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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 24, 2023 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the deadline use live from the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu says the boy is exacting a very heavy price on his right. that comes off of the army, announces that 14 soldiers have been killed since friday processing. yahoo says israel has no choice for us to keep on fighting. come us also coming up the normally bustling streets of bethlehem, a largely desert at this christmas eve, as the christmas celebrations, cancel, jews. as a boy and gossip plus the usa is a tank. it struck me in the east coast on saturday was hit by a friend fired from a rock, comes out for
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a series of drunk tanks by around back to the rebels against the ships in the bridge. the math and the have welcome to the program is rouse prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel will continue finding until her mouse is destroyed and all hostages of attend. it comes off to what nathan yahoo described as a very difficult day of fighting and gaza. 10 soldiers were killed on saturday in one of the deadliest days for the army in the fight against a mouse, which is considered a terror organization by the a. you and the us be, i'm us, run health ministry says in java, more than a 160 people were killed by his rarely forces. over the past 24 hours. they are doing what they can to pull and you want to live from onto the debris.
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every day, people across the guys treat wake up to new scenes of devastation. often all they find is dead bodies. but sometimes they'll lucky the off to take me to the matter of hospital. they treated me that may god protect them. it's destruction. the children with screaming children's mental health as affected the injured were on the street, me, me and for others will retrieve from on the, the, on the phone. in the southern city of rough uh and is really ears track, destroyed a house and damage several others in the refugee camp. in nearby con, you me see a tax also flagged in several buildings a night. as most that almost the 1st area is designated safe and other thousands of displaced and a few meters away from us as an office for own. rather,
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you go in there more than 14000, displaced to the east of us and the agencies clinic and schools and the shuttled within school housing no less than 6 or 7000 displays that are because you must do it in general is designated to say that this is the safety and security that israel claimants of a minute of the whole. i mean, when the day is, what i s calls for receipts for our grow is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the fighting will continue. i mean, come, i provide me the exact a very high price from us, but we have no choice but to continue fighting. so far, all forces have eliminated many thousands of terrorists. we are continuing with all the force until the end will until victory for home until we reach leave all our goals. these comments coming as ease, real, last 14 soldiers and guys in 2 days. that brings a total number of losses and one is rarely troops to $152.00 is the fighting continues from us. run health officials say more than 20000 people have been killed
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. there is rasp on bottom of guys. a has force the cancellation of christmas festivities in nearby bethlehem, the biblical birthplace of jesus, the city and the is where the occupied west bank would usually be full of tourist and pilgrims, but the crowd to absent the seat as is the traditional lodge christmas tree. many of bethlehem's residents are in the morning of the conflict in jobs of which is just 50 kilometers away. a correspondent young philip shelters in bethlehem young philip. it sounds a very different build up to christmas and best buy him to see of the very difference. no big celebration this year. it's an incredibly set up. let's see a here in bethlehem, as you can see behind me, no big christmas tree. no street vendors setting tended to the children, no music. the official sierra said it's impossible to celebrate christmas this year
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. under those circumstances of big churches fed up presents yours, that's uh, that is no moment to enjoy. when so of joy, when so many people are suffering as son say, maybe it's also a moment to reflect on what christmas is also about the hope of a more peaceful it was. the christmas profession is usually the same to face to face deputies. they will that still happen in some or any form. no, no real procession will take place this year and that is going to be a and midnight mess of the non the christmas mess bots, the procession doesn't take place. the marching bands that's usually accompanies the let's, let's in patriarch uh, didn't arrive. and so when they arrived, they did not play any music. it was a complete silence. a very,
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very intense moments. yeah. it's such a drastic change on phillip that how the people in bethlehem reacting to what must seem a very unfamiliar christmas as well. of course it's a huge financial loss to the whole region. it's the usually the busiest time of the year and also usually about is a lot of income for the people. estimations runs to 100000000 bureaus. it's christmas. and so it's a big economic sector. but all of the people that i've talked to a say they understand that the, the celebrations were, can so this, you have a say that economic loss is nothing compared to the suffering yet. and the region at the moment. and what about access the people? young philip, who would still like to get to bethlehem. how much of it is it to get into the hall?
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the city in the middle of this conflict? very difficult. even the father was it was very difficult. as you know, there is a house on the controversial check points between jerusalem bethlehem. but now during the war it has become even more difficult. we had to experience that our self this morning. we were told that the main crossing is open, but when we arrived, it's really authorities didn't last and let us pass. so we had to take a huge detour to arrive here in bethlehem. so i have to definitely seen a much more value drive for christmas periods. in the past, the deputy correspondent gone. phillip shelton, bethlehem. thank you. well, the pentagon says i tank it were attacked of india as coast on saturday. was targeted by a drone, fired from a rock striped, caused a file on the vessel,
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but there were no casualties reported in the government says the tank was carrying crude oil inbound from saudi arabia. no one has claimed via tech, recently to the rebels in given have repeatedly attacked ships in the breed, see the trends, and declared o is rarely affiliated vessels to be legitimate targets. the elizabeth capitalism, at least expert at cambridge university. godaddy with us, elizabeth, the usa is around, is responsible for that latest attack on the tank. the off india have credible. is that claim? well, it certainly will direct present step change and what we've seen so far, they would no longer be towards bull deniability from a wrong by using a proxies in the region. but i don't think there's any doubts to question. there's any reason to question us intel on this it does fits the behavior from iran, which since mid october has been pursuing a stuff geographical escalation and it wouldn't make logical sense very wrong in
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talking global shipping is the effective way of focusing international attention on trying to perhaps rain in israel's actions and gaza over these attacks, a very worry and highly aggressive. it is trudging a capital line still between actually these thinking vessels or create and crippling damage or engendering loss of life states. for now, at least this does look still catholic, calibrated to create maximum disruption without actually provide change without the hooting rebels, india and have carried out more than a 1000 and drawing a tax on ships in the region embrace of wakes. does intelligence suggest that iran is involved in all of these attacks? the intelligence does suggest that the wrong is heavily implicated in the tax and the red sea is simply could not operate at this level with this kind of
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weaponry. this kind of training without the wrongs help now it is was pointing out however that so he's, he's on lunch at direct proxy of the wrong. it's very unlikely that the wrong has titusville command and control over them. and that these have been braced the red sea, a task for the reasons that slogan is very similar to iran. it includes dest israel deaths to america, custom, and use. of course, they do the benefit from playing the hero defending the palestinian on the gold rallies. the base and it increases that leverage and the ongoing tools with saudi arabia. so we must ins underestimate these, these in their own right as an advisory off, iran is very much behind them. with a looking elizabeth at a met for some context, most of the ships that were attacked were targeted in the, in the, we'd say the slightest attack to a place on the other side of the arabian peninsula of india. how significant is it that ships of being attacked across and not broad, a stretch of water now, a well, this is
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a significant change and it could be cost of the wrong. and this proxies testing the red lines of the united states and its allies. but this is a highly volatile situation, and the worry here is that that could be a miscalculation or a risk of an escalation. there are a number of possible game changes. i think if there's lots of lines that would be a game changer is actually syncs that would be game changer. his best carries on for an extended period, something global trade, that would be a game changer. and specific situation, i think, is the conflict of the attacks on shipping spread consistently to a broader geographical region beyond the red sea that and that may well start off the chain of events that could lead to a much more complicated conflict. and just briefly, it's with asking us as asked more than a 1000 countries, participate in joint patrols in the region. is the
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a tangible coalition coming together to try and restore security here briefly if you could reset the counter together. but i do think we should have the estimates it's effectiveness. a coalition has been placed on my time force for about 20 months now since april last year. and it wasn't very effective. so it's difficult to know what that force could actually do otherwise, other than just be the 2 to down existing resolve. so let's not over act this force elizabeth candle from cambridge university. thank you so much. all right, turning out of some of the other stories making news this out. the quote in el salvador has ordered the arrest of former president further, christiane, a for the alleged cover up of the massacre in 1991. the warrant described deal must go to a massacre as a crime against humanity. some 1000 people were killed in a ford, a military operation. during the country civil war. the german police have increased
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security measures that to loan cathedral limited warnings of a possible attack. police a book brought him sniff adults and planned a screen worship is attending midnight mess on christmas. 8th reports in the gym and media side, the highest of the threat from islamist experience of the holidays. a woman in the united states has given birth to 2 babies from 2 separate blooms off to what's being described as a one in a 1000000 pregnancy. the baby girls were even born on 2 different days. rounding out there statistically special arrival. kelsey hatches, miracle babies arrive to choose empty is best wait. a healthy girls were born a day, a pot after 20 hours of labor the unique this is the result of the ria congenital anomaly that gave hatcher to use versus both babies had their own. when
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one board on the tuesday, one board on a wednesday, so they have different birthdays. baby is born on the 19th and baby was born on the 20th. so it was a very long day. but we made it over a typical twin, pregnancy is defined by 2 babies and one uterus. hatches, position seed. it was safe to cool the goals, fraternal twins. they've now been named roxy and ribble, and have joined the 3 oldest siblings at home with kelsey and her husband. caleb. now families from around the world brave to finland flatland called to bid farewell to santa claus as he set off on his annual journey delivering gift to children across the glove santa wished for. we'll pace after what he said had been a stormy year, and he said, the safety and well being of children should beat everyone's go. then lock every year. he headed off on his reindeer drawing slight. i was in every way, you know,
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and a very merry christmas the dots or you can do that the and on that jerry know that's open. now, don't forget, our youtube channel is a great way to catch up on the best of that coverage. and i'll be back in 45 minutes with another boat. the. we want to be the number one crystal carzillo, the crypto queen, and her entire crying. rush on it now to the cells one calling and made up currency. then she disappears. so traced, assigned natural thriller about the world's most wanted woman crypto queen dunce descend associates. oh d w.


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