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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  January 3, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm CET

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the assuming business of is onset and i'm not real new deal, and let's just green washing watch. now, on the we often forget that this planet does not belong just to us. it is also shared by magnificent creatures and the planets belongs to them as much as adults to hello and welcome. i'm father of the annual watching equal india. and while these creatures have headed best, largest to live, but also try the non natural environment, we have made their lives leaving him. and this episode is all about those people who are trying to change this and help save our biodiversity.
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okay, imagine this. it's late, june and july. it's a warm evening and right as dusk steps and you'll see tiny spect so flight in the as close to the trees. but nothing to worry. this just means that fireflies have entered project. but did you know that fireflies are close to extinction because of habitats? los vestos eyes and artificial light? well, there's a community our driveway community in the west and state of my head astra. which is trying to do something to help save these fireflies and work on that one of these. or the say you are there is that an imposing mountain region west and india as douglas falls over them, a very special light comes on the bio luminous and lights of the fireflies. while a female is slight to some weights on the ground, male fly around lighting up the sky and looking for that pulse like meet the
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one man who is very invested in this phenomenon is almost but fun time. and then to monitor just the fire flavor. basically the beatles, ok a little bit out of color flavors that actually beat those that a few just on this planet who communicate with the light signal. so firefly that a one of the this natural phenomenon has done it to a popular tourist attraction. organize mostly at camp sites. firefly festivals have been drawing taurus in hordes. one festival and the other tribal village of british bodies stands out. it is a lead entirely by the brutal community that organizes expeditions for urban travelers. the villages with residents work as local guides who shared that experiences with fireflies. so i guess not the kind of the list that they, i mean that we did the door is the spots,
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but they can be seen in abundance internet but they tell them about what scenes they like to sit on. how often they come out and why they glue in the night need to cut some of the food and i me, uh no, but it there goodness on it. uh well, this child community firefly tourism has done into a unique livelihood opportunity right in the backyard. more than a 100 families big bought in hosting taurus are showing them what router life is like, including 2 traditional means. each family owns it on $3000.00 rupees or $33.00 euros a month. but this is a red case of lucas benefiting as well as a gentle form of tourism. normally, 5 like festivals in my head, i started cause for concern among why life was the firefly. 50 will be the going to have of that. but i believe in the view of taking good photos, they need to be made aware of that. what you see on the plan,
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you're gonna need to mean when you walk and you have the plan for the feeling of female, which is walking down below. you know, below your feet. people should not be allowed to go near that 3 because the communication will be disappeared apart from that. the female or a really good kid. so if they're cute, the, you know, make them arisen with them for got into the over 20 different firefly festivals organized by various to operate as across my roster. but they differ from this one . doris i lot to offers of loud music bodies every night. barbecue isn't count. files sounded like pollution from these activities are among the biggest threats to fireflies which need darkness to survive by basically go to just on spend a good has been fighting against us so far. we've had from the forest apartments. he has identified festivals that cause a disturbance and has managed to put
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a stop to some of the commercial activities. unfortunately, i'd be very harsh to see that the monthly total groups who are taking people firefly for students have 0 understanding of fireplace. they don't know the species, they gives the heater information, they just go to see that. and then they have glittering lights, which i put out. and this is 550. that is, you know, that's not going to be fine. a lack of studies and knowledge about fireflies have already left to a significant decline habitat loss due to oven development. pesticides and vehicles of traffic have also contributed. and this has left a big impact on more species than just fireflies. fireplaces are basically predatory in nature. there are 100. ringback that in this small but a very important condos in the forest. so they control is the population of the guy, the controller population of many other, you know me, flies and get his flies and several other insect which can become bessler's. so
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they had ruled as best control, is very, very large. so any number of, of drop in the number of fireflies can have a direct impact on the forest with their livelihoods closely, intertwined with the beads and species, the british body community tells us they are overcautious about the federals of commercialization doors here, i made it to the line, including with fools, like no, use a flashlight, a no overcrowding much. they put it there, get that done. if they've been some, doris even tried to catch the fireflies, but we don't allow them to do the full garden. these fireflies the dining and fragile and will immediately die if you catch them. you know, we educate the daughters that the seas will be does with the shop lights. man, i and the beauty of nature is best enjoyed by watching mobile event as the light of the firefly not only symbolizes its own health, but that of the forest, the local community. and the entire ecosystem would stick the regulations and more conscious stores of the fireflies light can know for
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a long time to come. busy or how would you seen if someone captured you? i'm still to inside a cage and sold you off against filled with sounds pretty hardly. right? well, this is something that is frequently done to exotic, unprotected animals cross the border, illegal animal smuggling is the g o t w w. f estimates that'd be good by life. trade business is a $10000000000.00 business and it is on the rise. her heart is still in the wild. but now can you live as an enclosure in a spanish animal shelter near our country? the female clouded leopard is only 11 months old, but she has suffered greatly caregiver belly die is nursing her back to health. queen, outside of the yellow, she was confiscated from a private owner who had neglected her. so that means she must have been poorly fed
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from the start. and she's even gone blind, that the private breeder now has to face the authorities for violating the convention on international trade in endangered species. the east asian founded leopards is also an endangered species. so can you, is a rarity. spain has become a gateway for a legally traded exotic species. the police often find them when inspect the ships arriving in a country or from the nearby continent of africa. maria pay us their works for a special environmental crime unit. passenger luggage here that the airports. she's found birds, snakes, and tortoises for another like it's so sad. left side topic will be so ruthless,
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people have no problems about tearing these animals from their habitat. told them no, not in treating them like toys. say that i'm being offered to this police video from september 2021 shows the liberation of a female chimpanzee who would be alone in a cage for 5 years. the illegal imports of protected animals are rising in 2022 smuggling into spain increased by more than half compared to the previous year. full service and 3 minutes. total organized criminals are often behind it. tough to notify ability. think as long as you need contacts and the country of origin to find the animals in it, and you need a network in europe to import them. and they will seal us as a highly profitable business. vincent cable to a monkey. for example, if mike cost $5.00 or 6 years in africa, and here it can fetch 2000 euros or more high level or include so much according to
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the world wildlife fund, this global business is worth billions. sophia, the says, the legal animal trade comes 3rd after drugs and weapons, but its impact is underestimated. or to daniel difficult. adams, i'm going to go to as arms trafficking and drug smuggling or taken more seriously. more effort is put into enforcement, wiley and border bung. illegal animal trafficking is just a serious, but it isn't seen a search. it's not pursued and prosecuted as often that makes these crimes even more lucrative. but authorities are often overwhelmed in the fight against the exotic animal. tried this with cock, for instance, was probably trafficked from morocco to spain, but the smugglers were able to cover the trucks will daily sell out and i tend to
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look for yeah, the dealers are using new technologies, selling the animals on the internet on a single that service and they avoid detection because they can hide behind anonymous network. so the new model get put in a fella, they even use the dark web dart. what your thirties don't have enough specialists to investigate properly. an animals are often rescued when it's too late. as we can you the cloud of leverage the business that they lost the yellow so rather choose to use to people and she's blind in the wild. she would never be able to deal with her own species saying she was raised in captivity. so she's condemned to a life in captivity and go through with it so. so with this illegal trade mix, can you and many other wild animals like current products that lose their freedom forever? the it is just sad. what can we do to
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wanna move, despite everything that they do for us? well guess who was a former best friend, steining it to us and beyond? they should be visa williams can do magic's to the such entity and the productivity of the site. and then also key to maintaining the biodiversity on the ground. don't be scared of a lot for all us. so i need to be held. the 3rd forms all really necessary. azako deed and a farmer from the village and audio lou isn't making natural fertilizer using these 2 months. and what is that the about the you know, what's like, oh not a bit of gone that, that a lot of families around our village. so i wanted to do some things related to agriculture. i also have some line, i can source visual materials from that. so i thought i would do is let me con post
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. i got this idea from my father was also a farmer. and he was to do a lot of vegetate before me. another guy did it, but he only used me from forced for his crops and it produced good use. i learned this, taken him from the goddess. is it? so i'm up on the more the a lot of the now the only difficult thing about the technique is very simple for us to prepare to combust bed and put, got done on it. man of low on the behalf of vetted on over. i'm benford renata leaves on don't want to keep the temperature down. we've been wanting to add for 15 days and it becomes soft like a button which is how the rooms prefer to eat and let it and allow this oper. the governor wants to provide the dock space for the dental problems come up and eat. does the organic ways and outcomes the fertilizer? 14 on the market. there are 2 types of both worlds. native lands, an african one addict of the group, are the number i'll pick them up today is what we use are the optic an odd funds
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because the native month, not only the sort of the most oper oper to know what to do, but the after 218 more things and give us a better use of the also multiply, very thought, you know, i'm, i think it's not, they can model from the optic or the either one. the longer just wanted to boost codes from reproduction. the also a geography to the go down and put it in the bank. these are all natural methods are used to fertilize the sa, but the not 11 the the academy. we typically stop getting to use in 45 to 90 days. so that's what we think it's on the top and save it to remove any small rocks or 2 weeks on the well, then we package it into individual bods of 10 by $25.00 or 50 kilo's. what if i waive them? i'm finally deliver them to our customers on a positive is to get all the possible risk on. if we do on give them the passcode
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on a good deed and has to become a successful entrepreneur in audio little small city and dump a lot lately, she has also started teaching them in the fund, moves in the area about how to raise the mountains and produce, let me come, falls to using their fields so far in room and farm is from the start. i'm the villages have benefited from her initiative and the years ago and i might as well do, you don't at home, but she told me to do will make on posting since i have some land and resources. when she gets orders from customers, she says she will buy the ford light bill from us and sell it to them. we used to use chemical for the night of those, but now we have switched to will make on post because of that, the ground next. that because the way that these the, and the shoots, i don't want to big. and they use a met. the cause is integral out of the thing and i'm also the one that most of my orders come from people who have dentist,
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gardens and people who own body feet. they mostly live in bangalore, engine light, but i also shift on places in time and not the government, the full of a low kind of predict that since you started a business in 2019 for sales have increased the study. she sense of where the lives of will have the practice of becoming an old entity in the homeless mother. i'm very happy to be doing this business. i have started a small thing and brought it to so many be a lot of one of you said that a call being identical from marshall. reviving the simple and traditional method for fertilizing metric a saga dealer and has adult when you become a non dependent with a work. she's also protecting the in one in the beautiful city of naples, what once was a prizing business is now in danger. i am talking about that corner. this beautiful species is on the track because of several impressions. among them are
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a rising sea temperatures. what a pollution several home for pushing methods. i'm the biggest to for illegal trade off of that gordon's back saving. these is extremely cool. should naples in southern italy for centuries, the region has been famous for corals under the shadow of mount vesuvius lies totally dulled. could i quote, the unofficial capital of the global coral trade? local business leaders are upbeat, read coral jewelry is once again in demand. international fashion and jewelry. brands are flocking to totally del could echo local onto putting your money at ac monet believes this. success has helped by a serious commitment to conservation. she says her business strictly follows environmental protection rules. she's aware of the legal coral trade, but says that's a different world. if you have a name, you have
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a story you have uh uh, something to defend and uh you don't do this things that are manufacturers. i mean also has more which have a name as respectful name. and i'm sure they don't, they have enough things to do with these the but eventually we find a merchant who's willing to discuss the darker side of the coral. trade maple catallo says the atmosphere is something akin to a gold rush. he says, although authorities are keeping a closer eye on the problem, smugglers continue finding new routes. i see something of a very cold i'll do for because a day like to um, let the boss of the woods goods, the car from spain as the needs of the south to country. and so they spin the files and then come in any tiny they find another way. we had to the other side of the
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mediterranean sea, where into barca onto each is northern mediterranean coast. for centuries, everything here revolved around precious coral. but unlike in italy, business, the slow local residents tell us 90 percent of the shops of closed because there's no more coral available would say, what am i stuck on? what at some point that would probably be no more or less that all heavy and people die out more. that shortage already makes it unaffordable for people here. and they need to have no money. who can afford top polity, coral jewelry, that maybe artists or business people them? that's it for years sullen boudreau we worked as a carl diver, he insists he always stuck to the rules, but now he's grown too old for the job and allows other divers to use his boat. instead. left fisher was a lot of legal fishing going on, and that creates huge problems for us because of destroys or carlos stocks and the
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entire seabed. me to the for my house, if 10 kilos of carl or growing on a rock illegal fishing methods will destroy all the habitats around it is kept press. good to go high. is on the job. as you know, he loads up the carl is lost. the only one kilo ends up being costs, so it's almost the fast. he says the coral is smuggled by a tanisha and sent all over the world demand in southern europe and asia is especially high. he says it's hard for a forty's to verify the corals origins. the coast guard regularly conduct searches of boats at the small port of to barca. 3 years ago, they uncovered a network of smugglers from algeria, tanisha and spain, whose global trade and coral was worth millions of bureaus, a hustler and not one of the facility they often store the goods in the city. it'd be that with a capital to in this possible. then they tried to explore it,
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not for the classic route is to italy, deputy been witness by computer. from there, the coral is often transported to destinations as far away as india. so moments, but then as he thought he let him in many asian countries, the underwater species are said to have health benefits and even supernatural powers. criminal networks go to great lengths to cash in on the precious corals, which often leave hundreds of meters below the surface. jewelry artisan, more odd are folly, is convinced that all the problems plaguing the coral stem from one thing, humans and their greed is you and how to wish and thought of that will just like many other species are coral's, are dying because we no longer give them time about time to grow and develop, the simply don't appreciate the treasures of our oceans anymore. so mickey, i think it was she was you in the seattle backend toner, delicate echo. the problems of the north african traders seem far away. even still,
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many are realizing if they don't take action to combat the illegal trade, the carl stocks could run out forever. from the cost of a key, let's head back to window. you remember that story of the doctor and the rabbit? the doctor one that's nice, but it was only able to participate in that race in the 1st place because it wasn't extinct. that's right. feet that those are on the edge of extinction and us humans are responsible for it. but lucky for us and for that environment, some fishermen are trying to things of the see touch, those unfortunate them back into the sea where they belong. these feet are too hot, springs have a good chance of surviving etc. pods and lodge bought the 10 a residential present hot, any nearly full 100 fishermen. that's what on a task force along 700 kilometers of the east coast. all my government, the dinosaur defeated land. daughters have been living in this war since the
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dinosaurs. but in the last 50 years, they have come close to extinction. when we 1st started doing to those guns, evasion worked, and we told people about it, they said, why should we save them? because there is a superstition that sees those bring bad luck or the info, the background or be man. but you disregard such notions. oliver ladaja is considered one of the booth because they often get caught in fishing. you just got it near the cost. when i'll make a run, this will tell you the so many using nesting season. every female returns to me eggs on the same beat. it has to go under though i did cut on gotta get to every yard $150.00 to $200.00 daughters died just between tonight and the 10 gonna beat area. so you can calculate how many daughters must have died in the last 20 years since we started working janette and the public and my tell you on the porch ending accomplish funny clothes. ready the nesting season is from december to april.
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during this time, members of the task force patrol beach is to collect eggs that, that those of lead. they protect the eggs in fins, areas and when the hatch, the ensure the baby daughters make it through the ocean. avoiding stray dogs and other creditors in on the when they came and asked me if i could join to see the production unit. i thought yet sort of, but i've never done anything to show my gratitude to the ocean as, as i knew the net fisher folk are also being sensitized on how to reduce the harm to daughters. by modifying the nets, they collect up discarded nets to, instead of letting them drift into the ocean. i wonder, what am i doing now in that area? i mean, thinking about it on the fisherman. how do you know, i'll put you on catching lots of fish has always been my going either one. but that
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happened. this can never compare to the happiness for protecting and releasing the sea turtles into the ocean. because here we are saving lives on the arrive at a new day and a good at the end of my window of the week. i bought them together. they have collected almost 60000 kilograms of goldsmiths and don't done to stop anytime. so is the best man to who would imagine what still i do as much as these animals do for us and dogs to them that we could do with a little more kindness towards them. be a little nicer and not only to from these lovely people that'd be met to on today's episode. so we can do our but for our biodiversity. but if you will let me know what did you like most about today's episode? and what would you like to see more roles? you can email us or reach out to me directly on my twitter. i will see you next week. do come back until then. dick is good bye. almost gosh. the,
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the long mediterranean voyage comes to an end. the final destination morocco for our shows, fellow presenter just far abdul karim, the country of our ancestors both agreed that diversity is the region's true source of well the in 30 minutes. on the w. they do good deeds,
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but only on their own times. rich patrons give away man to foot education or culture bus. they determine what the money is used for. is this a new kind of fuel system? the power of the super rich tom 1000000 is exit insurance. in 75 minutes on d w the we say they're about never giving up every weekend on d w. it shouldn't be this warm here. it's hard not
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to feel something really is happening here. what is happening to greens and ice researchers explore an untouched place into the ice. january dw, the the
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business be that we knew as long from berlin to explosions have a crowd of anniversary events in iran. save media, say more than a 100 people have been killed and dozens wounded during a memorial service for a senior general assassinated by the us in 2020, also coming up the killing of a top her mazda official inmate. ruth sparts fears that the war and gaza could spread lebanese state media saying is really drones dry, killed the groups deputy political leader, and the death toll from earthquakes and japan klein's to at least 65 rescue as race against the time to find survivors with dozens of people believed to still be
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dropped under collapse building.


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