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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 26, 2023 12:00am-12:31am CET

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the, the, this is, these are the news, live cumberland, israel's prime minister. it says the war in gaza would be over any time soon. benjamin netanyahu visits troops and gaza. i'm says, is really military operations. there will only intensify incoming. de also coming out put francis appeals for peace in his christmas or be at or v message he calls for an end to the wars and god the i do crane the for the 1st time ukraine celebrates christmas on december 25th instead of it's
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traditional date in january as part of efforts to distance itself from russian culture, the welcome to the show is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the war in gaza is a long way from over. just days after the us secretary of state told israel to lower the intensity of it strikes this and yahoo told troops and gaza that the war against her mouth would only intensify. how mazda is viewed as a terrorist organization by multiple countries. that's an yahoo is visit, comes after the is really military killed at least 70 palestinians, and an error strike on a refugee camp in central casa christmas day in central garza
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of the 2nd, this man says he did everything for his son. but in the end, you can save him. in his desperation, he asked to be buried with the palestinians or mourning to thousands killed as much as the refugee camp at mass funerals, following one of the deadliest nights in the strip. you cannot alter, my entire family is gone. will 5 of my brothers are gone. they didn't even leave me one brother, not one brother. while israel has intensified it strikes the gods of health, ministry says the palestinian death toll has surpassed $20000.00 the space and fighting is also one of the deadliest for is really truths increasing the pressure under government.
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israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited soldiers and gaza, assuring them defensive would continue until victory. he also addressed parliament vowing to bring hostages home. but seeing more time was needed just a day after the military set, it found the bodies of 5 as rarely captives inside how much tunnel let's get. we won't be able to release all the hostages without military pressure, military pressure, operational pressure, political pressure, and therefore, one thing we wouldn't do, we will not stop fighting and forbidden us, but the pressure is mounting on then. yeah. who families of hostages interrupted to speech, chanting now, since they have already been waiting for the return of their loved ones for 80 days
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. well for more journalists, tammy sako joins us from jerusalem. sign me, thanks so much for shooting. and with us. hi was netanyahu's special address of the parliament received after huge to intensify the pricing. so this was a special session that was held in the cadets it to a part of a bad in which the opposition called the for putting the question over the hostages. as the most important issue for the said military campaign in gaza, and the same time that he was speaking, they were members of the families of the hostages that were heck the league, and the shouting now now they should be all released now. and the head over the position was. busy that they should be top priority the, this is a matter of life,
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the death of, of those or head hostage. so the us says that it wants israel to move to a lower intensity phase of the war. so is this now who are ignoring warnings from his country, strongest ally as well. we haven't heard of any time table from the americans. when the defense secretary lloyd lloyd austin was here in collective e. don't say that he's a has any time paid before he's ready to go into the next phase is ready. officials have said that may be the yes, the next phase would be sometime in late. the january and the foot miles are in a very intensive campaign, which is the in the phase is to another thing is that the many views and these really public and this kind of like a tough position, a is
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a considered to be quite the popular. and the many have been criticizing that the now for even surrendering to the americans. so this is not something that is trying to say to the public that he's giving up on this kind of campaign. and then we're also hearing reports that egypt has submitted a new proposal for a ceasefire. and the release of further is really hostages. how, how is that being received by both sides of, of this, this is a very elaborate the plan with the different phases of the 1st phase will be the release on some, a 120 a 150 a eh, listing in the prisoners at the same time that would be some $30.40 or maybe 50 is rarely hosted the dish that would be
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a release. and then that would be negotiations. during this period. the palestinians would set up a techno crap, the government, the in the west bank and gaza. and the then that would be elections and only then they would do release of more at presenters in any event. and we've had a home how mouse and islamic jihad, they're rejecting it. and soon after we've heard other voices from these a 2 factions that they're willing to consider it. and the so it's still not clear the position of these are various. the factions and the same thing with me is really government. we know that is really wants to have a ministry control over the goes astray and that it doesn't the vision how mosse is being part of the solution, which is this uh, program suggests. but clearly we have another heard any form of rejection of the
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plan. well, we'll be following not see how it all ponds out during this time you socco and tourism. thanks so much for joining us. the fault francis has called for an end to the wars and gaza. i knew crane the leader of the roman catholic church, used his christmas or be it or be message to appeal for peace. he also slammed the weapons industry, which he said was fueling conflict around the world. in his christmas address, pope francis lamented on the conflicts of envelope, he called for peace for the people of ukraine as well as the ceasefire between hum us and israel known. so you're going to email they're being in to the feeling of violence and hatred and made the palestinian question be resolved. that was certainly by listing a says. so probably puddle, ready condemned the failed logic of war during his christmas eve mass. calling it
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contrary to the message of peace at christmas in this address, he said the poor desperately needed the money being spent on weapons. then he delivered the old be at all the blessing. to have each day, only portent, but its feet is fee consent. this investment levels is mine, you know, same thing, it was a passion or it's appeal for peace on christmas day german present time, 5 to assign maya has given his annual, televised christmas address to the nation with a view to the wars and gaza and ukraine. he appealed to germans not to give up hope for a peaceful world and with consistently high pulling for the far right here in germany . time i called on people not to turn their backs on democracy. 2023 was a year when many people wanted to switch off the news. president stein mindset and
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his address, the crises around the world with many just too depressing. opens either. i totally briefly did the gym and president mentioned russia's war and ukraine. now dragging on through it 2nd winter, as he pointed out, for the war in the middle east, between israel and thomas jesus, the other ones of this year has left many unresolved issues here in our country to lunch. i know some people are looking skeptically at governmental and politicians, and some are worried about the future, the other we all long for a more peaceful world. i feel the same longing, and it is my belief that we must never abandon it. people wanted clear answers to the world's problems done my i said, and it was right to expect politicians to provide them between the lines. the president's concern, at threats to democracy was unmistakable. perhaps he was thinking of the continuing
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roys of far right populace and the pulse munch event is a yup. some turned away from the others, complain about everything and everyone about venice on spring and yet, but in a democracy when the going gets tough, there are better counselors than anger and contempt, better counsellors than those who would pretend that there was always one simple answer to the questions of the future. good socum stein list. think those who help their communities and stress the importance of working together. and he said, germans have every reason to be confident about the future. next the next year we will be celebrating our democracy. 75th birthday. our basic law is turning $75.00 and for no less than 34 years now. it has applied to the whole of our re united country. and this gives us all cause for celebration of the i'm going to fire and
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there's no need to hide away from the world. that was the core of the president's christmas message. his listeners may well need that brazilian to attitude in the months to come. well do stay tuned. you can see the president of time, so i just, i myers feel speech immediately following this program. let's take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world. it ran in state media side and is really airstrike and syria has killed. one of its senior generals side was the most abi was reportedly killed in the neighborhood of damascus. he was responsible for coordinating the military alliance between syria and iran. iran, the president has via to avenge his de israel has refused to comment on the reports . to christmas for the sum of 6000 migrants in southern mexico has been marked by a continued slow trudge north. their journey comes days before us x ray of state on to me blinking travels to mexico to discuss efforts to control the increased
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numbers of migrants trying to enter the country. germany is whether service has issued flood warnings for several states after days of heavy rainfall. some areas like here and comments and bavaria are already under water after rivers burst. their banks emergency services have been evacuating residents, ensuring up flood defense as across the country. and heavy rain is expected to continue until tuesday. china's capital beijing has broken its 1951 record for the number of hours of below freezing temperatures. in december, it follows a cold wave which swept across large spots of the country, bringing blizzards in its wake. i'm sending temperatures towards historic low serves have again taken to the streets of foul gray to process the results of the parliamentary elections. they'd be marching on government buildings after staging, sit down and protest outside the farm industry,
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demanding that the december 17th vote be a note. they accuse the governing survey and progressive party of rigging the results. international observers say the vote was painted by irregularities. russian authorities have moved jails, kremlin critic alexis divani to a remote piano connelly in northern russia. that's according to his spokes person on his team. tracks him down after he had not been seen for more than 2 weeks. his lawyer visited him in a new prison. divani is seen as the most prominent opponent of president vladimir putin and a serving and 19 year sentence for a legend, extremism, and other charges. he was in prison nearly 3 years ago. this is what and of all of these books, parson, kiera jarmetta, had to say, as well. we find, let's see, up to 3 weeks of full search in full or region in the north of russia in a several months called hop in the federal call. and number 3 to the federal
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calling me or for special really is it was a, everything is different there. i mean i, she will have a list, phone calls lists, meetings with relatives list parcels he can receive was the thing is that even before when she was in this light or version of going, if she didn't have already any phone calls, any meetings in any parcels, so actually, the thing is, is there is no law in russia's that is applied to alexi z o is creates, she's for human special conditions and they don't have anything to do with the law now. so we don't have any rooms we know for sure that so in this new calling, you know, she's conditions would be even worse since they were before they did prompt to try to isolate alexi and to make it more difficult to assess him there. and also the a just trying to reach his life is unbearable as it possibly can be, because this prison will be much worse than the one that was before.
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well, today was the 1st time that ukraine observed christmas as a public holiday on december 25th. traditionally ukrainian celebration of christmas on january 7th in line with the russian orthodox church following the julian calendar is part of a cultural shift away from moscow after last year's invasion. believers turned out in force to celebrate the new christmas day in keith seems to see a cathedral amongst those attending there was widespread support for the new date of the problem. this is the right thing to do in my opinion of the civilized world . the all of europe does the same. i don't want to be associated with the aggressor country and celebrate the way they do. we're together with europe when these out of the civilized world. and god is with us. both. i think changing the official date of christmas is very important. the country should
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distance itself from russia and its holidays. the o. c. u z. what am ukraine's president held his 2nd christmas eve address? since rest is full scale invasion. he offered words of hope and his vision to move away from russia and closer to europe, a lee he promised lot of you or i. so i've seen today, what will you create ians altogether? we o celebrates christmas together. on the same day, it's not as one big family as one nation as one united country. and today i will come and pray will be stronger, but never show the people's pray. today. it will you not millions of boys this more than ever before? and it will resonate, so we bounce a time difference of 2 weeks. resonate together with you up envelope 0 point a street. christmas day in ukraine saw another tradition fall, as many church services were held in ukrainian instead of russian. we asked me
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to be a correspondent, much as billing or in kiva support for president. zalinski is still as strong as it was at the beginning of russia for his approval levels have been down from super human levels of 90 plus percent to something more human to 60 plus percent. uh, that's uh, in the last few days this poll came out, it's the lowest since the beginning of the war, but it's still a majority of people supporting him. there are questions towards him and the military leadership about specific decisions and operations. but the overall majority will, was used to values his leadership in this war, but who is even more popular than him is the head of the army generals. i loosely and the army itself still has the approval ratings of more than 90 percent. so people do rally behind the country leadership, but they start asking questions to individuals. and the president, of course,
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is not safe from this as you all up to date. i'll leave, you know, with the christmas addressed by president time 5 to sign mile. the, it's telling me to turn in the mail or time that it's, that's sadly confusing. yeah. so of good isn't, well, imagine the vix. well, in my view, the dimension from d as in guess who lives here from the of them producing us. they've also size and stupid to hook into the larger jayden talk ups. no ones they have on. so does the evidence flow to ease trusted as much? my final thoughts of you does mine. i'm leaves and for the village, connecticut, and dick ok, and most indeed, some jobs. 60 votes in the todds from the i don't inside the can. so i have them there to fund light on says 2 of them because they're the phone has some, provided there was i'm just clicking the old kind to get on the phone. and in spite
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inventor on inside the house the environment. and so that's in the glory of the talking to hum us when the up for this clique as a non us this is john. how doing so he and so i'm done. feler awesome. those card and handed us money. china shots kept is of start and put a take on monday. that's all good for that. so comes the other happens the ends of the faith to have. and that is chavez, the organization to do things in the of sundays, the scenes of etc, of divine that is consistent. who does here, these are still in target, dies and design of this. but daughter of all the 3, the understanding to vote and dean is found on sound how it does to be of the least us own listings. don't dustin boons in and how i don't indeed, as i'm talking,
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does it need to and does is who am i from? what did side committee of them leaps? good news does indeed site the or above i enough can go to the chief doors yasmine and cuff time. generic and no kid on started talk. nothing fire talking to the i n one on vendor football. a split 10000 feet of foggy the game via indeed has no idea. yeah. visiting and on the snark lot. yeah. this is the shed ish twin, pretty just fun for the vacuum that sound interesting via going in about the see i'm talking gave him the inside salon divided to z at the to go from the bottom. dustin will conferences. i'm in the advising room as on desk of minds on the guns to get you to having to some is munch event is
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a yep. under the simpson of alice. i'm good. how about venice on spring and get into a demo car to you then get the best of of off the the it's vote on foster of best of a it's the ending diesel tune. escape is and my the i in the i'm for her and thoughts of the fog and it so so then go to the given goober mode when mit and that's a good i live in blinking so behind it and it got the full when visa lead, hoping to start with, often run up the humans into the i'd say to give hundreds in order some in my here the lights are coming via emmanuel, good minds with nations and gators and zine and leaves 3rd. so what you mentioned the ball on 9, not the present of and then the under these paul from the awesome unfun. paul from
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the us tell us $1000.00 the end of that song. when months my mid shoes on. so guy who does all the all for you and then the in the democratic hall on mentioned easy, i'm bringing on the the on all button the smog and that's the best of it. first of all, i don't know finished. good. the mission of them. what more? when this gets a feeling mentioned in the ones, i'm glad i didn't know the us to indeed us good minds. i'm a give us 10. understand what the i'm time dip is on the one done good. so those are the mid to late in the one who did fire on gun since the hard to on to the extreme slice involving of to put it side by the for the, by the button just to be a or does he and, and clean the can intern hymen, or the ending? i'm of the still and these are all hard to hold onto the minutes and come on. mentioning zealots are not well mentioned when the talk to them come down to the
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see 1000 is get near you one and mention v z division cheating on perhaps to on the vines. that's these issue and slightly goes to them. lead mean i know, deserves of the ceiling long as are these dimensions and does the memo say, putting down main ones on the list outcome was on. so i've been of this is me on the to come to and listed under miss tanya. yeah, if you stay in for goal is not always for the woman. when yeah, it's just, i'm just thinking of a fin the, the i don't want one's arts cuz there's stuff to foot tall, one on ones. okay. for switzer call him next. and yeah, find these in finland. zip system. good. both stuck ones of a demo cut to ones like one cause that's that's and zip is a guy. when she runs that field, isaac gear,
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dis fillings. the guns has to be defined as just land. this is field one's on the. i'm going to fire. when is that a fossil is that to us? we'll have to starts and so you should stay on the 9th and, and mention this is few of a known as the others say beat to test a dealer. good west indian politics and find it and come when vin northwind ish. so shall cover, given that is that to us, there's no demo critique on these us from the men to is a lunch is a good, good, talking all done. and this must be able to go to a disability. but psyched evidence often. so can talk when disability comes all a more digging of these is fundamental for town. not going to be on stuff stuff. it was george then is to live and who does not or the size and you can leave it on the
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floor to use even good each presentation. knock me kind thoughts, then forced air and in terms of how that sort of see when they finish website, it's funding stigma on find fault and some of us dimension kind of digging minds. um it's an updated so if i should come in the ones fall that couldn't be of galvanized on these. these are the ones on the page. not fun. guns can also stern those come when does the vehicle and scaling and then builds on spring. and then it says i'm in staying on says i'm going blind in these things in the 1st of these and be on some mission for not seeing the own sneesby decor within cops. freshman, the initiatives like cost impact, vision gig and then on the so i'm done for town. did this start the on the 5 on the new instinct. so tom deal phones lost some dealings unsticking from data to physician dealings design or sports of victim via visa to physician
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mortgage and it's nice for finance and fizzy. once he ever leaves the
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