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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 30, 2023 8:00pm-8:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, do you use life from the, the end? is way the forces pushed deeper into the central and southern guns that the military announces a show through monetary impulse. and the finding of one can in the south of the gaza strip. the latest attacks claimed the lives of at least a $165.00, palestinian civilians and combat and russia valves. revenge after you planning it as tank on the southern city of belgrade, killed some old and
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a 1000 people. it follows russia's biggest ever sold on ukraine since the full scale invasion the i've been visible and welcome as well as military is shifting. it's offensive against homeless and goes further south. in the last 24 hours as strikes and artillery fi i have had targets in central and southern ponds, killing thousands of civilians, according to almost health officials the united nation. so some 100000 gallons have been usually displaced. militant groups continue to launch rockets into israel from living on that cancer, including hum us, which is why the classified a terrorist organization is really treat attacking a southern gas, a beast from. we're high mass militants presumably say to and beat israel on october 7th. this protects from israel's military,
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shows an ongoing operation to gain control of the sites, the goal, dismantling. how much infrastructure and tracking don't is leaders, highlights of israel's military says it has destroyed several hamas tunnels all over the guys. a strip this latest one in the north. i know we found a very significant, a mass tunnel network, a network used by senior officials. it's very deep, deeper than the previous ones. this tunnel is different from it has an elevator that goes down a very long tunnel shop. the fighting has led to one of the worst humanitarian crises in the gaza strip. nice, israel is expanding it. so for reasons in the area are right in the southern cities upon eunice, the little co master hospital says it's running out of supplies. space is limited,
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but the patients keep coming to the hospital is receiving a lot more than its capacity. in fact, we have functioning at 300 percent capacity. the beds are full and most of the time one bed is holding 2 patients at the same time. and we a basically showed an all sorts of medical supplies and them, and many of that was brought to hospitals are collected by members of the red crescent who transport the dead winded, through streets filled with debris. and with no signs of it. the escalation, there appears to be no respite for a population cost in the crossfire. according to the masters on guys, a health ministry. israel's offensive has killed more than 21500 palestine in the united nations. estimates that about 85 percent of guys. this population is now
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a displaced don phillip schultz is at another of the demonstrations and tell of eve cooling for the release of hostages. in garza, he told us what protest is, there was a so there was just a minute of silence here, very intense moments in general. people say that they want to increase pressure on the government. they are very impatient and they don't think that the war effort loan we bring the hostages back. that has been a lot of talk and is right in the media in the past days about a possible you hosted steel about detox and media. it's, it's by cuts are, of course a lot of people here would be in it's, it's could turn eventually into a d o, a similar to what we saw some weeks ago. the release of hostages entered temporary seats by. yeah, but it's too early to say if this were really turn eligible something substantial, how much support would you say there is for the war in general? in general,
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i think the majority of the people here is still in favor of the war from this and it's on you all has left a lot of supports in recent weeks beds. the dramatic communitarian situation and gaza is less a topic and you start in the media event and many other countries. there is a growing piece move lens. these people say that the war will not bring security. it will only increase ready conversation, but it is and minority. a lot of people here is to support the war and to the military objective, to destroy how much. and young philip as well is under pressure abroad, south africa's taking it to the international court of justice. the west one civilians protected the government reaction. well, i think that this will have very little impact. the government has already said
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that it's rejecting the move that it's right, it's a, that's a south africa itself, is sponsoring terrorism and of ads. it, as i quote, discussed it by the move. as you know, even intense pressure by the united states has not brought any significant changes as south africa says that it wants to it once the cortex very fast, it wants to see and some kind of mattress and the coming days about a lot of things that experts say it, it has more of a symbolic character, but it's quotes for the increased pressure. tends to change to the public opinion, especially on an international level. it over here, john philip schultz, in tennessee. starting to some of the other stories making headlines. your way as president joe biden's,
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the ministration has bypass congress to approve an emergency um sales to as well. for the 2nd time this month, components for artillery shells are included in the $150000000.00 transfer. the state department says the decision is justified by the urgency of these rail snakes . hundreds of dodge climate active as to block the major highway in amsterdam. the focus does the demanding it into fossil fuel projects, financed by benevolence, largest bank i, n g. the act of a sick daughter bad on the demonstration, climbing onto the highway and forcing police to shut it down. funded by away tunnels, under the river, thames have forced the cancellation of old eurostar trains between london and europe. entity is a forcing working to fix the problem, but your stars warning of severe delays. thousands of passages have been left stranded just before you use a flash flooding in south africa,
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has killed at least 21 people and left hundreds of homes and ruins. such a rescue. teams have been scouring the area around the town of lady smith to the fence trunk on christmas day, and the number of people are still missing. as moscow says, it will retaliate tough. the ukrainian miss island drug, the tax killed, at least 14 people in the southern russian city of belgrade rushes defense ministry says a dozen rockets but destroyed over the region. the strikes came a day of very huge russian by raj across ukraine. killed at least 39 civilians. the shock and disbelief. the daytime is sold set of air raid sirens, sending people into the streets. russia assessed the attack hits a residential area the kremlin reported shooting down doesn't so few crazy and drones and rockets as far away as the moscow region.
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the city of belgrade is just 30 kilometers from the ukrainian border and has been shouted before. t v. usually dozens claim responsibility for attacks on russian territory. but previous heavy russian assaults on ukrainian cities have been followed by strikes against russia. on friday, russian forces launched more than a 100 miss on and drug and attacks on cities across the ukraine. like here in odessa, ukraine has described it as the biggest ariel bar osh since the start of the war. almost 2 years ago. russia drew shop criticism as a united nations security council meeting. mister president, surgically 2023 is ending as he began with the investigating violence against the people. for crane. once again, ukraine is are forced to spend the holidays seeking sense of cleaning, the rabble and dirty, and the dead m. it's freezing. supper reaches,
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or russia has now requested a security council meeting about the strikes on belt the road, calling it a terrorist attack and saying it will not go unpunished. keith has reported additional russian thrown attacks on ukrainian soil. flora ross is massive aerial assault on ukraine. on friday i asked the til the 2nd level, so security analyst takings, colleagues, london, what this says about russia's capacity to re, um, the way what it actually showed was that russia was ready to use a lot of the me size and of the sort of crews on and probably stick me size as well as drones that did have produced over the last year year in particular. and that it was ready really to make our show a false. what is also indicates is that, um, you know, it shows that the russians are actually have pre, bombed very industrial capacity, very much over the last 2 years. these be done very soon after the start of the
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russian invasion of the brain. when russia or the russian leadership to get that we are 1000000 on the dogs, decided to sort of start searching on that russian economy on i was working on already last. yeah. we saw a rush started using me size that were produced in 2022. so they should not come as a surprise, i think that the russians seemed ready to invest very much on defense spending, which is expected to increase about 70 percent in 2024. so they, they would we present to over 6. so 6.5 percent off rushes on for a g d p output and and, and the defense spending is intended to be around. 1 between 3540 percent of all the defense spending. so i think that the russians, you know, clearly are ready to continue with is
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a whole on to be ready to achieve some of their objectives. so that, that is really what is showing what is what frustrates attempting to achieve, i think, is to sort of, uh, send a message to the ways that, uh, you know, there is no point in re, i mean ukraine or has been ukraine because russia has the capability to hate to very effectively on hardly me on a massive scale if necessary. okay, that's interesting because obviously you claim once more support from its allies, especially yeah. defenses. it has this attack re ignited a sense of urgency. are definitely also because what roster tried to do was to sort of start to rate the defense system by sending so many nissans that uh, you know it's, it's hard for the system to sort of recharge the defense may sizes that are necessary to counter the incoming may size, so, i mean, and also what russia is probably trying to do is to sort of exhaust the ability of ukraine. i needs our lives to provide, you know,
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on time me size for the air defense system. so these as for to sort of saturate the system, my thing was we knew what was behind these, these attacks besides try and maybe do hit i to particular facilities. we, i'm, it's not here whether they get a military facilities. we know that they hit energy 1st name, it is on many civilian targets. we're also damaged. it's not clear what that that was that was on to of old. so when he me size incoming, me sides are counted on the air that creates a sort of explosions on the ground that that kind of getting many civilians. and that's the argument that many new grand on knowledge using regarding their talking bank or douglas mentioned in your program a few minutes ago. so sometimes when may sizes that are coming in or hit, they create sort of an explosion which can also affect c, b. and so it's very hard to know at this moment what the exact target square. but what was important about the a type of yesterday subject was quite
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e and it was substantial. it used to different kinds of me sizes and weapon reads and drones. i also 18 aircraft, said shooting me stars, and it also covered a vast amount of territory. it included attacks in v in the west. oh, so i think in april, uh, in that kias and from there on, you know, those are so, you know, it was quite vast in terms of its geographic can reach. okay, thank you very well. i mean, we don't even argue that before. sorry, well, we're going to stay going through the or that i think that part of this tag was, that responds to, uh, sort of the, the, the, the, the heating of the, of the neighbors best. so its, i don't see it by the ukrainians, which came many sailors. it was a, a casualty, not figure out around $77.00. so there is a lot of soda of a sense of, of, of injuring the attacks that the ukraine ends up having now to effectively, uh, when there are many casualties, especially in the black sea sleeve, which has such as symbolic value. okay, well i have to leave it there. don't tell us,
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acro mazda from king's college funded. thank you. thank. before we go, zookeeper, is it in glenn to celebrating the successful both of the critically endangered dancing. lena is the little one when is actually came to the world on september 21st. the space is on the thread from deforestation and its native volume of metal gasket is why it's known as the dancing lever. stay with us. the vibrant habitat on the glistening place of long in the mediterranean sea mazda and jeff far abdul carrying to us exploring modern lodge styles, attributed to a name and mediterranean jenny. this week on the


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