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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 31, 2023 12:00pm-12:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, you know, the name is live from berlin. russia strikes, again targeting ukraine's capital and other cities, moscow's, as it strikes on hard to if we're in retaliation, the frames of tax on bells or all that kills more than 20 people. the u. n. is calling on both sides to de escalate. also coming up on the sho, in gauze of a home offer on health ministries as a 150 policy, indians has been killed in strikes in the last 24 hours alone. as,
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as real steps off, it's air and ground as a very happy 2024 to everyone in parts of the world where it is already the new year. among the 1st countries to welcome in 2024 is new zealand. check out this live footage and celebration in oakland. the i'm sorry richardson, thank you very much for joining us now. we're still about 12 hours away from midnight here in germany bought the new year has already kicked off in the pacific . one of the 1st time zones includes new zealand an offer and a 2024 has started with a literal bank of, of 500 kilograms of pyrotechnics, shots, skyward over the city. several other pacific island countries of also cross over
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into the new year and coming up next will be australia. the i do have some news for you to uh, this is how the new year is ending in ukraine. russia has launched a freshman garage of strikes on ukraine targeting the capital key of and inflicting damage on residential areas of the country is the 2nd largest city har kiff. and the last hour russians defense minister has said that the attack on her k was in retaliation. for ukraine's bombardment of the russian city of bel override a day earlier in central har keys, you creating an emergency crews respond to heavy, showing in the hours leading to new year's eve. these, the russian forces struck here at least 6 times. and during over dozen people and damaging several apartment buildings one of the residents
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irina survived with minor injuries. this is our new year. for the present, they gave us to this new yeah. the shortly they have select all children believe we like a song that supposedly bomb residential areas. there are people here who are just talking one do such a thing. of the strikes and car keys are only the latest of over a 100 miss styles that read down on ukrainian cities. in the last few days. ukraine has described it as the largest aerial assault since the start of the war, nearly 2 years ago. flea mc uh, but i know it serves a, another strike is a nursery and completely destroyed this one,
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approving us to the residential building, surrounding it, sustained heavy damage from the blast of the explosion. $200.00 we have to wear the whole wheeler brush. meanwhile, has accused ukraine showing a residential area in the city of belgrade, just 30 kilometers from ukrainian border. that strike russia says killed over 20 people and wounded over a 100. to strike against russia, came one day after it's large scale aerial attack. ukraine has an officially claimed responsibility, but president will let him your zalinski warrant. moscow would be held responsible for its intensified strikes. is that the same as your wasting all throughout the day today? i there have seen reports on the aftermath of the russian strikes. i've been told with more than 120 cities and villages and ukraine suffered from yesterday's russian attack alone. may 13 1000000 people were killed so that even though the
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blue sky that she was dotted for all the strikes on odessa of sumi and keep from start every shot drone for every russian miss. so the terrorist stays with their responsibilities, both in a political and also practical sense. you do the presentation. both sides have reported an increase in a tax and the last week of 2023, leaving many fear of what the new year will have in store for them. for more i'm now joined by frank lead wedge of military analyst and former british military intelligence officer of good to see you again. why do you think that we've seen both russia and ukraine increase their attacks in the last week of 2023? as well as the money to concerning the credit in the tax on bell garage, what the credit side is that civilian casualties will cost by rushing on to that across besides crashing which seems not likely, but it's clear also that might be able to tell
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a treat element the as to the more of the situation more widely. i don't think i do this as a surprise. we weren't expecting a russian assault using that consolidated, and a crude weaponry, a weapon, the accrued over the last few months. we've got to see more of these me solve, solve sort of the next few days as well. i with assessments on any make the, the russians want to, to start the mediators. i wish to go on. and that the main objective of this is to deplete your praise at defense is where the substitute objective i suspect, same as last year of the money, the morales civilians in which both of which i think needs will fail west very good time to make sure that the pay does not waste and still unable to lock it by defense. so that's, that's what's gonna happen. i suspect the names of the reasons i'm sure is what you can tell us about this fighting we've been hearing about in the east, especially these battles in as around of the of cost. what is your take?
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on which side there has the upper hand. so there's clearly no panic on the ukrainian side. the russians are making incremental advances, not just actually all over the front vote talking to a 100 meters, a 100 meters, that the paintings are holding concerning an update itself. but the reason the russians particularly set on here is because it's the last, it's the last location from which she probably could show the next. it's been a running sorting environment now for about 7. all right, well set maybe 8 years. whether since the credit is how's it they are making uh, they'll cutting into the crating and salient ports port we have here is a salient, this town is surrounded on 3 sides. it's a similar situation that to bach move early this year. and the question will be, how much is you prayed, willing to invest in holding onto this place? there would be a political cost of losing it, but also a casualty cost to the cost after weigh document nutrition war against the casualties, the huge casualties actually doing, posing on russians,
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assaulting it. now practice support just before i let you go, i, but i do want to jump in because we are looking ahead through 2024 and, and the new year. and i'm curious what your expectations are for what that might bring. do you think it could be the year that we see some kind of negotiations? i don't think so. don't think this is the incentives on either side from the community perspective, that objective is to hold on to consolidate, to start to build their industrial weapons base. and to consolidate those front lines to build on sustain fortifications and to rebuild and rebuild that on forces from the russian perspective. they will continue on the assault. they will say, well, i think to make any particular gains. and we're looking here, this sort of 1st level sort of positional situation that all along the line and indeed widely, politically, to know, there's no incentive to look the trainings will not see land,
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they cannot trust the russians from the rest in perspective. they will be content to engage ukraine going forward. it fulfills that political objectives to in key question. nicole says the extent to which the west will continue to support your brain. but by that, we're talking about united states, not just this year, but going forward. well, thank you very much. as always, that is military analyst, frank flood, which lead time. let's take a look at the gaza strip. now, where is really forces are pressing their offensive further south, where is barely prime minister? benjamin netanyahu has said they aimed to take control of causes border with egypt . and the last 24 hours. 150 post indians has been killed and is rarely strikes. that is according to the hamas run health ministry. and that is putting even more pressure on displace people who are seeking refuge. as israel plans to take control of the area around the golf is border with egypt, the displace palestinians crammed the streets of rafa,
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the towns right next to that folder. they have come here to escape intense fighting in south and central garza. they flew with just the bare essentials. everyone is looking for shelter and space is running out. and we came here 20 days ago. we couldn't find any place to put to 10. so west staying at the status of the most of the if not so we know the situation is tragic. we don't have drinking goals so we don't have food. i like the kids wake up in the morning, wants you to eat without water to drink that i was adding to the spiraling humanitarian crisis. the will continues in central 1000 rescue was race to find survives that so that my gauzy cam officer is riley
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strikes in the area. and israel's army is pushing into the southern city of con eunice as they try to eliminate him mass, which is widely considered the terrorist organization. as the intense conflict may spell, the south displaced palestinians are running out of places to flee. the fighting and gauze is continuing to affect the wider region as well. the west military says it has sunk several boats from demons who see rebels in the red sea. after responding to a distress call from a merchant ship. according to us, central command and navy helicopters had arrived to prevent the vessel from being boarded when they came under fire. the hoof, these have been attacking is really linked to ships in the red sea for weeks to protest as well as war and gaza. to hear in germany, chancellor, all off schultz has used his new year's message to warn of the difficult geo political landscape. i had point,
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we have friends in europe and across the globe. these are partners with whom i discussed on a daily basis, how we will guarantee ya, security in germany and europe. after world rushes of war in the east of our continents is no saver, nor is the on the conflict in the middle east. the overhead will also bring presidential elections in the united states, which may have far reaching consequences, including for us here in europe of owns here, an oval us. and let's talk about this more with our chief political editor, mckayla cuss. hi mckayla. we're there just as an expert from all of schultz as a traditional new year's eve address. could you talk us through some of the biggest challenges that you think the chancellor is going to be facing in 2024? well, the biggest challenge for now is essentially holding this up together. we just saw him here speaking. we for the 1st time at length since his covert infection. so he's bounced back from that. but he has a very difficult message that he has to convey to the dumb people. and so the interesting and the speech to the also says that all of these various crisis means that germans will have to change. but then he goes into a much more of
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a feel good speech, about the strength and in the, in the alliances of germany. and doesn't really tell germans how they will have to change to face all of these challenges. and i think this will be the big question he doesn't have to, to solve intellectually. but that he also will have to be able to communicate and politically take on within a very fragile and a tool and 3 way coalition of 3 parties who simply don't seem to be able to stop that in a potty bickering over the sink to a budget here in germany. yeah. tell us more about that and actual does it popular? do mean we don't have elections for another year and a half, but the government has been struggling this last year. hasn't had yes it has. and really, the key point is here that we saw a constitutional court rooting that essentially throughout all the financial planning for 2023, but also for 2024. they reached the end of poxy coalition or in a governmental co listen deal, but are still fighting about the details. and this makes the whole thing volatile. when really they need to present a united fund and convey a message, a yes,
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we cannot message that is within the space that the country can take this on the task that says everybody else is saying who is not thrown, he can face all of these challenges so he's trying to send that message. he clearly is making a point that europe is the answer to taking on the challenges like vasa, but also finding a line in the middle east and also potential. it's 2nd time of donald from to nice us presidents. so you are, is he on? so that is a consensus here in germany, but in it's all about the details in here. we so the government have to make very painful cuts for diamonds. and because of this quantity support funding also, which we tap into that wallets and finances they were expecting to see happen. so there is a level of disappointment, and we have seen the popularity rating of full of salts drop down to 20 percent. that is the lowest of a method level here in germany, his potty, the governing pa, to use that and put, represents the talk that here in germany is now the 3rd strongest policy,
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according to the most recent polling. so it's an uphill battle until there's election, very difficult situation with these major challenges when you faced that in fighting within the coalition government on mckayla customer. thank you so much for breaking that down for us. i'm afraid that's all we have time for for now. say to for sports 5, coming up after a short break and you want more news. there is always our website dw, dot com. thanks very much for watching. the name is the calls back. saved loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. most would have been nosy bay like good,
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everyone to king the healthy award winning called com. so hold back.


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