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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 6, 2024 9:00am-9:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the news live from berlin. us, secretary of state, adds me blinking is in the middle lease on a week long diplomatic tour spears mount, the conflict and gas, i could expand the water reach. also coming up, joe biden calls donald trump a threat to democracy. us president kicked off his re election campaign, accusing his likely arrival of an echoing language used in nancy. germany will have analysis in short order, and in japan authority say at least a 110 people are dead, and more than 200 are still missing. following last week, earthquake,
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bad weather is happening. rescue and recovery of the mix. spicer, welcome to the program for the 1st time in more than a week, the world health organization has delivered medical supplies to can eunice, in southern gas, and the city is one of the major battle grounds and israel's ground offensive against a mass which many countries consider a terror organization. heavy bombardment by israel has disrupted a deliveries 3 months into the war. the u. n. c, monetary and cheapest describing guys as uninhabitable. us secretary state as the blinking is on a week long visit to the middle east, beginning with turkey. he's hoping to prevent the war and gas and from expanding to the wider region. after talking this 10 bull blinking will head to israel, the occupied westbank and 5 era of nations including egypt,
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cutter and saudi arabia. it was the us backing israel and turkey siding with how much i asked our correspondent julia had what the 2 sides hope to achieve with these talks. well, nature, those washington and on her, i think have a strong interest in containing the israel, whom i was war and preventing further spill over effects to neighboring countries. this is us secretary of states of lincoln's full crisis tour to the regents in some offices. surprise attacks on israel on october 7th. he has so far kind of sideline tacky a bit, but today he is expected to not only hold talks with his turkish counterpart, how kind of feed on, but also with president add on himself. i think we can expect tough and 10 storks that because as you mentioned, the disagreements looms very large. the us have been a strongly backing israel. although there seems to be growing dissatisfaction there
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in washington with israel's military campaign and guys of the devastation and humanitarian crisis. that it has caused a touch as far as an add one, on the other hand has turned into one of the muslim world, harshest critics. all these were a government of his very prime minister benyamin atanya, who he just recently compared him to idols. hitler, he has also is strongly denounced. uh, the us is support for israel while at the same time, and that is important to mention, describing how much and i quote ad one, he has liberation fighters fighting for their land while uh how much is considered classified by the us and other western countries as a terrorist organization, so many disagreements and it will be very interesting to see where at if washington on cra, a can find some much needed common ground today. and in terms of common ground because it sounds like you've got the massive set of differences. what else is on
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the gen anything other agree on, or what else will they talk about as well? one of the main topics uh will be uh, sweden's seemingly never ending attempts to join the nato. you know, attack, he is one of the 2 natal member stays the other one being hungry, which has not yet rectified sweden's, a session, a protocol in fact. so the government here has direct out this whole process for more than one of the hall views. now with ad on using his leverage and pressing for concessions, including a sweet, an ac, seem tougher on carter's militants, which on core consider is terrorist. and we're still waiting. everyone has given his green lights, but the tuckers paul them and still needs to have a full version of this. and i think blink, and we'll price for that to happen as soon as possible. but we know that the talkers government has set out another condition. they want to have a green light on a very controversial f. 16 fighter deal with the us 1st before saying yes to sweden
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. well, washington has been saying, no, you have to say yes to sweden for us before we can proceed with that deal. so let's see what will come out of that as some of the other se there might be, we might see some positive momentum on this topic today. okay, and we'll be coming back to in that case, you'll see a hand in is simple for us. thanks. so much you as president joe barton has kicked off his bid for re election with a harsh attack on his likely arrival job. i'd pardon the donald trump bite and says the former president poses a great threat to american democracy. he accuses trump of echoing nancy, germany, and seeking revenge and retribution. trump has hit back accusing binding button, rather of fear mongering or the election may still be 10 months away in the us. come paintings, thoughts early, while it's not yet sets and here the policies, real field match 20 twenty's binding versus trump is widely expected. president joe
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biden began his campaign by lighting and rece at valley forge national auction pennsylvania chosen for its historical residence. it was here. the george washington spent a winter rousing his tired, hungry continental army to keep up the fight against the british. nearly 250 years ago by didn't used that image of the 1st of us president as a champion of democracy and had house words for trump. calls those will pull, oppose and vermin. he talks about the blood of americans, the poison, echoing the same exact language, used in nazi germany, which had prayed pro insurrection, understand pro american. yeah. trumpeters mag,
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supporters not only embrace political boss with a laugh about the president, right into the election, is a fight for democracy or the democracy still, america sacred cause is the most urgent question of our time. that's what the 2024 election is all about. meanwhile, have an iowa donald trump is on the campaign trail, had some kind of do a stick, the coal stick with his own body directed as an unbroken streak of weak dish, incompetence, corruption, and failure. other than that he's doing quite well as an adult. that's why crooked joe is staging. is pathetic field monitoring campaign event in pennsylvania today. did you say and we were studying through the halls. i gaze got up. i got a, he's a threat to democracy, recent calls c biden versus trump as it typed rice. and the former president is still facing several court cases which could hinder, as john says,
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trump support is that understood? yeah, that it hasn't been proven guilty of any of any crimes. he has many, many things against him that people are trying to convict him of. but he hasn't been proven of any of that. very little is searching about the selection yet. nonetheless, it is already being portrayed as a battle, so the very soul of america. earlier i spoke to jason compet donya with nbc news radio and los angeles. and i asked him what he made of jo biden's attack on donald trump and his speech. i thought it was interesting that he came out swinging in the way he did. we saw a more animated joe biden at times during his speech and a very soft spoken joe biden. at times. i think they are playing this extremely well. it being the 1st major speech of is of the election year with the election happening in several months. but
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a trump seem to take it in stride. it's not anything new. he's used to playing down in the mud. he's used to being down and dirty in name, calling and things like that. joe, biting called president trump for president trump, a loser today during his speech and i thought that was out of character ram. so does the job i didn't come out, especially, you know, with his gloves up saying hey, let's, let's get this on. i thought was interesting and to be honest with you, a selfish point here is going to make for an incredible election year to cover. and you're saying that trump is used to being down in the mud. now that if i didn't seems agreeable, let's say to sort of getting into the cage fight. will that resonate with voters, the people who is the politics a spectacle? do think or will buy and go back to talking about as legislative accomplishments are, are bit of both what you think. you know, i really feel that the bite and campaigns going to have to go back and say,
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look at, look at while we've done in the past 4 years. so that's, that's their wheel house. that's where they're good. that's where they can also say, and this is where we're going to be in the future. you know, when we're re elected, they like to use that term when we're re elective. we're also going to be doing this for you and that for you might also feel that the interest rates will drop here in the united states. gas prices will probably go down, things like that. and then the bite and ministration can rely on those things that are going to be very difficult for the trump campaign to, to fight. but i think with this, you know, ding ding there, it goes developed and both by that has come out of their corner. i thought it was an interesting, interesting way to get things started this early. that was jason cap of doing it with nbc and use radio in los angeles. so us supreme court has agreed to hear donald trump's appeal against being barred from the republican primary ballot in
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colorado. last month, the state court ruled that trump was disqualified from standing because you engaged in the insurrection during the january 6th attack on the us capital by his supporters. supreme court justices have indicated they will fast track their decision. the case could have major implications for the presidential election. let's take a look now. some of the other stores making use around the world. bolivia has reported is biggest to ever cocaine seizure. police found more than 8 tons and a massive shipment of timber wood panels. apparently, dustin, for the netherlands, according to the un, bolivia is the world's 3rd largest producer of cocaine and coca. it's the source plan to natural columbia and prove the resilient football legend marios the gallow has died at the age of $92.00. he was the 1st person to win the world, kept both as a player and a coach. lifting the trophy 4 times is widely considered an instrumental. figuring
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brazil's rise to global football prominence. authorities in japan say at least a 110 people are dead and more than 200 still missing. following last week's earthquake among the hardest hit areas with gmail, a city on japan's western coast, many streets have been reduced to rubble. bad weather is also hampering rescue and recovery efforts as our correspond to james tater says as this report from the peninsula even watch him a bunch of times west and coast. many parts of the city now looked like this. the historic morning markets, once bustling with stools, has been devastated. for centuries, the monkey that once did hit with the beating heart of life in which email now the lock, the shop switched. the city of celebrates, now like in ruins. the market was consumed by
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a message by off to the january 1st of quite partly because fire trucks were impeded by damaged roads. sort of a hey, there's still some parts of the run, but it's still smoldering. with that connection to the pos. now going some residents say they don't know how they can look forward to the future. just meet just from the markets. the chief priest of a local temple tells us his wife is among the nice thing. he says he saw the house collapse, the windows such team finally arrives. they find nothing of 2 hours of such and was such team scouts of the city for quite victims, some 700 of its residents of staying as a temporary shelter. mucky a sono. is one of them. she says she faced some of the older residents might never a ton of to that homes were destroyed tonight we're finding or they would probably
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move to the children's homes outside the prefecture. and then the population of to city worker died. and the city would change for the was why had the whichever way things change. everyone who knows this to see will never be the 2nd reminder in our top story to your secretary state as a blanket is on a week long tour of the middle east, and that preventing the conflict in guys from expanding the water and you as president joe biden has kicked off his re election campaign with a non, with an, an attack on his likely arrival. donald trump speaking and pennsylvania by and mccue's trumbull, echoing language, used in that speech. and that's your news round up for now. the next is doc sale today, looking at weddings in morocco where the brides get a chance to become princesses for a day. it's always more use that our website at www dot com for main expires on the
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attorneys team here in berlin. thanks for watching the it shouldn't be this warrant here. it's hard not to feel something really is happening here. what is happening to greens and ice explore an untouched place into the ice, january dw, the.


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