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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  January 7, 2024 5:15am-5:31am CET

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to whichever way things change, everyone who knows this to see will never be the set up next after a show bracket, sports life way, which looks at how the taliban is depressing. female athletes in afghanistan. warranty i'm showered reading buildings of a great day. the world in progress pop calls to everyone who wants to know more about this topic. second son of about this story is beyond the headlines world in progress. c, w talked about not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day an in depth look at current use events analyzed by experts and
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critical thing here is not just another muse. so weekdays on d, w, the games are wrong to combo. they're desperate to leave the country. it's just not a bad is in control of i've got to start off to the tale bun took over among the 1st things the band for supporting activities for all bills and women. many female athletes tried to escape on the phone just we thought just how we can run from here,
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how we can escape from this situation, how we can say, follow a line. some of those who stayed behind continue this, i secretly, despite the grave danger when i go down to the gym, that was too much i had seen in front of me without hearing anything from me without saying any chance they hit me on my shoulder with that gun these are the lives of 2 female planes. this story is the story of thousands of ask and goes with the she is a female athlete and they've gone to stone. neither her name now has followed will be revealed in order to protect her and her family's life. i called her to run. i
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asked her to show us her life in a video diary. for women, enough contest on education is only permitted up to a certain age and working is almost completely full paid in such a run as life is restricted to the house. they wake up at 5 am or full so she am trust me, others as the pain, because now everyone is unemployed. i wish the codes or finish all the other work at home because i don't my mother, my sister's to tell me that today i shouldn't go to the gym or because we got the others have had breakfast. i should. how are you? because we going, we need to bring the comp pets while they were laundromats here, that wash compet in afghanistan. it's shameful for families who have many female members to get the carpets washed for the moment. and here's my head job to tell
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when i go out, i have to get ready to leave my home. she used to train several times a week she used to entitles. she had dreams of being an athlete. since the telephone took over just leaving the house without him, a companion puts her in danger of 5500 kilometers away from us. gone astonishing albania. she used to be a very successful basketball player. she also coached and promoted the sport appointments, wheelchair basketball, the calmest on $21.00 titles, both as a national plan and of the coach. i will call her mother young. honestly, basketball is my life. and without practice semester's gone without playing basketball, i think a, using numerous the total on this thread, everything in order to do everything in our country, especially when when okay,
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let me suddenly in a moment, unfortunately we decided to do a now okay, click on say about the happens about the drains and that's kind of fun. not the i'm and 27 of a female basketball players managed to escape. i've gone this on in 2021. her goal was getting to the united states spots due to bureaucrats because she has been stuck in this albanian hotel complex for over a year. now, i'm happy this i'm here. i'm safe, but it's this appointment for me that i'm listing my my time. and they why they, it will be boring from bad
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enough guns down my family has noon to me, but when you go out and see a member of the tyler bomb on your cost, you should change direction to shouldn't oh right. post them the to i do judge, sometimes she's without a male companion because her father is the sole bread winner and often those around the good. i found a piece of stuff from a down to 9, but that was sticking to my mother's mouth. hello, i'm tired. i want to take my mazda golf below it to make a wish to go to, to not because we ask guns, believe it brings lock me or doesn't look at them as major. we have the, my father and my family and my cousins,
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they told me that usual to leave. so it's really difficult for me to ask her about for me that i have to live in my money. i'm flipped to cobbler shortly before the tale pond took over. such a 1st attempt to escape, i've gone to some fields. i went to airport there. they call it a lot of people for this. i was near the door near the get. suddenly a big explosion. in a moment, couldn't see anything. a lot of people that they caused by explosion. so enough somebody, i'm got on to a list with other sports women, what eventuate cents? a ticket out of the country was basketball. sports. but sports was
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also the reason why thousands of women hits any race, their identities as active in this summer, just as what the trophies and documents destroyed in order to prevent the tale bon from finding any evidence. only a few photos left over the top human monuments career as an athlete. this is something that we become champions. 2 of them, they come out to us and enough gone from here. this the data set in us can i was when i finished on so it had negative effects on us, but i still didn't give up. i said, we have to accept the test scanners. john has collapse, but i wouldn't stop my sport. these pictures showing off gun woman in training hidden because according to the tale bond,
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these are pictures that should not exist. we had created a secret place for us that was asked to reach you to tell about they were not aware of it. as of the one of the sessions toronto was supported by the tale bomb outside the gym. i didn't say anything. they just hit me with a heavy gun on my shoulder. i didn't say anything because i couldn't say anything to them. they hit my phone onto the ground and it broke in terms of my feelings, i should say it's kyle because i'm the one side of my emotions. on the other side of my dreams. if i follow my emotions, i will have to leave my dreams. my support on my pounds to the future as a new model. ringback at least some of the young and the other women can still practice
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best sports. they train on a regular basis thanks to the non governmental organization, a call the t as refugees, the athletes are officially not allowed to work in the painting, international football. so to ration fee for covers the cost of housing. but now the young feels there is a lack of support from the international basketball association. people. maybe they don't respond either with try it a lot to have contact with the fema. they didn't help us. so it's just a point thing for me. why fi but i don't have one. wow. now the, i'm close to the athletes here, a new family and it's challenging phase of life. they support each other. among other things with traditional off gum didn't know here. and sometimes we think that all the people,
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all the candidates united to said or you're causative before that is the confidence they should to accept to as a human not ask on, not a thing. i wasn't nationality, no, it's human. and we've just started o bush, my rooms, compet 1st. we should use the was a fast while the others a waiting and then brushes. my dream is one dream i can tell you about is it i want to take part in the 2024 in impacts john i want to show the world, but even though it's true, this whole country has gone backwards and the government has been taken over by the time about well, i want to show the,
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well that we haven't given up i want to show the well, that we will never give up. i was not a shift for how to get a few weeks off. so i receive to videos toronto sent me this voice message to cover a lot because of the furniture. very bad. i went up against um, i could not leave the one. the telephone is be to be after the guy tried to leave on yesterday. i came in focused on my tv in here and i went to the introductory g. yeah. so i'm in charlotte. i don't really have the all the women sunlight time to one. they leave that situation. they cannot spend the time under the toilet. wonderful. they cannot.
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it's dangerous, it's horrible. now the i'm finally got to the immigration case and then the procedure has stopped and she hopes that she will begin a new life in the united states. almost 2 years off of the tale bond took over the new city wide. and you can reach us and left the bottle, you know, and i said, you lose the game. you learn that it's not all you should suffice to in the
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mercedes 600 tribute to the president, popstars and po of the how did this technical marvel become an idol? we take a closer look read next on w, between democracy i'm fear, open minded, inclusive, pluralistic. many in taiwan don't feel they belong to china. but the po tyler, terry, a neighbor sees this democratic alignment as a publication fee is of an impending bull or growing. ty, ones, sites for identity and independence in 30 minutes on d w. these places in europe, a smashing step into
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a bold adventure the treasure map for martin clo, discover some of us regular branding sites on youtube, and also input the 6 to use of the say, the 6 hundreds, how it became because a heads of states saw, i'm hope how student needs refugee is a thriving in asia with a ritual business. outsourcing power is can travel on voice and land in the same vehicle, like no unrest. the as a mercedes, 600 turn 60. we revisit the history of this iconic car boasting all manner of.


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