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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 3, 2024 4:00pm-4:15pm CET

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the, the, you're watching, you know, the news coming to live from berlin to explosions, hit a cemetery, and there ron state, media say more than a 100 people have been killed and thousands wounded. following a memorial service for a senior general assassinated by the west in 2020 us coming up on the show, the killing of a top come off of special and very rude, sparks fears of war and guns that could spread lebanese state media. se on is rarely drunk. strikes, killed the groups deputy political leader and the death toll from earthquakes in japan, climes to at least 65, rescuers or racing against time to find survivors with thousands of people who leave to still be trapped under collapse. building the
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clair richardson. thank you so much for joining us. we begin here with some breaking news from iran, where the state media say more than a 100 people has been killed in 2 explosions. here's a grave of iran top commander costume. so the money and several people were also reported wounded in a stampede that followed the blasts in the south eastern city of carmen and warners had gathered at the ceremonies marked for years since the money was killed in the us. droned, striking a rock as i'd like to bring in at least toilet in a job, a founder and director of the think tank. a center for middle east and global order . he's based here in berlin. welcome to the program. we have no group yet claiming responsibility for this attack, but i'm interested to hear your thoughts about what the possible and most likely
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options might be sure. i think what is 1st important to note that is that within minutes of your running state media have identified those bindings as having a terrorist, you know, being a terrace attack, which is also quite an interesting itself to be able to identify that within such a short notice um, um, um, so basically at this point we cannot know who is uh, you know, behind this attack. uh but um, it's very clear that your wind state media is very much reporting about this incident. and, you know, pull changes as being uh, you know, carried out like that runs entities probably either or the united states. but as we've seen in the past and also into for the kid history of the some republic when it comes to those terrorist attacks. and there is
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a lot of uncertain tooth whether it has been carried out by outside for a 3rd or inside forces. so it is, you know, very difficult to say. but at this point, it is very clear at how the kind of propaganda is being spawn by the sound of the public. and what is the significance or, or is there significance of this happening on the anniversary of the us killing of customers. so emani, this is exactly where the origin wants to portray that you know, how runs outside, and these are targeting to people who weren't warning. so the money but so the truth of the matter is that so the mind is, popularity is not as strong as a regime aims to portray it. and we've seen that, you know, there's been a lot of anger towards, you know, the, so the money even after his death. so, um, yeah, i think it's, um it's, it's an attempt within the domestic situation that is very difficult. the running
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machine seems to be strong from the outside, but it's sure to close or edit it is much more vulnerable. there is a lot of problems, lot of concerns when it comes to the double elections that are due on march. first, the elections for the parliament and for the assembly of experts who should be, um, actually, you know, selecting the next the pre leader. and there's also some kind of delusion with the wrong supreme leader. i mean, just very recently a claim to have a, you know, direct conversation with god. so i think there's a lot of, you know, the context and zooming out is here is important and here, and also the iranian, uh, you know, state has suffered important blows for instance, the targeting of us, of a senior. um, or do you see command or in syria a by these rarely. so at this point when it comes to the incident in the cab clermont, it is not uh, you know, one cannot say uh for sure what has been happening. but the context is very
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important. here and of course looking at events in the region and, and what's been happening in gaza and then just in beverage. now, do you think that there's a possibility that this attack is, is connected to israel's war and gaza? it's well, um, i think it is. this is quite unlikely if you look at is where the operations inside you run over the last few years. you see a different patter. you see basically the pattern that israel aims to target the infrastructure from the regime uh from the military or a nuclear infrastructure. is that the some republic and uh, also uh, you know, predicated upon the realization and he's relative policies rest military circles. there was a light golf that there was a white gulf between state and society around. so it's very unlikely that at this point in time i was in the context of the war and goes up, is wrong with decides to execute such an operation that has been targeting also
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a civilians knowing and knowing that this would be counter productive because it is not aiming to, you know, to propel your volumes to, to become against these ro. thank you so much for your insights. there. that is ali, i told it and tried the founder and director of the think tank, the center for middle east and global order. we really appreciate your time today. thank you. and the blasts in iran come a, made a rising fear is that the israel cause of war could spread, as we've mentioned. that's after the killing of a top come off the official and an explosion in lab and on the militant groups deputy, a political leader, a so they are re and 6 others were killed in the strike on an apartment building and be root 11 on state. run news agencies have the attack was carried out by israel to the is really government has stopped short of confirming that it was behind the strike the aftermath of a deadly strike in the heart of 11 on one of her master's most senior figures was
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killed by an explosion in this apartment building in the suburbs of ben root. so how to rudy, was deputy thomas's political leader smiled honey and a founder of the group's military wing that caught some brigades. how much is designated as a terror grew by the u. s. and e u, among others. and i really was on a u. s. terrorist list yet, spend years and is really prisons. at the time of his desk, i don't, he was living and loving on as how mazda is keeley is in, with the lebanese militant group. has bola, had rudy also headed up how mazda is presence an occupied westbank. and his hometown was remo, palestinians in the west bank held a general strike following news of his dest young resolved. no, for you're in uh today we all. and this strike discharge. and because yesterday the
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hero and lead to sally, rudy was small to talk about how to do my own was always a good son of palestine who sacrificed himself for the palestinian test that i need to do. i need sleep new to israel has not claimed responsibility for the strike. officials generally do not comment on operations outside of israel and the palestinian territories. but as rarely officials have previously vowed, tongue down from us leaders where ever they are for 11 on the strike on the route as seen as a violation of its territory. the lebanese prime minister called in an attempt to pull his country into israel's war with hamis hezbollah, and israel had been exchanging your daily fire along the lebanese as really border since the war began. the striking deep in lebanese territory has raised concerns of a major retaliation from his bola that would see the war spread out across israel's
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northern border. i s and draft creek a middle east risk analyst and associate professor at kings college london. how big of a blow for him us or where his death will be as it gets out to the i think we should be very careful in terms of accrediting one single individual with a hop, a sort of position where they play in outsized role in, in a, in a wider network over not as ation. he was certainly important symbolically because he always the grades at the pricing of, of, of how most certainly must have been one way or the other involved and knowledgeable of what happened. on the 7th of october, what was going to happen on the 7th of october. he wasn't liaison between hamas and hezbollah. and then i also liaison between almost an iran, which is an important link between for these varies um that they're trying to uh, is this. a promo though is it's never just one individual. so if you take the
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individual out, you might be most likely replaced by another individual and they've never had extra in this sort of impacts. i mean, none of the s as a nation contains the israel has conducted across the region of having a massive impact on the organizations that they were trying to. we could, let's take a quick look at the consequences of his death or you mentioned has the line of it's of course not just a mouse, his reaction to this killing here on the strike. killed a re and it has the law strong pulled in southern. they root, do you expect that we would see retaliation from has blocked to his desk? yes, they will certainly have to be responds because as well as on the pressure they have to show that the parents redeem is still a held. they need to show that they mean business at the same sort of hezbollah has been very cautious in terms of how they respond to is really aggression and have also been very careful not to get sucked into that more directly in gaza. so, and so far this one has been below the threshold of well, so basically, you know,
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we're definitely, we've seen these take some time responses. every response that is below made has been very measured. and israel has been fairly measured as well in terms of responding to it. it has bullet attacks as well. so this one is an escalation is an escalation because it's not the thinking it was killed, but it's someone who was under the protection of his but who enjoyed the hospitality of as well that was killed in deep insight. that surgery is a great violation also of lebanese sovereignty, which has but i will have to respond to the question is just how will that spell out with a response? because as well as for many years has kind of an iran as well have kind of delay their responses to the sort of attacks, which means they do respond. that doesn't necessarily mean they're respond immediately. the question is, how do they respond? because i don't think has boss they'll, you know, the has the appetite for a major escalation is these are, these are playing with while it seems that somebody is, or might have an appetite to bring the waters, blah, blah. now we'll have to find
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a measured approach to this, but i think the response will be one that come with delay, but will be one that will be far less than what we've seen so far. coming from lebanon, as in his drawing that will be much deeper inside of these really territory. it will be one that potentially could be a major terrorist attack within israel or against is really soft targets those outside of as well. but they will have to be responds if it has but wants to maintain its credibility. well, thank you so much for joining us on data view news with your expertise that is, and today's a key got a king's college, linda. many thanks. i to to japan now where safety officials have begun an investigation into the cause of tuesday's collision between 2 planes at tokyo sunday the airport. a passenger plane carrying nearly 400 people struck a smaller coast car play. inquiry will be assisted by avi ation investigators from france, where the craft air bus was made and from the u. k. where the plains rolls royce engines were manufactured and japan prime minister from your cause sheet as the
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country has reached a critical point. as rescue was raised to find survivors, the powerful earthquake that struck on new year's day and the thousands of after shocks that followed. the death patrol now has risen to 65, and there are fears that heavy rains predicted by forecasters could hamper the rescue work. quake triggered fires, houses tend to revel. roads destroyed the optima of japan's powerful new year's day of quake, which with significant of the sharks, full cost is still ongoing. these dramatic satellite images show the devastation before and after the quake hit. now is rescue a search for survivors full of cost, land slides and heavy rain could have put the rapids. japan's prime minister on the
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line. the sense of urgency is you seem to have secret a by you and you. it's being 40 hours since the quite the side shuttle. it's a race against time to rescue victims. we must like and we are at a crucial stage crunch davis. he is doubling the number of military personnel and the pulling more rescue dogs to assist. thousands of those who have survived the quake a now without attic tricity and water. some have made that way to evacuation sends ispa shelter with stories of that road deal with i got my house is flattened yukon to enter it. so i'm here with my wife sleeping together in a huddle while talking to others and encouraging each other people. that's the situation now. don't go through with schools of people dads and many fed trapped under collapsed housing. this is a natural disaster that is still unfolding. what is your needs update at this hour?
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i'll be back in 45 minutes time with more headlines until then. there's always our website at g, w dot com. thank you so much for watching the . it shouldn't be this warm here. it's hard not to feel something really is happening here. what is happening to greens and ice explore an untouched place into the ice, january dw, the.


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