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tv   Musica Maestra  Deutsche Welle  December 28, 2023 6:15pm-6:30pm CET

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in various locations across the territory, as well as the specs it is rarely airstrikes and con eunice on wednesday, which calls us health industries that kills at least 20 people. and it is your needs update office hours. stay tuned for music on my escrow coming up next or if you want more news and analysis, check out our website dw, thank you so much for watching the it shouldn't be this warm here. it's hard not to feel something really is happening here. what is happening to greens and science? researchers explore an untouched place into the eyes. january dw, we want to be the number one for the crypto queen and her entire
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crime rouge on it. now to the sales one calling and they don't currency, then she disappears out. so trace, as i mentioned, thriller about the world's most wanted woman crypto queen stones descend associates on d, w. the hello dear friends, welcome to most of them. i asked them my name is how long that i left by the i'm a conductor from mexico. and i just want to invite you to enjoy this wonderful show where you will need to amazing musicians from all over the world a see the back stage live, and their stories of how they put this beautiful music together. the next episode picks me back to my friends in civic that tongue holly, or cast us through it. that has been a for the past, the orchestra to work with for the past many years. and in this case,
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with one of my best musical friends, fatherless sciences the and so it's a pleasure for me to introduce him to you and for you to join us in our chats and our re union after so many years. the i hear you as to who has said, well, how about the civic on chalet, the new york and the sample call sounds perfect, difficult, perfect. the going to say is balance and then i have to score music and i was to the end of those as the i did want to be entered on. eric soon to tell you that
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the west houston the same funny, this is fine. and i guess that quest around christmas quest, because i am but some project the then they bought the orchestra on the american 2nd from then and, and no, i don't have to come to them and get that. assign us. it book last with a lot, 3 minute as soon as it was going processing was me. i remember he calendar supposed to be more than 10 years ago. i was putting together my very 1st album. mean, i remember he can, and i couldn't think of a better soloist than real science because yes,
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we have worked together. we went to school together. that's good. that was like on the last time is why is this easy? what am i quite a good time? ready? to send the houston a do a he stay a while, i see that into the unit. by whom does he get bene? you? i think most of us to predict the and yet i'm a he kind of have to get out same phone for the oil heat. uh you, when i was present, but unfortunately, i know. yeah. yes, he is in a yeah, i'm assuming he says, and i'm moving in and ponce and, and you can see the volume value because netflix has moved to a 100 as of a gig on the site on your window. and miss, you say, okay, say say i, yes, i believe that one is what everybody's on the close here that you put on it has quite the front end. bit less massive a
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seamless but i guess that's what i'm going to cover for many sd. i want to see, i'm going to say no, i'm you homeless sin and homeless dogs. i mean to present because i, this is the time of the now with and then when does the brand see me? one is the new. what is it for? leslie, almost always aaliyah you send me up, i'm talking to you on portland today. god for length and see that you're, you're my court. okay. that's how you understand that. you yeah, you're gonna have the key and, and just an idea of the being down, you know, it's going to be a lead is a, it does go on. so it's kind of a review to most, he got a this and then a lot of the most of the schools have the s and, and course the mentality does the same level. that's the best. see what is we have on file
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let me make it the use of the, the clinic where lives alone with that was the piece that i was always asking him to play. please record those a lot of them. and it's such a beautiful piece. but of course, very technically difficult, but no matter when where and at what time he would be able to perform this amazing pieces the,
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[000:00:00;00] the english leading chalet in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the us. and he's going to tell me all about spanish dance and his music and folk, or the
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good thing is if we get up on the the same the, so the most awesome navi, those meta, what was that certainly affect ok. so you can like the one that douglas got to. yes, i see my 2nd, i'm gonna yeah. okay. it is because i'm not quite of that kink. that's what it says . step by step one to 2 minus get i invested this other way. i know missed the balance in my heart. okay. it does say that up into yes. i most collab did that several demo the while that yeah, but if there's any way to get
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a quote that they then run the file. yeah. and then some of those us because it, as if someone is, i am a product that, that, that, that is the, the, the, the, the, we, as myself or the, and, and attendance to consume of the sort as have been those guys concept for k is what that meant as finding out the name of the concept that i'm with e and somebody to address because i'm wondering if i would, i'm completely done espanol em, which of them. so these things that's going to hold back in the cost of gas at the dentist, but it's competitive that goes into those kinds of the unplugged federal media electronically. no, i mean goes my way to find out. i'm a fucking video,
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incandescent speed. i see on now. lucy got for claudia. got you from ankle last night. oh, geico and plumbing. cool. is it underneath the mall and reasonable? we do. yeah. we have the festival. see police like my kind of get diagnosed by lando too. i mean go see him play off in a law said little stuff. i battles the diesel. i feel be so is it? yeah, that's what i'm at here at the. 2 the does soonest, as all sorts have some new incentives from that it did act as an fleming go. all that they, i, that gets a, let me see off, i'm clearly got you in mid you interest as a for test. when you hear a sound,
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a 2nd, any spots you by like over me, black i'll play squander underneath mall, to seize more than then by loud face that said, when they've done belt, and we said you see, i did, you live in this house? and i mean, like, over the years, so someone, the more you mean to the, like concealing the quiz or guitar, it is a page that so many people love that. so many people have heard this extra new, popular. and it's 2nd movement in particular because it's so poignant and so
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painful and so beautiful at the same time. and i have done this with several good terrorist, but never have i felt what i feel when my performance was popular, the with i never have to look at him. i just know where his breath is and where things will fall. and it is this in the village to which to me is as close to magic as one can get the um, uh the uh, combined yellow the now with that in the morning and also my main goal deal of
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the mortgage in the area is the guy that he's hyper lock on me, not to him because it but i see the space on those. but as those things that, that, that, that, that, that, that god, what else was good given it is a get anything going wrong against lisa in a separate good. um, in charlotte and many other lies and find as the guys is good. so she has converted the emails for me is instead of on the phone has been ringing a similar government to some of the federal. and i thought that we will need to plan, as i know,
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uh the, the new year. happy that we are boxing the story. we have a, getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and the for the future. in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa next on d w. the african styles were the limits of what i saw i was gonna stay with us instead of doing it every, like african designers, are conquering the international assessments. one of the world needs us, the world needs advocates to give all these young designers a chance his future sound the wrong button. give them a chance. it's 45 minutes on
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d w. well then progress pop calls to everyone who wants to know more about this topic. that concerned about this story is beyond the headline world in progress. dw, the, this is data being is africa with a special end of your additions on inspirational and trail blazing women. we introduced to you this year. there's the fashion design from kenya who's redefining style in that role. these largest informal settlement a bricklayer in gun it building a future for her family. all while confronting gender known the


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