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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  January 2, 2024 12:30pm-12:56pm CET

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was just a click away, the journey, the destination right? size based document trees. subscribe. now. second name, treat do with yourself is an old concept, but it's a huge trend on social media, from cosmetics and furniture, to close and interior decorator. life is what you make it and on the health front, do you tend to go to the doctor or take matters into your own hands? there are plenty of traditional remedies out there from honey onions to traditional pain relief. d i. why star style on in good shape. the
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see, it's dated to the mediterranean region in central asia and video. i can just cast us, also known as amongst pepper or chase to bear. and it's been a traditional medicine for centuries due to its anti inflammatory properties. 2400 years ago, the properties recommended for women's ailments. and it's still used today to treat all kinds of menstrual complaints. does it work? 23 year old. a for maria dillard's has been suffering from pre menstrual syndrome since puberty. she takes vide, takes agnes, cost us to come about the symptoms, and also provides online advice for other women. i wonder everyone i've already made since she because i'm in the 2nd half of my cycle and always have a little breast tenderness around lunch time out in muslim christian boost funding . that it was taking agnes cost us,
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which is also known as chaste berry. that 1st helped to get the pain on the control donahoe's even mine and yeah, i changed my diet and got used to using medicinal herbs on twice and now i'm largely free of symptoms should be any fry while she started off taking, i can discuss the same pill form and the very precise dose is it's not part of had a nutrition. gynecologist and maria analyzing uses holistic methods to treat patients. she's been writing about medicinal plans for over 20 years now and says if i takes agnes cost, this is the best option for regulating menstrual problems. so to cut off to of the lation. been nice because we've been in balance in the apartment known as the progesterone deficit. so where there's too little progesterone compared to estrogen is what causes all the symptoms in the 2nd half of the cycle. that's right, and so they causes p m. s as low shifts in the length of the cycle and that's where agnes cost us. so effective. ready the jump to also recommends it to women who are hoping to get pregnant,
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but experiencing situations in this cycle. but my specie prescribes at for pm s symptoms as was 22 year old lara, sufficient as the sun trust me, i look at what it took you quite a while for my body to adapt to it. on the 2nd, just after 2 months, i was definitely feeling better now because i still have slight crowns to my lower abdomen. nice to come on to call, but it's nothing like the pain i used to have professionals chance not to be effective primarily down to data pains, era joy. like aside until even though it's all secondary plan substances all metabolites at frankfurt, go to university pharmaceutical biologist. all that just has been studying the workings of agnes cast as it has discovered that it's active ingredients influence the human homeland system his research. so this is on standardized extracts used as
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pharmacy optical substances that primarily effective in the treatment of menstrual cycled problems. my kindest of thought on say in the us or the auto patients with us has been how you're seeing regular trio apology has of what are well established visa status and look from that. and when that gets published on, there are a number of large scale clinical studies indicating significant lead the ation of pre menstrual syndrome symptom, the semester ends in cold water into to that. and cutting pregnant or breastfeeding women should not take agnes cast is due to its whole no not effect. and clinical studies have yet to deliver clear results. some risks for those with breast comes to bob cod additional vertically. we all castle with breast cancer patients, especially those who have a hormone dependent to not hormone. they opinion, the tumor hobbins, we know from cell culture experiments, there's probably an interaction that the estrogen receptor just have to avoid any
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impact your stuff to do. so women interested in taking via text agnes cost to submitting the scroll symptoms to excess console. the adult you to store mat stone. e specializes in chopping his way through enormous piles of food. cuz i need video has been viewed 6 and a half 1000000 times. perhaps it's led to some of his fans developing a soft spot for on us, which would be a good thing. one of the oldest remedies on earth, onion strength in the immune system. lower the risk of heart disease, promote healthy digestion, and their anti bacterial to audience have a low calorie count due to the extremely high water content. they're also rich and bit of an spin seat as well as potassium and magnesium. plus secondary plan compounds such as most of the oil costs of $10.00 to produced by the plant for that
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protective function. then easy for let's if we injure them, they release an enzyme as a defense measure, which makes us cry. this one's fine, but these defensive compounds, in this case, allison, are actually very healthy and there are hundreds of them in an onion. the range of beneficial substances lend on young's an important role in natural medicine, but they're all crucial little differences to bear in mind. this desk is it still an a tool? nature dictates the onions that have had to fight a little harder and live, then have more protective substances for more than not see me a should still fit with the also good for us. it's not once all the to and these substances and can be recognized by their color to how they can sized it or do what i thought the red. almost purple onions is even healthier than a white one is all about. and the smaller ones are better than the bigger ones,
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klein and i'd stick with for the medical well onions or a gift of nature. to have a preventive and supportive effect for the immune system can lower the risk of heart disease, regulating the blood sugar level, to stop bones and digestion, and have anti bacterial properties. and according to the meal of trickle studies, they also reduce the risk of certain types of concepts. the humble onion is an old round performance desk. isaac is all the same applies for inflammatory diseases like rheumatism open. it's not immediately effective. if you already have the disease and it has more of a preventative effect that's recommended on your intake, some 100 grams a day, the bowl was health benefits already featured in recipes generations ago. then as now, it was a dependable 1st aid remedy against inflammation. and it was more attractive. my grandmother used it to hear the range of things and i remember the cough syrup and
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bags of onions in my year. however, it's an art home solution that's easy to make it, but i can definitely i'm you just need a couple of chopped onions on the sofa itself. yeah. the can or that even until after filling the receptacle with the onion heat up in the microwave or an oven, and place it on the sole air for released from an infection. the cost is the traditional onion juice remedy. mix equal pots of chopped onions with honey, or sugar place in the fridge of a night and strain the choose through a save the next day. a few spoonfuls throughout the day helped to clear that mucus . if you're not used to onions or too much of them, you might get a bit of flatulence, not nice, but homeless down the intestinal bacteria dep relatively quickly. so the flatulence
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will subside after $23.00, or 4 weeks. you can help yourself additionally, by also putting some time, fennel seeds, ginger, all coming into your food. so plenty of plus points, felt onions. and for those people who are turned off by the bad breath element, that's another natural remedy available. chewing on a mentally for the ancient greeks, honey was the food, it's a god. to produce a kiddo of that liquid gold. a worker bee has to fly the equivalent of 4 times around the globe. it's a hard earned super food. and one australian study test subjects, a 2 dessert spoons of honey every day for 8 weeks. we sit there immune system and digest the fewer headaches and most interest in sweet. sweet honey, be a wonder to your nina should be good became
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a hobby. b, keep the 4 years ago to make sure she'll have enough honey next season too. she makes regular inspection checks on high school. my little charges they need to be kept fed, especially in the need to winter. i mean, there should be, go, has her own social media channel dedicated to honey, and it's huge range of uses. she also posts videos for have you as about remedies for costs and codes, for example, on sort. and then i inhale for 15 minutes folks. it's melinda. i boiled 40 milliliters of water and then added a table spinning blind blossom honey. or, and i found it to be a great expect drip for my cough as national. i'm losing my mind was involved the influence. so also you uses honey for her skin. it's a key ingredients in a home made ointments. now when they cut the ones got enough for me and my
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family have often found the findings very effective in having to sealants, especially after birth. but then on in when i was child lives to them by of complexity, the meanness, vito believes in the healing powers of a honey products, but just help us slice of all the medical benefits come on. plaza works at the own cultural department of a clinic outside stuttgart. and his fellow nurse is treat, taught to heal wounds of cancer patients with a special honey basting, a particularly wide range of constituent elements that when you try to in the honey has various properties. and then the sugar content reduces the bacteria population by drawing it out. and it has a lot of ingredients that directly attack the bacteria. do you think you've activity in enclave? in addition to fighting bacteria, honey also regulates moisture levels. you want to keep on the wind area is often sortland due to water accumulating there and honey with its high sugar content,
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you can extract that water. this is vasa, the swelling goes down. you're going to improving circulation around the wound area, which makes the healing process more effective as of t when the items that like honey, is composed of 80 percent sugar and 17 percent or to the remaining 3 percent is what makes it so unique. which means enzymes, minerals i'm count, pigments, a total of around $180.00 different components. the products used in the clinic contain what's known as new ca, honey. it's harvested in new zealand and is collected by bees from wildman new code t trees. it contains particularly high levels of mess, old, like of so full m, g as experiments conducted by researches interest and have revealed that this product of glucose metabolism plays a big pause. sydney,
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anti bacterial effective honey annual comes in, m g o is founded extremely high levels. in the new honeys, so it's higher than any other food under that. and we were able to show that this specific component is effective against bacteria, depending on its concentration. and i do even against antibiotic resistant bacteria . this will be able to con, assistant to delia. various studies in the lab and on patients indicate that mon nuka honey, at least, does have an anti bacterial effect. the thoughts and log in data regarding the effectiveness of methyl glaxo or mental honey is really good right now. especially as regards wound healing. and there are now corresponding honey varieties. but honey that you find and say health food stores is a food stuff and not intended for hearing purposes. yeah, i, i've been going to get on as the cost of the sun for the study suggesting that honey is an effective remedy. it's beneath the honeys. viscosity enables it to act
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as a kind of protective film for the irritated mucous membranes. in 2020 was such as the oxygen university of 214 studies involving patients suffering from colds. they compared to groups who were given honey, either was patients who are treated with the placebo own patients who received medication. you too much, that her name might be more effective, but relieving costs, then conventional treatments. the team didn't know that the studies would be needed . what is clear is when to use and then i went to a 100 them. i see no risk with using honey to treat one with the one exception where you have to be careful is it being consumed by incidence under the age of one item, yadda speedo. there's a warning on every job because infants, digestive tracks, are not yet able to fight spores that may be contained in hunting and couldn't,
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and to be cancer. so honey is easy to use and most of its components and know the anti bacterial, affective medicinal and the nuclear honey has been closed. and in a range of studies including with patients, the studies are required to determine its effect on costs. colton. children under the age of 12 months should not be given. honey. madonna has been rocking stage in screen for 40 years. the most successful woman in the music business part 2023 world tour was a sellout and she's 65 years old. at that age, many of us tend to prefer relaxing on the sofa or taking a stroll in the park. but she keeps on going. where does all that energy and fitness come from? good, it has something to do with yoga. to pop the, there's been
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a yoga into this for decades, yoga trains to muscle increases flexibility to said to reduce stress and lower blood pressure con bass, back pain and depression. it's not a fair, i think it's a state of mind, a peace and harmony with our environments. as with ourselves. in western countries, however, the emphasis is often primarily on yogas fitness benefits. the cobra. the cro, the catch found the account world wide around $300000000.00 people roll out that much on a regular basis. tanya, get hi started doing you have a good 26 years ago. the exercises or us on us work on various areas of the body at
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the same time, while reading is kept constant. the rooms and explore the exercises a really strenuous that they sit at the same time. you stay calm and relaxed and let everything happen through your breathing app through the scan. so like i said, last is also fascinating. how you keep on learning things up to so many is a more about the tool. and the idea behind yoga is to make your mind more relaxed about increasing your body awareness on the stability of the muscular skeletal system. each exercise has a unique functional structure with the mixture of tends to and relaxed muscles being crucial for a feeling of lightness. even in physically demanding clusters, in contrast to strength training, the aim of yoga is to boost not the quantity but the quality of the muscles. your online is no good and it is self involved and not just flexibility training, but also a lot of muscle training, most of the of the torso people and for the back, the abdominal muscles upfront and your back muscles and general fitness training
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using functional movements, sickness training through the functionality one, yoga can help to stimulate similar parts of the brain to those. and then during sports, one crucial factor is controlled, breathing fall from a, i'm a, the a must be a breathing to not only improve, but also become deeper and more even all rhythmic. a yoga encompasses a variety of styles from the classic cato yoga to vin jasa in yoga kundalini, osh tongue, lang, fucked, yoga an aerial yoga, something for everyone. for a real workout, there's been, yeah. so flaw with its focus on the right to motion us with the classical sun salutations sequence. if you're a fan of heat and saunas all constantly feel cold. how about trying big crime or hard to yoga fat done at a room temperature of 40 degrees celsius. under humidity of 40 percent.
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with the in yoga, the onus is on relaxation gentle exercise in the poses are held for a very long time. usually 2 to 3 minutes. ariel flying yoga involves releasing tension as you perform all the regular centers in a suspended position. regardless of the style of yoga, this is a serious muscle strength enough. anyone can practice yoga whether you're a woman or a mind, flexible or on the stiff side, young or old, dual credit. and so you can do yoga, wait until old age, wherever. and whenever you do yoga, remember there's no pressure to perform a no concept of a competitive edge. it's not about who can stretch that leg the fastest, the longest, all the highest sol, target and yoga is to find your own way to care for you. i mean, i would never have been able to do the cro before, but thanks to
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a better awareness of my body. i know more about its limits on potential, which i never expected. cause yoga is a lifestyle. yoga is relaxation and yoga is above all good for your body and mind not must stay calm. the utah health care this needed points around it's there's a nausea lake anxiety around the body. it's said to relieve pain health with sleep disorders and nausea. labour paints depression, stress and anxiety. acupressure has been used in china for centuries and is effectively the d i y version of china is most famous healing method acupuncture.
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keep on to it has it sweets in china? according to traditional chinese medicine, the acupuncture points located on 12 energy channels cold remedies. the need on the side to influence the life energy in the process for moving blockages and stimulating the bodies self heating powers. there is no scientific proof for the existence of meridians. however, that explains pain. physician, dominique in this is the patient has a sensation when an object puncture point is needed. but and atomically, these pathways cannot be located enough was. so what happens in the body during acupuncture? what is set in this and the acupuncture points do coincide with nerve endings and muscle or move to points and they're extremely sensitive to stimuli. this now system, after various transmitted substances are released and the signal is transmitted to the spinal cord. even they don't seem to turn this is where the bodies 1st pain, inhibiting reaction takes place in a 2. and there's also a reaction from the autonomic nervous system and
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a level of expectations high to them, which is where the placebo effect will say, comes in at q puncture is used by medical practitioners around the world. it's not clear whether it can help with this patient snuff, disease pulling you up a see which causes a tingling sensation in her feet. but there are a number of large scale studies currently underway that has been considerable research conducted on acupuncture for chronic complaints such as need or the loss right. his lower back pain in studies, the effect was twice that seen in spend to treatment using painkillers. working samantha is not with back pain, there is no single therapy solution occupant. you should be part of a multi modal pain treatment with us to the right of so the need. complimentary medicine is now almost superior to conventional medicine, but even there are tens of thousands of studies on that coupon chest, as well as repeated criticism of many of them being too small. and that for
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inconclusive such as at the university of mannheim, a currently watching on a new lodge study, team wants to find out what the acupuncture can provide. pain relief off the abdominal surgery and also have to know what to do. i mean, if i, let's study sure the we can reduce postoperative pain by 75 percent with a single treatment said let's see and come to the study is randomized and double blinded. meaning that don't take on a mux, the patient's body with real acupuncture points and sham ones. a computer then to science, which spots get the needle treatment? connie performs the acupuncture and finally a doctoral student interviews the patients like life. and then we then compare the parameters between the groups such as a subjective pain scale and the objective pain level of the patient types. yes. so what to test the patients themselves make of the treatment is focused on i had acupuncture right after the operation 2 days ago and i'm doing really well. first,
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results from the study are expected to be available in early 2026. acupuncture has one advantage of a drug treatments. it has hardly any side effects as built to everything. and even though i didn't wear glasses less than washington's and does my lidocaine as kind of so i'm sure from 12 to treatment carried out what she says. caffeine, which one by fans without an ex prisoners today
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we need shoulders. you back. i called or something the house next to grab a title. keep it well, it's a buddy. this exercise at the top, the top of the repetition is that is things easier? they tend to think or check the dish
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24 they can check the dish. 24 they can watching the dish 24 they can watching the dish. 24.


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