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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 27, 2023 5:00pm-5:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching new, the new platform by then got that's how boss on how to ministry size was suspected australia, it's try cuz skilled at least 18 people reports from god. the famous try hit a residential building here at a hospital in con units. thousands are reported wounded. b j armies says it's investigating. also coming up one of the most influential fit goods and dillman font of tech support function. i have low dice at the age of $51.00 sharp love as germany's finance minister jordan, the order is one crisis. read here why he has such an impact on sherman and your
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pin followed by the number such as far as the bathroom to the program. because that's how my son has ministry says at least 18 people have been kids and a suspected as rarely as striking the southern city of con you and it's a ministry. sports person said the attack also left dozens of people injured. the palestinian red presence of the strikes, fitted residential building, close to the all i'm on the hospital. these really ami says it's investigating how guys controlled by her mom's which is due to the status of my vision by many countries. the hubs ministry best the depths total among palestinians of the war has boss $21000.00 on identifying human corpses, wrapped up, lined up and laid to rest in the mass graves. it's become
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a common site in gaza. of the most run health ministry claims that is really forces return to the bodies after 1st taking them for more eggs and graves to check. there were no hostages among them. israel says there is no fighting on multiple fronts, not just inside gaza. this footage reportedly shows the downing of the quote hostile drone bind is really fighter jet over the red sea eroni and back to the rebels. and yemen claimed responsibility for the drones which attacks me is really port city of a lot as well as cargo vessels in the areas in the u. many who the armed forces confirmed the continuation of their operations in the red sea and the re, b and c against israeli ships. for those heading to the ports of occupied palestine . as international pressure mounts on his real prime minister benjamin netanyahu outlined 3 prerequisites for peace and an article for the wall street journal. the destruction of from us,
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the demilitarization of gauze and the d. radicalization of palestinian society. his words are the closest yet to attend jubal vision for an end to the war. but with increased attacks from hezbollah, from the north and the who with these from the south, the conflict appears to keep on escalating. for more on your management and situation and guys us for projects and leave the country director for safe, the children in the occupied past an entire truth. he was just withdrawn from 3 weeks in gaza and told me more about what he saw. that as i leave this insurance, deteriorating situation, disability and especially children, when i want to say i, so the massive movement possibility is that have been told to sleep once again to the south casa. yeah, there is no way in wrong that can accommodate them. is it the infrastructure that is required to keep them alive rather not as of 1000000 people. there are no
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shelters in place of shelter as a full capacity. when i was there, i saw caps tens, wouldn't structures with a piece of some past due be put in their re available space in han last, next to the side of roads next to them off next to schools. and it does not have interest structures down and noticed that the patient's ability, no, not water, not enough food, and no access to medical care. once again, civilians, especially children, are being told to either face the choice of being killed by a stripe showings or moved to areas where they will face stop ation, lack of water, public health emergency. you're describing an incredibly difficult situation and yet a get off. my visions like yours are trying to distribute food, medical supplies, and water. how challenging is that for you? this is incredibly geology because we do not have full control over the supply time change. we're not able to bring the number of trucks are required by loading these
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are the conditions on the ground. do not allow people to mention, actually we do not have 3 movements to, oh god. so there is this tool ongoing complex. well, not able to reach the civilian population. so no, we do not have enough supplies to meet the growing up of displaced people in the south. 1.9000000 people been 85 percent of the population of displaced. then remember how the causes population of children, and these are children that need immediate protection and access to live savings assistance. you're describing, once again the kind of impacts that you're seeing on the ground now, but this is of course likely to have a long term impact as well as your focus. so as a see, if the children coordinator is on the young, what do you expect to see that for the future to look at the moment it is critical. we keep civilians alive,
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especially control of the road ahead will be difficult without the definitive see spot, with our actual protection and quality of rights for all children. there was an image of the options available for long term mental health and the social impact of children cannot be underscore. all of our research shows that this is becoming, is a growing issue. we've got a depression, please withdrawal support lots of opportunity. more than 60 percent of educational facilities have been damaged or destroyed. why her children have a pertaining education. again, more of 60 percent of residential buildings have been destroyed. where do people stay? this is why it's critical that we have a sci fi that we have fully measured and access. this is the only way that can we restore any future for young children, young or young people in short learning casa. so if somebody from service of them,
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thank you so much for helping us understand the situation that thank you. let's take a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world of your own role has been, has for wonderful john stopped andrews science drugs. the most savvy that on says he was killed in administrative s troy on the syrian capital, damascus. on monday, most of the most responsible for the military alliance between syria on it on israel has not commented on strike, put it on, as well as revenge. russia are launched, almost 50 it on you. and mitch i have drones that ukraine overnight and show the train station in the southern city of coast on the tax code, at least 5 people and knocked off power in most of the cities. you claims for latrice as a chart down to the 2 drawings. but over the dozen, most struck the cities of capstone and the best uh opposition to tests of cash took police and the congress. these capitalist contrasts, though they demanding the do you do of last week's presidential election will frustrate being talented,
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but incumbent president freedom. the extra security is leading by a wide margin of the of us of question, defend the simply gratitude of the water brush on india. i said they've made tangible, full grass on, tends to join to produce military equipment. the announcement follow talks and last coal between drugs, chess, corn minister, so the level and if engine found to bottom for premium, just sounds good. the substitute to cooperation was in both countries, security interest. i'm told that this was quite sharp to one of the most influential if it goes to a gentleman at your open politics, has died at the age of 81 as finance minister and uncle. i'm of his government. he was no one for his hard line. instead of 2 measures during the go to debt crisis. so richard, conservative lawmaker was confined to be a child for surviving with gun attack in 199-0100 right until the end, one of less than surplus last public appearances in december 2022,
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marking his 50 years as a member of the german parliament was gun shy bill was a conservative politician of the old guard, internationally known as germany's tough finance minister and a financial watch dog during the year as own crisis. shapeless rise began in the 1980s in hand with coy as government as minister of the interior. he played a significant role in drafting the german treaty of reunification in 1990. shortly after that, charlotte was attacked at a campaign rally and severely injured. he survived but was left paralyzed. but this didn't hold him back after only 3 months he'd return to work. a look and sharpness, political stage was inextricably linked with him. of course, he was extremely loyal to his mentor, yet he eventually broke with him over the conservative parties funding scandal that finish came request,
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career shy. but then the light himself with i'm going to america, the new force and the cd. you 1st, he became her interior minister, then finance minister in 2009 the year a zone crisis would become his biggest challenge. and i enjoyed politics. so a big challenge is something that people like me enjoy facing yourself on this day that his tenure as finance minister was crucial for germany. he managed to restructure the german budget despite the euro crisis and accumulated no new debt. the so called black 0 became a trademark of german fiscal policy and the shy black and his last political office as president of the german bonus tag. he was the voice of motor ration, was constructively headed, lasting influence on german and international politics. despite the blows to his personal and political life,
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he always remained fully committed to his duties. the doctors chief political correspondent, nina has told me more about those countries i've left legacy or yeah, i think it's safe to say that this truly is the end of an era in german politics and reactions have come pouring in from a lot of the major german voices who took about surplus, lasting impacts on german and international politics. and one of them is the former chancellor and glen mackerel, who these days keeps around, the low profile fatigues come out and she's praised was going so blissful quote, his ability to recognize and hate big political developments that he was of course nichols interior and then have finance minister for many, many years. and in fact, most times i've is leaving a very big legacy here in germany because he wasn't inferential positions during very crucial periods and all those decades. so so i blur held all the important jobs you can have within 7 politics with the exception of town slot and president.
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he was part of group leader of the cd. you the conservative then policy lead, interior, administer, finance minister. he was also the longest standing member of parliament after entering from the start for the 1st time within 50 years ago. he's also the president of the board to start and that's the 2nd most important role within the 7 states. almost as 100 was seen as belonging to the more conservative wing of his policy. but he was respected across the board also by political opponents rights until the end for his shop intellects and commitment to duty. but you do have to say he was also not uncontroversial especially abroad and operate on that for us and you know, why was he so contribution abroad? well, i think the 1st thing internationally, people will associated these days with a name boss, though. sorry for that is that he was probably the embodiment of a german finance minister. he held a post of ages. so during the difficulties of yours and cries as he stood for a very strict public finance policies and balanced spending, not too much debt to ideally,
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no new debt. the euro zone cries in those is from 2010 on with. so i'm labeled as mr. austerity and he became a hate sega, in the highly indebted countries in the south of europe. because of all the things i've logged is that they had to impose strict a thursday moses to keep greece than others in the coming currency zone. but the 2nd thing he will be most remembers for broad is his role in german reunification after the collapse of the soviet union in his position as interior minutes of the time was growing. so either was the main figure for western germany to negotiate the reunification treat to use chief political correspondent, anita half of the thank you so much on to some exciting news for tennis funds on wednesday of school and mobile number one now me will suck out. are done to the practice quote and australia, the full time grand slam right now. it's making her come back to competitive tennis off to pick know your role for the both of her 1st child. the 26 year old as being
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the president international i. she runs off for the forrest gump 9, will feel the australian open in medicine a and from sports store years ago, she'll be able just to columbia and said to you about on kia has on aud one of its most famous hometown heroes with a giant statute the scots are show super stuff english, a key to or frozen in the midst of an iconic cube, shaking dunsmore at 6 and a half meters. the bronze version is almost 4 times dollar at the end of your life, chaquita, towering about and keeps speech secure to please call to, you know, my kids and his team on social media for the example of the norm with lots of stick talent, or popular columbia and you're watching the videos here as a reminder of our top story guys, that's how most on has ministry says the suspected of strategy as try can skills at least 18 people to votes from the best service drive to the residential building near the hospital and con, unit has the official fair,
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the death toll among dozens from the war has cost 21000 and with that you're up to date. but to stick at all my quality care richardson, but have more updates for the top of the next hour. number, such as far from me and being tired, and you'll stay behind the scenes. thank you so much for being with us. the vibrant habitat and listening place of loan in the mediterranean sea mazda and just following up to carry him to us exploring modem, lodge styles, attributed to a name and mediterranean jenny. this week on the d.


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