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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 9, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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the, the system see the news live from berlin. the us presses is real to change the course of its war in gaza. the us secretary of state says that he will discuss a way forward and talks with is really leaders. and to me, blanking is on a diplomatic tour of the region in an effort to stop the conflict from spreading. also coming up, what caused a door panel to fall off an airplane mid flight investigator said that they have discovered loose bolt on other boeing 737 max, 9 jets round it after last week's incident. and is there a need for a needle like
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a line to me in the pacific, molten ideal that has been proposed to taiwan and other democracies and that region to help them spend on security threats from china and to north korea. plus the world of football morons, the death of germany is legendary for player and manager funds back in power. we will look back at his life and legacy the i'm sarah kelly. welcome to the program, us secretary of state. and to me blinking is in israel as part of a week long diplomatic tor aimed at trying to prevent an escalation of the war and gaza. a short time ago he met with israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu and is due to old talks later with the as well, a war cabinet. he's expected to press them to do more, to protect civilian lives,
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and to prevent the war and garza from escalating into a wider conflict. i've just come from a number of countries in the region tricky grease jordan cutter that i remember to share. some of that i've heard from those leaders before the president as well as the prime minister in the cabin and later today. and of course, we'll have an opportunity to families to some of the discuss to bring everyone and there's lots to talk about and blinking, just met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his work cabinet as well. to be a special correspondent, a abraham has joining us now from jerusalem. so a, a just tell us a little bit more about what is being discussed today. we know, not all of the conversations are open, but we do have some ideas of what's going on. of the
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secretary of state is visiting israel, not for the 1st time since october 7th, but at a very critical moment. the conduct of this for their increased demands by the international community for israel to scale back the war in gaza. and certainly that is a message that a, the secretary of state will be coming to his is really counterparts with especially the, this visit to his real comes at the back of a regional tour where he's met with a number of, of other regional a leaders. there's also going to be discussions about the proverbial day after what happens once the war is over and in that area there's not there's, there's some disagreements between the vision that the americans have put forth. and some of the statements that we've heard from is really officials just as an example at the united states wants to see a refurbished, revitalized, sorry, we billeted, posted in authority, be part of the future in gaza. but we,
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we've heard from various is really officials, but that is, that is something that they are reject. so a lot to discuss. but certainly talks will be overshadowed by a number of disagreements between the 2 parts and blinking we know will travel to the west bank on wednesday. what is he hoping to achieve their of the so probably there will be more discussions as i just mentioned on what, what role can the palestinian authority play in the future of gaza after the war? the palestinian authority does not cover and gaza, but he does govern parts of the west bank. but it is seen as weak and effective by a lot of college students. they have not had elections in a very long time. and so the american visions, this is to try and rehabilitate and reform the palestinian authority so that it can be an effective, productive, a part of god's as a future. there's also increasing since october 7th, increasing reports of is really extreme is subtler violence in the west spring that
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the united states has spoken out against. and so that is also likely to be a topic of discussion when the secretary of state visits tomorrow, dw special correspondent, abraham in jerusalem. thank you. here are some other stories making news. germany's foreign minister says that a reformed palestinian authority must play a major role in causes future. adelina bare bach has also said that the international community has an obligation to organize security and gaza after the war. during the visit to the middle east. and ecuador police and the army are carrying out raids and prisoners after wide spread on russ following the disappearance of a notorious gang leader from jail. a nationwide state of emergency is now in force as authority search for adolfo must see us also known as feet tall. who is the head
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of the powerful los tornado skag a previously escaped from jail a decade ago. of the hopes of the 1st us new landing for decades are fading after the space crafts develop a leak hours after lift off. on monday, the privately felt hello green landers, separately separated successfully from the rocket that blasted into space. but scientists say that the week now threatens the space crafts ability to land on the lunar surface. united airlines has found loose bolts on the door plugs of some boeing 737 max 9 planes during inspections. the techs were triggered after a door plug of an alaska airlines jet blue out mid flight last week. investigators are still trying to determine exactly what happened to us carriers, grounded the boeing model after the incident, causing hundreds of flights to be cancelled. one of the missing pieces of the
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puzzle, the dual panel that fell out of the alaska airlines flight to me that found in the garden of a high school teacher in the us state of oregon. my heart did start getting real fast at that point cuz i thought, oh my goodness people to looking for this all weekend and it looks like it's in my backyard. investigate is the still in the process of trying to identify exactly what caused the panel to blow off the boeing 737, and if it had been properly installed the the exam to date has shown that the door in fact did translate upward. all 12 stops became disengaged, allowing it to blow out of the fuselage. we found that both guide tracks on the plug were fractured. we'd have not yet recovered the 4 bolts that restrain it from its vertical movement. and we have not yet determined if they existed there that
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will be determined when we take the plug to our lab in washington dc. passengers on board, the flights captured the movements off to the duel panel blue of the plain. some reached the oxygen mosques. the alaska airlines flight was an altitude of 16000 feet when it began its emergency descent with a gaping hole on the side of the plane. the plane landed safely with i have a 170 people on board. us regulators of all the temporary grounding of some. boeing 737, max, 9 jets for inspections. united airlines, the alaska airlines have based identified loose hardware and several of the 737, max croft, including 2 bolts that need tightening. this contributes to serious concerns over
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the safety of the 737 macs model, which was involved in 2 deadly crashes months apart in 2018. 2019. and for more on this that spring in steven bright and international aviation and safety expert, he's the president of the finished association of aeronautical engineers and joins us from 10 pair of thank you so much for joining us here on dw news. what do you make of the fact that inspectors have now found loose bolts on some other of these planes? hello, this or i'm, as i'm not surprised that all the problems have started to be discovered. this type of event indicates that it is based on a license type. finally, a hidden problem. and when you're looking for these hidden problems very carefully,
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you find the problem doesn't often exist just with one individual unit. i a, the alaska airlines aircraft. but rather it will affect a much launch a number of aircraft. and so there's this type of event discovering things like this, this isn't, yeah. so do you then share of the assessment that the investigation so far indicates a construction problem rather than one with maintenance. is that how we should interpret this very much? sorry. you have to put this one into perspective. this is a brand new aircraft. it's only been the fact for a matter of months, it's gone to the customer, come to the line and they haven't used it very much step in preparing it. probably done some test flights and then they put it into commercial service. what this means is it's new, they haven't made it to do any maintenance. and so, and what were more focused on have these loose volt visa behind a plastic tool panel. so you comp, save them with
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a nice guy with the the interior panel face when it spaces you have to take the panel off, get a top range out, and then stop mechanically checking things to see if it's installed properly. so what sort of scale are we talking about here when, when we talk about fixing the problem, can it be fixed easily? if it's, you know, a structural problem, like what you're highlighting there as well. it's, it's, to me, it sounds like it's an assembly problem in the production size way until they find the boats the opus thing together. then we, what not. but what we do now is the, all the right croft have got the false things, the correct false needs attach that to the most important. they all think the right volts. if the right volts have like the inputs incorrectly and the ones that they found half of the job, and it's not just want to across that they found we're talking about more than one
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. which then implies there's a big production problem, aviation experts, steven, right. thank you so much for that perspective. that analysis of the situation. we appreciate it. thank you. let's turn out to the end of pacific where a friction over taiwan, the south china sea and other flash points have the region on edge last year. conservative us lawmakers proposed and in the pacific version of nato to help asian democracies defend themselves against a growing military threats from china and north korea. the w as east asia correspondent james taylor, now takes a look at the challenges. so the regional stability, whether they might, harold, a new era of security alliances across asia, growing friction, geopolitical flush, a career and your time, save you some credence, continental ballistic missile 5 last month can hit anyway on us the territory. and
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the new year young young is going to step up to full preparation elsewhere in the south china sea. china also last month slide was cummins that philippine vessels. as long standing marathon intentions spelled on the page and said, ties with manila at a crossroads engine. taiwan, which china claims its own and election is just days away. this will even slide one's main opposition. policy have cost to vote as a choice between war and pete waste out and we see it. none of these flash points in you, which is 2024 begins. what's east changing is china is an north korea's growing assertiveness not to mention both countries, deepening ties with russia. 3 nuclear on states. 3 power is increasingly frustrated with a us sled wildwood to among washington partners in asia, including here in taiwan. well, that's prompting a fundamental rethink of risk governments of scrambling to bruce defense budgets. unfortunate licenses around the region. japan is pos,
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directly to the defense budget for 2024. despite the start of grievances, tokyo is drawing closer to south korea. here, conducting joined to patrol of last year until present japan and the philippines will soon begin tools on access to reach others, mid a tree, bases with the philippines last year, crunching the us success to for more of them. the inside was, this is one response to increase the chinese intimidation of the debris. a domestic, he may train the jets used to prepare the next generation of points of pilots like junk kite. he graduated from the us air force academy before returning to taiwan. we are still well learning from us and try to be stronger. so i'm not worried about, you know, the war floor covering the fight from our opponents. but we, we will start the flight fight actively. but we are trying to be 100
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percent ready if there is possible for end of this time and use that for space. washington support is plain to see evolving french. civility and age are opposing big questions about whether that's enough and if the scope of the challenge posed by adversaries of the us might need a satellite as an agent to form a collective security pack. similar to name. because now nothing blank nato exists . the nation. nato, which labeled china are a systemic challenge for the 1st time in 20. 22 already has full apartments in the in the pacific, but those ties full well. shorts of collective defense, full membership with guarantee countries of the quad security dialogue, a previously held joint military drills. the group also has no collective security packs. the china has long criticized it as an asian nato. and the us maintains mutual defense treaties with these countries in the region. a need surface
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previously shied away from strengthening ties with asian pond is mostly over fields of anchoring china. but we'd page things minutes. we might smell rivaling the us so many. the reality has changed, and if china and north korea is forceful actions, continue some say in nature style punched in asia, once inconceivable could come closer to reality. and let's bring in the w chief international editor, richard walker, who joins us from the time when he is capital type pay. with more on that. so the report there, richard mentioned the possibility of a nato style defense alliance in asia, who might be part of it. so yes, so sir, we should start out with, as james said by, by emphasizing the something like an asian nato really is far off, but definitely the sold experiment is kind of, uh, going on. and to take one example of one groupings that someone who said, you know, potentially could form is a kind of some kind of
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a nato style alliance in the future. is this group in court? ok, that's, that's between australia, the united states and united kingdom. obviously it comes with this not even in age, but that is an alliance based around submarine technology. and there's been some speculation for instance, about what the japan might join that at some point in the future or south korea. both of those. obviously, countries that independently have their own very close alliances with united states, but we really should stress that this is a long way from the kind of collective defense part that nato represents. the fact that that would mean that every single member of those of a such a life would have to jump into the defense of another. if a boy scenario did imaginatively talking about kind of a worst scenario between the united states in china, for example, over taiwan, that sort of china then taking pot shots that united states targets. then for instance, south korea would be liable to get involved and to be dragged into that conflict to
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be committed to be a, it's enjoying that conflict that would put it at risk from north korean attack. so you can see of the kind of level of commitment that would be involved in that kind of alliance. it seems a countries in the region and not really ready for that yet. but the fact that the story experiments are going on is very telling about the security situation in asia right now. another option when we talk about the security front would be potentially strengthening ties with nato. give us a sense of the desire for that on both sides or yeah, well there was an active discussion about that in public last year when nato did propose opening what he called a liaison office in japan. but that ended up getting mixed to the europeans. i think particularly the french were very concerned about that. they thought that that was potentially too provocative towards china. and i think that also shows that the, many of the countries that we're talking about here haven't yet felt that this is
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the time to really kind of cross the rubicon in terms of relations with china and, and kind of commit to what was effectively be the real crowning a, of a cold war, 2.0 that some say really has already begun. there's still a hesitation that a concern not to provoke china too much interesting lead. so it's really in the hands of china, whether a nation, nato, or something like it ever does in much the more provocative the more assess if the more aggressive, even the china becomes with a nature, the more likely a nation they to use too much d, w, chief international editor, richard walker. thank you. the german chancellor has joined others and paying tribute to national footballing legend friends beckoned bower who has died the age of 78, writing on social platform x. all actual said the back and bower was one of the greatest footballers in germany. and for many he was simply the kaiser. he went on
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to say, we will miss him in the following world has also been remembering the defender who lead west germany to a world cup when as a captain in 1974 and again as manager in 1990. he was one of the most famous gibbons in the world, france beckon's, iowa, everywhere he went successful to attend his entire life in so i can do for other people. i was born of ok. people say that vote goes up punctual voted anticipating i think that i have all of those characteristics don't easy category. good. second valid was a post war child born in munich, and 1945. he began playing football as an end of the age. he started his professional career. that's fine. munich at the age of 19 fans gave him the nickname, the kaiser. due to his commanding start of play with the club, he went every major trophy that was as captain. he led the german national team.
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they became european champions and then wilts champions didn't 1974, dec invalid is considered the occupied v throw style of play. always the free man on the field. intensively based on the was my whole life has been defined by foot levels between the buy. soon as i could walk, i began kissing a bone, the vision, and then i managed to the effect that to less little to need. and this is how he was marketed. second bout was also a world class business man. he was the 1st gen and play with his a manager and own brand. new top rated. the only thing he wasn't good. i was thinking, never the less he managed to get in the german music shots the
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in 1977, his career took him to new york, cause most of the kaiser played alongside footballs through the stop penny. and he became the, the celebrity jim and football the and he will hold himself k did back in that was portrayed he ended his career on the pitch at the age of 38 and then became manager of the german team leading into world cup success in 1990 his career, let him to many patients including jobs that by munich, and a deep uh, footballs, world governing body. that was back in bass, hardwood, one. jim need the rights to host the 2006. well, the top starts on the thinking about what kind of vision does these event. most of this world cup will be an example of friendliness of organizational talent. and when the games over people will say germany organized a great $12.00 cost per page. and so then it goes out to give in foxtrot the
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2006 will, comp became as some of the times that retails for the heights as they've driven self confidence. it also helps send a positive image of the country, a broad transforming of his ideas of what jasmine was spots in 2015 debit corruption navigations to do with the 2006 world cup. the spotlight fell on back in power and his reputation suffered badly. he withdrew from the public high personal struggles, followed with the loss of his son and some health problems including 2 hospital preparations. second valid, denied the corruption allegations against him, right till the very end. he was without doubts, germany's football the of the century. and that spring and sports reporter oliver moody, who was in munich just as the buyer munich, just at the barn munich headquarters. so how has german football responded to this news? a while after this tragic news,
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the responses and the tributes have been led, as you would expect by buying munich. the club way back in battle was an influential figure for the best part of half a century, and particularly by 2 former teammates of funds. back in by the by and on a re president lee heard us at hu uh, and also called hines woman. they got another man to us. that's incredible by munich side, on the early 19 seventy's with tony saying that no one will ever match up to the back. and bala and how many goes saying that he is quite simply the greatest figure in german football history at the bye and buses discussing the possibility of hosting a memorial service for back in bala, at the clubs on the on serena stadium across town at here in munich, that would certainly be fitting for a figure out like back in bala. but i think perhaps the um the, the attributes uh,
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there's some zillow lot best uh, came from outside of buying munich from, uh, uh, from uh, rudy fall, who also, uh was glowing about, uh, back invalid his uh, contribution at 2 javin football. uh, but the tributes have been coming in from across gemini today. why did he stand out so much as both a player and a coach to oh, well beckoned by was qualities on the page with very clear to say he had this elegans at the very few players of the time possessed. and he basically created his own position of the lever i roll, which was essentially this kind of attacking suite that allows him to be a key presence in both boxes and use his qualities to the full uh, but beyond the technical deal. so how does the physical capabilities on the mind to be a success just about every facet of the game? and that's why he was such a success. again, not just as a player, but also as
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a coach. but i think what really was his defining traits was something that you can't really see. it wasn't really tangible, but it was very clearly that. and that is that he was a born when he had this kind of mentality where you, he could just win a game through sheer force of will and even change the cost of a told him and cont, uh, campaigns. and he did that very regularly for boys by munich out the west, german national team, oliver moody, standing by a munich reporting on the death of friends beckoned bower. thank you very much. i, it's you're watching data, you news. remember there's more news and analysis on our website and social media channels coming up next. the health magazine in good shape has a guide to for tilting to stay around a few time for that. i'm sarah kelly in berlin. thanks for watching. take care the
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in good shape. having children easy as pie or is it when the wish for a baby remains unfulfilled? how can women and men increase their facilities? and when things finally do work out how to expect and mothers get for pregnancy? well, in good shape. next,
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