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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 12, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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the, the, you're watching dw news coming to you from berlin. humans who is a rebel is bound to retaliate after a wave of us and british air strikes. tens of thousands of protests, people have protested against the strikes and the capital. so not as the leaders warrant all american and british interest howard for comfort, legitimate targets. also on the show, israel wraps up its defense against accusations of genocide and gaza, calling on the world court in the hate to throw out south africa's case the clare richardson. welcome, we started. yeah, and then where,
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who the rebels have vowed to retaliate for us and british air strikes, which they say killed at least 5 people of the strikes of prompted tens of thousands of people to protest in the capital. so now iran which backs the who fees has also condemned the strikes. the incident is raising fears of the war between israel and thomas could expand into a wider regional conflict. the us and you case of the strikes were aimed at protecting international trade routes after multiple attacks by who through bubbles on red c shipping, one by one american military aircraft. take off parts of a coordinated strike back against humans whose the rebels in retaliation for a tax on shipping in the red sea. led by the us and britain and emission described as an act of self defense, to restore stability along the important trade route. a, do you came new,
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a tree has released these images of its strikes. u. k prime minister richey soon act was currently visiting ukraine, said the strikes when necessary, proportionate and targeted. for over the last month, we seen a significant increase in the number of who's the attacks on commercial shipping in the red sea, that's putting innocent lives at risk. it's disrupting the global economy, and it's also the stabilizing the region. and in that time, we've also seen the single biggest attack on the navy bullshit, the british navy bullshit that we've seen in decades now, it's clear that that type of behavior con, carry on us officials say more than a 1000 sites, were attacked, including command centers and munitions depos used by the who's the group then with to see television broadcasting video or claiming to show explosions. and the apparent often maps of the strikes the american and british enemies passed full
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responsibility for the criminal aggression of the gate. so you have any people will not go unpunished on onset to him. and the armed forces will not hesitate to target . threatening suicide is an old style targets on land and sea in order to defend you have on that sovereignty and independence. the who wants to get out of it. who's the rebels? who a batch by ron, have been targeting ships in the red sea for weeks, with the group releasing this footage in november of its flashes, appearing to seize a vessel. it claims the attacks are in response to israel's war and gaza against from us in the u. s. a. u and other countries have labeled a terrorist organization. the big question now is what this could mean for the war in gaza and the wider region with the world racing for a response from the who's these and those who support them.
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i spoke earlier to maritime expert in robin. i asked him what this escalation means for the red sea, one of the busiest shipping channels in the world. yeah, unfortunately, this is exactly what they're going to. he's been waiting for, for about 10 years and, and as a result we have to be concerned about how they're going to last out further at shipping for the last 2 months. they have been very consistent and is talking global merits on commerce, which is really an assault on all of us because we are all dependent on the free flow of goods all over the world. and no matter where it is, it's going to affect our supply chains and threats. these are critical to a point. and so they've been doing a very good job of making global commerce more difficult. but this is likely to increase the challenge. they have long held the narrative that the war in the oven was actually about finding the u. s. and the u. k. and now that they have actually experienced the force of the us and the u. k, they are going to be able to emboldened themselves further and probably reach out
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even further because they now are finding all kinds of supporters that had been a bit tired of a long conflict. but her now where you live. and so the fact that they've effect we move from just being a local rebel group are backed by around to now being a very disruptive to shipping. it sounds like you think this, this strength ends the who these hand is a very much the is unfortunately they, uh, they've been trying to sell everyone on a narrative for years internally. and that narrative is building over into the white a region because for the 1st time they've actually gotten everybody's attention. they have no real visibility for most of the time. they've been fighting against the government of young. and let's be very clear. these facts were not against them and they were against the who teased, but the problem is it has given them the focus of the world. we're talking about them all over the world. they've been the source of and focus of the un security council meeting, a very excited profile for his cabinet office, meaning they're getting the attention they've long pre does. and it is coming from
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the various sources that they wished to draw the attention of. and so we are likely to see a wider effort at both recruiting and expanding their mission to, to try to lash out at the west and, and further themselves. they are not interested in palestine, except as so far as it gives them a reason to find. they are very opportunistic and, and how they've jumped on the israel got the situation for their own right. so even as this is boasting their, their profile internationally, looking at the response we've seen so far from the u. s. and the u. k. and the strikes, which they say are aimed at protecting is crucial shipping uh, through the red sea. do you think that the strikes that we've already seen or more intense strikes could deter her the who's he's going to can from continuing to attack red c shipping a? unfortunately i, i don't, i've been watching that with you for a long time and they do not act like the rest of us who does have a very particular mindset. they have a particular mission,
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and unfortunately we play into their hands are terrible playmates and, and they're enjoying this play. they are not going to respond to deterrence. the way we see the terms, they're not going to respond to force the way we would respond to force. and so what would perhaps make others think twice is only going to encourage them because they are really keen on promoting this narrative for 10 years. they've been playing a game and stage until you make it now they made it because they've been talking about fighting the us and the u. k for 10 years, and now they have to get the chance to. and so this is going to really expand their possibilities for natalie recruiting internally, but potentially trying to encourage others in, in the region and even far beyond to be inspired by the way i find one labeled a global process. sorry, just one question. but before i let you go, so if you think that deterrence is not going to be helpful here, what would you advise, washington and london as they're looking at this issue, what choices are they have other than military force? spell?
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it is about what the trends actually means, and unfortunately these, these attacks we're, we're, we're a, if you're going to watch an attack and needed to be more forceful than what we're seeing. and that, that, unfortunately this down a very dangerous time. what we need to look at is how to draw that when he's attention away from shipping. because right now that is the, the principal concern because every person on earth is affected by it. and that needs to be done with, with pretty intense diplomatic, documented, probably not by the us in the you k, but through partners to draw that with the attention away and see if they can find a way. but we've now put ourselves in a very difficult position where we're, we're likely to see a period of back and forth installation until someone changes tactics. well, thank you so much for sharing your insights with us today about the enrollment with the center for maritime strategy. we very much appreciate your time. thank you so much. the military operation and young men were supported by the governments of australia, canada, the netherlands of south korea,
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and to germany among others. here's germany's foreign minister and elaina bear box speaking earlier. this week you will the federal government max, this reaction politically the odd ones. we have issued a statement in this regard together with our partners. boy, is that the who sees bear responsibility for their actions for the attacks on civilians shipping. the i'm gives us the all the tv there so far they have to seize these attacks without delay. to, to please understand will be by we as the you are working urgently on contributing to destabilize ation and the red sea. and looking at contributions to the stabilize ation. once we do that by talking, this has to be decided within the framework and we're working on that urgently. sneezing. we've got this task will be a tool to get out of the funds and. and israel has wrapped up its defense against accusations of genocide on a 2nd day of hearings at the international court of justice and the hague. the defense team strongly rejected the case brought by south africa. it told the court
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that as well was not seeking to destroy the palestinians, but to protect its own people in its war against tomas, through which many countries classified as a terrorist organization in front of children. tal becker's a legal adviser for israel's foreign ministry engine core, he attacked south africa's handling of the case. the entirety of its case hinges on it deliberately curated the contextualized and manipulative description of the reality of current hostilities. south africa ports to come to this court in the last, the position of a guardian of the interest of humanity. but in de, legitimize in israel, 75 year existence in its opening presentation yesterday. that broad commitment to humanity, ren hollow. it is on surprising therefore that in the applicants telling
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both how much does responsibility for the situation in gasser and the very humanity of it is really victims removed from view the attempt to weaponized the term genocide against israel in the present context does mold and tell the court, a grossly distorted story, and it does move and empty the word of its unique false, and special meaning correspond at least the actual 10 is that the i c. j in the hague. she's got more here now about as well as defense against allegations of genocide brought by south africa the 2 days of hearing say them to, to you today. and they hate. on the 2nd day of the hearings each, i got a chance to make its case and defend itself against the allegations made by so as africa, south africa saying that each try a breach the genocide convention by x and emissions. but genocide and character use read strongly rejects this and says that,
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so that's because distorting the facts you try once to see the whole case rejected and also does not want to see provision emetrius being put on it. so that because asked for these provision emetrius, and among them i, for example, the quest that the court orders each road to end all military operations. in the next step, the court would have to decide whether it brings forward any kind of provision emetrius or not. this is expected to be relatively quickly. the main case, the question whether each read has in the breach the genocide convention or not. this is expected to take years to see a shelton reporting for us. let's look now at some other world news headlines. the u. s. federal aviation administration says it will audit boeing 737 max 9 aircraft production line and increase oversight at the manufacturer after a cabin panel blew out during a flight last week, leaving a hole in the fuselage. the aircraft made an emergency landing at the move comes a day after the agency had announced
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a formal investigation and demand. mars military governments and an alliance of ethnic minority onto groups have announced a cease fire brokerage by china. the deal short ends months of fighting in the northern shan states, including in areas near the chinese border and flooding is causing havoc in the democratic republic of congo, and the capital contrasts or residents. a foul smell in water poured into their homes. when the congo river rose with highest level in decades, at least 300 people have been killed in the past few months. the phones submerged in murky flooded water. here in contrast to many say it's the worst flooding they've ever seen at the front of i know we've lived in this neighborhood since we were children. if and ever since the 1st time it's been like this, we have to use can use to get around what we have no choice because we have nowhere
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else to go. so i'm going to shoot to not pulling up one of those. that is, the goal for urban planning and weak infrastructure have made the city vulnerable to flash floods when it rains heavily. that's happening more frequently because of climate change. residency authorities haven't done enough to prevent flooding or provide assistance. instead they say it's the community that has stepped up helping each other. oh no, but we help people move without boats to find something to eat. especially those are still stuck in houses and help them get to the main road. the fall of the flooding is already much heavier than usual this year. locals are worried. there may be worse to come and that is your news update on this hour. i don't forget
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there is always more online at our website, d, w dot com or we're also on social media to handle. there is new news. i'm clear. richardson in berlin for me and the team here. thank you so much for watching the bees do for fun. via do gravitational waves squeeze out body. how do i the drums for the to the feet and what's the perfect kill for approx side? find the on says guess with d. w signs on the picked up channels. the .


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