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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 4, 2024 1:00pm-1:15pm CET

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the the, this is the w news live from berlin, question squirrel over who was behind wednesdays, explosions in iran. at least $84.00 people were killed in to fall last set a memorial event for a top general. no one has claimed responsibility. also coming up as well as leader says that his militant group will not be silenced after the killing of loss and step any leader and they route 11. you saved media suggests that he was targeted by and it's rarely drowned. and cruise in japan brace against time to rescue victims of the new year's day. earthquakes. but hopes are fading for the dozens of people listed as missing and survivor, space shortages of food and water. the
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sierra kelly, welcome to the program around supreme leader has promised a harsh response following to explosions in the country south. the death toll has now been revised to at least 80 for the last half engineer, the grave of the top general cosign. so the money mourners had gathered for a ceremony working for years since, as assassination by the united states. in a drone strike, the u. s. has denied carrying out this attack and says that it has seen no evidence of his rarely involvement of the aftermath of a blast that shook the city of care. mont and ever on south releasing shrapnel and to the screaming crowd. local media captured the moment people started running as they heard the 1st explosion go off. another glass nearby followed some minutes
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later, thousands were attending the ceremony honoring the prominent iranian general custom solely money killed in the us, drake, in 2020. the us says it has no role in this attack and that israel didn't either. it's too early, at least for us to be able to say what might have caused it. but i do want to address some of the irresponsible claims that i have seen circulate and say that number one, the united states was not involved in any way. and any suggestion to the contrary is ridiculous. and number 2, we have no reason to believe that israel was involved in this explosion. it's believed to be the deadliest attack in iran in over 40 years. there were reports of a stamp deed that injured several people. as the tried to run away. the un responded with calls for accountability the secretary general strongly
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comes via talk today on a memorial ceremony and carmen city and the stomach republic over on which reportedly killed more than $100.00 people, an injured many more. the secretary general costs for those responsible to be held accountable. 3 human to ron, has labeled the explosions as a terrorist attack. while iran supreme leader had told the human a vow to retaliate from a single harsh response. and let's get more am joined now by middle east expert daniel garr, locked in, you'll walk into the program. a ron is blaming the us and israel for these attacks as we've heard. and the us has dismissed that claim. what's your assessment in terms of who might be behind it, as well as far as i understand the reading and leadership. when we talk about president racy and we talk about the supreme dot com and they have not directly blamed iran, israel and the united states,
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one else that i use is deputies. let's say political surrogates, whatever you want to call them, has mentioned this, but it seems to me that the reading and leadership itself has not issued such an accusation. i might be wrong, but this is my understanding of the new situation at the moment and for good reason . i don't think we have any and see and american and then is really had in there. but they have been accusing of forces dog forces that are driven by a for an agenda. that is something else. so they don't believe that it's a direct uh, whatever intel operation or end it seems that it is not. there is a number of uncertain groups any wrong that has the capacity of conducting such operations of one of them. it hails from the south east of the country from the village suddenly minority, and that used to be called the jungle, the army of god. it's then change its name to j shalanda, the army of justice. this group has conducted a tax and sojourn to tax the balloon. people have paid high,
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just told during the protest last year. and of course, there was good reason for village people to, to, to be in a way, angry, and also radicalized. and they have also a counselor, settled with the revolutionary god, cool of which cost them. so the money was an important officer, but they could also be, you know, drug cartels operating at the off gun and reading and border there is and also then of uh, the so called islamic state and for us on and i've gotten a sense or there is a number of suspects, but nothing in my assessment points to any is really or, or, or american responsibility will let you know later on any of the other neighbors of the run at the moment. okay, that's an interesting take. i'm daniel. stay with us because we also want to get your thoughts on another aspect of the current tensions in the middle east. and that's the, the leader of the loved non based hezbollah militia, promising retaliation over the killing of a top mazda official. and they route on wednesday,
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has beloved blames is real for the attack, although there has been no claim of responsibility is real generally doesn't comment on strikes and other countries, but officials have previously said that they would target, tomas leaders, wherever they are. a mazda is classified as a terrorist group by multiple countries. let's have a listen. waiving the most flag, protest is in ramallah voice. the supports in tango this evening and the occupied westbank was the hometown of cell a ruling high ranking. most official was killed in a striking bay roots on tuesday. well, natalie got into cars is crazy, hysterical or the new need. the preventative is israel. feel that he and is experiencing a kind of defeat? oh no, i'm in the mail. it knows full well. yeah, there's no victory for it. yeah, i'm that i so 90 got mean and decided la, a sallow rory was deputy to him. mazda is leda is male,
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hon. yeah. and the group's kaylee. a's on with has the law in lebanon since a raise assassination. in the suburbs of a root israel and has the law has continued to fire at each other across the border an almost daily occurrence since israel's war we, tomas began the lebanese political party and military group is backed by ron and considered a terrorist organization by the us germany and some sunni arab countries. israel has no officially claimed responsibility for the strike on a route, but less than a securities also said it was caused by an israeli drawing, has blah, has vowed to retaliate, calling it a serious assault on lab. and on the fact that while i get the enemy, he thinks of waging a war and 11 and, and they then say, well, we will fight without restoring tools without leaves,
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without really my eyes. and without restrictions a yes. right. awesome. knows what i mean. he's rouse main ally, the us who said it was nursing homes before the blasting. they wrote and said, washington is now urging restraint to tape the wall contained just want to before. we don't want to see it. why beyond israel and i'm awesome. again, we're going to keep working with partners in the region to prevent that from that has the law has so far refrained from escalating beyond for discussions with these ro. but based attack in the house of lebanon has raised fees of an all out war. and these railey army says it's on high alert and ready for any scenario. and we're back now with the middle east expert daniel garr last, daniel, there have been no claims of responsibility. we have to highlight for those favorite strikes, but there is a lot more consensus, something that is real might have been behind them. with that in mind. these were
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targeted killings against senior mosse members, or at least they appear to be. but they were in 8 strong, hold the hezbollah strong hold in be root. do you think that in particular is significant? and what could it say about the, the bigger picture here? i think it is immensely significant at 1st of all, israel has not denied any involvement and that is a standard operational procedure for like diplomatic and security reasons why. what is real claim? this is the entire world understands that obviously this was and is really operation a and somebody's really politicians who have also violated the discipline of the government by, by congratulating these really security forces. no, i think it's, it's it's, it's fairly clear that this was an, is really strikes. it was remarkably precise. i for palestinians ask the question like why is it possible for these really is to strike from us operatives with such precision? and at the same time, such high so cold collateral damages civilian casualties in the gaza strip. so
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apparently it's possible to strike precisely on one side, but in gaza. that is not possible. i think we should at least take this point of view into account when we assess the situation. it is significant because what is real demonstrates what this is twofold. one is they want to, um, substantiate the claim that they can reach a mazda, i'll purchase whatever they want, and that there's no safe place in particular, another lab. and on the other is that this happened under the eyes of hezbollah, that a mazda must have been guest of his beloved mazda leadership. otherwise, they wouldn't have been killed. and da, here, da, here is a sub you can call to be rude, which is the stronghold of how about alpha as well. and 11 on it is also, and that's what it's being perceived as a, by the lebanese government. of course, a violation of lebanese sovereignty and a, a strike to provoke a has blah, whereas the spokes, there's no up, i'm gonna send it on you all 2 days ago said, was an interesting statement. interesting interview. he said, well, this was not
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a strike against living or not a private guy. well, uh, uh, but uh though he said, we do not claim that we did. uh, but of course it is, and i think it's it's, it's an active brinkman's yet because as little as not interested, it was, as you can see and yesterday's, that speech by us. and that's what i'd like to, to launch a moment as well. but of course, it might feel that it's being forced into a military response, and this could lead to an escalation of the northern front. so the situation is a tense talk with us a little bit more that about that northern front in particular, because we know that the us secretary of state mc blinking, he travels to the region today. what message do you think he's arriving with is particular for is really officials whereas there's been a lot of talking about a ceasefire and gauze and which i personally think is absolutely necessary or at least the satellite to, to, to, to a pause. i don't think blinking comes with that expectation. however,
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he might come with a face saving proposal for the next on the al government, which is not an official. seas file or pause, but a significant reduction. and the strikes endo strikes against the village of civilian casualties. opening the check points for much more humanitarian a than has been provided sofa and see also i think it's very important for the americans not to let this slip because um, for domestic reasons. this is not only, it's not only a risk of regional escalation that we see here, but we also see that the war is, let's say, disturbing the primaries uh the election cycle in the united states. and it may, i may have a president by looking stream the weekend and decided and he wants to get rid of this conflict as soon as possible. so i think it blink and needs to talk to the is really government that, okay. are of the countries in the region to, to, to, to, to remain on board for political solution for gaza and not to give up. daniel
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garret lock, middle east analyst. we have to leave it there. thank you so much for your analysis . yeah, so i don't, japan has reinforced cruise working to find survivors of the devastating new year's day earthquakes. the confirmed death toll has risen to 84 with at least 79 on accounted for. rescue workers are still struggling to reach some of the worst hit areas missing out, survivors. rescue dogs and military personnel are racing against the clock to find anyone a life under the rubber. these desperate attempts are made even more difficult by continuing after shocks destroyed roads and the remote location of the worst hit areas. in a final push depends prime minister has doubled the number of rescue workers in the area. ok again,
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but the situation in the affected area is very challenging as we go. but from the perspective of saving lives, we're making all efforts to rescue men to provide live saving aid, to as many people as possible the, for the crucial 72 hour period following the disaster elapses this evening. and as i said, my volunteer is handed that free suited to the people whose homes were destroyed and the quick sizes were left with our electricity or water using i didn't. i know that there's no running water for the toilet and we can't wash our hands. there are babies in the back, you ration center, and my biggest worry is that they'll get infected with corporate or influenza. and that illness will spread using over some have returned home in the hopes of receiving news about missing relatives. only to find their entire neighborhood raised to the ground. and with that now you're up to date here on dw news up next.
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it is doc film looking at weddings in veronica to stay with us if you can. i'm sarah kelly and berlin. thanks for watching the my name is the calls back. said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. most would have being nosy, bay, like get everyone talking to me. you're healthy award winning called called don't call back.


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