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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 26, 2023 11:00am-11:16am CET

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the slide now dw, talking to the, this is the, the, the news coming to life from berlin. israel's prime minister says the war and gaza won't be over any time soon. ben mean, doesn't, you know, who visits troops and gaza and says, is rarely, military operations. there were only intensify in the coming days. meanwhile, israel's government is under increasing pressure to curb violence by sufferings against palestinians in the occupied westbank. the pope frances appeals for
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peace in his christmas quarter be at over or the address he calls for an end to the wars garza and ukraine. the little interior margin. good to have you with this is really prime minister. been you mean nothing. yahoo says the warren, cause a is a long way from being over. just days after the us secretary of state, told israel to lower the intensity of it strikes nothing now who told troops and gaza that the war against some us would only intensify. a mazda is viewed as a terrorist organization by multiple countries, as in yahoo's visit, comes after these really military killed, more than 70 palestinians in an air strike on a refugee camp in central gauss a christmas day in central god. so
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this man says he did everything for his son, but in the end he can save him. and his desperation, he asked to be buried with the palestinians or mourning to thousands killed at massage the refugee camp at mass funerals. following one of the deadliest nights and the strip you cannot alter, my entire family is gone. will fight with my brothers a gone. they didn't even leave me one brother, not one brother. while israel has intensified it strikes the gods of health, ministry says the palestinian death toll has surpassed $20000.00 this fees and fighting is also $1.00 of the deadliest for is really troops increasing the pressure under government.
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israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited soldiers and gaza, assuring them defensive would continue until victory. and he also addressed parliament vowing to bring hostages home. but seeing more time was needed just a day after the military set, it found the bodies of 5 as rarely captives inside. how must tunnel of the wonderful, that's good. we won't be able to release all the hostages without military pressure, military pressure, operational pressure, political pressure, and therefore, one thing we wouldn't do, we will not stop fighting and then the pressure is mounting and then yeah, who family use of hostages interrupted to speech, chanting. now, they have already been waiting for the return of their loved ones for 80 days loved
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israel's governments is also coming under increasing pressure to curve violence by settlers against palestinians in the occupied westbank. united states has issued travel bands on extreme is rarely settlers responsible for the attacks. european governments are looking to impose similar measures. un figures show a spike and incidence of seth or violence in the west bank since the hm us october, 7 terrorist attacks on israel did the use. abraham reports from the town of how what funny hassan driving through. cut out with benny hudson. it's difficult to miss, but it's a town in morning. at its entrance, plastered on its buildings, bus stop, even wrote signs everywhere. you look posters of some of the us see with the words martyr. before i became a murder to people, here he was a carpenter, a husband,
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besides a father to 6 children, a brother, and a cherished son to stay and look at him. isn't it a shame that he has now been used to ground and that was loved everywhere. his family loved him, his friends loved him. everyone loved him. what has his boy done wrong? but he now has to grow up without a father. what has this girl done wrong that she now has to grow up without a father? she has been by the court below this makeshift memorial marks the spot where a smith's body was found. he'd been shot in the chest. it was hours after palestinians here say about 20 is really settlers. descended on colorado and benny has son from a nearby hill. a local council man who says he witnessed the attack, walks me through what he saw. oh, what is the military? it was with the settlers from the start. they cleared the area so the settlers could attack as they pleased and shot at anyone who approach tunnel cover just above the local settler violence is not new in the occupied westbank. but the un
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says it has searched dramatically since the muster attacks on october 7th. and nearly half of all recorded incidents, as with the attack on cut, old benny has done is really forces were reportedly seen supporting the attackers. this town is completely surrounded by is really settlements, which are considered illegal under international law palestinians who told me they can barely sleep at night, not knowing where the next attack could come from. just look at the devastation that these attacks usually bring in response to our inquiry about the attack on color with benny has done these really military said there was a confrontation between residents and settlers. and to break it up, troops use life, fire and other means. the incident is now under police investigation. the people who've cut out would benny has sent to me. none of this makes them feel safe. that
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when there was an attack there left defend for themselves. darcy was killed. he had responded to a call that came from the speakers of the local mosque to help protect the village from the settlers. the reason is 2 youngest children, however, are too young to understand that sacrifice, that their beloved father is now gone for good. lemme just the head of the stuff that whenever there is a knock on the door, she says, that's dad. he's come home and brought me sweet and very frustrated with when she opens the door and he's not there on the other one tells me grandma, that's really what i want to see. my father hope i miss him to take me to my father . take me to having problems so i can see my father. jen name is jennifer. well, a $10.00 special correspond to abraham who filed the report, joins us now in the studio. it tells us more about the growing tensions in the
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occupied westbank and what that means for palestinians living that it's a very vala tile security situation. on the one hand, we have an increase in a settler violence, as we've seen in this report in 2023, it was already set to be one of the most violent in terms of seller violence. since the one started keeping a record records over a decade ago, and we've seen, you know, because of the war and because since october, 7th, and increasing number of settlers are now in reserve duty. so we've also seen a tax where a settlers that palestinians know by face and by name because they live very close to them, are attacking them in military fatigue. and these really army has taken some disciplinary measures against some of the settlers that are attacked, you know, in non idea of sanctioned raids. the if you will, we seen that this increase violence is leading to displacement over a 1000 palestinians. say that they've been forced out of their communities. these
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are usually smaller communities, different from the ones that we seen in this report who just leave because the attacks have gotten so bad. and then on the other hand, there are also what the is really military. and these really, governments, as are counter terrorism operations happening at mostly in the northern part of the west bank. how much is not in control in the west bank a not like and gaza, but at the same time, there are of course militant cells in the west bank. and there are deadly rates happening on an almost daily basis to with them out as the is really government says to us, more about how this is really officials or dealing with instance like the one highlighted in your report and others similar i think the response from the, you know, the pull that the politicians, the people in power in israel can be described as dismissive as the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said that these actions are happening by
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a handful of extremist settlers that they are tarnishing the reputation of israel. but that it's a minority, so it's a somewhat dismissive tone, and he's also told reportedly to meters of the settler community that he's told joe biden, that he has nothing to worry about. i'm, i'm paraphrasing there. of course also, you know, ministers in the us government that are well known members of the seller movement. i'm talking about the interior minister and the finance minister with this particular case. it's still under investigation for palestinians that i've spoken to say they, you know, from their perspective they live under a framework of military occupation. so they don't really believe the any process or any investigation will bring them justice. what about the justice mean? what are their prospects for justice in this case that you're dealing with in there with the young man that i see who was killed and can that can his family expect any
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job since it is under police investigation? the investigation is ongoing. that's the special response that we got right scripts . however, always point out that with cases like this, that actually gets to a prosecution and punishment of a settlers. that's a minority. and so palestinians feel like they will get no justice. and i think the bigger or what struck me making this report is, you know, the children who have lost their father in this way and what kind of future they would have. so you know, it's a very alarming phenomenon for sure. here. thank you very much. our special correspond abraham to say look at a few other stories making headlines around the world today. coast to 300 passengers have arrived in them by india. after their plane was grounded for 4 days and friends, french investigators halted the charter aircraft initially bound from nicaragua, over concerns that it was part of a human trafficking scheme. 25 passengers stay behind in france where they've
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applied for assignment. at least 4 people have been killed in more than 20 are missing after a storm hit, a mining region in the east of the democratic republic of congo. officials say the reign triggered big land slide near the town of coming to the sweeping away of riverside cabin in which none in which miners were sheltering. jailed kremlin critical ex in nevada that he has posted on social media that he's in good spirits and has seen a lawyer that's after his team lost track of him for more than 2 weeks. developed a has been moved to a remote penal call, and he and rushes far north is serving a 19 year sentence for alleged extremes. and the commander of ukraine's air force says it has destroyed the large russian war. ships docked in occupied crimea . the social media post said the novo check task seen here,
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and file footage was hit by cruise missiles in the port of philadelphia. russia says the ship was damaged and one person killed. hope frances has called for an end to the wars in gaza and ukraine. the leader of the roman catholic church uses christmas or be it or be message to appeal for peace . you also slammed the weapons industry, which he said was peeling conflict around the world. in his christmas address, pope frances lamented on the conflicts around the globe. he quoted a piece for the people of ukraine as well as a ceasefire between how mass and israel known. so you're going to email their being in to the feeling of violence and hatred and made the palestinian question be resolved. that was certainly by listing a says, so probably puddle, ready condemned the failed logic of war. during his christmas eve mass, calling it contrary to the message of peace at christmas. in this address,
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he said the poor desperately needed the money being spent on weapons. then he delivered the old, the adobe blessing, that they have each, they only put 10, but it's fees is fee per cent. this investment levels is 9. yes. and it was a passion. it's a beautiful piece on christmas day. or what are the most grueling ocean sporting events? the sydney to hobart and yacht race is underway in australia to the favorites to win the race boats called and do come on. she and law connect were both in the thick of the action on tuesday. as the massive super matches your sailed out of city into the self specific. the fleet started their journey under sunny skies, but storms have hit. australia is east coast this weekend. more rough weather is
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expected in the 1100 kilometers rates. wow. wait. you're watching the news coming to live from real live. after the break. we've got music for you from the instead of home when a concert hall in temper, terry martin for me and all of us here at dw news. thanks for watching the every jenny surprises. we've gone all out to give you some time. one day in the footsteps of the rectory in your northern most count the police the
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free time but still very much alive.


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