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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 23, 2023 6:00pm-6:16pm CET

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of the this is due to the news live from berlin. israel presses a head with it's offensive in gaza. these really armies engaged in st district. combat with a mass militants, gas, and health officials say hundreds of civilians are dead from the showing in several cities. the loved ones of israelis taken hostage during the how much terror attacks are still hopeful that they will be released soon. a reporter talk to the mother of a hostage and an independent candidate is disqualified from running against russian president vladimir putin in next year's election. the electoral commission of bands
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and katerina doing so about for alleged mistakes in her application. she was running on a platform to end the war in ukraine. the next spicer, welcome to the program, the homeless run health industry. and guys, i says more than $200.00 people have been killed and is really a tax. and the past day, israel's army says, is destroyed another how much tunnel complex and gas a city where the 2 sides are engaged in street. the street combat. israel has been pounding the entire gas trip with more air strikes. have us officials say over a dozen people died when israel had a house in the new se rod refugee camp in central gas or many other areas are seeing intensifying. of the families of people still held hostage by
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how much since the sub october, the 7th attacks remain hopeful that their loved ones will be released soon. most of those released so far had been women and children, dw, tanya came or said met brother, the mother of a hostage who's getting support from an unusual place rates or goals book keep score of the days her son hers has been held hostage in gaza. more days has passed since we met, but the family still hasn't heard anything. a lot of people feel comfort wearing t shirts with their loved one or a pin with their loved one. that for me, makes me really uncomfortable. and i also don't like that the picture doesn't change. i think there's something important that every day, the number changes and it's showing. and it's uncomfortable. how supposed caught up in the attack on the nova music festival on october 7 middleton slept by?
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hum us considered a terrorist group and multiple countries code at least 360 people and took us to gaza. hers best friend on the, on the left here was one of those killed hers on the right was badly injured in taken. i pay all the times that i know there are kind good guys in civilians who are also caught in this horrible situation that were caught in. and i want to pray and hope that there's someone kind there being kind to hers and to the other, you know, innocent people who are also being held there in a terrible situation. somebody take some comfort from the support of his friends. they used to hang out here in this bar in jerusalem, o r f, it's supporters of football clubs. how play you wish and i,
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they've made sure he cannot be forgotten. we're doing bad, really. nothing is the same and even to with ryan, we succeed in our, at the moment of our day to keep leaving, you know, we, we meet here with dream color b. s, and we watch a football team and we tried to do what we were doing before, but that's not the situation. and every time you have a moment to realize the order, you remembered her, she's an hostage and guys and they also more than different on to that day. it was the day that changed the world. it's the biggest incidents we've had um for all generation, for sure. um, but i think it's kind of a part of being here is there's always something happening and those always um, but i think this is the 1st time it really hit me personally with this. and um,
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and maybe also our community her site is also present at this german football club. he was a frequent visitor here in claim and things to strong links between supporters of his football clubs and those of that up team and tens dash line. the flag for hers gets conferred to his mother in jerusalem. and i call them my friends there her shes friends, but you know who. right and keep me posted and send pictures of different rallies and different soccer games and different. uh, you know, exhibitions that are put out not to forget these, these human beings who are being held against their will in very scary conditions and situations and it, it actually really helps me. i think it helps me to believe in this world without
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air. she hopes for another pause and fighting another dia to release small hostages. people. i'm not, i'm a mom. my only son is there. i know there are all these hundreds of thousands of other moms whose children are there. i am sure that most of those moss, i have to think all of those months would say like, let's do something to make our children safe. for now, when she comes to days and she waits let's turn our attention to some of the other stories making news around the world . the 1st results from congress presidential elections put incumbent felix just the katie in the lead. the numbers are fact votes from the d. s bro, which represent only a small proportion of the total, the home mirror,
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chronic and logistical problems, delayed voting in many areas, some opposition candidates are demanding a re run fiber. serbian prosecutors have asks police to investigate fraud allegations from last week's elections. president alexander, which declared victory for his party on december 17th, but alleged irregularities, led to an international outcry and daily protest against the electoral process. the families from this iceland, a town of grand a vague are being allowed home 2 or 3 belongings, but authorities say it is still too dangerous for them to return. full time, tiny fishing town was evacuated after a nearby volcano erupted on monday, skewing lava and smoke more than a 100 meters into the sky. in another step to limit rushing influence. ukrainians are preparing for their 1st christmas. since the main orthodox church decided to officially change the calendar, christmas will now be celebrated on december 25th rather than january the 7th. as
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in russia the catarina and salva has been barred from running against russian president vladimir putin in next year's election. the 40 year old former television to host submitted her candidacy a few days ago, but the electoral commission disqualified her on saturday, citing alleged to mistake she made during the application process. and so, but had planned to run as an independent on a platform to end the war and ukraine and release political prisoners dw, corresponded jennifer palka has more on the ledge to mistakes that lead to the disqualification i've been. so a file, they are technically speaking to different versions why she was borrowed from registering as an official candidate. the 1st is of course the official version and there is a non official version. let's talk about the official version 1st. and that stated that there were some issues with her paperwork. members of the election commission
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essential election commission in russia said that it's appeared to them that the application and the paperwork was filled out with hays and very on carefully. and therefore, it did not adhere to legal standards, so they had to bar hair from registering at according to the telegraph channel as to what was the mobility that were around $100.00 type typos, typing arrows, and also other mistakes that lead to her not registering as a candidate, but of course there's also the official or the non official version. and experts say that depending simply did not want to let her register as she could become very popular very quickly, especially with things not going according to plan for putting in ukraine. and therefore, the risk for the kremlin to lead her to register and gather more support because she is, as we know, a candidate that once piece and released political prisoners was simply a risk of
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a kremlin, was not willing to take we turn out to f gattis dad or the capital capital is experiencing severe water shortages following ground water levels are one reason for the dire situation. but doherty's have also put the blame on residents for wasting water. this is how the day stops for many families and the african capital filling up containers with much needed war time, which they have to pay for the types of time of running dry. i'm see where i think it's one of them. we need 60 leaders per day. i've waited here since half past 7. i take breaks to pray, then it come back here to pew till the evening. fetching water has become my job all the time. it's because of the great drought. the problem has to be solved. we need water back and now pipes still 100 moving cobbles. ground water level has sunk significantly. the south west in areas of the city had hottest even deep wells,
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hardly produce any volta of storage. you say the total amount has dropped by half the from the wasteful use of water by the agricultural sector and other industries is excessive basic. the problems and kaba was never meant to have so many residents in the 1st place. afghanistan is among the countries suffering most from the impacts of climate change. case and point. the formerly abundant kind of why like me cobbled because most of those low water levels are winning my business about it's far fewer people are coming to rent, boats, or even just go for a walk around here. they don't enjoy looking at the lake as it is now. as the, like a visitor is forced, his colleague to close up shop. nor aga complains that the little precious water there is, is being used to water nearby gardens and the phone. but when this lake has of
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water cob, little has water. but the lake is being used for too many different things here in the area from the bottom about on top of my head. the on many people who can help solve this problem. any more. the taliban caesar was power 2 years ago, prompted schools of fulton management experts to flee the country. mexico, as president says, he'll help the united states to manage record numbers of migrants trying to cross the us border in the year to september. officials intercepted over 2 and a half 1000000 people making the crossing. many of those from central america are escaping violence or trying to find work. mean women and children weighed cautiously across the rio grande, a. the river that separates the us and makes the color. it's a dangerous spinal steep on a long, perilous journey. no meaning have risk every thing and the desperate to make it
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a little more. okay. the more set the boards are, was closing for christmas site turn. oh yeah. so we decided to rush in the same line that i was hardest with all. it was rough for, for that was an 50 believably cold. as the situation on the mexican side all met his soul, catastrophic. the moment we came to this for the following of the people. we had comments that here the entrance is easy. we've suffered a lot honestly, and most of it hasn't been easy at all. it's been very difficult. we've had to work a lot, suffering from hunger, cold sleeping in the streets. guy used folder authority say bit over whelmed by the number of people arriving, which is that record high officials have counted 10000 daily crossings and recent
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weeks us and mexican officials, we'll meet next week to discuss stricter controllers. migration is an issue putting increase domestic pressure on us president joe's bite, and the failure of you we slow make is to agree on immigration reform. how we have a standard long before he took office. well, any plan remains unclear. many my grand school really fear the worst it just as a little how backed up, but it may be the new policies will affect to that as well. that because we came from a far leaving our families behind the undergrad, i see the measures of various treatments. when we reach charity, then we won't be able to fulfill the american dream. it's a dream many, a willing to suffer through a night. mia? to rich. you're watching data of your news. here's a reminder of our top story to the health ministry and gather says over 200 people
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were killed in the past day civilians and combat the fighting follows a un security council resolution that demanded a boost in 2 men and tearing health to civilians, stuck in the bar, so you're watching the w news next. pfizer, thanks for watching the these places in europe, a smashing step into a bold adventure the treasure map for martin clo. describe it as some of us wriggled, begging sites on youtube. and also sometimes a seed is all you need to allow big ideas to grow or bring an environmental conservation to wife with.


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