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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 3, 2024 10:00pm-10:15pm CET

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the, the, the, the, the we news i'm from berlin to explosions, have crowded anniversary events in iran, state media say more than a 100 people have been killed and dozens wounded during a memorial service for a senior general is estimated by the us in 2020. also coming up the killing of a top, her last official invite route spars fears the war and gaza could spread lebanese. the media saying is really drones dry. killed the groups deputy political leader, and the best toll from earthquakes in japan klein's to at least 73 press gear as a race against time to find survivors with dozens of people believe to still be trapped under collapse. building the
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article fairly welcome to the program, errands supreme leader has bound to carry out when he called the harsh responds after twin explosions in the country south killed over a 100 people. there's been no claim of responsibility yet for the blast, which happened near the grave of former top commander cost them slowly money. several people are also reported wounded in a stampede that followed the blast in the south eastern city of come on. warners had gathered for a ceremony to mark for years and solely money was killed in the us drone striking a rock. the eu has condemned the explosions as an act of terror and called for the perpetrators to be brought to justice. the west has denied having any part and said it had no reason to believe israel did either. it's too early,
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at least for us to be able to say what might have caused it. but i do want to address some of the irresponsible claims that i have seen circulate and say that number one, the united states was not involved in any way. and any suggestion to the contrary is ridiculous. and number 2, we have no reason to believe that israel was involved in this explosion. cover mountain is a senior lecture on international politics at the university of sussex and given no one and yet, and claim responsibility for the iran explosions. we asked him what the most likely options might be the most is nobody has actually claimed responsibility. one can only speculate on actors who might have the motive or benefiting from the explosions. in that sense, a, there are number of possibilities. one is extreme is so new groups such as isis, who of uh, previously, um, conducted um terrorist attacks in iran. and the 2nd possibility,
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despite denial from united states is israel, which even though in the past has not attacked civilian targets in iran. but given this situation and in the region, and also the war and gaza intention and lebanese border and given that is right and has been trying to convince united states to deal with their ons mix up program for many years. some, at least in the war cabinet in his writing might see a response from iran as a kind of provocation, which would drag united states into the conflict. and therefore, you know, deal did with deal with the wrong. the other possibilities actually does not make a republic or fractions within the, the ring and the machine itself. if you look at the ukranian airline, which was a shut down a few years ago, shortly following destination of bustling money. we see that up at times when the
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rainy and state seals, one are about to external uh, attacks, especially united states. they, they might have a motive to create a situation in which they seem to be the victim all the terrorist attacks and therefore, attract international communities. kind of sympathy or in, in the way that it and at a response to such on the attack would be justified domestically because obviously iran entering the war against the israel true has blocks the overheads of proxies, would bring lots of devastation to the wrong. and therefore, the regime has to explain its actions in, you know, today to the domestic audience, to his own social base. me that, that iran very quickly said this was a terrorist attack coming from iran enemies. why do you think the regime came up with this very, very swift explanation before anything really was known at all?
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well, in fact, the statements have been a bit contradictory. for example, iran is vice president the, the interior administered immediately accused israel of conducting the attack, where as opposed to, or officials such as a member of it runs a problem. entry committee force like a national security. uh, just use the general term of 10 drawers and, and interestingly, this statement from your own supreme lead that does not mention is the right of all united states by name. although it, it, it promises a crushing response. so i think in these contradictory statements, one can see the dilemma 1st by you're wrong, because it's the regime actually holds israel or not just as responsible then it to apply, given the scale of this mess that got to respond. but and response would lead to, to a major regional war in which not just space will be involved. and if they don't actually respond, then that's also it's, it's a problem for them given to damage,
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which is to craze through your runs kind of determines uh in the region on its image of a kind of regional head gemini, which is 6 to kind of secure parts of color luncheon, the university of sussex. thank you. thank you. meanwhile, fairs are rising, that'd be israel, whom i swore could spread to after the killing of a top of mazda official and an explosion, and 11 on the deputy political leader. the militant group was killed in the strike on an apartment building in the capital bay route 6. other people also died living on state run news agencies that the attack was carried out by israel. these really government has neither confirmed nor denied its involved the aftermath of a deadly strike in the heart of 11 on one of her master's most senior figures was killed by an explosion in this apartment building in the suburbs of b route. so how duty was deputy thomas's political leader smiled honey and
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a founder of the groups military wing that caught some brigades. how much is designated as a terror grew by the u. s. and e u. among others, an auditory was on a u. s. terrorist list. he had spend years and is really prisons. at the time of his death, i don't, he was living and loving on as how mazda is keeley is in, with the lebanese militant group, has the bola hardwood. he also headed up how much his presence and occupied westbank and his hometown was remo. palestinians in the west bank held a general strike following use of his desk. the young resolved, i know for your in uh, today we all need to like, discharge. and because yesterday the hero and lita sally, rudy was small to talk about how to do my own. and this to you was always
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a good son of palestine who sacrificed himself for the palestinian test. and that number such how do i, how do you pronounce lead? israel has not claimed responsibility for the strike. officials generally do not comment on operations outside of israel and the palestinian territories. but as rarely officials have previously vowed, tongue down from us leaders where ever they are for 11 on the strike on be route as seen as a violation of its territory. the lebanese prime minister called in an attempt to pull his country into israel's war with hamis hezbollah, and israel had been exchanging your daily fire along the lebanese as really border since the war began. the striking deep in lebanese territory has raised concerns of a major retaliation from his ball. that would see the war spread out across israel's northern border. on view of the 10th security situation, germany today,
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once again called on its citizens, currently 11 on to leave the country as quickly as possible. further deterioration of the situation and an expansion of the conflict cannot be ruled out. the federal for an office said in a statement, so i'm you still call is following the story for us from jerusalem. and earlier i asked him if he believes that all of it could lead to a larger war as well. definitely that danger exists. but i think it says in the early to 10 at this stage, whether this is something that is human and whether this is something that will happen. i think it will also add depends on the international community it, but i think we should also it listed as to what the slot has. some of the saying is, is speech that they may be rude because they're hearing say that we go again. i,
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they say we resell the a and then he said that the following this every time the ation is read when way, joe more then the then this has been the wage and open war again is really news long arrangements. 1 cetera, that means he doesn't see this yet as a wage of a war against a, against the been on. so that means that we still have to see how is road would respond to a phase by law retaliation with where there is one would accept some kind of a retaliation. so we, we have very dynamic that we still have to examine so far, what you've seen here on the ground, it between living on and a and is around is more of the same. there was exchange of fire throughout the day . but this is like more of the say we haven't seen it kind of like going into a, a different the phase yet. that was turn list. i'm you still call reporting. let's
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take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world today. argentina is national labor appeals court has dealt president have you had to delay his 1st traditional set back? the court suspended changes to labor laws that are part of sweeping economic reforms. argentina's main trade union had challenged the changes saying they eroded the basic worker protections such as the right to strike and parental leave. to russia and ukraine have exchanged hundreds of prisoners of war and the biggest release them is russia's full scale invasion, started ukrainian authorities say $230.00 ukrainian soldiers returned home and russia's defense ministries of 200 and $48.00 russian service. men were freed. the united arab emirates help broker the 1st exchange in almost 5 months. flooding has the merged parts of southern and central england and wales after a storm hang broad, heavy rain to those regions. electric power outages,
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transport disruptions and property damage. some $10000.00 homes were without power, wins of up to a 150 kilometers per hour were recorded on the isle of wight. depends prime minister for mucous feed us as the country has reached a critical point. as rescuers raised to find survivors of the powerful earthquake that's drunk on new year's day and the dozens of after shots that followed, the death toll now has risen to 73. and there are fears and heavy range predicted by forecasters could hamper the rescue work. quite triggered fires, houses tend to rustle roads, destroyed the optima of japan's powerful new year's day, a quake which with significant of the sharks full cost is still ongoing. these dramatic satellite images show the devastation before and after the quake hit
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. now is rescue a search for survivors full of cost, land slides and heavy rain could have put that rack thoughts. japan's prime minister underlying the sense of urgency is using the secret a while you it's being 40 hours since the quite the site shuttle. it's a race against time to rescue victims, we must like and we are at a crucial stage. can steve us? he is doubling the number of minute fee personnel and deploying more rescue dogs to assist. thousands of those who have survived the quake. and now without attic tricity and water, some have made that way to evacuation sends ispa shelter with stories of that road deal. drop it down to my house. it's flattened yukon to enter it. so i'm here with my wife sleeping together in a huddle while talking to others and taking coverage in each of the people. that's
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the situation now. don't go through with schools of people dads and many fed trapped under collapsed housing. this is a natural disaster that is still unfolding. and finally, scandinavia is no stranger to freezing temperatures in winter. but right now it's extremely frigid. there. parts of northern sweden recorded their coldest night so far in this century. at minus $43.00 degrees celsius, that is, it's so cold that public transportation has been suspended in parts of the country . neighboring finland is also shivering in the bitter cold. the extreme temperatures are expected to last for the next several days. you're up to date, we have a documentary coming up next called princess for
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a day about weddings in morocco. stick around for that for news, and you can add to our web site or are you to channel on the coast really from all of us here in the news room. thank you so much for your company. by the can you see what car tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on the really indeed the snow on youtube, the .


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