tv The Day Deutsche Welle December 22, 2023 3:02am-3:30am CET
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is taken by him also on october 7th, have yet to be released. the leadership of the box is still alive and still be in charge of the tower group. it's really forces had bombed much of gaza and i'm off claims. 20000 people have been killed in the violence. it shows no sign, dividing up. come off says that it will not release any more hostages until the attacks on going to stop a condition that is a non starter with this real and against all of this. what difference would a resolution from the un security council calling for a halt to the fighting? what difference were the really make? i broke off in berlin. this is the day the we continue the war until the end. it will continue until how much does it have a nice is what we need is a sustainable season. thursday think we will stuff enough connected to reality.
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visual costs again for a ceasefire. all the law shows and full time us terrace on the 1st of the last, a deadman the only have 2 options. surrender or died. also coming up, how do you feel a 16000000000 euro hole in your budget? the german government has the answer and it's a pain from one. they have no clue and we're having to pay for it. or that kind of the counselor isn't saying a thing of these days. there isn't even a need for an opposition that people are making up their own mind. so what's happened is funding by stop us yet. which of our viewers watching on cbs in the united states, into all of you around the world? welcome. we begin the day with another attempt by the un security council to bring an end to the fighting in gods that there had been numerous attempts by the council to turn down the volume of violence in garza since the october 7th. i'm off terror
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attacks and israel, the us is veto to resolutions. each time signing with is real and it's right to defend itself with the war, almost 3 months old and with some aust, cleaning that $20000.00 people have been killed and gone to the un security council is once again considering a resolution aimed at allowing humanitarian aid into the territory, what we need is a sustainable ceasefire where how mass is no longer able to threaten israel with, with rockets and with terrorism. and where the fighting can stop and the talks about how we have a long term solution and peace and stability. where we have israel secure and it's borders and a palestine secure. it's board is that is the long term. all of that. that's what we want to see. all right, my colleague dw, use, middle east analysts shawnee was on and she's here in the big table with me in the studio is on his get to see you. you know what we heard there for david cameron, that all sounds good, but at the end of the day are asking you what i asked at the beginning of the ship . what difference would
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a security council resolution make when he comes to is real strategy inside. gotcha . well, very little if you're talking about operation on the ground and the long term strategy, it's clear is really, depending on international support, most the american, but not only the, the mounting pressure does have an effect. i don't think it's going to have any immediate effect, but israel knows it has very limited time. how much time that depends on the international community. what or who has the most leverage here and who, who's not in a member of the security council? well, i think the key country to bring in is the egyptians. you know, egypt has the border with gaza, other than israel. and we've seen it very instrumental in bringing it in so far. it's also me very helpful with for his rel along the years to fight homeless extremism and other things going through this border. is this trust in israel. there's a great trust in egypt, is that trust strong enough to allow egypt to be the one facilitating the needs the,
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the you and wants, you know, to have direct aid coming into guys a without israel monitoring that. that is it to be seen. this is part of the negotiations of back and forth. are we seeing now is the egypt as an important ally with great trust from americans and is really not clear if that's the trust is big enough to hold this whole operation and the you and i was also pushing for bringing in a to all possible routes including air and of course see that there's a big coastline and gaza so far. we haven't seen that too active in that, in that, in the last days of the war, maybe that would be a solution view. a secretary of state entity blinking said this week that at the you end he, here's a lot of demands being made on the victims, israel, but non being made on the perpetrators mos. yeah. and that's something to keep in mind. also, when you talk about how, how much teach through this resolution has because the you and also demands an immediate release of all the hostages as part of this resolution that's being
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negotiated. will that affect thomas? i doubt, and this is part of the problem we have been doing in this and completely as symmetric conflict. however, if you talk to the americans, for example, they say israel and it is part of the of the nations of the world has taken upon itself agreeing to international law as international conventions. and being part of the u. s. 2 months is not how much is not what there is responsibility, and some of these common values that we share are the ground to this relationship to this lines. what is real steps back of it? then you know this alliance good. we can do it well. what this means, what does this mean then to to attempt or calls to rehabilitate the p. o or the palestinian authority in some form that would make it least appear to have the authority of a governing power? correct. i mean, the housing authority is, is recognized as the official representation of the palestinians. and the americans is pushing strong to bring it forth. israel or pushing back. but the
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problem is that as long as there's no keeps pushing back without bringing any alternatives, it, it remains in control. what happens is guys that and it by, in the world's eyes and also imagine patrol, what happens to the population and goes up to the civilians. and gaza, we need not just age, but would need to have recovery. we need to have, you know, at the end of the day their life rebuild is really on the one hand says i don't want to deal with because i don't want us to be like problem anymore. but that on the other hand, it's finding, it's very hard to let go of this control to any other body in the world because the countries are not so quickly to jump into saudis, for example, say we're not going to budge. as long as these rules aren't promising to solve the palestinian problem, if there's a spot prospect for long term solution, please, we're in, but this is a back and forth between israel, the americans and other moderate forces in, in the region. i'm wondering what benjamin at yahoo and his government, but they must be thinking it at this stage. seeing that the americans may be willing to let a resolution pass, you know,
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forward this time and not not to veto it. and it will say you saw the us defense secretary in israel earlier this week and pushing for yeah, 8 a turn down if you will, in the military action in gaza netanyahu is he pulling his hair around? actually not because he benefits from this class with whom us he knows he's been, we can in the posing last week extremely. and he's only way in his mind to re gain popularity. exactly. to show himself to be very tough. that means tough. him home off and tough on the palestinian authority and also tough with the american saying to these realize i'm the only one who can save you and protect israel's needs. and the americans are calculating that also in their push for israel. they know this is part of the political game. eventually, however, there's garza as 2300000 people. they need help, they need support. some body needs to put an end to that, as well as aware of at the international communities. i think it's best so far.
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it's going to be hard. you know, as we've seen it last week, it's hard to find a break. so yeah, it seems like time is on the wind side in this conflict correctly was on is our middle east. analysts, chinese always good to have you here to be table thing for your analysis. thanks a, a more than a dozen people have been killed in a shooting at a university building and central proc many more have been injured. the government, a student at the university is also did know installed, that he killed his father before the rampage. the government says there's no link to international terrorism. the shooting happened in the old town, one of progs main towards the attractions. the white house has condemned the incident as a senseless act of violence. i'm going to go now to journalist in willoughby in prague and how did all of this unfold? it today? what about 3 pm today? there were reports that there was a shooting incident of the faculty of ards,
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of charles university, and the very center of frog it was about 45 minutes late here reported that the, the assailants and the shooting had been killed or at least was dead. it's not entirely clear if he showed himself or if the police managed to shoot him. but during that time, the whole area around the faculty of arts was closed off the even divergent friends . but after the dust settling, so to speak, it was found that 14 people were killed by this gun man. and one of them was a police officer. many more people were injured. they would take you to hospital in prague about a dozen or for sleep very seriously injured. and also some of the survivors of this attack have already been receiving some special trauma counseling in what has been reaction from the check government as well. the government is actually
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currently holding a special session, attended by the president earlier this evening, the check prime minister per to feel a made an address to the nation to speak about what happened, which kind of reflects how serious and all this this event was today. mr. fill out the prep, the prime minister, so there was no possible just to cation or what had happened and product today. he said he liked many members of the public felt both uh, discussed and a deep sadness over what had happened, the president. but you're probably, oh, he made a similar statement. and he also thank the members of the public for following the orders of the security services during the operation to take out this uh, this gum and you know, what is the gun ownership situation in the czech republic? how accessible our guns those are quite accessible. i'm from ireland compared to on
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and it's very easy to get a gun in check republic. and at the same time, even though guns can be accessed without an enormous difficulty, there isn't a normal level of gun ownership like you might see, for example, in the united states of the sailors. in this case, this 24 year old students. he did not have a gun license himself, but it's reported that he, that an arsenal of guns was found out the faculties following the events today. so somehow he got access to weapons and i think a lot of questions will be asked in the coming days as to how this evidently, to arrange the young man managed to get his homes. um, a deadly weapons. yeah, a big question there. journalist in willoughby with a lady is tonight in prague,
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and we appreciate your reporting today. thank you. a few weeks ago, germany's highest court told the government that its budget for 2024 is unconstitutional. the result is a huge hole. 16000000000 euro suddenly cut from the budget. what followed was weeks of political wrangling, is the government tried to fill that gap without germans or finding out who will feel the pinch of this? i'll stare, it used to be killed. a couple of reports. these demonstrations by phone is some of the dramatic loss, entrusts the german government, has car leasing of a bunch of cuts with. they have no clue and we're having to pay for it. some of the inquiry about the subsidy cuts on diesel fuel, but they are not alone. pulse, so that overall and the 17 percent of demons are still happy with the work of tonsil. it will have salts as 3 way coalition, a social democrat screens and the pro business liberal f
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d p policy. or that kind of the counselor isn't saying a thing. these days there isn't even a need for not position that people are making up their own minds. so what's happened is from the bus stop, i see it. what's happening is that salt as cabinet, as his spouse is attacking the own budget, compromise that took weeks to reach this after court ruling and mid november, 1st the government to present new ponds at the lowest cabinet meeting before the christmas break. kotis and ministers was officially informed about the deal. patience is wearing thin on all sides to the peasants. lee, i would have preferred to being able to tell you all these details earlier and about it took as long as it did, and now everyone has a reliable bases to act upon. the last public one block off the se, again, couldn't painful is how several ministries have described. the cuts they now face 800000000 years alone will be slash sometime in these foreign policy budgets. so political button may look empty over the christmas break,
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but old ministries are chuckling best figures until parliament sits again in chandry. if moran germany's budget problems are going to bring in our political correspondence, i mean young simon, not much christmas cheer coming from the government with these cuts. so i would assume i think that's right, right. the opposition policies is saying, the government has put a package of measures under the christmas tree, a design to create and impressed. and there is no budget problem. but in fact, they say, you know, it's a, it's not what it seems to be. and what it really means is a lot of pain, particularly they say, for working people and for real real communities. and there's going to be a lot of discussion and debate about exactly how the government can get itself out of this budget for your home. yeah, i mean, situation like this is it just come down the chimney one night. so i mean, remind is how the government got into this mess and the 1st place. so yeah,
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well it was back in the mid november, the jimmy's constitutional co produced a ruling saying that some of the governments spending plans were illegal essentially. and that left a 60000000000 euro hole in the, in the budget. now, at that late to a crisis, talks really between john slash shelves and the heads of the other 2 parties in whose co relation, 200 hours of tools and a lot of head scratching. what's come out to bait proposals and some of which have been that signed off now. uh, 12000000000 euros less for the green transformation fund. just think about that 12000000000 years. it's a lot of money. and some of the savings in other areas, 800000000 off the international 8 budget, 319000000,
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off the transport ministries budget, 600000000 less for the state pensions game. i know want to mention $900000000.00 euros at less in tax breaks for farmers. and we've seen those uh those uh loud protests on the streets of building in recent days by a farm is i think they'll be more costs to come and mold pain and more debate. yeah, there's, there's, there's farmers to a protesting more protest in the new year. i, i'm wondering those assignments, if it is much ado about nothing, i mean, why can't germany just borrow more money to cover the short fall, just go into a little bit more debt like everyone else to us or well indeed they will for oh, more money, even plans that'll be a increasing boring buy at $70000000000.00. you're right. so, so for 2024 at and, but it wouldn't be more than that because i think the government wants to show that it remains committed to sound financial management. and in particular,
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to the debt break, the, the rules that limits the amount of borrowing that the government can take call. and that's something that jumps a lot shelters, particularly committed to as well as these finance minister question, let the others assign, you know, it's time to revise those rules to loosen those limits and create the possibility of investment. but at any rate, the, for the moment the debt break easy, in fact, a suspended that's allowed onto the rules and current times of emergency. and this with no 2020 full will in fact be the full year in a row that germany has suspended its own self imposed that limit routes. ok, well now we understand our political correspondence. i mean younger with the ladies tonight, despite not having any presence under that christmas tree this year. thank you. so i, on the way to have suspended
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a deliveries to hundreds of thousands of people in sudan is fighting spreads across the country. the world food program says that it was forced to stop working in parts of jersey or a province. so it ends army had withdrawn from the region as its parent, military rivals. the rapids support forces advanced on one donnie, up to 300000 people. that since fled that city, that was considered a safe haven for many displays. people. the escalating more has also made it dangerous for journalist to report from sudan. but our correspondence mario mueller managed to get exclusive access into the south of the country. she said as this report from the i gary camp for internally displaced, people in the nearby mountains in these remote parts of sedan has become a place of refuge for people fleeing the war. and some of them can now tell
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the stories. my name is honda. how mulder i fled from one heart to of to last my 2 children and one of my legs shipped to tell the stories we had to enter so done illegally by ourselves so done to reach the remote new the mountains region check points, a guarded by the s p m and rebel group. they have been fighting the sudanese government for almost 40 years, demanding self determination and secularism. now the war has re ignited this old conflict. as we travelling with german n g o cap anymore, we are allowed to pass. after an 8 hour drive, we reach a good weekend, thousands of internally displaced. people have sold refuge here including honda. how much say that i've done at the bomb. he tell a house, i didn't lose my legs straight away and it didn't take me to to sense that it was 7
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. someone who could know when i bought it just felt none because a couple of she was taken to hospital when she woke up from surgery to amputate her leg. the doctors told her that she had also lost her 2 sons. our teeth and the other 2 were only 2 and 4 years old. i said, i'm quite children, the adorable. we played a lot together, but god has taken them away from me. i will leave it to go to charge the government . i don't blame god for it. i was thinking about them, i was thinking that i wanted to kind of check it took a while, a roughly a quarter of a 1000000 people reach the remote into the mountains region. this local church played a crucial role in providing century many people in the congregation here today say, and they have this man to thing for their lives. boston most equity has just been a society. and a few weeks after the fighting broke out, he organized $23.00 buses, which transported $1500.00 residents of park to him to safety and the new,
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the mountains. how lot people just got that? well, if people died or people there were not to, they were not having foot the bus. katie mall done the number not to use a post. ok. because people that i knew from there and they were not able to instead of that. so we just from the bus, and if there's a lot of how gone the way people in this region have to get by without help, almost 10000 people have found refuge in this camp. now at least they have a sense of safety, but not much else. they like clean water, proper food and shelter, and the only medical facility has not enough medicine. despite what she's gone through honda, how moto says she won't give up. she has 2 other children to take care of. i don't know. so i was told that i may make, they may be good for that and let them be happy. they should not see them. right.
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and we don't have a complete right, i'm practice to do. but if i don't do one, so that a minute just them to say that i'm with the was still ongoing. many of the stories of those who has been affected are only starting to trickle out. what's clear is that the effects will last well into the next generation. thailand o g, b t q, community is hoping that lawmakers will enhance their recognition and their rights parliament is set to debate a marriage equality building on the new prime minister is drafted. the law promising, how would you b t q couples, the same full rights as heterosexuals? there is also support among the progressive opposition party move forward. if parliament agrees on the lot. it would then need the final nod from the ty king. and if it passes thailand would become the 3rd place in asia to legalize the same
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sex marriage to define cook gaiman's client is getting into the festive spirit it and they say, well, they will stay and have something else to celebrate the same marriage rights. this heterosexual couples, thailand's government to prove the draft of marriage, equality bill in november. it will now be handed to the parliament to debate my part to get the bill passes on me one day. i think we will legally be able to support our partners to members meant to be our lives. it will be easier. how did you do that? my name and what am i don't mean? we won't have to hide anything from anyone. i couldn't do it because the law will be behind us. i thought i name it in a while or what i mean,
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you don't have it on the opposite, pete new. i'm going to we don't want to be privileges to apply to people misunderstand. that's something i think we're calling for special treatment that may be our community just wants to be treated fairly night and they live in everyday lives. down there, thailand has one of the most open, invisible, gay communities in asia. but activists say this reputation is misleading because the country is known as an institution, still discriminate against l. g p t q plus people. they say this allows the human state via and all parts of society. previous attempts at posting those of marriage equality were blocked by the full minute treat government. but hoops, monks, the gay community would re ignited of the prime minister. se touch within was elected in august this year. under his government's proposal. that was man and woman and husband and wife would be replaced with the agenda neutral times
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individual and spouse in marriage laws. allowing for full equality for all the bills still has a few hurdles to pause before it becomes low. of many l g p t q plus activists in thailand. bill they're closer than ever before to having that cruise for quality onset whether they continues online, you'll find this on x also known as twitter and youtube and dw news. you can follow me at brent dot tv and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see you then everybody the
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a set of rates as low on one says it depends on where you are in europe. that's the last event the i'm, it was the trust in the us and india admiration. and why our opinions so different most exactly, influences officer to, to, to 12 made in germany in 60 minutes on dw, the so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and want different things from life and your parents. i just want to pursue what sets my so on fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible,
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