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tv   Afrimaxx  Deutsche Welle  December 29, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm CET

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the 2 musicians under the swastika, a documentary about this sounds of power, inspiring story about survival of the home. to get the tennis, i was the only one who lives in nazi germany. watch now on youtube dw documentary, the melville a suburb is your highness based south africa is renowned for it to cliques of energy and us to 6th periods. language changed because phase 3 takes ad street level and type, local and visits is a like. but 1st, we see how the house of the andrea in malawi is pioneering. inclusivity in the world of fashion, describe a whole row, but only how uses hey, and his ought to speak out to gifts cultural imperialism in nigeria. and then find out how they heard in johannesburg,
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creates contemporary gland speeded pieces. rooted in south african tradition. i'm finally sent. don't be, and you're watching gap re max. the hello didn't say to you as of his existence. that's what i said to move with is gaining more and more recognition and know a young in prominence or guardian is scaring the will to the world's most influential food and g. o needs agriculture, ro, activist and educator. aiden will keep. e. edward will key the from uganda is on a nubile mission to make the world a better place by fostering good nutrition. hi, i'm edward materials. i'm the president of stuff with the international. i'm a pharma, and then i run. i missed from uganda. my goal is to make sure that each and every
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human beings on the planet has access to and come enjoy would green unfair for only 36 years old edward mckee, the is that the helm of the organization flo food over the years has expanded its reach to our remarkable $160.00 countries, edward makes several trips each year to the quaint stone of drop the movements headquarters. to me have that african from you when that sort of with the means address for the network that is supporting and working with local communities for beautiful silver. and we work with communities of pharma as communities of young people, communities. so the indigenous people to so got nestled in the east african country of uganda is edy's hometown of the son of a humble father. he worked in the field even as a youth. did he know that sustainable cultivation would one day be his life mission? i was forced to do a good culture as if i just went that's cool. a lot of his punishments turned out
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to be my lifetime passion and driving force to make a change. lou fluids, presidency new guns, dates back to 2006 from i know when the new and jazz field is a model for the slow food group of g soca, showcasing uninspiring blend of innovative farming techniques and the terrorist time honored tradition. so that's a good then. so we embrace the, the rusty and our garden. we also make sure that we try to protect our plants. so we to the risk of extinction. do they provide for the security there? many plans such a risk of extinction. many techniques, many food codes just that they slow food network is working every day to protect and to preserve through the slow food proceed. the community is able to identify
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a product such risk of extinction flow food. uganda has over 30000 members and is active in many areas. slow for do gun to holds many facets to its structure such as slow food gardens, slow food youth network, and pharmacist at market with local products and a soft close shift alliance. during the, the quick sell and the 1st thing is uh the quote should have is the design. yeah. and the willingness to make it change in differences. bettina, to run a catering service journey with slow food spend 70 years during which she has revolved around the art of crafting traditional dishes, traditional foods that really help task. so really em verisk some of our culture and to give us a sense of belonging, i really sound good for this low food that they are trying to view. that's called
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check to empower us in fluids to have that to go to that it's not to wash that weight. the flu fluid movement originated in piedmont, in northern italy, noon for the electable specialties such as wind, hazelnut, truffles, and a plethora of other regional products. the visionary found of the organization carlo pitts reading along with a group of active faced fort against fast food chains in italy. this pivotal movement and food in 1986 going incidentally the same year. edward mckee was born, its settings to take uh, of, uh, uh, lead us it from such a big thing that i caught up at the beginning. but to me it's also i look, i do a deep as a lining up. what unity, i feel like i have a lot to offer. i have a lot of experience to share with the road from my communities, from my country, from my quentin intended that we this is the only way we kind of breeds that if i'm growing up between the north end of so you brought it to lee is
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a farmer's market with local products. it's a place where the agronomist views a tool. having also studied at the local slow food university. brad, i helped also for me to interact with the coach as other people, but also to understand the historical back place of skill, food and weight or begun. slew food has made a global find imprint. here at the needs active is from diverse corners of the world. above ok, aspires to further invest in education and awareness. so through restaurants, through products, uh, funds, uh through uh, software guidelines in africa through many of the initiatives like the software use, how kind of means we are able to reach out to so many people. because only we that clear know, day during the how the food we eat under the system under which it spread, use these affecting the planet. i'm now i have is when we can make better choices.
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eddie will key be is a will spring on innovative ideas. often incubating them in the slow food headquarters in uganda. yet his cherished haven is his parents farm and the farmer's fields where he could roll up his sleeves and lend a hand the tiny are the few tough, sustainable foods full. mobo a train, do you have not spots that 1st day time fun and a thriving night life? ideal for and sees use of antiques taking 10 books up. but i think and a great night out, i'm about to hit on it to all of this cultural have with a local restaurant manager, smooth x, who man the are you? good, how are you? i'm awesome, right this way. no buddha, thank you so much for having me. what is the a text him head most of the visiting with visuals, drink, specials,
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music crowds of the list goes on. now for those of us, we still enjoy the nights live. what can we experience here during the day? we have very beautiful breakfast. what uh the legs of deluxe cream. i think quite and uh, but 90 and but that is a very family oriented resturant. um they have a, a spaces for children to play with it. so then why the adult teeth? we have a color is a $27.00 boxes. um, so there's just a lot to do image during the day. it doesn't have to always be the night's life. you, you coming here for. and for those i do love the night life. that is it. thank you . i brought to you by lisa. um, this is a blog, a mileage, the space we have good, good, good music like music sometime. um different music, beautiful cooks of a nice drink. while i'm definitely looking forward to stepping inside and catching
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up with you later, it'll be a pleasure to have you by lisa. oh, saves of beautiful. is an inclusive attenders just to know just by the house of andrea in 2021. in macau, we, which allows people from all walks of life to feel included and beautiful while hating the runway. now we in fashion house houses, andrea is breaking an unspoken rule. the still pervades the fashion industry today . different the a bold and beautiful cannot co exist. so they've got fact has always been very inspection industry was. people wouldn't trust a person that has a disability to be able to produce something that wouldn't feel or think that beautiful enough to become a more adult. we had a question design of ads used to say back then, she would make something nice and make it baby for a relative in the one that when that really to go somewhere. if people compliment
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her and she says, well, i have this design and when people come and see her and see that she has a disability, they will change their mind and think, there's no way this one can for to something ways. but because of haven't wash as a beautiful, it's showcasing the work that most people have done. it has built a trust in the belief that even persons with disabilities can be in fashion. they can be trusted, especially in design as they can. they can work also as mando is and parade on the runway to be designed to be able to means a blind spot in sessions diversity agenda even globally, the absence of different t abled models or design. is it so stock that inclusive which reports do not even feature a disability category? so how was it that in malawi, at inclusive session initiative was fun. how's the venture? yeah, apart from making hand codes, we also focus on thinking about social changes and fashion. so one of the ways we
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came up with to bring up all social changes in question is ocean. so beautifully initiative. so basically the options are beautiful, the initiative, but it's there to give a platform to fashion design as weeks and without disabilities to showcase that work. and collins to the fashion show that we host annually to design for people who are differently. evelyn, it has given me a lot of new ideas to work with them. i like to know how to make designs that would perfectly fit them without the need of help from other people. because some people are like pre far privacy law. we like much of africa, isn't a very inclusive society. people who are different, the able are often marginalized, either viewed with fear or hidden by their families. this makes this house of sandria initiative all the more important for people to know me. it's of because of all shirts. i'm able to be known to be for
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a long time i was able to showcase outside those that you know, portugal and most so after that i was our no, we didn't need full training. says are free cards during the, during 3 for like, you know, 51. as basically refresher and design of the year. the creativity has no physical limitations. and initiatives like all sheets, a beautiful help to promote inclusive access and opportunities. or she is a beautiful, isn't eh, trophy making, initiated a we just want to ensure that people in my allow you and also outside allow. we are able to ensure that we include people's disability and depression, industry close to learning how most. so most of the times when, whenever there's a language, shall we never see people surveys these big through or says
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a beautiful that's when houses understand it. adaptive foster and, but if you doesn't force is a beautiful i don't think i would have even known want adaptive fashion was. so i think with experience of forces of beautiful, it's helped us to grow in a sense of how to, how to run things, how to do things. the, the whole idea of bush's look beautiful is that we should be able to at least foundations that take care of people disagree. it is right in malawi, just to ensure that we put designs, i'll say, who, who up the towing, but they don't have the platform do sure, cuz they're telling the so the attendance a new but we have us poses that my school says with fabrics. we do provide topics to the design is last year. we are able to provide my shoes to people who disagree it is that we're able to participate even or shift. and on top of that,
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we have introduced a business thing condition program where we're going to, you know, to be tons of training. people disagree. it is, and also, or designers were able to participate in motion. uh, the main aim of the business and commission program is that we uh, function designing a shouldn't just be a passion that we should be able to make money out of these. but it was a beautiful viewed brand. we are helping question design those become entrepreneurs . so what do we have been doing is finding markets for them finding a way they can make money through their own ideas. all she's a beautiful is putting a finger, a little inclusion requires us to expand our philosophy of beauty and to radically re define what it means to be beautiful. the note back to use would, as you have mentioned,
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that you manage one of the most love life music spaces, right? yeah. so what music do you typically see change, why? okay, so we normally have lived in the jazz band and then we have vine. those issues we have to just leave by now, only we have this go. we just give people a taste of the old and the old stuff when we grew up listening to and how does just face with and with the young, modern african live. so that is yeah, within mobile, get through um music. we give a platform to upcoming just whether it's live or the disease or design, encourage the young guys to come out and, and, and it's supposed to be a talent you live on those listening. so many people that come through here in the film industry and the music industry. we have a lot of this guy that come through. so you never know when the young guy with someone in science is performing the odds. someone picks it up so he's just trying
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to expose the unintelligence of creative to a much more wider audience. what a beautiful approach. thank you so much for that. you're very welcome. patterson. historically african, hey, has been demonized, and sold to be unhealthy and unprofessional. and it's low states of a cost and a janet being changed and who's straightening products, materials, rob, it's only high uses he and his on to read the fine i day to see heritage and spirituality life free or care means free. your mind here is a very what's on through 8th gives us a sense of identity of if, if this, if this statement showing everyone else we us seems specific codes as i had got you . uh, so shell states us, uh, march all states as our age and fox. so here is a form of a spoken language, almost like music. nigerian artist roberts only uses african hair to remind both
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nigerians and they chariots across the continents about the significance and complexities of our cultures that seem to be dying out. she has a will. i just wondered if it was the workspace you got a for, or the corner was seen as a seen us on friday or professional, or the guys going to a dread looks the same as a profession. and if you ask why do you say? because, because, 1st of it's unprofessional, because someone's that. so i'm the person that fitness and personal isn't anyone that owns this here is just teaching though as positive once or so. again, shane people, how beautiful i worked. i had come be in south trying to within isaac completely, one of the unique features of african textured hair is its ability to be sculpted and molded into various shapes and forms. and that is exactly what robert does. weaving and twisting synthetic hair directly on the campus. i use us because of the
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guy. sophie's one chance as well. this is made of, you know, decisions have that technology, the greek they have the democracy for. we have uh us, this is, this is something that wasn't for the 1st or we developed this point on. the music is as the biggest right now, our pin size up are the highest talk shows all over the world, right? because this is, this is our, in terra closer in lagos is home of the creative arts that host theater plays in musicals and also many art gallery. so i'm gonna start off period, so i'm involved with the selection of the i took 70 foot. so the origin, the color and uh, for example, shown so and so forth. so it's mostly the admin parts of it does assume keeping in touch, it's customized and then of course exit, i'm curious and exemptions. so this is code one dotson one does any more because
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though that's a defense me, it was a from use in, in, in by tried and now media and that's the hist our that's, that's no file puts on that as a people confusing for and this isn't fixed and this is, this is um, it has started, it has been in and then graph with century for generations from the beginning. like how i said that to kind of distinguish report of the culture and the identity. these here. so is the thing by trace. you're kind of confused if that makes it any way. i would like to see my work all over boulevard, all over the world, outside this coincidence. anywhere else that is consumed and i need to be able to teach as many for it as possible. she does, michael roberts has put the average nigerian back on the barber's chair to cut off from the least shaping a free mind. hey, in africa is about more than just flux. tapestry creates
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a on volume tape. so from johannesburg, founded the herd to fight against the rays of traditional croft through cultural preparation. seated bold and beautiful. but did you know that this tapestry for sports label night was me buying guinea women? let's find out why and how the heard is maintaining the traditional called to heritage of the law, speeding and combusting, the dilution of the craft. at the same time, people focusing on the waste and ways of making money. we are taking the traditional making and martin and making it recognize some volume to, to ahead of the interesting be to a dine called d. b. we use it in here in greeley culture. why did you decide to revive the art of gloss, speeding, and why the to use the beat as a baseball while it's tapestry. so i grew up in a very and then setting. i went to multi racial schools after high school. and i felt very disconnected and detached from my
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own heritage and culture. and i was trying to find a way to find myself what it needs to be in ovens with all these westernized ways of living. so when i was doing my research, i came across the compelling story of the beast. and when you look at the story of the bead and how it's traveled and how it's and now incorporated in our traditional way. and it's, it's an interesting way to find out more about who you are when i think about, like history and recordings. you know, i don't think what was written about the actual people is true, because i think it's very biased. and i mean, they thought collecting for primitive. so when you take an object to denise that
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object has somewhat of like a real story. so through that object through the bead that really like i'm a veil the lot about is new call time. in order to make a tapestry of the scale that adorns the shop of stadium. and so way to body had to form a team to physically producer designs to a task. it has been full from easy. so how did she get along with her in any cost? of so i did a whole lot of research online and to see if i can find organizations that i work with, beads and lab connect. i came across to a n g o called c s. he's a trust that and you worked with a lot of groups. the cost is in the beginning, it was a day for me that he needs a vocals that were from an older generation. but as i got in gauge then i started, you know,
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going into the communities and having conversations. i realize that the, there's actually a whole lot more young people that are involved. and only because they have to make a living. i didn't actually think it's by choice is small by agency. the heard home body closer engage the team ranges from 2 to the 5 ladies. no, i'm familiar with my son. who is one of them. what is it like to be amongst the fees? they can do this cross into data from learn how to beat for my auntie back home, because what was said. but in the living, the profit is important because it's part of our culture kind of site isn't a b, y, not all of our culture. and when was the one would see another thing, we should notice that there aren't many jobs here know of to, to list cuts in someone's so mo, and as if you have hands and you are able to do something with your hands,
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then you can work. so it's important to have as q in getting a, in the so yes, in the, in the biggest project i worked on was in so little for nike tree. and i, it was, it was a very big piece. like, like the size of a garage, a single garage shipper, so its a stadium was boldly nice with the intention of enabling axis growth and development of female athletes across the whole sporting coat. how come to its full point to meet the beat of tapestry heads, all know of the highlights in the safe space for women. the quotes and that's written on the tapestry. 5 bow bowman. and if you have a body, then you on, as keith, really just for me symbolizes the fact that if you haven't, but you're able to achieve anything with a, it's physical or mental. you have the ability to move from one points to the next point. and i think what they are trying to achieve here,
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what they have achieved are on the allowing the community to use this facility without fast referrals. that symbolizes so that if you have a body, you can re engage in any form of activities with the heard we really are trying to involve community. we really are trying to work with women. um women who have been lost is all this traditional applicant cost and bring them tonight. women's work in terms of be doing weaving. definitely has a place we can create such beautiful pieces that resonate in contemporary spaces. the old things unique croft is here to stay volume to, to a on the hood, a constant the working to avoid. it's marginalization from mobile. what's love, and that's about all the time we have with you today. but for more information, it makes all to take how c w dot com forward slash f re max full. see,
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see the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the mystery of the stone giant artworks that still captivate people today the thousands of years ago the but why and what do you think we're deal about? the people who make the in 15 minutes on
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the w, the swimming marathon to combat water pollution in gonna protest of choice. the river for 450 kilometers by company by scientists. will her demonstration be a successful one? echo alpha. in 90 minutes on d w. the environment under glistening place of long in the mediterranean sea saying this, amazon and jeff are up to coming to us to exploring motor lodge styles to amy and admitted to
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a man jenny this week on dw, we've got some hot tips for your package. the code is parts affinities, check on some great cultural memorials to boot w travel regarding
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the the this is the deputy news line from the russian launch is a massive aerial assault on ukraine rockets. it searches across the country, including the capital key, one and 20 people that, that also in the program, the un loans at 150000 people in gaza have nowhere to go. israel's intensifying and ground defensive is driving desperate fondest of a science for the territory, but nowhere in gaza. the


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