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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw use life from by that israel supreme court throws out a key government legal reform. i mean is to benjamin netanyahu exchanges cups the powers of judges, the popular measures the mastic nationwide protests. and it was like damages homes and leaves thousands without power in japan, waves over and behind the back of the coastline authorities scale back to natalie warning,
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but say more trim is the likely the i've been visible and welcome these way. the supreme court has struck down a significant section of the government's controversial. judicial reports administered benjamin netanyahu pushed through the changes that limited the powers of judges to overturn government decisions. the plans were highly unpopular and prompted massive nationwide protests last year. somebody sagal is a journalist in jerusalem. i asked him if the quote's willing was a surprise, a lot of thinking in the public in general, people that have not been there focusing on these questions right now. since the war has kind of like overtaking everything and the focus as being of course, on the and what's happening with the security and so forth. but the legal experts
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is they knew that this would be coming and they expect this to, to come now at this time. and they in fact, they also saying that this is the outcome. it shows that the supreme for a listen to the public and the public also gave the supreme court the kind of confidence it to face it. then you know, i'm a young even levine, the justice minister in their age in the. busy efforts to reform the, the judiciary in his room is quite interesting. um, what about the political reaction today that as well as expect a new code, the party power and is rose. they're very upset and they're saying that this is something that can not happen in the time of war. this should be near unity as
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the minister of justice itself. and you have a blessed the attack, the supreme court again and linking it to the war. again, saying that this is not the time, and the on the other hand, the many guns who is now in the bows, the most popular, the politician. he's saying that we should respect the supreme court in its decision. but he also said the good know winners and losers and the kind of an attempt to show the unity and to show that the important thing now, is the war in gaza? are there really no winners and losers for what? what, what's the main for that in yahoo and his government? well, this is a big blow at the time, you know, a big blow a to his at them for this age,
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additional overall. and this attempt to weaken it, the just the saying is 0. and the, i mean on the, in the reality there's not going to be any change because the, basically, the supreme court has said that and that then the out can not make these changes. and that, that was filed not to do these changes during the war. so it's kind of like freezing the existing a situation, but politically it's yet the not the defeat at 2 in a time. yeah. that's where does this leave his own corruption cases? okay, so his is dry is ongoing, it has not the ended. if they would have been an attempt to remove the attorney general as so as to cancel his stride,
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this is something that experts have been talking about the possibility that anthony, i would, would try and do that with now the supreme court has made it very clear that the limits and this will definitely be an unreasonable disposition and that the government and the administrators they have to act in the reason ability. and if not, the supreme court has its power to block them. you know, the problem journalist time is helpful. thank you very much for joining in there from jerusalem. as well as military says the conflicts with home us, which many countries designated terrorist organization will probably continue throughout 2024. i think it's the benjamin netanyahu. i cities, railings, to control gases, border with egypt. at the same time pensions on these rails northern frontier with lebanon, arising, fueling fee is of
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a 2nd front of the sirens on israel, northern border. another record strikes these riley town of kiddy extra. mona filed from neighboring lab and on just 2 kilometers away, arial fresh is the principal of a high school here in kitty edge from on his students eval left. as as his family, i can take it or the alarm here on the best timing, give you 10 seconds. most of the time it hits and sends out our goes on as positive kiddy extra moments emergency team ariano is one of the few who had stayed behind. almost 90 percent of the town was evacuated soon enough to the home us terrorist attack on october 7th. for oreo the threats of hezbollah. launching
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a similar attack is very real. we really worried that the what happened in the sense of october the south and happened here the most cause by the has, is the road one unit which swell to do very, very big things. here. every does experience and we need to have them 1st. the border between israel and 11 on has long the being a tense region. but as israel is war and gaza has dragged on, his beloved attacks have become more and more frequent. you want them to stand before the war. we would uh get them use the system to see another passivity and was a weapon on the other side, it was the funding to see which is it was and that's where, you know, now we have 1st interest as a because we understand that there are lots of things that really meaning to destroy us for our jo and the few who remain here. that's a threat,
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feels more real by the de japan is bracing for more off the shocks after a series of those quakes triggered the highest level to nami. warning. officials say the threat of a major tsunami has passed for now, but one more time is good for at least 4 people who've been killed. thousands of, of the quakes shop japan's west coast hitting the issue kind of what prefect, up the strongest had of magnitude of 7.6 more than 30000 times. we're left without our. the government says nuclear power plants but not affected. the army was called in to help with rescue operations and the 100000 people were ordered to evacuate customers inside this department store in each co of panic and try to take shelter as the trim is hit, the hundreds of people are evacuated from a subway station, the,
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as inside the ceilings started shaking. nearby residents recorded the effects of the quake from inside the home and large fires broke out. in some neighborhoods, the japan's meet you were logical agency recorded multiple quakes of the western coast. one of them had a preliminary magnitude of 7.6, and they then issued the highest to now me warning possible the service of the major tsunami of the since the great the could in the pacific ocean on march, the 11th 2011 outside with the success shima nuclear does off the still to clear
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and people's minds. the government says that so fun, none of the nearby need to have help on sabine affected. i asked geosciences professor david grocery from the open university in milton keynes. how likely another big goes quick is after a string of 50 quakes on monday. what so likely the, the 2nd, the quite today was the biggest 1927.6, no way of as of a small uh, of a bit of a thought. see the magnitude full on i expect that. ok, you're on small, the magnitude box in 2011. the big of quite of the costs are ready to have a 2nd. so now let's look at the book of showing the power plant that you mention. that was procedure to today's previously bought 90 to set in quite by some smaller off the shots and ben department to know if it's so things could turn really nasty . it's very unlikely. it's very unusual about to happen. but the change was more of
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quite as not past, but it, it sounds like depends on top of things that at least at the moment, i mean, for dad of the so many years, quakes and such a strong one. what, what's japan doing right? the more what japan is doing wrong. so is this building buildings which are resilient, which does collapse very easily and it is quite a jump in these people know how to behave the videos. it showed people inside the apartment, so it does not show them running outside as soon as you have quite struck. just stay inside gets under a table if you come and hang on and keep under cover indoors until the shaking is finished. if you run that side, you're liable to be hit on the head by something falling from above. so you stay inside until the shaken finishers jump. nice. people know to do that. i also would have hated the back you. i should warnings as it happens. i don't think i do that. so now i'm is really kind very far invited to troll by little bit by some damage to
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some of the infrastructures. but they didn't overtop disabled and rushed for a city streets such as happened in 20 lab 7. not sitting on the depths to be said in japan as the known address that he wrote. and he said that's gone unless it's a really, really big job quite because all have said is now likely. okay. and what else can others learn from japan? what about it? so the warning systems, for example, they, they seem to be straight ahead of us will be about pretty good when i stop, the bullet trains as soon as the but the had the 1st on think about of quakes is but they, the ways that the damage of the lives of trouble are on the surface by a ride off to the waves of trouble for the body of the of that is not much difference in terms of rival, when you so close to the at the center. the even a few seconds when she said profit lots to read and tell the trains to stop. so things like that were done before the big run shaking began. so that certainly helps, but just having
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a seismic building code and then forcing it. now the thing corrupt people look the other way when buildings are being built. it does cost more to making up the joe sciences professor david ross, right? well, despite all the defend destruction, we report on in the news, we can also offer you a little bit of good news to kick off 2024. at least the new use 5 works, but pretty good. is a little look, a huge crowds in new york's times square gathered to watch the famous illuminated bull. dropping midnight, the ringing in this dose of 2020 the, from the city to the beach. the sky line of rea diginero was list help with
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fireworks. many revellers honoring the traditional brazilian dress codes of wearing whites to the occasion. invalid fireworks set to us by ordering rebuilding is across the city. vied with the official extravaganza at the front of the games. where apology goes said the hoops for the new yeah, no worries, we'll be in. okay. we hope for things to come down in ukraine and don't swear the people stay healthy and that we can find the live reason for each other again in harmony. romano. no more is me, i'm not sure i'm on the live as a loss. no, not truly. my hope is that the world will finally become more peaceful because the way things stand right now, it's not good to kinda call and go on like that. for every one of us,
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i wish not happiness and good health. i'm gonna type 2020 full was welcomed with public celebrations across the road. from sidney to bangkok, to london, which kicked off the new year with its biggest at the fireworks display. the a fast fashion as an environmental night a clothing graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile waste gets stranded.


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