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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 8, 2024 7:00am-7:15am CET

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the, the you watching the to the news coming to live from berlin? no surprises in bangladesh as election. prime minister say casino wins another charm. i for a campaign mark by violence turn out was low after the main office session boy called at the vote, calling it a shout. also coming up on the show, the west wars, the conflict put in gold, the entire middle east. secretary of state anthony blinking says the violets in gauze as put a quote, easily metastasize to the wider region. reset to visit as route where he referred federal protection regardless civilians. the
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clare richardson, thank you so much for joining us. we're gonna get to those stories in just a moment, but we do start with some breaking news. all of ukraine is under an error rate alert after reports that russia has launched a large scale missile assault. ukrainian military officials across the country have said that they are under quote, massive attack from russia. ukraine's air force has told people in cube to shelters, saying that the capital is under threat from ballistic missiles. we will be bringing you more details and developments as they unfold throughout the day. so stay with us. we are going to return to our top story now though, and bangladesh is prime minister. shake casino, having won a 4th consecutive german office after her ruling party swept to national elections on sunday. the country is election commission says that has seen as a wa, me week has won the vast majority of seats in parliament, but turn out was only around 40 percent for
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a vote marred by violence and boy caught it by the main opposition as the longest. subbing female brian, ministering the white, she cuz the not is sick to maintain her grip on file. but she has won an election with no affective eyes of the main opposition. the bangladesh nationalist party did not take part in the election questioning, prepared the ability of the valid under has the nice through, but the opposition bike or it has not to do the power from 5 minutes to i have my echo the ability to people to the people who are the people accepted or not, or that they have accepted this is that's what i left, that is important. the position being between the gulf when crippled dude campaign by incarcerating thousands of the members on put a degree, monty redid charges. it says several of its members were killed in an election campaign league advisors. but the ruling of, i'm in the accused,
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the b and b o 5. and the tax is going to undermine the government. have cases against me for austin and stuff like that. there's a systematic repression going on for last many years. do you have any tanks that it's on election? the you and the us have criticized the intrusion of democracy under has the nozzle . but reaching the ball was india. china and russia have developed strong business and security dies with testing us government and have desired lead, remain silent on our domestic policies. what we're seeing is really a silent single freedom of expression. so all this has, has cleared bit in the last few and therefore we don't believe that a bung with the sweeping from the press to close, which is the west. 33, think of civic space a country can have despite the criticism, has he not, is credited for us, spectacular,
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georgia for country once considered to be the poor test and the white millions have been lifted out. a fall would be under her, julie. but her critics argue they cannot make success, has come at the cost of democracy and human rights, leaving many in the country a foot on $170000000000.00 people with little feet in the system that go one step. so let's get across to bangladesh and speak to indeed of the use of where i've met in dr. now. so we have a c not having one, a 4th straight term, even as the opposition or calling these elections sham. what does her victory mean for democracy in bangladesh? the better for the incumbents, as you have said, and the position is saying that this was basically an a ritual to extend their tenure or extend the to hold the grape on power of work for them. of
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the for, for the ruling albany and the prime minister, she can see that they are as saying if this extension was uh, a crucial for economic stability. where is the opposition or saying that basically bundle of dishes blink to one of the hardest parts, hardest time of democracy. and uh and, and we have seen the rising criticisms about the, about the way this election was conducted and also turned out as a, as a, as it came out. it was 40 percent, e. e. if you look at the previous elections in bangladesh like um, when, when all the parties and marcus the page and it was more than 70 percent. so what that, that means, this is an election. this turned out as pulling the chart of significant the chart . and where is the allow me to really party,
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they are saying that this uh uh they have the backing of the majority. but it seems that the question sizes the, how do we explain this darn out? now i'm curious about international reaction as well. she can seem to enjoy support from countries like india and china, do you think is regional powers? will be glad to see her stay in power the bell. i'm the doing under this on this take us and us leadership long live inches. economy can go in, but as well as i see at the end, and i don't fist against is insurgency in this country. so that actually is crucial for india, the one of the regional powers and would sign up on the pilots of the and and relationship has grown over time when she was in power. so of them, oh, well, if she can see now is it, it's a, it's, it's a, it's beautiful, it's for them,
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it's helpful. oh, it is the india they have little trust to be the opposition to be empty. what's the appointment to, to say? so that's like a shake that's gonna enjoy the backing of the region of the powers. thank you so much. fair reporting there. that's the date of the use of where i'm at in dr. and us secretary of state anthony blinking is due in israel for talks on the war and gaza as far as grow that the conflict could widen across the region of speaking in catawba, lincoln said it was imperative to protect civilians and gaza as well as the bottling of mazda classified as a terrorist organization, by the us in germany, and many other countries on. so the blinking on a tip of magic drive to prevent the spread of the israel. how much was after meetings and come to the us secretary of state formed on sunday, the wall between israel and how much and cause that could metastasize and threaten
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secure to new. why the middle east in doha blinking laid out his goals and he had price res hosts. in all of my meetings, over the last 2 days, we discussed ongoing efforts to better protect civilians and garza and to get more humanitarian assistance to them. and to get the remaining hostages out and home with their loved ones, the cutter was instrumental and then it goes to actions that led to the simultaneous release of more than $100.00 hostages, including american citizens, and a pause and the fighting that during that time enabled us to double the flow of humanitarian aid, the civilians and guys. so these displays, palestinians caught in the crossfire of this conflict and gaza help come come soon enough. on the us, secretary of state made his position on the status of the testing. civilians must be able to return home as soon as conditions allow. they cannot,
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they must not be pressed to leave gaza. at the funeral of 2 palestinian journalists killed in the powder on his radio striking the south of the gaza strip. the prospect of p seems far away. they can set the kidding to an unimaginable tragedy that he was deeply sorry for the family's loss. the us top diplomats middle east tul continues on monday with the visits that include israel and the occupied westberg. and germany's foreign minister and elena baird walk is also in a trip to the middle east. it is her 4th, a visit to the region since the october 7th attacks, a bare walk held talks. some of the is really presidents and for administer. she's also pushing for moves toward a 2 state solution for is rallies and palestinians. once the current fighting is over, it's tom o scott guys, i must never be a source of danger to the existence of the state of israel in the future. but it's
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also in the refuse to the fact that god that belongs to the palestinian people, they must not be driven out. there must not be. are you just right? oh the up to patient. no settlement of guys from guys. i keep look at more on bare box a trip from our chief, political correspondent, if we can. i believe we have nina has a in jerusalem, but appears some technical problems. no, can you hear me? i can hear you. yeah. fabulous. so in a way to bare block and tell us what is on her agenda, i understand that she is visiting the west bank today. so that's exactly right. so he's going to be visiting a palestinian village and she's also going to be meeting with palestinian foreign, minnesota. all molly key now it's of calls and extreme tightrope walk on elena babble. keep stressing that she sees the suffering on all sides. she does sees that
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to the palestinians all suffering tremendously and stressed again here in jerusalem after a meeting with a is there a new president on the public? the, the is really counterpart, the foreign minister that germany has indeed stepped up. it's humanitarian, a delivery since of tova, it's increased at 3 falls. that brings it up to a sum of 200000000 euro so false for the babel will also try and convince palestinians that she still believes in a 2 state solution. and that also requires some sort of activity from the more moderate palestinians from the palestinian authority itself. and she says that they need to reform so that eventually elections can also be held if the palestinians do agree with that goal of having a 2 state solution. so this region and perhaps more immediately another issue will of course, the rising settler violence and occupied westbank. what does the bear block hope to
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achieve in her discussions on this topic? yet violet violent settlers primes have gone up since october dramatically and that is a big issue. the bab says she can see she is going to tell the palestinian authority as well that she believes that palestinians and must not see that territories. the reduce that is something that she told her is riley count of pods that occupation can not be further extended. that if you want to reach a 2 state solution that that is one of the requirements as well. what she does keep stressing that there is so ring on all sides and that, that needs to end, that people in gauze or a suffering, but also is really families are still suffering because they still haven't seen the relatives free time from how much cosivity of calls settlers violence is of course, a big issue as well. thank you so much for reporting. that is our chief,
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political correspondent, nina has of interest of them. and we can take a look at some other stories making world news headlines for minister. and i'm gonna verify once again says that germany is prepared to resume deliveries of euro fighter jets to saudi arabia. she was speaking during a trip to israel, and she's been highlighting the saudi role in the middle east. security crisis is the start of the cause of war, euro fighters and drawing to british and german, italian and spanish project. the missing panel that blew off by an alaska airlines and shit on friday has now been recovered. us officials say the door clock has been found and a teachers back yard in oregon. investor grant gate are saying that pilots reported pressurization warning lights on 3 earlier flights up the boeing 737 max 9 shots. and the 1st us lunar mission in more than 50 years is set to blast off soon. the
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vulcan rocket will be carrying a landing vehicle which is planned to land on the lunar surface. the mission is a joint venture between nasa and a private company will also be taking ashes and dna from some star trek cast members to boone, to and in los angeles. it was a big night to for the movie oppenheimer at the annual globin golden globes. rather picking up the best and drama and for other awards that included christopher nolan as the best director and kelly and murphy as best from after for that title or role in other categories. and really gladstone becoming the 1st indigenous golden club winner for her role in killers of the flower known. and m a stone was named best actress and a comedy for her performance in for things. the building will kick off, holly with awards season completing with the oscars in march. plenty to look forward to there. what is your news update for now? i remember there's always more on our social media channels on youtube or on our
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website dw, dot com. thank you so much for watching. i'm sorry. richardson in berlin and very much appreciate you joining us. the can you hear the, we are all set we are watching to see all the, to bring you the story behind the new your own about on volume information for free might say do 2. and then what do these do for fun via do gravitational ways.


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