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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 8, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm CET

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the, the distance dw news lie from berlin. marshall launch is a large scale. their assault on ukraine. officials say that they attacked killed several people, and injured many more. an air raid alert was in effect for the entire country. also coming up the w h o makes a plea for protection at one of costs as last functioning hospitals. only a handful of staff for maine to treat the wounded. they too may have to flee as fighting between is really forces and mosque. militants intensified and farmers in germany deliver a bumper crop of anger to the government store stuff. they're stopping traffic in the capital city for land with a stripe for, for
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a long make are plant slash fuel subsidies. the sarah kelly. welcome to the program. we'll have more on those stories in just a moment. the 1st some breaking news this our, the company behind the lunar lander that was launched into space earlier today says it has run into technical difficulties as to if i, artic technologies power grand land or was launched a board a rocket from cape canaveral in florida. it's separated successfully from the rocket, but the company says it's space, craft experience and anomaly that stopped it from pointing it's solar panels at the sun city. now, without the ability to charge batteries and maintain a power supply, the mission will not be able to proceed. this is the 1st lunar lander to be sent to the moon by the us. so since you have holla,
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emissions of the 1970s grand elsewhere, ukrainian officials say that russia launched a large scale missile assaults. early on monday, prompting an air raid alert for the entire country, local responders in the car team, regent rescued survivors from a stripe on a residential area. ukraine's air force said that the country so that across the country had shot down 18 at a more than 50 cruise and ballistic missiles, launched by russia. officials said that the attacks killed several people and injured many others who w as mac sander has the latest from ukraine's capital keith, the right service. so this morning at around 6 am a nationwide uh, error rate, alarm or sound and people words to seek shelter. as we got the information that the russians strategic farmers and taken off and information was out that ballistic missiles were on their way to target villages. and cities across the country. now,
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um, what has been reported so far is that at least 3 people have been killed. and these attacks and at least another 33 people were injured across the entire country in the hockey region. for example, an elderly woman had been trapped underneath a builder, she was a freed. but so come to her injuries and creevy, which was in the new pro region and the central eastern ukraine. a shopping mall had been targeted and a high rise building as a consequence of that. another person died there also has been an impact to the energy grid in that particular region with power outages as a, as a consequence of that. now these attacks that happened this morning, they are a smaller scale compared to what we have witnessed here in ukraine at the beginning, at the end of last year and the beginning of this year. and what, what is no worth the as well, is that information was put up with you, your training authorities, that 1851. the list of this are 18 and 51. missiles of various different types
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were intercepted, which means that more than more than half of these uh, these missiles actually managed to have good past air defense. oh wow. and max is as rushes steps up this era salt continued military aid for your brain is also looking for recently on certain. tell us a little bit more about the details of what's going on and how it might be impacting the situation on the battlefield of the right. so the, the ukraine, the thirty's have been warning for quite some time. now for months that russia has been stock piling missiles, especially pipe precision miss house and to use them in winter if last winter is anything to go by from experience the, the, the russians happened targeting and civilian infrastructure across the country for 4 months. in attempts and partially successfully taking out the parts of the energy grid, heating and, and so forth, depriving civilians and,
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and creating cities of all of that. now the ukranian, aerospace is, is as well protected in parts the city of, of keep perfect for example is, is quite well protected, humorous move further further. east hartford region, for example, further east the, some of the cities have gaps in their air defense system. and addition to that, so i'm following the large scale attacks that we saw at the end of the year beginning of this year, which huge garage of missiles entering your training, aerospace targeting ukrainian cities there. um yeah, there is there the, the ukrainians are warning that they are. yeah, they're running out of ammunition for their head defense capabilities. and those are, if there's a real sense of urgency here. max sandra in case thank you and is really drawn, striked in southern lebanon has reported they killed a senior commander of the hezbollah militants group revenue security sources say that he was a member of hezbollah as a lead rockland force. and dives an attack on
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a vehicle in the southern village of care, but found in the border with israel. in a statement, hezbollah said that it's commanders. one of his commanders was killed and a strike on monday. and that his name was based on her son out of you, but provided no further details. this is the 2nd high profile, killing inside leaven on. last we come off is deputy leader, a solid, a worry was killed in a blast. any favorite supper. let's get more from our correspondence, abbas shalley and they root. so and elite, has the commander killed today? fine is rarely strike how important the figure was. he for the militant group, do we know and is this the big set back for hustler? i know some of the security sources i do identify tomorrow that we some of the we in his god's name is hodge or to use that to be with the head of the units within the one force. and they said t and another has bullfighter, where code,
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when they're a kind of was hit in this type of going that have been use of h o for so, but city it's about 10 to, to meet so far from the more that his beloved was him has below, has posted for those of him with some top leaders of his beloved and with the i think so right. many of the for my, for the and you know, a security sort of so say that we'll have the leads and google and the managing cause below operations in the south. what are we to make of the timing of the strike given that the german foreign minister and the us secretary of state are visiting the region today? and both are trying to head off a wider conflict. as you know, size have to be this device which had been today is a coincidence, this diag having that before us secretary of state to blinking out. i think it's i, isla, and germans for the minister. this has been a book i vaguely been on the maybe tomorrow evening, blake. and was all the talks on cuz i'm thinking it is out of you men i had sense with. yeah, that'd be on the, on monday before he didn't go into the site, need
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a need to kick start the concert piece 1st that he sees needed to avoid why the escalation. so it's, and it's hard to believe it's only a coincidence that's what's happened today is the strike thing. so you know, as an escalation, how is it being seen? many things have been solved. i so say 2 months i talk comments are in the other one for so for the one for said lead force and has we're lucky, late to remember. that's hope you have any, a comment that out of them will. so he has been talking to kill this area and started had out already dispute to head all from us political, a beautiful, killed last week and be able to the doctor today combined those i need those cali to exacerbate the situation along the borders of the been on the use or for the solution is still existing and they've been on but one of the security sources and they've been on site, it's what they about this device today. this is
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a very painful strike. another one said and thinks, well, slater up. we don't know how what would be the suppose offers? well, the next days or worse, nobody knows. the w corresponded abbas alco shalley and they were thank you. thank you. so now to gaza, were medics and patients are staying the main hospital in the territory. due to fighting between is really forces and homeless militants. a team from the world health organization visiting the hospital in central gaza, said that it must be protected and continued to function. israel's military is in the area, seeking to root out him off, which multiple countries classify as a terrorist organization. footage filled by w h o team that's on a high risk mission in gaza in the hospital in the middle area. the middle part of the goals and scripts and emergency
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department where they're training children. several children on the floor and i'm very behind the wto. and other un agencies are here delivering critical supplies and hospital beds to help alleviate shortages. they're also hoping to support over work doctors and nurses by potentially bringing in emergency medical teams to assist them. but local staff see what they need. the most is safety guarantee. the this hospital is currently operating with about 30 percent of the stuff that it had just a few days ago. they are seeing, in some cases, hundreds of casualties every day. even though this hospital is under enormous pressure. the one request that the hospital director said is that the international community needs to make sure that this hospital and other hospital stay protected within, not getting strong, that they're not getting back to rated,
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but they're able to that's the critical message for today. over the weekend, the organization said evacuated, more than 600 patients from here, citing quote, troubling reports of increasing hostilities. well, axa is described as the most important remaining hospital in the heart of gaza. it's not the only one dealing with critical shortages of both supplies and stuff. the w h o says most hospitals in the gaza strip are not functioning at all. the rest are only partially functional at the she for hospital both in, for structural damage to the medical facility and evacuations of medical staff are making it harder for patients to access medical care. and i'm just trying to identify if i waited a month for the surgery at the chief of hospitalization,
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and i've lost most of the use of my hand and really hurts of i constantly have to take painkillers. i'm 2nd out to him, 2nd at the hotel w h o says it is already cancelled supply deliveries for 4th time in less than 2 weeks. it's calling for sees fire and says without safety guarantees its mission will be nearly impossible. here are some other stories making news around the world. so hope francis has said that israel's military campaign in gaza has caused quote, an exceptionally, for a few minutes. harry and prices and inconceivable sufferings for the civilian population chose to speaking at his yearly address to diplomats. the pontiff also called for an immediate cease fire on every front and describes the mos october 7th attacks and israel as an atrocious acts of terrorism and extreme s. associates any kind of wings convicted terrorist and are as brave. it is once against doing norway
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over his jail conditions. he's asking the court to end his isolation in prison saying that it violates his human rights. the far right extreme must killed 77 people. many of them teenagers in a bombing and shooting rampage in norway in 2011 or a roadside bomb and northwestern pakistan has killed at least 6 police. the officers were assigned to guard health workers conducting a polio vaccination campaign. the pakistani taliban has claimed responsibility for that attack. and the missing panel that blew off and alaska airlines jet on friday has been recovered. as investigators tech over the plane involved, us officials say that the door plug was found in a teacher's back yard in oregon. officials, i've also said the pilots reported pressurization warning lights on 3 earlier flights of the boeing $737.00 max, 9 jet and germany. thousands of farmers are staging
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a week long series of blockades, of transport links across the country. they oppose plans by the government to reduce subsidies on fuel use in agriculture. now war disruption is expected this week. when train drivers are due to go on a 3 day strike seeking higher wages. the industrial action is raising more questions over the strength of europe's largest economy, which is struggling with low growth and fast rising prices. and they are furious. driving hundreds of tractors, german farmers rolled into the center of berlin. they want the government to roll back plans, cuts the diesel subsidies, which will make fuel for agricultural vehicles, more expensive. as my max assign tasks, you can just see hold of rome that people are unhappy with the government. i think that's why more and whole people are joining us. you can see it here. shipping companies are here. trades people out here. oh, hard working people from the middle class. well,
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also struggling with rising prices and other things thing applies the zone, save yourself to coming from home. the german government has already repealed some of the cuts. but many of the farmers say it's not enough. they found support among the conservative opposition. you must do it by the deeds. thoughts on it is clear to see germany. is that a tipping point? the government has pro the rise this country in a way we haven't seen in decades to the palm think, i'm sorry. one of the protest main targets is german economy minister of all the topic. one is warns against x 3 miss leanings among those taking part in the rally is because you can often from the cold for a government of a through i being circulated. extreme is groups of being formed and natural. the symbols are being opened to display drama. it's becoming clear that something has shifted and reads cindy is lifting the boundaries of legitimate democratic protest
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and freedom of expression. so that's what used to be on. speaker will not seems to be legitimized how big recently experienced the farmers anger himself. last week, a group of protesters tried to storm a fairy, he was on the german farmers association has distance itself from the incident. and in berlin to some fear that the protest movement could be exploited by the far right is over. and i just hope that the a, if the party doesn't benefit too much from this, that wouldn't help us in germany. and along to him i. but on the farmers wants to continue protesting all week. they want to make it clear to the government that they aren't ready to back down. i love to have more. we are joined by christof hoffman. he is a member of the german parliament for the free democrats, the smallest party of the government coalition, and a substitute member of the fondest tax committee on food and agriculture. welcome
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to the program and thank you for your time. do you think that the protests that we're seeing or proportionate? yeah, i think it's bullshit. i'm into foremost doing very a job today working every day and without subsidies. they cannot exist in job at this number and cannot provide us with the nutrition we need in germany. but i mean just to just to counter that point, thing is made there when active is disrupted traffic last year to raise awareness of climate change in germany. your party leader. of course. yeah. and they know to them of endangering germany is prosperity. why do you think it's okay for the farmers to do so? as i think i'm in, i'm living in southern germany and we have a, a go to a cultural structure with farmers have come now to an existing problem. so their existence is at stake and your existing to the stake. why do you, do you go out there and make demonstrations and i'm in this is we're talking now
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about. busy 400000000 euros of subsidies into the diesel for the agricultural of a cold. and if you'd put this into proportion, this is not a big number for uh, 4850000000000. and you are a whole bunch of. this is a small number and i think if you have to think about if it's worth while to offend this promise, because they have been touched by a lot of other members, like the l. i'm suffering that they don't have any plan protection products anymore because the administrator would buy and do sort of slowing down the application process for new products which they should they need. and also they have to compensate in common docs that tax, which is new and is also only in germany. and they have a minimum wage increase. and the minimum wage in germany is about double. but we have in spain with a real compassion as all but despite,
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i mean the points that you are making there in support of the farmers and quite that they're facing economically. the german government, which your party is part of, has now approved the phase out of tax breaks for farmers not abruptly, but over multiple years. why do you think that that has been determined by the government? that that is the good solution as well? it was, you know, we have this a verdict of the constitutional court. so we have to say in our budget, a lot of money within a short time. and this was the real problem. so we could not really discuss in depth what all these kind of measures would mean. and for the farmers, it's just a load of things which came to them. and so this is getting a little too much. and the form is, are usually our group, all liberal votes, us because they are small enterprises. and actually we don't want to lose them. so,
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but this is not the case. we're losing them now. and the danger is that russian, i'm digital charles, i'm working on them the far right is working on them. so it's, it's a dangerous situation right now because we have other industries which have been suffering as well. um, with the higher cost. and we have to have a common framework in the you repeat market just because the foremost in the european markets have to have the same conditions and like and diesel. i live 5 not much from friends. they have to have a good cultural diesel subsidies as well. so why should all farmers have the same condition and all farmers, oh, well, oh, well, to do so, and if they have the same conditions in new york and market, then then let me ask you just um, you know, let's get a little future oriented here because the subsidies that we're all talking about, which i'm a diesel here to fuel. how can the government support farmers in this economic
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transition in a way that is less climate damaging? and we're open to new technology. i mean, we don't have other techniques so far. we need the diesel to produce products, we eat every day and then we have to be real. and um, maybe tomorrow we have other techniques or we have a vehicle to run the electricity a by run by. ready renewable energy, but this is not the case tomorrow. it's going to be maybe in 22 years of fine, 20 years or something like that. but do have to be real and realistic tomorrow. and the next 3 is christoph hoffman, member of the german parliament for the free democrats. thank you for joining us to share that for you. you're welcome. so now elsewhere, bangladesh has prime minister, has been re elected following a vote. the country is opposition has branded as
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a sham. the opposition boycotted the election after shake. athena refused to set up an independent commission to oversee it. now the prime minister, her ruling party, won the vast majority of seats in parliament to secure a 4th straight turman power. these residents in bangladesh is capital deca, frustrated off to 15 years of shade casinos leadership. they were hoping for change any but then i'm going to be like another leg away. it doesn't matter a 5, but i don't know to and this election. it's a false of an election. you say if it were a low to by it says that they never look like a national election to me. why? and i don't want to know that what the, what the, the government needs to get inflation on the control. it's crazy, you know, and i asked them to lower texas and provide help to pull people. we don't want
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anything else, no matter who is in power of the if it was an election mode by controversy in violence. the main or position bangladesh nationalists party, branded the elections has shown to be in pe, help mass protest ahead of the election untold that support. as the boy called the votes, they insist that has seen his crux down on politically rivals. ensured the re election was a foregone conclusion. casino dismissed this criticism and defended her goals that the re elected leader. busy i have nothing to say those will be but never to my own release or the designs of all that stuff
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on the board coaches the election by the b and p was one of the reasons that vote to turn out was much lower than to the previous selection but the smaller number of people who did vote ended up tightening has seen his grip on power as we want to bring you some breaking news now, just coming in the german football legend front beckoned bower has died at the age of 78. he lifted the world cup trophy as captain in 1974 and repeated the feat as manager in 1990 a club level with fire, munich back and bower one the european cup winners cups. in 1967 and 3 consecutive european cups from 1974 to 1976. we'll have more on that including reactions from the world of football in our next bulletin at the top of the hour.
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in the meantime, we're going to head to los angeles, where it was a big night for the movie oppenheimer at the annual golden globes. picking up the best drama and for other awards that included christopher nolan does best director and kelly and murphy as best actor in a drama known in other categories. lily gladstone became the 1st indigenous golden glow of winter for her role and killers. of the flower moon and emma stone was named best actress in a comedy for her performance in poor things. the golden globes kicks off. holly was award season culminating with the oscars in march. and detainment journalist katie matthews was at the golden globes and she told me what she had expected. what was a surprise is lily gladstone winning for her performance in killers of the flower of flower meeting, which is a film by martin scorsese. she becomes the 1st native american woman in the us to
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win a gold and low. so was so wonderful to see her going stage and, and take her award and talk about her, her heritage and her mother inspiring her. and it was really just hard for me as we love barbie was fun, family fun people knows everything about barbie. it was a box office success. so pretty much everyone had seen the film and enjoy it. but you can't really compare it to all the time, which is a drama. and so it's kind of bio graphical feeling. we all know what it's about and it's just, it's so intense. you know what i mean to have a comedy on one side as drama in the other. they're not even in the same league bowed great films. both wonderfully acted great directors, but just very, very, very different fields. but i do think they got it right. i mean, i think that it is best picture. i think it definitely should be the best drama. i thought that the performance by robert downey junior, gillian murphy and you know, christopher nolan, being the director did that just a phenomenal job to remember. there's more news and analysis on our website and social media channels coming up. and next is
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a look at how technology is failing to improve transport and mobility issues. that's in the program global us. after a short break, i'm sarah kelly and berlin. thank you so much for watching. take care the
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