with these 8 deliveries. so the based on is that as well as not trusting any other country to keep them safe, they don't even trust you. and obviously in the us has a deep commitment to support as well. but for it also seeing days of haggling as reach us pointed out, does this finally look like for us may have
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a change of heart at the moment it looks like uh that these my, its coming to solution within the next hour or so. but it's still really open. we don't know. what do we know? is it for many, many the situation. i think for many around the world, this situation really needs to be ex, essential question. what is new and what actually is the security? it comes with good for one day, not even can agree on a ceasefire, and times for thousands of civilians got killed every week overpaid if the distribution of 2 monetary and 8 could be monitored by the you. and so the pressure is really high for prizes inviting to find a way to be able to support this resolution, which hopefully would stop the killing at least for some time. here, i do a lot of attention on this developing story tank. this one watch for following it for us to w. washington,
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go to see if you and us for now is fred has vowed to press on with this operation and gaza until a mazda is eliminate that these really ministry has released images of what it says, how most of those is the claims. the network is used by the commanders, including those accused of planning. the october 7th at a tech is really soldiers inspect buildings said to be in gaza city. they say they've uncovered entrances to what they allege or secret rooms use by him. us commanders at several locations complex with books of the koran. you can see there is this area i think are c t and there are a carpets on the floor, but maybe some kind of print area, rounds metal type. the military says its soldiers also discovered shafts to
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a quote, vast network of tunnels. there isn't electricity books here. this opens, it was close. this is actually a door, not the fact of a box to reach the space that leads to the tunnel shop below. perhaps the most important discovery this they believe was used by the hamas leader in gaza. himself yes, yes. and who are pictured here in an old video? what was the problem? he's alleged to be one of the chief planners of the october 7 terror attacks. and sen wise elimination is among israel's top objectives and gaza. while israel's ground troops advance and bombardment continues. israel has now issued new evacuation orders for hon. eunice, in this service, where it claims and wire is hiding out. the plight of palestinians has led to
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growing international pressure for a pause in the fighting. but israel is standing firm the whole month, we continue the war until the end of it will continue until thomas is eliminated from until victory. let me to hold those who think we will stop. so a not connected to reality by them too. and despite holding tucks in egypt, her mouth is also refusing to budge. in a statement, it said it will reject any talks about prisoner and hostage swaps until quote is really aggression is ended. so let's take a look at some of the got the headlines making use around the world. ukraine and a lot of these federal shuttling has killed 3 people and wounded 5 of those at mining facilities in the eastern domestic region. russian forces have recently stepped up though, front slip and the surrounding area. ukraine's parliament has voted to legalize medical marijuana to help people dealing with stress and anxiety caused by the war
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. below their take effect and 6 months predict something legislation, failure to lead to an influx of drugs in ukrainian or russian foreign minister said you natural office, caller german leaders, a bunch of caves over to german proposal to confiscate. frozen russian assets. prosecutors wants to 720000000 your roles to receives from adoption, financial institution and frank, but several forms of found dimensions for the good. now police and the check for public say, a gunman has killed at least 14 people at the university in center prob, thousands more have been injured. the gunman also shot his father dead before the round page authority faith as no link to the address of frantic run for cover as a shooter opens fire in the heart of products historic center. as
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police hans the gun man, staff and students at the university are warranted to barricade themselves inside. others hide on a building ledge. out of desperation, panic, families tried to contact their loved ones. when news of this shooting spread, come he get semester to study, and for him, i think we found out what's happening in the philosophy department on them. so i tried to reach my daughter at going on the list when it's, but she didn't answer the call. nicole nico valley community college, so we communicated by text message out l a. b. and i asked her to stay on the floor like not to go near the windows gully to come in and wait for the police, the yucky bull valley, and uh, 42 or 40 say they received information about a man from a nearby village heading for proc to commit suicide, police then discovered a body of another man in the village. the suspects father with the nation and shock, the prime minister addresses the check people to naples and me to load the festival
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. let me express my deepest condolences to the relatives and friends of all the victims again to do with the study. none of us can fully imagine the depth of grief and pain they are now experiencing near the hospital. most people took so many lives, mostly young people have been needlessly lost. many of them injured some unfortunately very seriously. there is no justification for this horrendous act. and like many of you, i feel deep sadness and discussed in the face of this senseless and brutal violence . police believe the shooter who was a student at the university acted alone. they say there is no link to international terrorism. for extreme is groups. i saw definable are all strong prius to unless the individual be however, so small shootings out in the country, they're extremely rare. in fact, this has to be described as the worst,
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every shooting incident of its kind in the czech republic. they have been some multiple shootings in the past with nothing on this scale. also it's unprecedented in terms of such an attack, taking place as an institution of education. we haven't seen the kind of mass school shootings here that the u. s. is relatively well known for and that's another reason why this event today is troubleshooting us being so traumatic for the check nation. and as people are still in very deep shock over what has occurred here. and it just now the check government said bus saturday will be a day of national morning for the victims of today's violent incidents. right, those are some pricing and images we saw coming out from product to the day. but what, what do we know about the shooter as well? the shooter was a 24 year old student at the faculty of arts,
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word and the car. i got the struggle of attack earlier in the day he killed his old father. he was from a small town outside brought. he killed his father out there town, then came in to pride to carry out this killing spree. before he came to pride, he made a social media post on the network telegram saying that he hated the world. and that he was to cause maximum damage possible. also, it's interesting to see thing the check police upset. he may be linked to a strange counting last weekend in which a young man and his infant child were killed evidently with the reason. so the police now are acting on the assumption that this cutter may have also emitted this bizarre and evidently most of the less crime bus weekends. okay, so clearly
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a developing story project. so my auto bid welcome to the gun laws and the techs republic of the easy to on a fire on it would have certainly easier than it is, for example, in buquet or islands. it is a anybody can get a gun license if they go through a certain procedures. the police chief said this evening here in pride that they filed an arsenal of weapons at the scene of today. so shooting incident with those around the nation. and it's not entirely clear if the shooter hodge, he had apparently had gun licenses, but we don't know if they were for the ones that he used today. but it's also being reported that he stole a stove, the guns that were used. the other issue that has been raised is security at the university's, especially at this university. the if i can see of arts of draws university. i have been there several times and you walk in, it's right in central park. you can walk in and nobody stops. you there are no
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security barriers, nothing like this. and in fact, my wife, who is a student of feedback and see she's allergic native as security shortcomings some time ago. and i think questions will definitely be asked about what's the level of security as to institutions like this amateur public. thank you so much for following that story for us to our list in zillow, be in prague for lawn to some of the news headlines. the voting has been extended to a 2nd day in the democratic republic of con was presidential election. this comes off to some pointing stations for you to open due to widespread to just to go to problems. president felix to security is running against 18 challenges. the world has also been disrupted by civil conflict and the east. donald trump's former lawyer would be truly ami has filed for bankruptcy days after being ordered to pay
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a $148000000.00 in the defamation lawsuit to former election well across the state of georgia said he made false statements about them. but let's do debt unions of calls office tried to disrupt the trans services, which means which and then from the walk out by george a ton of stuff left houses of christmas tablet, stranded in london. and that is what goes out here to check to the 1000 your report, us demanding 3 times as much on some spots they will sell into your for you and install code has jewels that way. fund fee for our book, you. lo and blocking the formation of a super league, the break of a competition announced in 2021 involves 12 of your biggest steps. the ruling does not mean the super leak will now be approved, but it does boost towards the court said the football governing bodies had no choice to make the projects subject to the prior approval. the of the
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am that's or from us finale off to the break mapped out, looks with what the conflict between is on and this trend is clearly about. stay with us for that. don't forget from one us on our website and to follow up on your tooth number, such as well, thank you so much for watching the get ready for an exciting auburn toyota full of surprises. i'm shop number and i'm ready to dive into the house of gentlemen to us. you finally have you have a one does not delete this or port. this card via included in the, on the vehicle dish boxes across the and the, and expect the size of slice enjoyed sun. now this is not just a pipeline, it connects to is rarely cities. but what's so interesting about it is that it used to be known as the israel.


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