tv Focus on Europe Deutsche Welle December 29, 2023 3:30am-4:01am CET
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the secret slide behind these discovered new adventures in 362 and explore fascinating. both heritage dw world heritage $360.00 now the hello and welcome to this special edition of focus on erupt. we're bringing you some of our favorite stories of the year from the people who inspired us and even perhaps change our view of the world. women in afghanistan hardly have any rights and are practically excluded from society. for them, life has become increasingly difficult. since the hard line is list,
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it's highly bon took back over the country in 2021. many are trying to escape. zora is one of those who are already managed together with her entire music school. she slipped into exile now she lives in northern porterville, in the city of braga, where she continues to make music. something that strictly forbidden in her native country. the home sick for afghanistan, played by an orchestra whose members were driven from their homeland. the young musicians are seeking a future in europe. the breakfast time in braga and northern portugal, cousins or and for rita, had been living here with her uncle. since they split up can a stand and 2021. for the 14 year olds. it's important to stand up to the taliban spin on music, even from here in far away, portable thing. music is
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a lot of crime. it's like i think language and the feeling they tell them things with music. i think it's very important to play music. i would, that's why the person that's who's very lucky that others go, that they've got assessed and i can be the voice of a gun gills. despite their freedom in portugal, they both miss whom on the way to rehearsal, they sing a song in their native language, presto, and the music steam. other students are tuning up. it's a major rehearsal for their upcoming european concert tour. portuguese conductor to ya, the silva is impressed by his students. let's go to bar 63 percent . that is fraud, audit all the daughter. oh, okay. the rails, we have to fight to go to music school in the country. and so it's very different
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for us here. so i'm learning from them to respect music more for them. it's a true at the freedom how liberal whereas we take music for granted himself. the director of the music school was on holiday in australia. when the taliban seized power from there, he arranged for his students to flee to portugal. there was no future for the school under the taliban regime is what i'm asking for money by the me that this is why did the banding music? i said there's nothing against music in the so it's fee of the music can send very important messages to fall, fuck, quoted out of 5 dentist and music can assist the people of afghanistan with a nation. the uprising against the thought about the weight of the public. if music did with their own seen. yes. which prize bombing we as taliban representative to comment on this. but our interview requests when i'm answered
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after the rehearsal, zora shows us pictures of dana, stan. oh, this is the the place so i myspace. no, me ever. my family. and sometimes i cry at night. no one knows. no. i don't like life to access my code. yes. that's a lot for a 14 year old to shoulder a little later. so as mother calls, she's still in the ask and capital kabul, hello, time. um, hello ma'am. how are you today? good. how are you? there was mother speaks of daily life in afghanistan. we're now even 5 year old girls are ordered to cover themselves completely. and we were
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afraid that everything's going to get even street was no sign due to still making music then we'll have to leave the country quickly soon and for read it vividly remembered the day they slid a dentist in their uncles to him that all in his cell phone the, all the other music students last are the last ones. we were a big effect in the past. i only had some videos of our the choir ended tv shows. yes. yes. the orchestra has performed it been used in several european countries, such as here at the prestigious victoria hall in geneva, switzerland,
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the black one, set the test was a practice that come with zation from out of the country, which is false in that science. it's also about this celebration of the victory of the asking people that this updates would be good. and that's the message you can hear in their music. the for an italian taylor dressing, the highest authority of the catholic church is undoubtedly a profound honor. pope francis, along with numerous other church dignitaries, choose us to work with designer and multi talented filippo sort of to natalie. from though the designer is gay, adorned with to, to was an extremely trendy that even though he doesn't necessarily fit the conventional image of the vatican,
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he managers to hold the crucial position in creating the vestments with the catholic church. the st. peter's basilica, filippo search and natalie makes clothing for some of the most important religious figures in the world. his souls cha, symbols and head gear for bishops are in high demand throughout the vatican, with orders coming in from cardinals, bishops, and even popes. pacific pacific us the are even on the go to is a made by the office for the trogie cool celebrations of the supreme punches said united case study. but when an order arrives i start to work on the design yamma. then i make a few suggestions to the people, stuff of it before they make that choice, slide all for lectures display felipe, those stories in rome, right on the border of the vatican city. it's not a fashion boutique, so mass garments are not fashion, he says,
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but rather garments for eternity. los theater, the tree of life style is inspired by the early days at the church, but it is uh inquiry to when it was the symbol that counts as a temp job and not so much the ornamentation symbol in on the corner seat. just creations are produced in santa condra. lo, not far from rimini. searching natalie usually uses silk or rolls his teams and embellishes the pieces with religious embroidery. all by hand is what sets is work . a part is, is my new attention to detail the 1st about the flux to see data view. we are working on the final details of a chest. people for an important customer already came in. this central part is originally employed at the mazda c complaint. and we also want to maintain the entire edge in the same style. quad chain through filippo has made around 20
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garments for pope frances and more than 50 for the late po benedict, the 16th, including this miter and the one benedict war lying and stated st. peter's basilica. see that the problem is to see a lot of students in the got talk and you post benedict style was based on the origins of the church, on tradition or the better. so doesn't put you like francis. the style is not much different. yeah. it means it's a little simpler and little like to and perhaps a little less bold than put benedicts. was it in the lead? those spins up to a 1000 hours of work on some of his roads. prices go from $1.00 to $7000.00 euro is searching. natalie offers a range of different products to which aren't intended for cardinals, right next door. his other store sells. cologne's with names like 2 s paid throughs,
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cyber 6 or cruising area intended for rose gate community. the catholic customers next door don't seem to mind that i guess i don't have many as a church should be welcoming like they shouldn't shy away from anything and be open to all aspects of our society to face everything without fear. because that is also a part of the christian message to his faith and sexual orientation or not. in contradiction. on the contrary, kind of john caravaggio, michelangelo lee, and other davinci, and many other artists have shown us that the creation of beauty over comes old. so the church does not pass, judgment is a bus. the only blue cross is on and course and so, and his pursuit of beauty and fine art, filippo has found a way to reaffirm his face. let me now introduce you to an
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ancient tradition from the patriarchal villages of albania. one of the most europeans have also not heard of, fits about women, turn it into men, which might sound like engender change. but for women like justine agree, shot, it's actually the only possible way to become the head of the family. something that women in patriarchal and conservative will of being yeah. otherwise not entitled to. these women are called brandish us or sworn virgin's wizard at most. probably the last of them in lit pusher and the mouth soft northern i'll be full, but the luxury, the gold rush, it's hardwell but i'm a woman but i'm not strong like a manual quote and i like the what you bought. i did it when i was young by next month, and i still do it today. i look forward you. i'm done meredith, as a by with us. justina is one of, i'll be
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a so called sworn versions. what bernisha. since the middle ages, ancient customary law, as soon as the condition of allowed women to live as men with the same rights and duties, often as a last resort to ensure a family survival. as the only man were able to inherit. i can afford well, when my father got sick and dying to night, we decided that i would help my mother raise the children. justina took a vow of chastity and was then considered a man. she became known as mooney, the new head of a family. yes. well, my book about the book, there are plenty of women who are unmarried, but no, no definitions off of 270 shows were put on the good old traditions, mine like manliness and hospitality. and on to devote yourself exclusively to your family story with them. sort of funny, you'll probably talk either is devoted. she is justina has provided for her brothers and sisters for many years now. they are thankful and fully accept or as
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head of the family because that's the question using mind the respective and has a negative influence intervention that yours is or she is what people on disputed. oh sar. tnf family to inform me. april or even now i'm 47 years old. i don't contradict each of them. you can find the port fees only known as do need to the outside world. she and her family user female name. the role of furniture has nothing to do with sexual orientation. it's a purely social function bernisha, a woman takes on the role of a man, and that's it says, you say good please. albany is capital to run. it is far from the reality of the last pernicious people even knew what the bernie said is anymore. but the other is
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your fault. yes, of course. the women who are as strong as men at home, hostage for in the way, women of the shows are resourceful not well. they have shown what they are capable of, even during the war to go the news. you can do me to the name of the foreigners and then back in the mountains, you see that she was a photo of a lovely also bernisha valley was a soldier center policeman. they met just before a lot of these tests and lucky. so i'm going to test time, is there anything that had come? she was my friend within law, spanish hanson homeless. her whole family has moved abroad. there's simply too little work here. justina is all the happier that her sisters from italy and the usa of come for a surprise visit for a few care free days with the family before she's left alone. once again, still, you know,
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would never leave for more than as long as like the place of extraordinary beauty created by god himself. like what can go with this is where i was born, couldn't. i'm so happy here. new to this place up live. so able who live here, 70 the community and could been better off in just dina news with her. a centuries old tradition will die too, but there's no way around it. she says, what matters is that her family lives on look at meet circuits in from germany. she has parkinson's disease and incurable, and you are logical visit order. many people who receive this diagnosis, withdrawal and become lonely soaker has done the opposite and has even ventured into something new table tennis to. she's so good shanelle plays in tournaments when she's at the table sofa. almost guess she has parkinson's.
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the ping pong parkinson meet up in florida in the west of germany. every week 10 players with the disease meet here to file i. it's a ritual and deliberation from the daily parkinson's garage where you're constantly reminded that you have difficulty moving. you entered this completely new world where everything else around you fades away. i love the kids has had parkinson's disease for 10 years. with parkinson's, the brain can no longer control the bodies movements while the body becomes slower . stiffer and un, involuntary tremor sets in there is no known cure, but exercise can help and taking doping mean is crucial. that's a messenger substance for signals between the nerve cells in the brain. parkinson's patients produced too little of it. my name is i take my domain every 2 hours and
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that's very important because otherwise my energy runs out a car can't run without fuel and i can't do anything without opening music, akin to volunteers for ping pong parkinson. she coordinates a huge network of training groups all around germany. now it's a lot of work more and more people are joining, including in for that. oh, i know. so i put a teen is here for the 2nd time ping pong. parkinson was a tip from his neurologist. i think that's what it's all about. doesn't look like you don't think about the tremors anymore printer obviously, sometimes i still shake even playing just now. but after the 2nd or 3rd game, it's gone, z is convinced that table tennis can slow down the progression of parkinson's. but it hasn't been scientifically recognized yet that the game can help with the brain physician almost to spend bases and time. you're constantly deciding how to receive
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the ball, how to play it back, and where you want it to land. there's so many processes going on in the brain. lots of tiny thought processes. and i think that's good training because it keeps the brain in constant motion. the extension living with her weekly physio therapy appointment is all about balance and foster all this movement is very important for parkinson's patients. they need several units of movement a week to keep the body stimulated. and to delay the physical degeneration as long as possible. long as you move to hospital even after 10 years with the disease. so kate is constantly having to adapt to her parkinson's . small movements are difficult. this is common for being
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loyal to like a pilot and a plane where the plane is constantly drifting down or it may be up again. and i keep having to regain balance and keep the plane on course i caught up to hers and he said to god parkinson's at 46. unusually early for her. the diagnosis came out of the blue you have done caught them on early on. i had moments of sheer panic, i would think about the stairs in our house that i wouldn't be able to climb and that we had to prepare those with the kind of panic attacks. i had one of those bonds was you panic are talking to become there cuz husband stuff usually keeps as calm when it comes to parkinson's sake has been married to him for nearly 30 years . they have 2 grown up children. i explained a lot of these are below is everyone has limitations as they get older started see when you started on 10 years older than her. and i'm noticing that i can do less here and there young damage you of course there might be a wheelchair at some point on, but it might be me who needs
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a wheelchair. you never know. supposed to go from, let's say, who ends up pushing, who if i was counting on my wife, pushing me to get your bets in now, but 1st, it's back to the ping pong table for zeta. this time at the tournament in vice versa. all the way in the midst of germany, it's a good place at every competition. that's quite nice. it shows me time and again that despite the disease, anything is possible and you can achieve top performances. of course everything has to be just right and sometimes parking since gets in the way. but you have to learn to live with that. not get frustrated and keep going. in spite of it. a lot of the players bring their families along to the tournaments here in the sports. all it's all about community benefits, kind of contest. i didn't have this disease, i wouldn't have experienced all of this,
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this sense of community and all these vehicles of these are real every day 0 so they can deal with their fate and still be happy. they're all role models for me. the ping pong parkinson has given to get and many others here, a new lease on life, a way to win the small bottles in the war against an incurable disease. it's a mystery that has captivated the generations. the legend of the lock in this same oscar for decades, people have set out to prove its existence to no avail. still, the thrill of sparking the creature draw smaller than $1500000.00 tourists through the scottish highlands every year. they fall through the leaves, step mfc is real, but you will find him on the group expedition, searching fluid. they prefer us to go for it, a low confidence that his method will bring him face to face with the elusive
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creature. welcome to the hey, let's cut the greatest mystery. this. the lines below its depths is a question that's grips generations and jewels, millions to a dock. mackie voltage in search of a monster save holton seen. many nancy hunch is coming guy. he spends every moment he can come here by the water's edge, while his own private sanctuary away from the crowds. dave believes as a creature out the creature he hopes one day to discover costs a day. it's got to somewhere out of the hesitating. well, hopefully she's still or he's still here, you know, on those mornings where the mist is just hovering above the wall to you know, just come on just poking read ok. let's come out and let's see. it was a passions in nature that says port dave to the law. now it is 6 days. he says he's
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addicted. spell bound by his majesty. hook till the endless promise of mystery still to be discovered. just makes me has on the back of my stomach. oh yeah, yeah, it's amazing. yeah. it's a little bit the ways of dave secluded corner. nancy's label sensation is boned to massive tourism industry with a major new months to hunt this summer during the wealth attention to scotland. once again. the drones get them to us. ok, ok, ok guys. at those eclipse, it's so not in sound technology trolled was isn't the biggest surface go to hunt in safety in on this with hundreds of volunteers due to the low you know, 12 miles by train. so she's here and we're gonna find rebecca
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and her 2 sons traveled all the way from wales to tennessee fantasy into reality. we came because it's been rufus's dream for the last 2 years to come to the nest and to try to find the monster. and i, so i've got to do this for him. i will not get another chance in his childhood. so 11 and a half hours on a train. and we're here with it as another search process. but the mystery still on so but as magic to the stories that are in the recent months to comp dumping magic that makes even the most hardened cynics scale of these waters a one day or 2. and for such organize allen mckenna, preserving this legend for the next generation, is even more important than finding the months to itself. i don't want this to go
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away. i've loved this most of the, an environment since i've been a week away, i will be cold. so fresh for that, always only feeling it for themselves. get them right. i'm feeling it for myself. i love this place. i'm really happy to display a really small part and this is important legacy. i think that's worth protecting. so across the water, dave setting off once again, one then and his quiet and welcoming prospect. he hates for a creature who routine nations, the crowds. when all those people have gone, i'm still going to be and i can go out and paddle mounts content on my own, and just you never know the dave this last move in just a moment. right. wow. but if he finds one along the way, well, wouldn't that really be something? and this brings us to the end of this special edition of focus on europe. we hope
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i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport costs. thanks. trace amount, but it's actually about move. join us as we travel around your, facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the wells. and i need to talk to you that just says subscriber id, listen to pop up and we'll take you along to the right. the vacation is an applicant, do they have the web? i, when i told me that they don't have violence, do this, can we go say colson tissue, today's because then they go to that. who set up for us? love a new meal with horrible on that. otherwise, so not because the
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the this is dw and hughes live, some of our lead, the guys, a health ministry says it's rarely strikes us, killed dozens of people across the district today. once right? kills at least 20 in the time if they're out by law. as israel widens it's air underground, defenses against him are also ahead. us improves what could be its last military aid package to crate. video includes of $250000000.00 and military assistance to keep but additional funding will dry out unless us, all makers can break apart from that deadlock.
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