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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 28, 2023 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the, the, you're watching dw, and use live from bullying is well intensifies it's war and gaza warning once again that it could last months. but as the pushes on many people ask themselves what will happen to the strip once the funding is always on somebody's wiley, through used to live in gaza, say they hope to return as the war drags on support for all of us among the palestinians appears to be growing an opinion poll shows the militant islam, his group is gaining in popularity at the expense of the palestinian authority. plus high level you waste mexican sold so migration with as many as $10000.00 on
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authorized crossings of the us border every day. washington 6 ounces as president joe biden heads into the election here. 2024. the other one being presented. and thanks for joining us. the gaza strips. how much run health ministry says at least 50 people have been killed in these rails and strikes this thursday in various locations across the territory. one of the latest took place in doubt, i'd find the in central guns that emergency crews rushed to the scene to extinguish fires in several houses. this folder suspected his way, the as trying some of the southern city of han eunice on wednesday because his health industry says at least 20 people died in the attacks as well as intensifying itself operations in both cell. the non central garza stimulus and is the most
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cliff thomas. the deductible is rising. non stop as israel intensifies, it strikes, pushing into central and southern gaza. the homeless run health ministry says over $21000.00 had been killed and the vast majority of thousands are displaced. the gets johnson construction around, which is i see the unlimited buildings are destroyed. this is not a water and we get to genesis on it. it's more than one. we can't even describe it to product. the war has left much of gaza and ruins, destroying nearly one in 5 buildings. and there's no end in sight set on illuminating ham us israel's military reset. it is expanding its ground defensive and released footage, showing its elite troops and gaza. let me have some of
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the fighting is taking place in a complex area. i guess. you mean, therefore the world will continue for many more months? nothing. i mean, i'll work with different methods or pull does it, or we can hold on to our achievement for a long time to show. no, gosh, i said you show me, you know, within the month on the other side in jerusalem, the former is really subtler hopes. the long term plan will also include her return to gaza. she was forced to leave the strip nearly 2 decades ago when israel withdrew all its security forces and settlements. a yes schmidt. there is a deep emotional tension at the height because deep inside we dream of returning there by to this is our home. but during know what will happen and that's my the return of his rarely settlers to gaza is not part of israel's plan so far. but
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some here say it needs to be part of israel strategy to maintain long term rule. is the not talking about it's got me is really governmental, but this is something that can happen because there might be no choices. the audio still have to move and gaza in any case, you can't prove if you don't have settlements, that when it is still not clear who exactly would govern a postwar gaza for what israel's plan is for lasting peace, the health ministry, and the way the occupied westbank says a palestinian man died during an overnight raid on romano, which is the seeds of the palestinian authority, fuel, bottoms with phone. that is why the military vehicles are united nations report forms. the human rights situation in the territory is rapidly deteriorating. it urges these well to end once the report refers to as unlawful killings their opinion polls. so palestinian support for how much is growing in the west bank. they also indicate the palestinian authority which governs the area,
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is losing support. a pro how most riley in the occupied westbank for years. few people in the palestinian territory supported the group which is recognized as a terrorist organization or the you and the us. 3 months of war have changed. that in september, support from us was just 12 percent in the west bank and 38 percent in gaza. but in december that support rose to 44 percent in the west bank and 42 percent engaged. as the polling and gallagher was conducted by palestinian political scientists, colleagues, she khaki mainly in person during the ceasefire. earlier this month, reaching people by telephone in the besieged territory is almost impossible. the poll also shows that not from the boss, the leader of the palestinian authority, which officially governs the west bank, is extremely unpopular, only 11 percent approve of him. meanwhile, the war has also brought an increase intentions and violence between is rarely
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security forces. settlers and palestinians in the west bank further radicalize in the population there, many of whom sea gardens as heroes and say, how mosque was right to attack israel. the us has said it and visions of postwar future where the palestinian authority governs gaza. but as i'm asking is popularity, the idea of a guys run by the pa seems less and less viable. yours takes about and joins us from the international crisis group. it assists policy makers on conflict prevention. you'll support for how those tell us more about these like us pulse there's not really anything surprising about the poll results because we've been seeing since october 7th, a spike in popularity for him. us in the west bank and gaza. it's very hard to gauge at the moment because of the conditions there at the moment. but once we've
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seen it starts and i think, but what we need to understand is that is a to ations or more between israel. then 1st, indians, the, the group that stands up to is really violence from their perspective is going to always become more popular than any group that does. so it's a moment to finish and you know, sorry, t a which was anyway, losing supports towards port governance. is not getting any public support for its current stance, which is to say nothing. whereas how much is actually fighting israel? and that is hugely popular among the police to the public. but if you look at a situation so no more in just a minute or condition which has been going on for 56 years, then how much has this popularity? because as a governing group of people distrust, as i told them, many people distrust it. so i told you that as a governing group where it was,
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how mos in the polls before this was ty, slowly this was only a governing group. and guys, of course not in the west bank where it was an opposition and god, it was also losing popularity because it couldn't really actually govern the gaza strip out during these really cj and uh, for any other number of other reasons. when you see governments throughout the region, not particularly effective at providing services to the people i'm us was facing popular demonstrations against it, support a record of governance in casa in the past year, for example. so would you say these speakers are a flash in the pan? that's a, this is a, a wait. and as far as the polls go for the underdog, but looking back to the october 7 terrorist attacks. and how does that for a line on things for the good? no, it's, it's not, it's not for the underdog, it's,
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it's because better students generally reject these radio to patients, which is extremely brutal and has been going on for 56 years. and so they said they support anyone who is willing to put their lives on the line in order to convince that occupation and today is from a store road, could be someone else, in fact, an entire population and goes as being by the class right now. and so they put it in the past, it was the beautiful. so, um and so that is what determines things. and people, unfortunately don't look at the message use in fighting and the legal occupation by israel, just like israel doesn't look as it means that it is using it, it's sofa and gaza. you're all he looking at the end result. and then the notion of a just war, just as it is, it's just that's a right to fight against submitted documentation. what it means use like october 7th targeting civilians is unconscionable. but that doesn't really enter into the calculation of many people. your weight is all of this,
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then leave the palestinians at the end of the day, i silvas much greater destruction or certainly, or because a strip and a deep, deep fear that they will be expelled both on because the strip and from the occupied westbank into georgia that is where they are today, and it's a moment with the current governments and israel seeing no, no, it being unprepared to move towards the political solution to this really understanding and conflict. it is very hard to see a way out other than through continue fighters and occupation in both the west bank and the gaza strip the mind from the international crisis. good, thank you very much for being on the w and use chairs. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making news, stalins of mona's, if gathering around this capital t a bond for the funeral of one of the country's top generals, i had lost people salvi, iran says he was killed in an easy way of the strike on the syrian capital damascus
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on monday, as well as not commented directly on the strength, but a run has found revenge. the us government has approved what could be its final package of military a to ukraine. the latest deal was up to $250000000.00 comes as boring ukraine approaches. it's 2nd down of us re present intro bite and has made supporting ukraine against. thank you. russia, a key priority. the republicans in congress have so far, refused to authorize more funded by johnson. now to mexico city way you ways and mexican officials have been meeting the high level talks of migration. this is washington tries to reduce the number of regular microns crossing the southern border. us secretary of state entity blinking met with mexico's president on today's manuel lopez will per door with an eye to the limiting uncontrolled migration into the width is on my door. his said he is willing to help him or to and he wants washington to improve relations with other countries in the region and
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boost state irregular migration is becoming a big political problem. the west president joe biden, as he approaches next year's election, as many as 10000 people a day of being detained, trying to cross the southern us border migrant stranded in northern mexico. hoping to get to the us border by train for them. a wagon is a better option than attempting to reach the board of by boss. they say, mexican immigration officials keep pushing them back to southern mexico to know why or will they get to is off the buses or the if we are about to reach the boulder where we are returned without any apparent reason. they demand that we get migration documents, but they are not valid because they have them in our faces. how are we supposed to move forward? that to us? i do think this is all really hard. i've been doing this for 3 months. i felt last night trying to get on a train to go on with my and my children's journey. they've had fever and flu due
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to the cold weather. we no longer have water and we don't have any idea when we will leave this month, that us briefly shop some international railroads between its southern states of texas and to mexico because of the rising number of migrants crossing. as many as 10000 migrants today were arrested at the us, a south west in boulder. in december. this 6000 strong group are walking along the highway flushed by the mexican national guard. many migrants and the families come from central and southern america. they have playing poverty and violence, and the hoping the mexican authorities will allow them to continue that track north . for today, we ask them to that is the cost freely to go to the united states. we go there to work and our children to study. so we want the because we are looking to improve
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ourselves to have a best to quote to you if life. because in our country, the situation is getting worse and worse. and we are looking for an opportunity. oscar mom's long and dangerous route. the us for defense is in sight, but with pressure building in the us to block migrants from entering the country. reaching the border, may not bring these migrants the best to life they had hoped for. finally, in some sports news, the annual cities so hope that your race ended in one of the closest finishes in the history of one of the world's most difficulty of intelligence. low connex cross the finish line in tasmania of to one day, 19 hours, 3 minutes and 58 seconds defending champs command shakes finished us. 50. 1 seconds behind, as the rice came down to the final 15 ages,
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the winner of the overall handicapped time will probably won't be known for a number of days. brings you up to date on all the international use on dates as well and smoke go to our website or on youtube channel. stay with us the year on dw, i will be back with more international in these days now the, it shouldn't be this one here. it's hard not to feel something really is happening here. what is happening to greens and science researchers explore an untouched place in january to dw.


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