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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 22, 2023 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the way you news, like from berlin, humanitarian groups say a quarter of the us population is started. the more than half a 1000000 people are reports by the united nations and other organizations. details of growing prices as the security council, who's closer toward adopting a resolution to boost aid for the besieged territory. and the check for public is in morning after a gun man opened fire in the capital,
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proud people share their grief over the worst match shooting in the country's history. police. a student went on a rampage at a university leaving for teams that before killing themselves. the article, fairly heavy with us, the risk of famine in gaza is increasing by end of day. the grim assessment of a new un back report that says almost the entire population is facing hunger crisis . the warning comes with the un security council. expect it to vote later on a draft resolution that focuses on the urgency of allowing much needed a to enter gone. so it's a resolution that the us, as it is ready to support after days of delays in new york and with starvation now and catastrophic levels. supplies of food,
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water and medicine just cannot come soon enough for the people of gaza. the signs of starvation unknown to find in gaza. here in rough uh crowds, jones sophie, what little food is available. the dispute is evident that a little less that this will brought to nothing preferable level of humiliation. we're struggling so much the just to provide lunch. life has become so expensive. we do not eat, drink or sleep properly and nothing is available. one of the agent who lives here much more who is much more a united nations backed reports these more than 90 percent of people in gaza facing crisis levels of hunger critical situation and israel's relentless bombardment. in response to the october stevens from us, tara attacks you in agencies say gas ends like using just team percent of the food
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delivery. se would usually receive people struggle to find water medicine and fuel . what is happening? gaza is unprecedented. both in terms of its scale, but also how quickly it is happening. you know, in the world right now there are about 130000 people who are in catastrophic levels of hunger, meaning their star was in gaza. more than half a 1000000. that is 4 times more. that is what makes this totally unprecedented. israel did briefly allow aid through its kareem shalom crossing into the guns of this week. but it is really it strikes that hit the palestinian side, forced you in stuff to stop it's pick ups the you can still award this,
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but we need to make sure that people have food. people have water, they have shelter, they have sanitation. and for all of those things to happen, we need water crossings open. so these commodities can commit to growing despair. ration for food also remains that the limited supplies that do make it into guys that are often seized upon before being handed out in the u. n. c's, it's not just access to a that is vital, but also it's safe distribution across the strip. without it, they won the risk of famine and gaza is increasing every day. tarry gsr, which is a spokesperson for the world health organization. one of the agencies involved in putting together that report that we just heard about, and i asked him just how unprecedented the speed and scale of this hunger crisis is
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as well. what is really incredible is how fast we got into this situation. that people do not have enough to be easy to just really. and in a matter of awful weeks, a because the gaza is, is, is, is funder sort of a siege where we're, what guess is, is nowhere enough of, uh, of uh, of what people. but the guys are normally, that would uh, would have so. so this is a kweisi seed situation that we are getting to the situation. that's it, that i'd be glad to have you just hearing from our colleagues on the ground who are trying to bring medical supplies to hospitals and whatever say that people would come to trucks thinking it's there and hoping that there is a fluid in those trucks. a dead, our police would say, what do we say some medical supplies, but everyone is desperate that even in the hospitals, i will call these with say that all patients would just ask, do you have, do you have some food for us?
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so to really good, how thoughts we got into this situation, a foot a foot food crisis. this was obviously a, bring me, uh, most jeffrey youtube illnesses because the combination of mazda 3 sion and infectious diseases being suppressed easily. so yeah, texting us as it's now ready to back a draft resolution at the u. n. to help allow the delivery of more aid into gaza in reality, is that going to make much of a difference on the ground or what's the need is a ceasefire. ceasefire is the only solution because as long as people are being bones, there will be more casualties. there will be wanted people, there will be that people wonder people who cannot guess, tradesman, because there's less and less of a hell of a health facility capacity that you guys have. just bringing medical supplies will
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not to make a hospitals function because the source of those need need excess, 1st of both safety to, to operate. they need also fuel food, read water, they need to, uh, they need a specialized stuff that is no longer there. so really sees buying a 1st and then continues as a seem to access for oil humanitarian goods without exception. as long as the fighting continues, what options are left for guidance to stay healthy? there are very little options. can you imagine the 50000 pregnant women and gaza, more than 300000 people with chronic diseases, and increase a spread of respiratory viruses with water boom. a viruses office cubic infections simply because there is no water because a clean water because there is no hygiene,
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there is no sort of decent. so with every day we we, we see bombardment that we see the stage continuing a more lives that will be lost. 3, be the only solution is stop a. these are the suffering of people of guys a by ending hostilities. those targets are which of the w h o. many thanks, a a check of socrates or searching for a motive after the country's worst mass shooting and over half a century. on thursday, a 24 year old gunmen shot dead 14 people at charles university in the capital, prague. police believe he then turned the gun on himself, was already se there's no link to terrorism. the country has declared saturday, a day of national morning police in prague. sure. body cam footage. piecing together scenes from the countries dudley shooting and decades. just 5 minutes in police say,
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these officers arrive at the university. searching for the gunman on the lose, they climb up. the disadvantage at that point was that there was no sound of gunfire, so the officers had to actively search for the perpetrator. during the information we got about the paper tray, his movements was that he was suppose to be somewhere on the top of floes. as more officers deployed and got closer, they said the shooter committed suicide. bringing the situation under control after some 30 minutes of frantic horror. the next day of the site, the site of the massacre in progress. historic center. it's day of morning. the check prime minister is among hundreds who visited the make shift memorial to pay tribute. many are still in shock
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the gym, so i feel strange bad, horrible because i am electrician fee as a faculty and we were experiencing very strongly what was going on and the faculty of so so it does, hara, i cannot even speak. let's see. i mean, you could, you felt it is not a pleasant feeling to walk on the street and think about what happened to someone who came to school. absolutely carefree. thinking about christmas coming in 2 days . i'd like to do that. if i'd be solved on the incident has left many overwhelmed with a somber mood just before the holidays. let's take a look at some other headlines. keith has come under a mass rushing drone attack that targeted several residential areas. beer force said to jot down $24.00 out of $28.00 drones. 2 people were injured and apartment buildings were damaged. it's the 6 such attack on the ukrainian capital this month
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. a jury is clear, 3 us police officers of all criminal charges, and the death of an, an armed black man in 2020 manual ellis died after being restrained, face down on a sidewalk where he pleaded for breath. a medical examiner ruled a desk, a homicide caused by a lack of oxygen. lawyers for the officers said drugs and heart issues were to play the streets and the german city of hamburg, habits of march following a river search caused by storms all time. the weather system costs strong winds and heavy rains across northern europe, rail travelers face disruption as the storm force. the cancellation of numerous trains ahead of the christmas holidays. air travel has also been effected. tv, viewers in spain have been tuning into watch the annual christmas lottery known as l gordo,
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or the fat 100 schoolchildren saying the winning numbers of gordo is more than 200 years old. and is one of the world's biggest lotteries democratic republic of the congo initial results are expected today, following chaotic elections marked by delays and malfunctioning equipment. the presidential and legislative elections were extended by a day following a slew of logistical problems that prevented some polling stations from even opening. there were also problems registering voters and reports of violence extension prompted some opposition candidates to cry files saying the logistical hurdles could effect the credibility of the results. the r c is africa, 2nd largest country, and one of the world support the spines. it's vast reserves of copper co boss and will go across this across the country. earlier i spoke to christopher familia, who is the regional director for central in west africa at the national democratic institute of washington based non profit group that promotes democracy and human
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rights. i asked them if this chaotic election can be seen as credible as well. i think at this juncture, it's a pretty much drawer to see whether the entire process will be viewed as credible or not. because the process is still ongoing. and i would encourage the parts of the phone, the young companies that expressed an interest to go to the fish and why the process runs itself out. why the nation's why the board was i counted and announced an image and we're going to post election litigation phase wherever us act as bring to the table that the most is. and that the, the vision of those give us is to make a case as to why is this deposition that prevents. so i can always do some this, i'll be able to make that judgement cause i know that everyone to the patient and i know the election permission to complete the technician. an announcement of origin
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are resolved. yeah, and now that you mentioned the election commission, it's been criticized as unable to organize proper elections. do you agree with the election of commission? we have to be very honest producer right in the hunting task, because we have to keep in mind, this is not just one i mention the morning or the same time, the position of nations misplaced information on the national level of whereas in the provinces and the elections, so it's a combination of 4 very important elections in the country that already has low just job security challenges. and so going into this, i think it was the commission that the national commission was going on. a very tough, challenging responsibility. it'll be important to see why that they've lived near opted expectations of the families, the bar, or whether by star drivers. i mean, whatever phone don't need to be on that they can. that was christopher from one
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year of the national democratic institute in dc is a reminder of our top story today. of israel has stepped up to its bombardment of the gaza strip, making the delivery of 8 increasingly difficult a new un report as warning that a quarter of the population faces extreme hunger. the growing risk of famine to june. for a documentary on how becoming a father changes, man, and we'll have more headlines at the top of the we want to be the number one for the crew to clean and her entire of crime, russia in module the cells one calling and they don't currency then she disappears . oh, so traced aside natural thriller about the world's most one said woman crypto queen


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