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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 31, 2023 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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the, the, you're watching, you know, the news coming to live from berlin. russia strikes, again targeting ukraine's capital and other cities. moscow says it's from bard meant of hard see if was in retaliation for ukrainian an attack on belgrade that kills more than 20 people. un is urging both sides to de escalate. also coming up on the show. they have also on health ministry and gaza says 150 policy indians have been killed in strikes in the last day. as israel steps off, it's air and ground defensive. and to all our viewers watching all around the world, wishing you a very and to all our viewers watching all around the world,
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wishing you a very happy 2024, where the years already rolled in sydney and staging. it's a traditional fireworks. my calculator with australia. i'm one of the 1st nations bringing in the new year the . i'm quite richards and welcome to the show. russia has targeted the eastern ukrainian city of har keeps dropping off its bombardment in the wake of the biggest aerial assault of the war. the kremlin says the strikes on har, kiefer and retaliation for a ukrainian attack on the russian city of belgrade, which kills more than 20 people the aftermath of the sort of cod please. you prince, the 2nd largest city, your cleaning office. you'll see that shift the military structure to city centers,
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6 times subject residential buildings, shops and a medical facility vir hit the hotkeys palace, one of the cities most of what is what is, what's badly damaged this attack, sons of type of document of the russian border city of belt throat on saturday, rochelle sees this was a ukrainian strike, and that it gave dozens of people and injured many others. the ukrainian government has not especially commented on the banquet or to attack most cool faith. it's lead to strikes on hockey. why didn't get that using the felt good order attack? what are the deal over them? is that today you cranes on full size motion attack with multiple rocket launchers, no city of belgrade or civilians, including children were killed. responding to this terrorist act, russian falls, instruct, decision making, sent his mother. she facility is used by the criminal key regime in the city of
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hockey. that is right. is there way in the product of the ukraine attacks on pin code, but apparently in response to the massive data storage by moscow on friday, considered to be the largest data store since the start of the war to a wasting all day. today we have been hearing reports on the off the math of the russian strikes. i feel like she's good bucket will start in totals and moving to a 120 of us cities and villages stuff. he said he was 39. people see what killed activities to these latest escalations from at the time when you create new struggling to secure more question, funding for, for the military. it almost to us into the war. frank language is a military analyst and a former british military intelligence officer. he told us earlier, why both russia and ukraine have ramped up their attacks. setting you crazy to tax on battle, garage what the credit site is that civilian casualties will cost by rushing on to
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that across, besides crashing which seems not likely, but it's clear. also, there may be able to tell every element the us to the more of the situation more widely. i don't think i do this as a surprise. we weren't expecting a russian assault using that consolidated, and a crude weaponry, a weapon, the accrued over the last few months. we've got to see more of these beside the sole source of the next few days as well. i would assess and sorta have you made the, the russians want to, to start the new year, say, wish to go on. and that the main objective of this is to deplete your praise defenses with a substitute objective, i suspect savings last year about the money, the morales civilians, in which both of which i think these will fail west very good time to make sure that the pay does not always intelligible, decent lock it by defense. so that's, that's what's gonna happen. i suspect the names of the reasons i do want to jump in
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um, because we are looking ahead to 2024 and, and the new year. and i'm curious what your expectations are for what that might bring. do you think it could be the year that we see some kind of negotiations? i don't think so. i don't think there's, there is that there incentives on either side from the community perspective, that objective is to hold on to consolidate, to start to build that industrial weapons base and consolidate those front lines to build and sustain fortifications and to rebuild and rebuild our own forces from the russian perspective, they will continue on the assault. they will say, well, i think to make any particular gains. and we're looking here. this sort of 1st world will sort of positional a situation that all along the line and indeed no widely, politically to know, there's no incentive, they look, ukrainians will not see land. they cannot trust the russians from the restroom perspective. they will be content to engage ukraine going forward,
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the photos that political objectives to in key question, of course is the extent to which the west will continue to support your brain. but by that, we're talking about united states, not just this year, but going forward. well, thank you very much. as always, that is military analyst, frank lead, which we plan as well as pressing further south and it's offensive and gaza. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has set his forces in to take control of gauze, was border with egypt. he advanced as putting more pressure on displaced people for seeking refuge, gauze as must run. health ministry says 150 pallets, demands, have been killed and is rarely strikes in the last day. as israel plans to take control of the area around the golf is border with egypt displays, palestinians crowned the streets of rafa. the towns right next to that folder to have come here to escape intense fighting in south and central gauze. they
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flee with just the bare essentials. everyone is looking for shelter in space is running out. and we came here 20 days ago. we couldn't find any place to put to 10 and so west staying at the stairs at the most of the if not. so we know the situation is tragic. we don't have drinking bowls, so we don't have food. i like the kids wake up in the morning, wants you to eat without bolted to drink. adding to the spiraling humanitarian crisis, the will continues. in central 1000 rescue was race to find survives is that my goal is the cam officer is riley strikes in the area and israel's army is pushing into the southern city of con eunice as they try to eliminate him mass, which is widely considered a terrorist organization. as the intense conflict,
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most of the south displaced palestinians are running out of places to flee. we can turn our attention now to some other world news headlines. the u. s. navy says it has sunk several. your many who's the revel boats in the red sea. helicopters responded to a distress call from a merchant ship and stopped it from being boarded. the who fees have been as hacking ships they say are linked to israel. of the old area and romania are to become partial members of the european union's passport. free shang and travel area controls at air and sea borders will be lifted with more talks to come on land crossings. austria had been blocking the 2 nations joining in california has issued evacuation orders as giant waves batter coastal areas authorities or warning people to stay out of the sea. same ways could reach 6 meters. the search has caused
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injuries and property damage and more flooding is expected. here in germany, chancellor will laugh schultz will use his new year's message to warn of difficult times ahead. but only positive note he has urged germans to have faced in themselves young point. we have friends in europe and across the globe. these are partners with whom i discussed on a daily basis. how we will guarantee ya, security in germany and europe after world rushes of war and the east of continents is no save, nor is the on the conflict in the middle east. the overhead would also bring presidential elections in the united states, which may have far reaching consequences, including for us here in europe of owns here and no. and let's talk about this more with our chief political editor and mckayla. hi mckayla. we are there just as an expert from olaf schultz has a traditional new year's eve address. could you talk us through some of the biggest challenges that you think the chancellor is going to be facing and 2024 or the biggest challenge for now is essentially holding this up together. we just saw him
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here speaking with for the 1st time at length since his coven infection, so he's bounced back from that. but he has a very difficult message that he has to convey to the durham people. it's really interesting in this space for the also says that all of these various crisis means that germans will have to change. but then he goes into a much more of a feel good speech about the strength and in the, in the alliances of germany. and doesn't really tell germans how they will have to change to face all of these challenges. and i think this will be the big question he doesn't have to to solve intellectually. but that he also have to be able to communicate and politically take on within a very fragile and a torn 3 way coalition of 3 parties who simply don't seem to be able to stop that in a potty pickering over the seat to a budget here in germany yeah, tell us more about that and actual does it popularity and we don't have elections for another year and a half, but the government has been struggling this last year. hasn't had yes it has. and really, the key point is here that we saw
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a constitutional court rooting that essentially throughout all the financial planning for 2023, but also for 2024. they reached an in a potty, a coalition or in a governmental co listen deal. but a still fighting about the details and this makes the whole thing volatile when really they need to present a united fund and convey a message, a yes, we cannot message that is within the space that the country can take this on the task that says everybody else is saying who is not thrown, he can face all of these challenges. so he's trying to send that message. he clearly is making a point that europe is the answer to taking on and challenges like vasa, but also finding a line in the middle east. and also potential, it's 2nd time of donald trump, not us presidents. so you are is the and so that is a consensus here in germany. but in it's all about the details and here we, so the government have to make very painful cuts for diamonds. and because of this quantity support routing also, which we tap into that wallets and finances they were expecting to see happen. so
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there is a level of disappointment, and we have seen the popularity rating of full assaults drop down to 20 percent. that is the lowest of a method level here in germany, his potty, the governing potties that and put represents the tots the here in germany. it's now the 3rd strongest, positive according to the most recent polling. so it's an uphill battle until those elections, very difficult situation with these major challenges and you face that in fighting within the coalition government on mckayla christmas. thank you so much for breaking that down for us. a start of sports now in 2023 was a busy year with world cops in football, rugby and basketball, there were triumphs upsets and farewells to save her. so as this year draws through a close, let's take a look back at the highlights that made it easier to remember. some things in sport feeling inevitable, like no event joke of age. when in grand slam titles, he became the most successful male prior in tennis history with 3 more and
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20233 was also the magic number for max for stopping. so that's one side. so for him, can any one stop the flying dutchman next year? and he wrote the south african celebrated that country, defending its wells comp crown for 2023 wasn't told about the merits ability. there was room for shock and disbelief as wow, jeremy's basketball team up setting the outs to winning the world top success on the course. but not the pitch. germany's football team struggled with both men's and women's coaches, the passing of the world comp. jeremy's women wins house in the group stage, but the tournament is one by spain was overshadowed by one man spanish f. a boss luis would be all is, is non consensual case of jenny who most so that's a wide spread protests and eventually his resignation. elsewhere in football but with new horizons for the games. great and goods, christiane,
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every now they move to saudi arabia, a statement of intent from a country that wants to increase its influence on. well sports you know, may see. meanwhile, when states side joining m n a side into miami, which is co owned by david beckham, other legends of the game bid farewell. the us is making the piano and canada is christine sinclair. both retiring to some of the candidate status of a future house. and when the billie jean king top, tennessee is 2024 season is already underway. hands with the olympic games in paris is the headline match the new sporting year. we'll have plenty more to offer and then your celebrations are already under way of some countries have already rung in 2024. australia is one of them. uh, sidney staging its traditional spectacular display with more than 8 tons of
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fireworks. lighting the sky above the harbor bridge. as one of the world's most popular new your extravaganzas. large crowds turning out and millions leading in on teeth who come here with this footage and pushing you a very happy new year. the fast fashion as an environmental 9. a clothing graveyard, immature land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile waste gets stranded. fashion watch now on youtube. the.


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