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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 1, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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for this kind of fun, it feels like therapy, the this is dw news line from the atlanta major earthquake in japan. the trick is that, so now i'm a warning waves just shore alongside the country. so west and coast where i want him to remain in effect and he's comes after status of strong chime is in phase at more likely. also on the program. israel confirms that will withdraw some of its reserves from gaza, but there is no laptop in it strikes that guides. i'm us military leaders saying the operation to boot out of the militants is likely to last to out twice during
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the fall. and people around the world to bring in the new year of lives in new york times square. welcome. 2024 would be the traditional midnight full drops. i'd. rio de janeiro joins other cities in 9 time fireworks display the i'm for ok. welcome to the program. so now me wanting remains and a fact for pots of japan's west coast, following the country's most powerful of quake for more than 5 years. on the other side of the sea of japan, of russia's far east coast north and south korea also a lot. but us monitors in hawaii side of sonoma, you have a synonymy thread, has largely passed some 20 strong quakes that shook central japan's west and coast . the most intense, with the magnitude of 7.6,
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the chicago of profecia authorities of war, people along the coast to move to safety, building 30000 homes without a power. the japanese government says so far, no irregularities have been detected the nuclear power facilities. a jim this the sonya blash got in tokyo, gave me the latest we are getting more and more reports about the situation in chicago and the neighboring priest pictures. and i mean, yeah, they're not making great um, a lot of buildings. i mean, lots is a relative number, but there are more and more reports about buildings uh, collapsing or having collapsed or looking like this. now basically, there are also reports about people being trapped under the russell, about 6 of them are also some reports of the injuries. then as in fires, smothering the close of which is not even for you. it attracts them, the rose land, slide smocks lights, the whole traffic to the region has been disrupted for destroying constant lines
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that have been canceled. planes have been canceled. so i'm, yeah, this, this is a big one even for even by to pick it up in the standards. right? so that's, so that's a quick, what about this? so now, i mean, how dangerous is that likely to become the tsunami? that the issue is that apparently one of the, the technical devices that they're using to measure the height of the tsunami broke down. so they could only measure it to up to a meter 20 centimeters, but they are saying that's not normal. so it shouldn't, the line shouldn't remain slots, so they don't actually know how high the swami was in the end. and there's also the issue that it might actually travel back like once it reaches russia and korea could travel back to japan and affected once more. and at this moment, also the ties hired. so the combination of high tide and so now me is obviously not a good one. um so yeah, people need to stay on alerts and be very careful. okay,
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so obviously people will remember they got back in 2011 when japan was hit by magnitude 9 quake and send me about, hey, basically seem a nuclear power plant coast explosions and meltdowns and 3 reactors has much changed since then. or i would say that the awareness has changed. so the like today, there was so many references already to the 2011 the us quake. also, the reporting has changed because the topic off of the nuclear power plants and how they are doing after an earthquake hasn't really behind the agenda in the past. but that has changed a lot. and also i think people have learned how to get to safety in a better way than in the past. for example, not to using their cars to maybe then end up getting stuck in a traffic to withdraw either maybe go to, to higher up floors on in concrete building. so for example, my so people are being in the northeast lessons and hopefully, you know,
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it will get worse. and we've, we've mentioned that japan is particularly earthquake pro. does he feel like, does it feel dangerous? i mean it's, it's funny because we're not really finding over the past couple of days. i've had the feeling, you know, we haven't had a bigger us quick and quite some time. and i thought that's a good year. even. i don't know. i says on easy because we haven't had a bigger one in a while and it's, i mean when you live here for a while, you kind of good uses but not really. and especially is like most of you lived through this, this 2011. i was quite a few were always afraid that the big one is going to hips dependent again and nobody really wants to experience that again. it was absolutely terrible and yeah, so all we can do, you know, is hope that you should call is not going to become a 2nd question. well, okay, thank you for that. sorry, sonya blash got in tokyo. now these are the military has bound to prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his recent statement of the warning
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gauze would go on for many months until how mass is eliminated. israel defense forces say the conflict with a mass which many countries designates as a terrorist organization will probably continue throughout 2024. the ideas plans not included with drawing some bizarre visit in order to gather strength, as i described it for future operations in that in yahoo is that, that one of these countries, the aims, is to control gases board with egypt, attentions on israel's board with lap and on also increasing fueling fee is that the face could develop into a 2nd front in the will. we can join dw correspondent young for the shots, who's in the mad shouts chimes they know of an age ro close to the border with 11 on welcome you on for that. so israel says it's a scene and increasing tensions there on it's northern border. what do you see? yes, this situation is getting, the body region is certainly very tense. the hills that you can see behind me
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already part of level non and people here say that's uh the um, many features of the iranian backed as well. i mean this are in those hills and so they also say that the rockets that takes us so close that you usually even the hits you have the hits before you hear any outrage alerts. so yes, a very tense situation. yeah. and so, you know, as since the beginning of the why they have been hostilities in the region bots of fighting has certainly increased in the past days here. and a lot of people see that it's goods for the escalades prime minister and it's on yahoo also said that's uh yeah, it is right. it could take things in its own hands if that is not more international pressure on level non and of course ice of the whole international
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community on this region. because a lot of people see a that's a wider escalation of the conflict. cortez it's origin. exactly here. in the border region. meanwhile, israel's fall, right? finance minister has call for palestinians to leave garza and make way for is riley's who could make the desolate bloom in his words. how is that message been received? so those comments have certainly increased fears among the palestinian community. that is right who might really be trying to push out large numbers of the palestinian population from the gaza strip. but it also has to be said that it's a small address is one of the most radical vices. and he's also not parts of the war cabinets, but still it's the fears of there. and also many observe us points of the big problem is that there is still no political plan for the future of the gaza strip.
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and of course, private is the nets on y'all has pointed out that he was a must to be destroyed. see also recently said that you, once that's it's right. it has the over all a secure. it's the responsibility as he calls that of the gaza. but there is really no international banking, and there is no plan how the future of the region could look like. okay, thank you for that. you understood it, but the w correspondent, young philip shots as well. yeah, i spoke with frank cadillac, which is a former u. k. military intelligence officer, who nodded back to us in strategic studies that the case of portsmouth university. i asked him what the consequences of a long war in gaza unlikely to be on the region. there is no doubt to tool that this will at once have a scale of intensity will last throughout this year and probably 2 years afterwards . and this is something i think that's concerning. the idea is really all me very
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much not, not go totally them. of course. i also don't think over the political level of days around the united states because there's no clear idea of what for the rest of the war for the rest of the conflict in ga. so we'll take a moment, we have no idea what the political track will be. and of course, the minute treat perspective. the army wants total, the ideas want to know that so that they can shape operations to lead up to it, what they call face full. there's no sign of god on the outside political level. it's very clear there's a great deal of exasperation on the parts of the us and specifically president, but with nothing yahoo it with respect to getting some ounces on not so coming back to the point of a lot more, there's no doubt that will be a lot in ga, so it may well take is the nature of the role so far has made it almost certain that there will be some form of insurgency afterwards. question is,
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will the x rays have responsibility at the disability administration level? which way there's other issues, and then of course i hope this is an entirely separate possibly even more serious matter. what will as well do about about hezbollah in the north east. right? minutes is upset. made statements concerning, but we're going to solve all problems. what if that's the case and they want to do that militarily, that raises a whole new box of problems, smell of family stuff, front leg which speaking to me. and it allows you to take a look not civil stories making news around the world. nobel peace loretta mohammed unice has been sentenced to 6 months in jail after being convicted of violating bangladesh as labels was granted, battle units is credited with lifting millions out of policy through his micro finance bank is supposed to say the convictions politically motivated and with us just government has increased its track down on the descent ahead of next week's elections. taiwan is president signing when i said relations with china must be
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decided by the will of the time when these people to call them paging to work with type pay to seek a way to peacefully co exist ahead of this month's elections. the statement comes after chimes leading change in paying repeated his claim, but what he called re unification with the island was inevitable way of to 95 years . and the copyright protection members of the public can now get their hands on an early version of the iconic disney counter mickey mouse. and i'm speaking to mickey 1st period in the 1928 and he makes has been but really long side. he's trusted companion minimums. the listing of culture right does not apply to more modern versions of the kind of the people around the world have been celebrating the start of the new year. the americans have not joined the rest of the world and ushering in 2024. as a passing wind has done many people hoping for the best. so in this coming year,
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huge crowds in new york's times square gathered to watch the famous illuminated bull dropping midnight, the reading and this dose of 2020 the, from the city to the beach. the sky line of ria diginero was list help with fireworks. many revellers honoring the traditional present in dress code of wearing whites to the occasion in berlin side was sent to us by ordering rebellion is across the city. vied with the official extravaganza at the front of the gates where a party goes said the hoops for the new. yeah. no worries, we'll be in. okay. we hope for things to come down in ukraine and don't swear the
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people stay healthy and then we can find the live reason for each other again in harmony. romano. no more. is me. i'm not sure i'm on the list. as the last. no, not truly. my hope is that the world will finally become more peaceful because the way things stand right now, it's not good kind of call and go on like that. for every one of us, i wish not happiness and good health on google and type. 2020 full was welcomed with public celebrations across the road. from sidney to bangkok, to london, which kicked off the new year with its biggest ever fireworks display. this time to remind you of our top story at this hour. so now i'm a warning remains in effect for japan's west coast after series of household earthquakes. one us punching agency sense of the danger has now passed
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a purchase in japan. assessing the scale that we'll we'll use in the top, i'll be out of next down dw, adult film african styles looks at some of the confidence both successful fashion design a good day. happy new year, the fast fashion as an environmental nice clothing, graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile ways get stranded fashion, watch now on youtube.


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