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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 8, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news live from berlin. russel launch is a large scale error salt on ukraine. official say the attack, killed several people and injured many more. an air raid alert was in effect for the entire country. also coming off the w h. o makes a plea for protection at one of causes. last functioning hospitals, only a handful of staff for maine to treat the wounded. they to may have to flee as fighting between is rarely forces and loss. militants intensify
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the sierra kelly. welcome to the program. you courtney and officials say that russel launched a large scale missile assault early on monday, prompting an air raid alert for the entire country, local responders in the car key for each and rescue survivors from a stripe on a residential area. ukraine's air force said that across the country and shop town 18 out of more than 50 crews and ballistic missiles launched by russia. officials said the attacks killed several people and injured many others. that'd be use macs and, or has the latest from ukraine's capital keith. the right service, so this morning at around 6 am a nationwide uh area at alarm or sound and people words to seek shelter. as we, i got the information that the russians strategic farmers and taken off and
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information was out that ballistic missiles were on their way to target villages and cities across the country. now, um, what has been reported so far is that at least 3 people have been killed and these attacks and at least another 33 people were injured across the entire country in the hockey region. for example, an elderly woman had been trapped underneath a builder. she was a freed, but so come to her injuries and clarity which was in the new pro region and the central eastern ukraine. a shopping mall had been targeted and a high rise building as a consequence of that. another person died there also has been an impact to the energy grid in that particular region with power outages as a, as a consequence of that. now these attacks that happened this morning, they are of a smaller scale compared to what we have witnessed here in ukraine at the beginning, at the end of last year and the beginning of this year. and what, what is known worth the as well is that information was put out by the cleaning
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authorities. that 1851. the list of this are 18 and 51. missiles of various different types were intercepted, which means that more than more than half of these uh, these missiles actually managed to have good past air defense. oh wow. and max is as rushes steps up this era salt continued military aid for your brain is also looking for recently on certain. tell us a little bit more about the details of what's going on and how it might be impacting the situation on the battlefield. all right, so the, the crane, the 30s, have been warning for quite some time. now for months that russia has been stopped piling, michelle's especially pipe precision miss house and to use them in winter if last winter has anything to go by from experience the, the, the russians happened targeting and civilian infrastructure across the country for, for months in attempts and partially successfully taking out the parts of the
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energy grid, heating and, and so forth, depriving civilians and, and creating cities of all of that. now the ukranian, aerospace is, is as well protected in parts. the city of, of keep perm, for example, is, is quite well protected, humorous move further further. east hartford region, for example, further east the, some of the cities have gaps in their air defense system. and addition to that, them following the large scale tests that we saw at the end of the year beginning of this year, which huge garage of missiles entering your training, our space targeting ukrainian cities there. um yeah, there is there that the ukrainians are warning that they are. yeah, they're running out of ammunition for the air defense capabilities. and those are if there's a real sense of urgency here. next sandra in case thank you. i am turning now to the war and gaza medics and patients are fleeing the main hospital in the territory due to fighting between is really forces and mos
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militants obtain from the world health organization. visiting b l x a hospital in central gaza, said that it must be protected and continued to function. israel's military is in the area seeking to route out from aust, which multiple countries classify as a terrorist organization. footage filled by w h o team that's on a high risk mission in gaza. i'm in the hospital in the middle area of the middle part of the gulf and script in the emergency department where they're training children. several children on the floor and the majority behind the w h o and other un agencies are here delivering critical supplies and hospital beds to help alleviate shortages. they're also hoping to support over work doctors and nurses by potentially bringing in emergency medical
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teams to assist them. but local staff see what they need. the most is safety guarantee. the hospital is currently operating with about 30 percent of the staff that it had just a few days ago. they are seeing, in some cases, hundreds of casualties every day. even though this hospital is under enormous pressure. the one request that the hospital director said is that the international community needs to make sure that this hospital and other hospital stay protected, that they're not getting strong, that they're not getting back to you rated, but they're able to that's the critical message for today. over the weekend, the organization said evacuated, more than 600 patients from here, citing quotes, troubling reports of increasing hostilities. well, axa is described as the most important remaining hospital in the heart of gaza.
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it's not the only one dealing with critical shortages of both supplies and stuff. the w h o says most hospitals in the gaza strip are not functioning at all. the rest are only partially functional at the she for hospital both in, for structural damage to the medical facility and evacuations of medical staff are making it harder for patients to access medical care. and i'm just trying to guide them if i waited a month for the surgery at the o g for hospitalization, and i've lost most of the use of my hand. it really hurts and i constantly have to take pain killers. i'm 2nd items that can happen to the hotel w h o says it is already cancelled supply deliveries for 4th time in less than 2 weeks. it's calling 1st east fire and says without safety guarantees. its mission will be nearly impossible. and the german foreign minister on the box has called for
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greater protection of gauze and civilians during her diplomatic tour of the middle east. it is her 4th visit to the region since the october 7th attacks. today, she visited a palestinian village in the west bank. here's what she had to say after meeting with people there. and this is why we are calling on this. riley government. do not look away when radicals set loss of threatening policy in young people, but to take up their obligation of for texting, palestinians living here on their own territory. and we are here because we want to underline, that's a 2 state solution. meaning that people can live freely and security and indignity in gaza and also in the west. roland is of high importance in the west bank is a high, important for the future of pros. it's riley's and policy and, and earlier i spoke with corresponded tanya kramer in jerusalem,
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asking her about the biggest issues in the west bank as the german foreign minister visited their guessing. this was one of the biggest uh, issues here. uh, what we've been hearing this morning, but of course she, the gym for a minister and in a bad bar code was also holding towards the with kind of seeing officials in ramallah. but she made a point in visiting a village in the occupied west spring deposit standing village, such as close to is rarely settlements there. and we could see her, you know, talking in length about the impact of such a violence by extremist is really settlers on palestinians living there. she said that it's as well as duty to protect them and that also other students have a ride to live in peace and security in the area. she will. so again, be heard of the criticized settlement of the building or the expansion of settlements, which is as seen as
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a leader under international by most of the international community. so this of course comes on the backdrop of a more incidence that has been recorded since at least the beginning of divorce into october 7th. the turbo tax there in the occupied westbank by extreme instead of violence by is really human rights organizations. and also by united nations, and that has resulted in the injuries of at the property damage and also displacement, especially among the hurting and benjamin communities and the occupied westbank. tanya, how about the situation and does that because after meeting with this really officials yesterday, the german 4 minister also said that it was, and i'm quoting here, increasingly clear that the as really army must do more to protect civilians in gaza. then she called for a less intensive operation. how likely is the is really government likely to,
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to listen to that call from what i think you have to see. you know, germany. i mean, she also reiterated, of course, uh that uh, germany is standing side by side with israel and that israel has the right to defend itself as since october 7th attacks. so that is, of course what she said as well. but she also, and i think there we see a slight change also in what germany is saying that comes along what you also hear from the united states. and if he's been hearing that and a, the us secretary of state identity blinking is also in the region that more needs to be done uh to protect posting and civilians and to get more 8 into gauze. and the, what impact does that have, which is still to be seen, germany has increased its humanitarian assistance, but of course, also as the united states to have not called for a food seized by a, as of yet tanya kramer interested in,
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thank you. and elsewhere, bangladesh is prime minister has been re elected following a vote. the countries opposition branded as a sham. the opposition boycotted the election after his senior refused to setup an independent commission to oversee it. now the prime minister shake has seen as the ruling party won the vast majority of seats and parliament to secure a 4th straight term and power of the these residents in bangladesh as capital deca, frustrated off to 15 years of shade casinos leadership. they were hoping for change any of us and we'll be looking at the leg. it doesn't matter a 5, but i don't know if it's in this election. it's a false of an election as if it were a low to buy that you never know like a national election to me. why?
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and i don't want to know that what the, what the, the government needs to get inflation on the control. it's crazy. you know, and i also have to lower texas and provide help to pull people. we don't want anything else, no matter who is in power of the if it was an election mode by controversy in violence. the main or position bangladesh and nationalists party, branded the elections has shown the bmt held mass protest ahead of the election and told supporters to boy the vote. they insist that has seen his crux down on political vitals ensured that heavy election was a foregone conclusion. seen to dismiss this criticism and defended her goals that the re elected lead to. busy i have nothing to say,
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those are the ones who have never to my own release or the designs, all that stuff on there. the boy coaches the election by the b and p was one of the reasons that vote to turn out was much lower than to the previous selection. but the smaller number of people who did vote and did a tightening has seen his grip on power and tear some other stories making news. and his really drowned strike in southern lebanon has reported the killed a senior commander of the hezbollah militants, group 11, a security sources say that was some el tubby was a member of hezbollah as a lead rod one for us and died in an attack on a vehicle in the southern village of care,
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but sounds in the border with israel. of the farmers across germany have begun a week long strive to protest the government's plans to cut agricultural subsidies . tractor rallies and demonstrations have already begun to disrupt the traffic and trained services in parts of the country. protests have also close nature roads in the center here up to date. thanks for watching the it shouldn't be this warrant here. it's hard not to feel something really is happening here. what is happening to greens and science? researchers explore an untouched place into the ice. january dw, the most


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