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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 5, 2024 8:00am-8:30am CET

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the, the, the, the news line from valen, israel's defense minutes, that lays out a vision for a post. how mosque gaza strip you'll have got on says palestinians will be in charge after her master's defeated. and he says they would be know, is there any factors in the temperature also on the program of rescue cruise in japan, keep up the search for us. the virus of the devastating new year's day quake, the chances of finding people alive of fighting northern europe ship is in a bench i've called soft temperatures as low as minus 40 degree celsius and any snow in life, in many areas to a sense of the
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i feel good, you're welcome to the program. israel's defense ministers outlined to plan for the gaza strip. you'll have guidelines as he's country has no plans to bring his randy satellites into casa. the idea that once have masters defeated, he believes palestinians would be in charge of the territory. i'm asked is considered as a to a terrorist group by many countries. meanwhile, thousands turned down in by routes for the funeral on behalf of us commander was assassinated that earlier this week going to his line to the street, so they wait for the how much number to sell the kills by the pound is riley driving strike of israel has not claimed responsibility for the attack, but nonetheless, movie is the most senior i'm asked me to be killed since estimators began on
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october 7th, the assassination his rates fee is that the conflict could escalate as well as even preparing for that possibility. staging materials in the golden heights bordering 11 on in the north. today we had to drill a pair of north with the army corps and the infantry preparing such an event that if we would need to enter such engagements with kids by then we would make sure that we would come up on top. meanwhile, in the west bank is ready for us is remain and then your shopping is refugee camp funding. overnight grades $29.00 people arrested in the operation and the army say is discovered at large cache of weapons being held it to you and run kindergarten. inside this loud speaker, we found a powerful explosive all the cables led to this explosive,
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which was hidden behind the cotton ending gaza as well continue just bombardment of the city of hom, eunice, the international red crescent size. it's causing the headquarters was damaged by shedding gases. master on house ministry, said one of 16 people were killed in the attacks. pushing the number of the dead to oh, nice to 22 and a half 1000 votes in some type of 7 and hope that it could be the prime minister told the visiting us senator, that is why i would stay the course of the word absolutely committed to achieving our war games that is destroying all goals destroyed from us, releasing our hostages, making sure because it doesn't become afraid again and for that will apply maximum power with maximal precision that we were that's needed us secretary of state antony blinking is about to make another visit to the region in the attempt to
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lower the temperature. it is a no one's interest, not israel's, not the regions, not the world's, for this conflict to spread beyond gaza. it was a humanitarian situation in gaza, deteriorating the world can only watch and hope that that doesn't happen. well, washington bureau chief in his pole has been speaking with retired us army general and former c. i hate director david for trist. about gauze is future. and israel gallantry ration against a mass missing, repressed. besides the one ukraine, we are witnessing another major military conflict in gossip with you experience this is even possible to destroy a terror organization such as hum us militarily. it's possible. the question is whether it is likely at this point, they want to destroy them os, dismantle the political waiting, and obviously gain the, the recovery of their hostages. but there need to be other big ideas. there needs
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to be a big idea about who is going to administer guys. i think inevitably, at least on a temporary basis, it's going to fall to israel to do that. there are no hands going up to do that. there's no capable competent, trustworthy palestinian entity that can be brought over from the west bank. they wouldn't want to go in on the backs of is really tanks anyway. sounds as if it's transitioning into a more targeted raid approach that can indeed, killer capture leaders of gods and perhaps important elements of it. but we use that technique and ramadi and felicia and other areas in iraq prior. so the surge in one might disrupt the enemy periodically. it was not enough to destroy the enemy to destroy humanity. you have to render it incapable of accomplishing its mission without reconstitution. the strategy is wireless. following right now comes with a huge sum, humanitarian cost. there is no question. i think that the loss of innocence should
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be life has been very troubling. in our president, vice president sector of states, i tried defense and others as a reiterated how crucial it is that you not to create additional. and it means you don't foster and a new generation that might be attracted by the mazda ideology. and by the way, you go about destroying tomas and again, i want to see how much destroyed i want israel to be able to achieve that. i believe it is necessary. if you don't do that, then again, what's left will re constitute and you're going to see the necessity for more such operations in the future. is there any drawing just killed the deputy? how much you've been very rude and that is also causing a more trouble if you want to say so, so 11 on sp and refuses as well of trying to i quote this here, drag it's 11 and into a region of war. so my question is, i assume how concerned are you that the war will be spilling over to the whole
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region? i think you clearly have to be concerned about the possibility of a whitening of the war if you will. and we can walk our way around the region live in on iraq, iran a human and so forth and discuss that when it comes to of the ronnie and supported lebanese. has bella, however, i've felt from the beginning and stated from the beginning that i didn't feel that his boatload wanted to get into the kind of war that they provoked with their actions back in 2006. you know, the original assess the in that case was at the is really air force and over promised and under delivered that assessment proved inaccurate and several times in subsequent years, once when i was the central command commander again, later when i was the director of the c, i a, we went back in and change that assessment as we realize how much damage israel had
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done to has bullet infrastructure in southern london on. and the fact that they were still rebuilding, i'm sure there are still signs of damage from that particular war. and i think that is why they have so far been calibrating what it is they have done. they want to show that they are supporting homeless and they're doing it certainly very much rhetorically. but their physical actions have been limited to a handful or 2 handfuls of attacks per day that have only gone to a certain depth within his room. it is interesting that the most odd liter uh, david barnett has stated that this is going to be carried out in a way he alluded to what was done after the terrorist attack at the munich olympics, that they're going to hunt down from oscillators wherever they are. thank you. pleasure. besides us army general damage the child's talking to uh,
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washington bureau chief in his paul. now russia asked him nothing of it's a campaign against ukraine launching some of its biggest strikes since the beginning of its full scale invasion. and the whitehouse as moscow now has a new weapon. north korea and ballistic missiles to our information indicates that the democratic people's republic of korea recently provided russia with ballistic missile launchers and several ballistic missiles. on the 30th of december, 2023 russian forces launched, at least one of these north korean ballistic missiles into ukraine. dismissal appears to have landed an open field in his aperture region. and on january 2nd, russia launched multiple north korean ballistic missiles into ukraine, including as part of his overnight aerial attack. you're still assessing the impacts of these additional metals. so what the difference is likely to make, let's go through this with the band hall j, so he's a retired us left tenant general. and the senior advise that with human rights 1st
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. welcome back to d. w. bad. talk us through what these north korean massages are and how they differ from what russia was using previously as well. i think there are 3 important points about this story of the north korean missiles. number one, it's a reflection that russia continues to attack civilian targets with everything they can, whether they're drones from iran, now ballistic missiles from north korea, plus their own russian made a weapons. and all of these are going after civilian targets, apartment buildings, medical centers, none of these are going after military targets. the 2nd part of this that so i think is noteworthy is the fact that russia is having to turn to north korea and iran for a munition. whether it's artillery emanation, ballistic missiles, and that says something about the state of russia's defense industry. these things
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can still kill, but the fact that russia is having to go to north korea and iran for weapons, i think is an important thing to keep in mind when we assess what is the actual state of the war. and the russians ability to continue to more. the 3rd aspect of this story, which i think is most the most important is that it's very clear that china, north korea and iran are all supporting russia. and so we, the west need to think strategically about how these are all connected. are we properly organized economically, diplomatically, as well as militarily to fight the what i would consider the for 1st one of the apocalypse, that are, that hate and are trying to destroy everything that we say we care about. okay, we're going to pick up on some of those points and animal, but 1st of all, how are these new north korean weapons like me to effect new trains ability to defend itself as well as tours,
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given the volume of north korea and ballistic missiles, drones, russian missiles the craniums are going through an awful lot of the air defense weapons they have received from germany, from the united states and from, from other countries. i mean there's, there is a nutrition aspect to this as well. the patriot missile interceptors and other weapons are being consumed, trying to protect ukrainian civilians. and i suspect that the addition of the north korean weapons is intended to add to that volume of trying to reduce ukraine's ability to defend its, its people in its critical infrastructure. fortunately so far in the early assessment, these north korean weapons appear to be of poor quality, just like the artillery of a nation they provided. so i will wait to see exactly what admiral kirby just said to, to do an assessment of how effective they are. right, and you, you talked about how the use of these north korean weapons means that pressure is
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struggling to produce. and so it's a weapons, but i've seen before, is that ukraine's ability, uh, ukraine's more about ad defenses already have a mutation to withstand a few more powerful attacks. so between these north korean missiles and the promises the administrative, that'd be bogged down in the us and the e u. a. this does look like based space leaving ukraine somewhere behind in this a. yeah, this is a real problem and the russians see this that that's why they've adopted this long . busy approach to, to use everything they can to wear down a ukrainian defenses because they can see that germany and the united states in particular are wavering in support. and so they're going to keep doing this approach until either they run out, which is not likely, or we re discover our strategic backbone and provide ukraine what is needed. no,
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i think one thing that we could be doing is highlighting the origin, the point of origin of all of these different launches and make it clear that we should at least give you crane the ability to strike back at the launch sites from which different weapons are coming a lot of these things, particular drones come out of premier and russian occupied territory. why in the world are jerry refusing to provide torrison to us for feuding refusing to provide a tech comes? and then as far as the weapons that are locked from inside of russia, i mean, in the you, in charter, every nation is entitled to defend itself. and i don't understand why the united states is putting pressure in ukraine not to strike targets inside russia. good talking to i as ever times for joining us. retired us. that's kind of general ben hodges. thank you very much. now to bundle it ash, which is getting up for follow me entry elections this weekend with the prime
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minister. i shaken cedar as nearly assured of a 5th in office, but the main opposition positive band faced boy tossing the boat and cooling on the primary such a step down. since versus left without much choice how, how many relief and how many leaving town at the w as a bad, a bad report from dr. in the capital tucker, the streets are filled with bolsters of the ruling party. and dinner lies as parliamentary elections at protein bung with dish. the main opposition, the bung with the nationalist party b and b is boy cutting the elections and demanding prime minister fee because he knows resignation. senior to be in be leaders including moines. con, are urging boulders to abstain from voting. we do not want to legitimize this illegal, fussy, go, and call, make a collection of all me take that is the whole point off yesterday. we are honest.
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prepare today, but i couldn't get winfrey fair and bodies of projection and be made to ski a gate and then they get 5 minutes of frequency. now he seeking a 4 consecutive to about the allow me leak has been running the government since 2009. our former adviser will showed up on reject the b and b's criticism, and blaine's the part is leadership for their absence from bower. the other thing i would say is, when was the last i been b one index. if it by d does not by to simply the direction for chico security. what says people tend to forget that and they do not have the cable leadership. now they do not have a credible policy. we'd be out of the few remaining parties, both no trip to the alarm league. the stay you said for long with this
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is while i mean to the elections, but with the main opposition absence, the cell is 4. 1 with the just electrons coming soon and fake as soon as ultimately faulty is to inspire the sounding voter turnout on election day. although the opposition has already rejected this election for those willing parties. the lady, tennessee on acceptance of this election isn't really depends on how many people show up at the polling stations on january 7th. but many voters like the one to but as them feed, without any opposition, it's no longer a democratic election. but a selection participation by the opposition is a must otherwise it is not a democratic election. if the opposition does not take part in the election, there was no need for both the former and election commissioner shackle out to saying it goes to sentiment, emphasizing the need for us to contest for meaningful parties measure the fact that
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we're doing now trying to say that people are part of severe as a war type, part of which depends governments as emma, around to 30000000 euros with of a 2 supposed affective commodities correspondent james chase, a joys us from which he met one of the worst effect street address. welcome, james. a give us a situate sense of a situation as well, where i'm currently standing is outside what used to be uh which team is morning market. this used to be a really key parts of the the city already buffering costs of the city. in almost every direction i can see now that is complete devastation. the reason why the devastation was sorry about it. this particular location is shortly off the crate struck here, there was a fire that ripped through much of the buildings and the, the around me. the reason i'm running a hard time is because the weather was, so today's been pretty bad, very strong winds and strong rain as well. and because this,
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i want to lose stay bree on the buildings. a lot of it has been floating off and blowing into the road. as you mentioned, such and rescue operations are, i'm going that's one taking place about a 100 meters in front of us just to bar. gentleman is still looking for his wife, who was we believe chops under the rubble and the building just in front of us 3 days ago. but still no signs of a police officer looking for about 2 hours just now and they couldn't find. so the devastation we see behind you looks absolute, where have people been moved to? and what is, is that applying for them to return to their homes as well in the immediate off to most of the as creek where most people have been relocated to his medical senses within which he missed it itself and other medical facilities . some people are and then hospitals as well. um the bigger question really is in the long time where these people come returned to us in which email there's so many homes that have been destroyed, people are feeling very bored at the moment. i'm not really sure what the future
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holds in comparison to a point of comparison, which might be a good use for once. a drill on. here's the off of the 2011 of quake in which tens of thousands of people died in japan. some people were relocated to government pre provided facilities, but then ended up being in those houses for many years. waltz homes were rebuilt for them, but those in the temporary homes, one of necessary, the best quality. if you look at the level of destruction hit the death toll hasn't been as high as quick in 2011, you can imagine that it's going to be months if know years before and the city which email returns to any semblance of normality and a quick was about and so i'm international a japan has said that it will only accept to international aid from the united states. why is that? yeah, we also have question to a police officer just a moment ago and he was a little bit confused as well. um he said that, you know, if, if countries are willing to offer aid, they should be accepting it wherever it comes from. the line key reason is that the
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level of cooperation and communication between the japan and the us is already pretty strong. there are some 50000 us personnel, rid of your personal stationed in japan. and so the level of kind of collaboration that already exists is probably quite high. i mean points and contacts again, areas of this, this region is very remote and it's difficult to kinda coordinate the for an emergency response teams coming to this area. and that's probably why they've elected to just go with the, with the, in a sense with what they know, fights about james, that database james chase, that in japan, freezing temperatures and gale force winds have swept across northern europe, finland and sweden have suffered widespread power outages. with snow full of traffic motorists, on highways for hours, one bus, you don't want to be on stranded a mid traffic chaos. rescue crews working away. but no end in sight
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that followed at night. that's all motorists caught in traffic jams trapped inside their vehicles by the cold. so the inputs have a total of small, i've been waiting here for 12, almost 13 hours. so i know how this works now and, and the following mercury also knocked out power to thousands of homes in northern sweden. let me take your time and focus on my alarm clock that the power went out at 4 in the morning to you if you'd like. what did you do then? no, i went up to see how cold it was and it was 38 below. so i fired up the stove. what was that thing going on? but i like how can xtreme cold and snow have also hit neighboring countries and things are set to get worse before they get better. media urologist are forecasting even colder temperatures. the rest of the week, a drum in terms of the old shaw says visit areas of northern germany, hit by floods, weeks of rain,
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and rising flood waters of left dikes at risk of collapse. one village is baffling, the waters with the help of french specialist plot borders as far as the i can see at this small village of tools and in germany, smoke rising waters have been collecting for nearly 2 weeks. perhaps something to get into house. this tommy of hold to see if the cells may dike to protect to home . now is the best. it's because, but it was really depressing. body 1st, there was the danger of flood waters from behind. now because of the ground water, we also have a threat from the other side. you think it can't be real? what's going on on it? you just try to use humor to deal with it and we went to watch out. so cold. outside the house launch, palms working constantly, day and night. gemini has mobilized volunteers from civil protective services, but it's a race against the clock. and the water displays,
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we are protecting the village with our pumping capacities. we have 2 high capacity pumping modules here. um each of this pump skin problem, 5000 liters per minute, and retry to bring the water away from the houses so that the small channel which is now a big lake, re notarize more so that um the village. and um, the people in the house is not get too much flooding. the whole village is involved . neighbors are sharing palms, but there is a common fee or if the dyke are on to and breaks, most of the houses will be flooded. of the millions of sand banks have been distributed in the flathead areas to protect the settlements and ducks help is even coming from france. french civil security workers traveled 1200 kilometers from the south of paris to control the situation. it's part of the use
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corporation system for disaster response. to them is relying on the team of experts doing everything they can to save it. but it's heavily dependent on the weather forecast to which is finally predicting a couple of dried days after weeks of rain. and a 13 year old boy is enjoying new found fame. after changing what no one else has ever done before. it's been a classic video game. tetras game was 1st published by a nintendo 30 years ago and had previously been described as an example of his until really gibson seen here in stillwater, oklahoma and maybe to what game is called the kill screen. assessing, you know, the license
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a he couldn't fail. his pain goes after his 5th street making of next documentary looking at the looting of by the now it says on the other defendants continuing struggle to have it, which i think at the top of the next hour, the
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on the trail of a nazi highest v as of jewish families, whose prophecy was expropriated all searching for the last stop. what happened to the prophecy that was stolen from jews 80 years ago? researches from germany also posting the defendants in the search the not the
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highest. next on d, w. the new will tell you how be we are happy that we are boxing the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the sales force and the for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 60 minutes on d w, the, this shouldn't be this warrant here. it's like summer conditions in the middle of april. hard not to feel that something really is happening here.
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what is happening in chagrin and size? a team of climate researchers, a store and on task for put in place the dog, january 12 on dw, the, [000:00:00;00] the children's bedding, a small ink. well, i'm an oil painting with a gold drain cuz i'm in. i'm going once going twice going 3 times from underwear to valuable. everything was sort of nazis used options to generate


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