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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 27, 2023 7:00am-7:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the leaders coming to line from berlin, israel under attack from the militia in yemen. and is really jet shoots down a hostile target of the red sea fence after the ren back rebels claim. they fired drones towards it for israel, also coming up israel's government under increasing pressure to crack down on balance in the west bank because settlers continue to target post indians in the occupied territory. and a trip through time and space with a james web space telescope. will show you some of the most stunning images of our
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universe and what scientists are learning problem the flow. i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. israel says it has shot down what it describes as a hostile aerial target, over the red sea. these really military released footage proportionally showing one of its fighter jets intercepting and shooting the target down. the military says it was on its way to israel is really territory. earlier it ran back who the rebels and yemen claims responsibility for an attempt to attack israel with drugs. how about how do you more on this, we spoke earlier with journal a semi circle in jerusalem. so this the drone, the apparently less the young man and was headed towards the israel but,
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and is ran the airplane as succeeded in taking it down in the sign. uh, and it actually, people were on the beach in the resort town on the hub. they could see the home is spectacular, then of a how is room is taking down these uh, drones. yeah, of course uh is uh has been seeing these the strikes coming in from a human as a a threat. and especially because a loss is an important the for safety. and we're all the coverage that comes from asia, from china for magic, find a comes to a loss. and it has been a significant decline of this. and mark time commerce, as journalist savvy sako there in jerusalem, well, israel's defense minister,
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your of gal on, says his country is facing a war on many fronts. there any back malicious have stepped up, attacks against israel in response to operations against him, us and gaza. boss itself has links to iran and is designated a terrorist organization by many countries. us forces in the regions have also faced the attacks from a rainy and proxies mourners in baghdad, terry, the coughing of a man tube in the us strike. he was allegedly a member of an, a run back to melisha that attacked us base and iraq on monday, injuring 3 serviceman. the us said it strike was a necessary and proportionate to response. iraq has condemned it as a hostile act, a walk on this vehicle, positive what the american forces did and are doing these days as a new violation of the sovereignty of the rocky state in the
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us says it's counted as a $100.00 attacks against its troops in iraq and syria since mid october, most of those were claimed by iran back to mutants to oppose us support for each row. and it's war against him off from the window. this district of serious capital, damascus was the target of a suspected is rarely stripe. it killed a senior general with the runs revolutionary god. siad arrives, the most savvy was responsible for coordinating the military alliance between iran and syria. he was cute of to entering a building, allegedly used by his beloved another to run back is with mister melisha that has been flashing each row for decades. each row has neither confirmed nor denied killing massaging, but one, it will respond to all threats against it. the same didn't come off as long as the
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updates we are in a multi from a more me and are coming under attack from 7 different theaters, cause a 11 on syria. we are today a show. and so maria de la rock human and they were on the way go, we have already responded and taken action in 6 of these theaters. and i say here in the most explicit way, anyone who acts against us as a potential target, there is no immunity for anyone. and has the look love to heart, or baldwin is the similar rhetoric from iran, which has promised a strong response to the suspected is riley strike as protest isn't a wrong quote, for revenge. it's a this cycle of teeth for type violence that many fee could send the region spiraling out of control. israel's government is under increasing pressure to curb the violence against palestinians and the occupied westbank. united states as issued travel bands on his release. settlers
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responsible for the attacks. european governments are looking to impose similar measures. un figure shows subtler violent spiking in the west bank sense him aust carried out it's october 7th terrorist attacks the w's. abraham reports driving through cut out with benny hudson. it's difficult to miss, but it's a town in morning. at its entrance, plastered on its buildings, bus stop, even wrote signs. everywhere you look posters of asked about the us see with the words martyr. before i became a murder to people, here he was a carpenter, husband, and besides a father to 6 children, a brother, and a cherished son to stay and look at him. isn't it a shame that he has now been east the ground last night? it was locked everywhere. his family loved him, his friends loved him. everyone loved him. what has his boy done wrong?
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but he now has to grow up without a father. what has this girl done wrong that she now has to grow up without a father to have been by the court below this makeshift memorial marks the spot where a smith's body was found. he'd been shot in the chest. it was hours after palestinians here see about 20 is really settlers descended on colorado and benny has son from a nearby hill, a local council, a man who says he witnessed the attack, walks me through what he saw of what it is, the military, it was with the settler from the start, they cleared the area so the settlers can attack as they pleased and shot at anyone who approached on it was just all the local, subtler violence is not new in the occupied westbank. but the un says it has serge dramatically since the almost her attacks on october 7th, and nearly half of all recorded incidents. as with the attack on cut, old benny has done is really forces were reportedly seen supporting the attackers.
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this town is completely surrounded by is really settlements, which are considered illegal under international law. palestinians here tell me they can barely sleep at night, not knowing where the next attack could come from. just look at the devastation that these attacks usually bring in response to our inquiry about the attack on cut or what benny has done. these really military said there was a confrontation between residents and settlers. and to break it up, troops used life, fire, and other means. the incident is now under police investigation. the people who've cut out with benny has sent to me. none of this makes them feel safe. that when there was an attack there left to spend for themselves, the d. i'm a darcy was cute. he had responded to a call that came from the speakers of the local mosque to help protect the village from the settlers. who is 2 youngest children, however,
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are too young to understand that sacrifice that their beloved father is now gone for good. lemme just the head of that stuff just whenever there is a knock on the door. she says, that's dad. she's come home and brought me sweet and very frustrated with when she opens the door and he's not there on the other one tells me grandma, that's really what i want to see. my father hope i miss him to take me to my father . the take me to have him well, so i can see my father, jen name is jennifer. well, sketchup on a few other stories making headlines around the world today. police in india is capital delhi are still investigating the cause of an explosion near the is really embassy. israel's foreign ministry says no staff members were injured in the glass and it's really emissions around the world have been on the alerts, amid a rise in anti semitic. severe weather is being blame for at least 7 deaths in eastern australia. some of the worst storm damage was in queensland, state,
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capital, brisbin, and on the gold coast authorities. se rescue operations are ongoing. and one that coastal areas are still at risk from heavy wins and flash flooding. families, a very beloved ones killed in attacks by farmed groups and central nigeria military gangs locally called banned. it's killed at least a 140 people in a series of attacks on villages last weekend. the region has been played for years by tension between farmers and no magic murders. the ukraine says is use cruise missiles to strike a large russian worship dog dead. a port in russian occupied crimea. video footage shows a massive explosion, but most koses the ship was only damaged with one person killed. pressure also claims that its air defenses shot down to ukrainian jets and turkey. as
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foreign affairs committee has greenlighted sweden's bid to join nato decisions still has to be approved by attorneys full parliament and signed by president richard. type of the one. sweden's native bid had been stalled for months amid opposition from turkey and hungry. since it launched 2 years ago with the web, the change web space telescope has changed the way we understand the universe. for scientists, the images offer new possibilities in astrophysics for the rest of us. there's simply stunning to behold the james web space telescope doesn't orbit ers. unlike the international space station. instead it circles the sun to one and a half 1000000 kilometers out from our planet. now, what's called the la grange to point. the instruments are sheltered by a multi layered high tech shield that screens out nearly all solar radiation. the telescopes, 25 square meters of mirror made up of hex,
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a go know segments are able to detect radiation, largely in the end for a red part of the spectrum. that means that the sensors can also provide information on targets that are hidden by dust and gas at vast distances. the james web is much more sensitive and it's 30 year old predecessor, the hubble space telescope ended works differently. how will the text primarily visible light, which is the light that we see with our own eyes while wave of searching the infrared. so they are really complimentary. then web has, is the largest mirror in space, much larger than the hubble. and that gives it to a sensitivity 100 times better than huddled in 2023. the james web, for instance, revealed galaxies at distance, has never observed before. snapshots of very early periods in the history of the universe. to recall the james space telescope with type of shooting and in the 1st
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hears, it has already uncovered thousands of these very early lumina subjects and 1st galaxies in the universe. and some of the director holders are found to be a 300000000 years after the big bank. so that's really a surprise. but researchers are also mining its images for data on things much closer to home, like this recent picture of the heart of our own milky way other a gorgeous shots taken in 2023. include this one of a spiral galaxy called m $51.00 standing and its complexity and new takes on a well known celestial phenomenon called the ring. nebula snapped in both the near info, red range, and the mid and for red. the telescope also detected a crucial carbon molecule for the 1st time and the dust of a forming planetary system around 1500 light years away. this discovery
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is pretty exciting because carbon molecules are the foundation of full life and finding the small it goes can really help us understanding how life develop on earth, but also in other places in universe. the james web space telescope also looked with startling clarity and detail it planets in our own solar system. along with their moon's, and 2023, the telescope revealed even more the wonders and mysteries of the universe around us, and should continue to do so. for decades to come says some exciting news for tennis fans on wednesday as former world number one, naomi a sucker return to the practice court in australia. before time, grand slam winter is making her come back to competitive tennis after taking a year off for the birth of her 1st child. the 26 year old is playing the brisbin international as she warms up for the 1st grand slam of the year. the australian
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open in melbourne. if you're watching dw news from berlin, you can get all the latest news and information any time you want on our website at c, w dot com. i'm terry martin for me and all of us here at the w names. thanks for watching the vacation as an applicant, do they have good weather? i, when i told me that they don't have violence. can we go sailing tulsa tissue today, because when they go to that we set up to, you know, medical people are stuck with caldwell and the tenants otherwise. so not because the.


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