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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 6, 2024 12:00am-12:16am CET

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the, the, you're watching the news live from the lead joined by the end accuse is donald trump of planning and assault on democracy. the us president launches his re election campaign saying he's likely challenge it uses the same language as nazi germany. will have analysis and alignment from washington, also coming up more difficult diplomacy folder due way. secretary is dice and to me blinking arrives in the me, the least is fee is announced. the gothic conflict could lead to a wider war on south african acetate. i'll skip the story as he's released from prison, the so called line run us to nearly 9 years and measuring his model girlfriend and
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now has strict parole condition. the on jared rage. thank you for your company. us president joined by didn't, has kicks, dotted. he's been for re election life of this year with a major speech targeting, he's likely challenge and donald trump bite in bowling that trump poses a grave danger to american democracy, accusing him of it going and nazi germany and seeking revenge. and retribution by the end was speaking 3 years after the january 6th us capital attack. trump was in paid, started with a ride, bumped, and acquitted. today we're here to answer the most important questions. is democracy still, america's sacred cos the the,
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the tour like the damage or hypothetical, where the democracy is still america? second, cause is the most urgent question of our time. that's what the 2024 election is all about. choices, claire, tom trump's campaign is about him, not america, not you sound trump campaign is obsessed with the past. not the future is willing to sacrifice our democracy, put himself in power. our campaign is different. somebody can talk about that speech now with the w. washington bureau chief in his pole in a good to see your binding is pushing the january 6 attacks and the threat to democracy at the center of his being for re election. what did you make of this page? it's jared, that's really um and how come the noise used to be uncommon?
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i think we will get used to that over the next month for president biden, who try to avoid to even for knowns of the name donald trump, for many, many months in the past. but now he writes, you put some in the center, he puts the january 6, a tech, the storming of the capital in the center of his speech. and this kick of speech office come pain and saying kind of that nothing less but democracy is on the ballot in this upcoming election. it was a very powerful speech, a very presidential speech. and i have to say me as i was a 3 years ago. uh, tomorrow to the very day at the capital and saw the masses storming the hearts of the american democracy. it's really broad, many memories spec and nice thing. good job. i did a good job in that regard that you try to remind this whole country. what happened 3 years ago,
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and what might happen again is donald trump would be re elected. he also kind of quoted some of the drum saying when he from talked about the migraines are poisoning uh, the american blog. and that to you kind of referred to his 2 drums enemies as woman's but by and saying that she uses like the language from nazi germany. so that was a very powerful, a very energetic and very aggressive speech of the sitting president. and as you say, unified and really did use launch pods to be speech, to lash out at trump, to stay with us, we're going to have a listen a little bit more to what biden said yeah, trumpet has major supporters not only embrace political boss with a laugh about how does riley jokes about an intruder lift up by the big trump lie, taking a hammer to paul pelosi sco. and that going the very same word used on january 6. where's nancy?
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he thinks that's funny because those will pour oppose him vermin. he talks about the blood of americans, the poison that going the same exact language used to nazi germany, back to in his poll in washington in as bite. and as you said, usually is always held back when it comes to be not even mentioning trump by name or say, commenting on his legal trouble. so why do you think is pushing trump the front and the same to now? yeah, right. and to really try to kind of reach out to the other political spectrum, right, by saying i'm your president for both sides. but he obviously really has a change that approach and one alan could expect that the president, the sitting president would highlights of the achievements of his 1st time to term and to really bite and has to show up for something. for example,
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for the infrastructure, a bill which is a me to repair the nation's infrastructure, then he also assigned a comprehensive gun and safety bill in response to these horrible mass shooting spots era. the problem is all these accomplishments, they don't really resume, it was a spring board or smelled even of as democratic water, so violent has to find. and also that is a primal rates are at an all time low, and that's why him and obviously his campaign ministers are focusing on raleigh, a reading, sorry, against a trump. they hope that voters will see this elections as not just about political strategies, but about democracy itself being as wide and put in democracy being on the ballot. let's dig into the swing voters, as you say, uh, how do you think biden's message is going to go over in terms of winning then either of the that's a,
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that's probably the 1000000 dollar question here, a bite, and this losing support from young a potential voters over his israel politics. he's losing also support from american f. i x a excuse me, from arab americans over his israel politics. and he's also losing the support from many black waters and other a voters for visit migrant background. the big question here will be, can he convince those voters potential goals in limbo that as president donald trump, it would be the worst which could happen to this, to this country or not. it's totally open at this point at this moment to answer this question, but you also have to keep in mind jared, it's another 10 months until election day. and the lots couldn't happen to be have a couple of a higher court decisions waiting for donald trump that something might be happening
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. and then we also, i mean, we also have some other republican candidates which are doing not so well. so it's early, it's still early in the race, but indeed it's, it's kind of a risky strategy, a job. i then put out there to day. great to get your analysis there. you know, that's due to be used in his poll in washington. thank you so much. let's take a look now at some of the stories making headlines today. the u. s. supreme court has agreed to hear donald trump's appeal against being bought from the republican primary ballot in colorado. the state previously ruled trump was disqualified from standing for engaging an insurrection over the january 6th attack on the us capital, by his support as the head of the us and national rifle association has resigned. often molding boots. he is wayne, loppy, a blind health worries. the and all right, unlock the face trial in new york next week on corruption charges.
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south korea's defense ministry. se is north korea has fired. more than 200 artillery shells. new disputed islands controlled by the south residents, whereas actuated to bump shelves. as salt said, they would know it, military or civilian casualties, us secretary of state and to be blinking. let's be gone a week long to a all of the meet the least arriving in turkey. he's hoping to stop the war in gaza escalating into the wider region off to tulsa in east temple, blink. and we'll head onto is round the occupied westbank and 5 arab nations, including egypt, casa, and saudi arabia. correspondent dorian giants and use dental told us what blink and he's hoping to achieve to well, i think secretary state clinton's visit to talk. he's seen as much about diplomatic messaging as subsystems. you have to realize that since the onset of these will, between israel and hamas blinking had largely side line kentucky instead focusing
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on the gulf states, unemployment that was due to texas. president bridget type of the ones very strong support of how much describing it as a liberation movement. but the fact the blinking has now chosen to start his tour of the region. we have a visit to turkey is seen a sending a message possibly to israel, about what the washington is growing discomfiture over israel's handling of this war. story, enjoying steam, will the south african athlete us get the story is, has been released from prison on parole. the format lean, pick on power olympic run out has to have nearly 9 years of a 13 year sentence for the mid or off his girlfriend model reinvesting cat, he maintains he missed ok for an intruder. low t exit for a paralympic star turn murder. oscar for story is release from this prison near pretoria was largely kept away from the media spotlight. the story is banned from
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speaking to the press until the end of his parole. it expires in december 2029. until then, he faces restrictions on when he can leave his home. his doris must also attend classes on anger, management, and violence against women. a breach of these conditions could land him behind bars again. because doris was convicted of murdering his girlfriend, reverse dean camp on valentine's day, 2013. he shot her 4 times through a bathroom door in his home. the story is claimed he mistook steam count for a burglar, but prosecutor say he killed her with intent during an argument. members for the for the murder, the former athlete and double m t t was a national hero, nickname the blade runner for his prosthetic legs. the story is overcame a condition he was born with to become a champion sprinter. now after serving 9 years of a 13 year sentence,
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the disgrace pearlin p and is living here with his uncle, according to local media. in a statement ahead of his release, revisiting camp some others said that she accepted the court's decision, but that there can never be justice. she added quotes, we who remain behind are the ones serving a life sentence. well, storms and days of heavy rain have brought flooding to many pots of northern europe . the netherlands, france, and germany have all been. he's revisiting england to both side. the state banks with the resident saying, fund waters are the highest they've ever seen. it's not exactly venice locals in gloucestershire and western england abandoned their cars for canoes. no one was spared. not live stock, not dogs for their owners to the northeast in
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newark on trent. some cars did make it through the high waters. but drones captured images of flooded fields as far as the eye could see. local said they've never seen anything like it. i've seen the river up onto the girls before, but never covering the locks. and if you go down a bit further, you'll see that the water is completely covering the locked gates. i've lived in for 15 years now, and there's never been this high. i have come close, but never quite as bad as this one man in wester had planned to head. this is his house, protected by a barrier. he built himself. this is the house and sunny are times. meanwhile, the government insist it's on the case. it's important that people follow the advice that's given in local areas where they're off. i'm warning that they've been given and pulling that. those are followed and people should be shown in the savvy of arm agency,
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a couple people on the ground. everyone certainly recognize the urgency of what is happening and they are responding appropriately and with the would you heist that response? can't come fast enough for people who have send back their homes. but officials war and that water is may rise even higher in the days ahead. or finally, now the us bone acted david soul, co star. the 1970s body comp serious task in hodge is passed away at the age of icy sold, rocketed to global fame for his betrayal if the portrayal of the detective hodge in a widely populous theories. he went on to gone to prizes a sing releasing 5 albums and recording the heat. single. don't keep up on us if you like to move to bruce and becoming a citizen, to feel a dream of acting on stage. family says he passed away, surrounded by his loved ones, is a reminder of our top story. now. us president joe biden has kicked off his re election campaign with an outspoken attack on his likely challenge of donald trump
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speaking in pennsylvania. and why i didn't accuse trunk of it going nazi germany and you're up to date here on t w this more on d w dot com play to follow as to on social media, ask dw nissan charge, right in public. thanks for watching the vacation. as an applicant, do they have good weather? i, when i told me that they don't have violence. can we go sailing? tulsa tissue today, because when they go to that, we set up here. love a new meal. people are stuff was work hard, one the tenants, although i so not because the these places in europe are smashing.


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