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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  December 22, 2023 9:30pm-10:00pm CET

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we go say, tulsa, does she cities because when they go to that, we set up, he has not been, you know, medical people who work hard won the tenants, although i so not because the the, the un security council on friday passed a resolution calling for the delivery of more aide to the people in the gaza strip . it does not call for a pause in the hospital with these between israel and moss. and despite this resolution, the head of the un, antonio quoterush pulled note, punch it. so when he described the situation on the ground saying once again that no place, nowhere is safe in. gotcha and bring coffin berlin. this is the day the
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humanitarian ceasefire is the only way to begin to meet the desperate needs of people the gaza. and in that ongoing nightmare, let's be clear in the coming period, unless we take drastic action, there will be famine in garza. today, this council provided a glimmer of hope amongst a sea of imaginable stuff. spring also coming up ukraine's troops had high hopes when they launched a counter offensive against russia earlier this year. those hopes are being tested like never before. i'm optimistic because can so only why the way to don't was why that sound good. so share frequencies up to you or did you as the real but the if chance and also include it was for
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which of our viewers want you're going to be as in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin today with the un security council resolution that may have more to do with words then with real deeds. on friday, the council passed a resolution calling for more a to be delivered to the people inside the gaza strip. the resolution does not call for a suspension or a pause to the fighting between israel and tomas. well, how can humanitarian aid reach more civilians if the hostility is the bomb and hangs, do not stop even for a limited period of time. the answer, if you are head of the un, maybe this, there won't be more aid reaching more people because it won't be possible. here is even secretary general, antonio quoterush. many people are measuring the effectiveness of the many teddy
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and the production, gaza based on the number of products from the ships in the rep. can i send you an involved that product? notice that the load load a across the bottom of this is mistake. the real problem is that the, what use ratio is conducting these will fantasies use creating massive ops that goes to the distribution of humanitarian, they've eaten side. gotcha. so from where i want to bring and military analysts, frank ludwig, she is a former british military intelligence officer. he joins us from oxford. frank, it's good to see. we appreciate you staying up on this friday night. the talk with this the, the resolution it has passed, but we just heard antonio gutierrez, they are single out israel's defensive as being the real problem here, creating massive obstacles to age shipments. this resolution is not going to change . that is yes, well then they also be
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a problem in how it runs in a terrorist group that, that close on the 1300 people a few weeks ago that refuses to surrender. notwithstanding, the fact it's being pummeled will certainly be militarily defeated. but there is some truth, of course, and the other. what a great deal of truth is that the damage should created by israel's offensive, whether wilfully or otherwise is continuing to cause problems. and it does say to what it might be. and it does seem that most state officials are saying that really this will make very little difference on the ground. and you can understand why, if you're responsible for a team of people to going into such a place when you announced the tool, show that the bombs won't be allowed to go either in your facility or upon you. you may be very reluctant to send that to you, man with whatever they have, and those very brave people will have to make that decision over the next few days . i will say one thing though, there is a positive setting appointment to be un coordinator will create mechanism. so i
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think it should be very, very poor. good for you know, for days like today at the you, when they are considered a field day for cynics. i mean, we've got, is real being judged by the international community being judged by its p, yours. but in this a symmetrical conflict. gaza is not, and it'd be, it makes you wonder to what's the whole point of it. and what do you say do this still? yeah. well as well as being the judge save every single day. and i think there's a great deal of to say in this statement as well as people forget why this is happening in the 1st place. i'm not going to repeat myself about the choices of the still inherited was still open to have my soul. the fact that they use their own people as a human shields and is still hiding a 100. and so at least a $130.00 hostages. but you know, the, the,
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you and can only do what it could do and they're all signals. i think that they've given to that and particularly of rigatti, and i think we must have forgot to, to the signal given by the united states and what, what are that i think it would appear to a new deluxe of is the united states was offering a bonus, it was to those looking for a cx 5 also sending a strong message to to is really come on this and the token can nothing yahoo on his team to defend. but you see many, i tests at your peril and then i'll support. you cannot guarantee absolute non questioning support going forward, whatever the president says. now, i was quite surprised not starting the fact that there was no seats, fine in the, in the final resolution. i was quite surprised that the us us did not veto this. again, i say, have tempted to do over the past few a few few years and in fact, decades about half of it as well. so i think this will have provided some form of
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the warranty because it what ways out, if not even the stop on the wrist. mm. uh, but something reasonably significant. i mean, as you said, yourself in the introduction, what's the prompt? yeah, we are quickly approaching the end of this year. this more is 3 months old. i want to ask you as a military man, what does the id, yes. what does it have to show for its efforts the past 12 weeks as well? the idea says today is that the close, they say the close to clearing pots have no other than what they say no to the cause. i don't think that's the case. the cause fighting as we speak and con, you, this bombs are dropping, know doesn't have dropped in the time that i have been speaking. they have revealed, i say, hundreds of tunnels and they've discovered that headquarters are full of the headquarters . but look, the key objectives have not yet been obtained. they have not killed or captured or
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any of the seen. you come on, just insult in the atrocities of the 70 i. i suspect they will in due course, we've had some fault students that and they, you know, in a sense to kind of famous roman general, you know, we, we, we may have victory, but we, we preside over ruins. and those ruined zip codes will need to be dealt with a due cost, which will require a military strategy necessarily to deal with a relatively unimportant fight, not to of the buildings, but the vital issue of the people. and by conducting the campaign and the way they have with some might say at the very best is that a village, you know, the reckless and others may say, well, at the very least, i don't deliberately, and i would very deliberately killing civilians. what they are doing is creating a situation over the next few years where they're going to have to be dealing. we all know this with an insurgency. now whether you can cool lot of success is highly
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debatable. so it's one thing having a or a tiny, your tactical goals, which it probably the idea of probably will over the next month or 2 will probably be 3 months, no signing the fact that made on to newest, god forbid into that. but on that see. but this, the strategic color with the long term political element. how many insurgents have they created in the manner of, of, of victory? and without a political strategy, something to hang on to something for the people have gone to entity to people at the palestinian territories to look to some kind of future. they're looking really at a political wasteland and i think still the americans are putting pressure on them to come up with some kind of workable strategic solution to this with a very limited success. so look, they're all tactical games that doing militarily what they, what we all thought they would. but i think strategically were still as a dead end. the realtor analysts frank language is always great. we appreciate your
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time and job. you've been with us throughout all the year. we appreciate your candid analysis and very valuable. there's so many flash points around the world. thank you. thank you. bye. it's been a pleasure now, israel's military campaign and guards. it has been described as one of the deadliest and the most destructive in recent memory, comparing us intelligence estimates to historical data. israel has dropped more bombs on guns in 3 months. then germany did on london during its 8 month blitz in the 2nd world, war, bombs have become more precise and since then, but the recent intelligence estimate finds that many israel is dropping, our unguided dw security and defense reported william blue cross looks now at the data is really officials have repeatedly said they take care to avoid civilian
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deaths even in the best case scenario. however, that's a challenge to stick to because gaza is one of the most densely populated places in the world before this latest fighting broke out. more than 2200000 people lived in a space of just 365 square kilometers. that's smaller than many mid sized cities. some military analysts have been skeptical of israel's targeting efforts, new information, tests even more doubt about them. a recent us intelligence report estimates that israel has now dropped more than 29000 air to ground weapons. i'm garza, and as much as 45 percent of them have been what's known as dumb bombs. these are weapons without gps, or another sort of guiding system, making it difficult to direct them against a specific target. israel's tactics have led us president joe biden astonish supporter of israel to call the bombing campaign. quote, indiscriminate or the nation's estimates. 90 percent of gauze as population has
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been displaced and 45 percent of all homes too damaged to be lived in. again. satellite imagery suggest, well over 100000 buildings, have by now been damaged or destroyed. and we can show you some of the satellite images from the us company, max, our technologies, the show neighborhoods before and after is rarely airstrikes. you can see from these images, just how much whole neighborhoods have been damaged before. after that, the physical destruction gives us an idea of the human tall sconces. how mos run health ministry says more than 20000 people have been killed so far, many of them civilians and about 8000 of them children. many more of course have been injured or if they secondary risks like hunger or disease. conflict research or say there is little recent precedent for this level of destruction,
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an impact on non combatants. now, despite this level of destruction is will says, it will keep it up until the mice has been wiped out. there was william blue cross reported there. i want to bring in now major john spencer. he's a retired us army officer and chair of urban warfare studies at the modern war institute. he joins us from colorado, springs major. it's good to have you. let me get your take on the report, the just a 3rd and the numbers they are. how do you read them back? i saw you shaking your head. yeah, because it, some of them are just straight, not accurate. and then all of the others of them are missing, telling a story to try to get to an inference of idea of action that i don't agree with in study in urban warfare, across the history of time to include modern history with other western villagers. now is gonna give you an example is places on as yeah, so that,
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that comment that goes is one of the most dentist places on here. or the comment that there are 20000 civilians. which i'm not questioning because nobody can know. but the fact that no, not one of those numbers are perceived desk is that from us militant, or the fact that 45 percent done bombs means that they don't hit the target. that's actually a very false statement. you can fire hundreds of thousands of munitions, the determination of whether it's dom as in it has this advanced modern technology called precision, guided munitions, or gps does not mean that every round doesn't hit where it they're aiming. so that like the ideals of the bullets on london, which was indiscriminate, balmy's as in bonds, were dropped out of the sky and hit anything that they fell on with not being you're just carpet bombing unintended on your directed munitions. but i can fire any type of music from a motor round to a box, and i will hit what i'm shooting at. so that's the idea of the, the,
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the use of the numbers means that, well, 45 percent of israel's air strikes have been indiscriminate, which is a very false statement. well, it's in. tell me then maybe what does it mean? does it mean that 45 percent of the bombs that have been dropped have not hit a deemed target? or is that what it's saying is they basically have just been let the fall and they, you know, they hit what they may as no. no. so the inference is that they, they're not hitting what they're supposed to, the only difference between a dumb bomb using modern weapons. and a guided precision is the probability of error, where a precision guided munitions public goods. the error might be one meter which is very accurate in his great no military as a result of battle, only using precision guided munitions in the us military's support to the bottom of my thoughts we ran out of hellfire missiles, was his opinion, precision guided munitions. a dunbar will hit, but it may have
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a higher probability of hitting an error or 5 meters to 30 meters from the target. but most of those are sitting where they're at the legal military target. it's not like they're flying off course in hitting an unintended target. okay, that's the problem where the, the, you know, the, what we're to bombings would hit a city, but they weren't hitting a me that a building they might just be on the city like london. well, i mean, let me just make sure i'm clear on this. so you're saying to that if, if a bomb is, let's say, a meter or 2 off target, it can be considered a dumb bomb, which it still actually hit its target wouldn't beat or may not be a big difference in my understanding. you're right. close. yeah, i mean the difference between precision guided mr. dunn, mom is a technologist on it, but the accuracy and the probability of error, you can have a dump bump, be as accurate as a pursuit, and guided munitions for the probably or the chance of error is higher. well,
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maybe let me ask you this, you know, we, that report was done based on us intelligence. let me ask you about the value of us intelligence, because really be the only people who can tell us, be sure whether or not every bomb has hit every target. that's the idea and we're not privy to that information. so what do, what do we make then of us intelligence at this stage and this conflict? i mean, i trust us intelligence. i think that statement of the difference between pete precision, guided munitions and i don't like the term dunbar is an accurate statement, but the ways being used to infer is inaccurate. right? so it's good data, it's good intelligence. but it's inferring a false statement, like, you know, and also the use of the term like most disruptive war of the modern era when it compares, maybe a battle against one city in combination to all the cities and god. there's no military in the world who is face the challenge. the israel had is facing right now
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in the war against some us, me, ace a, an entire underground war where the enemy is using the civilian population as it strategy to try to get the other side to stop moving forward for the military strategic objective. no military has based a military who is shooting added civilians behind them in the midst of the operation. because of the $13000.00 must walk, it's a 100 percent of those have been done. they do not have precision guided munitions . nobody's talking about that statistic. well, why aren't people talking about that statistic and i'll ask you as a military man, is the id yes. dropping the ball when it comes to the, the, you know, the public relations campaign that, that it has been very open with since the beginning of this conflict. i mean, the information we get most of the information, if it's not from us intelligence, we're getting it from the idea of, i mean, what great would you give them in their p r campaign?
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i met a man, at least a i'm not a school teacher, but a high grade. yeah. but yeah, i mean, they have been calling it is, it's the, it's not on them to decide which bits of information get more media attention. other they put out how much demand terminate goes in. how much of a mazda rock is landed on had till a be today? i mean, it puts out that information, but it's, it's on us, as in the greater world on which bits of information like those, 13000 mazda, blah goods that are dumb and civilian targets. our work prize and all of them. but yeah, there is an ownership of course, the idea is a western military following the laws of war. uh, but the way the media treats them is that they are looking for data that supports a narrative. that's a fact. and i mean the, but so would you say you're saying that the media many times is trying to push a story that what that puts the idea up in a, in a bad light?
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correct. so how do we get to as close to the truth as possible? major because i mean, i could, i can tell you that the of my colleagues, my colleagues and i hear, you know, we want to do that. what is the truth about this conflict? now, 11 weeks into def, i and the truth of it is it is the greatest test of the western way of white bread . this ideal that a war can be fought within the bounds of international humanitarian law. that and ingredients as will were to, to reduce the suffering institutions. despite the modern wars, let's say the last 40 years, 90 percent of the cavities, amount of work are civilians. but that is an inherent nature of the fact that wars are moving into cities despite everything that the world have done to prevent harm against civilians invoice, but they are the cavities of war. but this is actually the greatest test in where that the, if the perception of the use of force is more important than actually following the
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rules of work. the world will change. how do you get to a better? i mean, you're asking me, the question helps, asking people who can identify when a piece of data is being cherry pick to tell a very specific narrative, but you're offering debates and finding that the people who are explaining like know these are actually the rules. major john spencer. unfortunately we're out of time. um, but i appreciate this very candid discussion with you. i think that a lot of people around the world will be grateful that you spoke your mind and i really appreciate it. thank you. thank you. the people of ukraine are ending 2023, still defending against the russians invasion, and after a counter offensive that has not met expectations. russia still occupies around one 5th of ukraine's territory, and the ukrainian army is unlikely to attempt another major push any time soon. the
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w correspondent, army, and set down with soldiers and medics on leaving the capital. keep to talk about what that means for them and for their country everywhere. the disappointment of without success will but in the added to them, the defense against huge army said girls, me was a they have some chemical and nuclear weapon. it's not disappointing. the tell you why we were, we were simply, we were defending a strategic points in of, of ukraine's defense. we have massive authority in placement that we're protecting and the enemy hasn't been able to get anyone yet. they would like to destroy those in placements. because if they could, they could walk through the next that could walk into the lobby on. so that could
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walk into kind of task and we've stood for them and we've held them through massive casualties. we stayed for them and, and they turned everything at us and went on talking about everything, anything that explodes or bins, chemical to airplane bombs and missiles and that she knew the name was the end of the lowest. so yes, sort of nice the key to because it's the many by does he have to lose? so we have so little to stay at the beginning. so much level was level the voice was led to the more prince, if, if the young miss dom saying that for the development for kids and the soonest i knew the in the front. yes. that and that's it. that gives you coverage. so it's in the chest and some lives the wish to the heart of those of what you for them. this is the heart of those records you duck saw more budget the so even if they those in the that, that get the total glitch in should if those are which in never your vin number physical in should it was like digits a. so yeah. can we do a guide in not getting
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a choice of put them on the i'll uh, it shouldn't be an show, could i, you know, foreclosure. so we're seeing within the crash and we'll do tomorrow with one question of how many lives we kept a span for this. and so, and so what is difficult to understand? okay, you are to clean the 2 green. all nice and clear to me is much except to lose pretty sounds are 1000 people, is enough. or if you can compare is, is that the reason that people lives? i don't know if i'm optimistic because since the only why the way code to don't loose the mind hopefully the future. i think we're still here for produce up to you to the room. but
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uh if janet and i sound good with it was for the thought of 5th grade you. hi ya put a whole us of the age of us for you the full school was a lot of slow. yeah. is that the whole of the gratitude for school? so we accomplish that was the one that given us the list, the father, a full platinum book and ottoman and marching him so that even those are nice is the wasteful here? yes. that, that came with a through that i some the, what the for my with you i was look receive list on the miss stanley underworld, buddhist sitting of the wonderful. marsha, what's going on, as you always say, felicia, this is a jump is with always satisfied. yeah. you whose job it should be true, you will do it them up as the wound up and force them back. the number that the day continues online. you'll find this on x,
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also known as twitter and youtube. the w news. you can phone me a friend, got tv. i remember. whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day, have a merry christmas happy holidays and most important, a happy and healthy new year. we'll see you here again in 2024. the
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. this is dw news live from berlin to un security council down to resolution to boost badly needed aid to gauze at the vote was 13 to 0, the us and russia. epstein the resolution does not call for a pause in the fighting between israel and tomas. also coming up tonight demanded terry in groups a quarter of guns. this population is starving. that is more than half a 1000000 people plus the czech republic in the morning after the deadliest mass shooting in the countries.


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