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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 6, 2024 7:00am-7:15am CET

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[000:00:00;00] news this is due to the news live from berlin. joe barton called donald trump, a threat to democracy. the us president kicks on his re election campaign accusing his likely challenger of echoing the same language used in nancy. germany will have analysis short, also coming up. parts of northern europe are under water after days of storms and heavy rain rivers have burst their banks in many areas, flooding homes, and prompting evacuation
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the next. spicer welcome to the program. us president joe biden has kicked off his bid for re election with a harsh attack on his likely arrival. donald trump bite and says the former president poses a grave threat to american democracy. you choose his trump, of echoing nazi germany and seeking revenge and retribution, trumpets head back. but using body of fear mongering for the election may still be 10 months away in the us campaigning stats early while it's not yet sets and here the parties will field match 20 twenty's by investors. trump is widely expected. president joe biden began his campaign by landing and reese at valley forge national auction pennsylvania, chosen for its historical residence. one of what it was here, that george washington spent a winter rousing his tired,
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hungry continental army to keep up the fight against the british. nearly 250 years ago by didn't used that image of the 1st of us president as a champion of democracy and had house words for trump calls. those will pull, oppose, and vermin. he talks about the blood of america is the points that going the same exact language used in nazi germany. the 3rd grade pro insurrection this down for all american. yeah. trumpeters mag, supporters not only embrace political boss, but they laugh about the president frames the election. is a fight for democracy or the democracy still, america sacred cause is the most urgent question of our time. that's what the 2024 election is all about. meanwhile, have an iowa donald trump is on the campaign trail, had some kind of do
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a stick. the coal stick with his own spartan's record is an unbroken streak of weak dish, incompetence, corruption, and failure. other than that, he's doing quite well as an adult. that's why trucker joe is staging is pathetic. fear mongering, campaign event in pennsylvania today. did you say i me was stuttering through the whole thing is going up. i got a fees, a threat to democracy, recent policy biden versus trump as it typed rice. and the former president is still facing several court cases which could 10 days. johnson trump support is the under tut, hasn't been proven guilty of any of any crimes. he has many, many things against him that people are trying to convict him of, but he hasn't been proven of any of that. very little is searching about the selection yet. nonetheless, it is already being portrayed as
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a battle for the very soul of america. and for more on this, we're joined now by jason kemp of donia, who is the los angeles bureau chief for nbc news radio. jason, thanks for joining us. let me just ask you this. it's, it feels like binding really went on the attack in a way we haven't seen before. what did you make of a speech? i thought it was interesting that he came out swinging in the way he did. we saw a more animated jo bite and at times during his speech and a very soft spoken joe biden, at times. i think they are playing this extremely well. it being the 1st major speech of is of the election year with the election happening in several months. but trump seem to take it in stride. it's not anything new. he's used to playing down in the mud. he's used to being down and dirty in name, calling and things like that. joe biting called president trump for president of
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a loser today during his speech. and i thought that was out of character ram. so to see job, i didn't come out especially, you know, with his gloves up saying, hey, let's, let's get this on. i thought was interesting and to be honest with you, a selfish point here is going to make for an incredible election year to cover. and you're saying that trump is used to being down in the mud. now the if i didn't seems agreeable, let's say to sort of getting into the cage fight. will that resonate with voters, the people who is the politics a spectacle? do think or will buy and go back to talking about as legislative accomplishments are, are bit of both what you think. you know, i really feel that the bite and campaigns going to have to go back and say, look at the look at while we've done the past 4 years. so that's, that's their wheel house. that's where they're good. that's where they can also say, and this is where we're going to be in the future. you know, when we're re elected,
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they like to use that term when we're re elected. we're also going to be doing this for you and that for you might also feel that interest rates will drop your in the united states gas prices will probably go down, things like that. and then the bite and ministration can rely on those things that are going to be very difficult for the trump campaign to, to fight. but i think with this, you know, ding ding there, it goes to bell and both buyers come out of their corner. i thought it was an interesting, interesting way to get things started this early. and let me just ask you about something involving the supreme court on friday. it said it was good to hear donald trump's appeal of additional decision to disqualify him from a colorado's republican primary ballot. what could this mean for the election as a whole? and so it was really interesting when colorado said that they were going to take
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tom's day off of the ballot they side in the 14th amendment, which basically states, any person who is guilty of insurrection, cannot run for political office. well, trump has not been a convicted of insurrection, as far as we know, any way, as far as i know. and he says he hasn't been convicted of anything. he hasn't been convicted of the crime. how can this hold any water? so i thought it was a way of the dead lawmakers in colorado to basically say, hey president joe, by that and we're with you and we're going to do everything we can. so i think when the arguments are made by the trump administration of the trump campaign, same a, he's not guilty of anything and you're trying to convict them before he's convicted . i. so i think, you know, obviously be thrown out and his name will remain on the valid colorado. so it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out. but i don't think that the
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argument on any water and it will be just the same. but trump did not need colorado in 2016 when he one of the presidential race. that okay, well thank you so much space and compet donia for us with nbc and use radio. thank you. let's take a look at some other stores around the world. sell the head of a powerful u. s. gun lobby. the national rifle association has resigned after more than 30 years, waiting appear. bland, health concerns. it is, announcement comes ahead of his trial in new york next week on corruption charges of the 1st time in more than a week. the world health organization has delivered medical supplies to hon. eunice and southern gas, and the city has been under constant bombardment. this is real attack suspected how much hide outs 3 months into israel's was from us, widely recognized as a tear organization. u. n. c. monetary and chief has described guys as an
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inhabitable us secretary of state antony blinking is on a week long visit to the middle east beginning with turkey. he's hoping to prevent the war and gas and from expanding to other parts of the region. after talked in this 10 ball blinking will tend to is realty occupied westbank and 5 error of nations, including egypt, guitar and saudi arabia are corresponding and is 10 bold door in jones told us what lincoln is hoping to achieve. well, i think the secretary of state lincoln's visit to talk. he's seen as much about diplomatic messaging as substance. you have to realize that since the onset of these will, between israel and hamas blinking had largely side line tacky. but instead focusing on the gulf states, unemployment that was due to tuckers president bridget type of the ones, very strong support of how much describing it as a liberation movement. but the fact the blinking has now chosen to start his tour of the region. we have a visit to turkey is seen a sending
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a message possibly to israel about what the washington is growing discomfiture over israel's handling of this will. banquet assholes, parliamentary elections on sunday may not position the bangladesh nationalist party is boycotting the road. it accuses the government of imposing a brutal track down of arbitrarily jailing thousands of opposition leaders. an actress, the governing juan the league denies the allegations, a prime minister. she casino, distributed for many things spectacular throughout the country. once considered to be the buddhist in the world since 2009 under her leadership, millions have been lifted out of poverty. but her critics argue the economic success has come at the cost of democracy and human rights. housings of the members of the people position party, the bundle dish, national spot, the adding to on work the part because when a degree more to read it,
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relations with the 5000 of our party leaders and workers starting from our sector again level down to the grass through several have been taken into custody. this situation has created be a factor in the minds of boulevard baki leaders as well as our rent getting 5 workers, 6 piece between the point a quarter to week big. nobody's audio too much. units had violated national labor laws. his support this argue that unit has been targeted because he's seen as a potential valuable enough. se not the months leading up to the elections happen, guys with findings, human rights, what sees, it has found evidence that security forces are responsible for using excessive force. most arbitrarily invests in force disappeared and says torture and extract your district killings in a recent speed of the election related violence. the government of cher christina
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has denied these indications and blames b and b for orchestrating violent attacks to undermine heard government. the e u. m. us has criticized the origin of the democratic principles and that has seen us through but decent and fall was india. china and russia have developed strong dies with testing us government. and critics say, how strong alliance, if his part of the bible to wipe, i'm lucky shop, it's a good the country lead testing, forwarding, inflation, voices against testing us government are increasing and with the opposition by courting fund this board, many in our country, a foot and 170000000 people seem to have lost faith in the system. that governs from many parts of northern europe are grappling with flooding following storms
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and days of heavy rain. the netherlands, france, and germany have all been hit. rivers and england have also burst their banks with the resident saying the flood waters are the highest they've ever seen. it's not exactly venice locals in gloucestershire in western england, abandoned their cars for canoes. no one was spared. not live stock, not dogs for their owners. to the northeast in newark, on trend some cars did make it through the high waters. but drones captured images of flooded fields as far as the eye could see, local said they've never seen anything like it. i've seen the river up onto the golf before but never covering the locks. and if you go down a bit further, you'll see that the water is complete, the covering, the log gates i've lived in for to 15 years now, and it's never been this. how i have these come close,
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but never quite as bad as this one man in wester had planned to head. this is his house, protected by a barrier, he built himself. this is the house and sunny are times or meanwhile, the government in serious it's on the case. it's important that people follow the advice that's given in local areas where they're all from warnings that have been given important and those are followed and people should be very short in the savvy of our maintenance vehicle. people in the ground, every with city recognize the urgency of what is happening and they are responding appropriately and with the would you heist that response? can't come fast enough for people who have send back their homes, but officials war and that water is may rise even higher in the days ahead. and a reminder of our top stores. now. there's president obama has kicked off his re election campaign with an attack on his likely arrival. donald trump speaking and pennsylvania by an accused,
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trouble of an echoing language use in message and that is your news roundup. coming up next on ran out of portion on 11 sports car, helped a trans woman driver chief for james ward using the website at the w dot com. thanks for watching. the can you see is what old cars tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on the really indeed the snow on youtube what do these do for fun


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