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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 12, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CET

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the, the deputy news lived from the young man's who is the rebels balance of retaliation after a wave of us and british ass strikes, tens of thousands protest against the amount of traction in the capital sent off. as soon as the leaders warm this american and british interests are not considered a legitimate target. also on the program, israel completely takes defendants against accusations of genocide and gaza, calling on the international criminal cause in the hague, to throw out south africa's case. and taiwan pretends to vote in elections that could change the territories relations with china with fears of a potential chinese international dw question, some of the confidence about that file.
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the feel. welcome to the program. we started jamming, where, who few rebels have promised retaliation for us and pressures strikes, which are 3, say killed at least 5 people. strikes prompted tens of thousands to protest in the i'm going to capital set up iran, which banks the who faces also condemn the strikes. incidents is increasing fee is that the war between israel and thomas could expand into why the regional conflict, the us and u. k. said the strikes against targets across from the controlled areas of yemen, or to protect international trade routes from both the attacks. in recent weeks, sophie levels of launch more than a dozen drone and ms file strikes on red sea shipping. one by one american military aircraft takeoffs, part of
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a coordinated strike back against humans whose the rebels in retaliation for a tax on shipping in the red sea. led by the us and britain and emission described as an act of self defense, to restore stability along the important trade route. the u. k. new a treaty has released these images of its s strikes u. k prime minister richey soon act, who is currently visiting ukraine, said the strikes when necessary, proportionate and targeted. for over the last month, we seen a significant increase in the number of. here's the, a tax on commercial shipping in the red sea that's putting in as in lives at risk. it's disrupting the global economy. and it's also the, the stabilizing the region. and in that time, we've also seen the single biggest attack on the navy bullshit. the british navy bullshit that we seen in decades now it's clear that that type of behavior con,
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carry on us officials say more than a 1000 sites, were attacked, including ca, mom centers and munitions. deborah is used by the who is the group that how many you need to see television broadcasting video or claiming to show explosions. and the apparent often maps of the strikes in the american and british enemies. best full responsibility for the criminal aggression against all you have any people will not go unpunished on onset to him. and the armed forces will not hesitate to target. threatening suicide is an old style targets on land and sea in order to defend you have on that sovereignty and independence. people on the who wants to get on it. who's the rebels who a batch by ron, have been targeting ships in the red sea for weeks, with the group releasing this voltage in november of its flashes, appearing to seize a vessel. it claims the attacks are in response to israel's war and gaza against
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from us in the u. s. a. u and other countries have labeled a terrorist organization. the big question now is what this could mean for the war in gaza and the wider region with the world bracing for a response from the who's these and those who support them? well, let's look at some of those questions with elizabeth kendall, who was i'm at least the expert from cambridge university. welcome to d. w. let's start local into mount. and if we come, i will stop with the red se they the, what does this escalation mean for this area? one of the big busiest shipping channels in the world as well. of course, the idea behind the strikes by the united states and the u. k. is to try to this engage the who sees from wreaking havoc in the red sea, say the whole point is to try to temp down the conflict the to ease the button
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a fair on the shipping industry. stuff for the knock on effects that that has on our economies. the problem now is that the actual effect it may have on the region is to make things even worse. and the reason i say that is that the here sees all no, strangest strikes. they have been in a civil war in yemen now for 9 years. they suffered more than 25000 strikes by the saudi led coalition, and it didn't detach them. so i think looking ahead, we might stance to see even more conflict start to erupt in this red sea region. okay. the who is the side that launching these attacks for the sake of her mouth, and it's war against israel, should we take that claim at face value? and i think that claim to be taken in 2 ways. i think that we can't
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dismiss, it's entirely as not being genuine. i think the who sees as all many people around the world are genuinely concerned about the plight of the palestinians and feel that they want to stick out for them in a way that other governments of the regimes in the region probably counts the counts. and however, it's absolutely the case that this works very well for them politically, that they are able to exploit the situation in an opportunistic way to try to gain most support for themselves and saw german and indeed more broadly. so it works at both of those levels at the same time. right. let's go back then to this, this, this notion that you say it looks like, uh, this operation press to prosperity got, it hasn't what main data back fire. because the, i wonder about the calculation for come on, does that in charge of this operation? how hot they must be looking at? so how do we fit them without the whole region going up in flames?
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that's going to be extremely difficult to understand. now, it didn't like there were many options left on the table. most things have been tried. sanctions against the who sees causing the flow of funds, some diplomatic efforts, but without much leverage over the who sees there's one really going to what. and then, of course, the threats of having to multinational maritime forced in the region, none of that was enough to, to, to them. and so we've now moved to this much more direct military action. finding that line, however, is going to be really difficult because being in the red sea is one thing we see is one se, land taking this fine. now, to get on to a land based strike situation that really could inflame the region on the here's these special will be milking best for all that they have. it plays into the narrative of being the victim of the us and its allies being aggressive towards
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arab and muslim states that exactly how they once it's to pitch it. just if the quick final thoughts on whether the who would fees could just wait this out. because the us has shown itself not to be disinclined to become too deeply involved in foreign adventures. but who is this could just absorb based america gets gets bordeaux destructive. it's got an election on the way, and then the who is this still that and maybe even a change of, of policy at the white house. this is precisely that. i love my hair because it is an on a cool. on the one hand, we have the us on allies who do not want to get bumped down in a will on to all very sensitive to casualties. and on the other, we have the who sees who a quite willing to take significant casualties, who seemed quite comfortable with the discomforts of the populations who have been
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at war now on and off in the region. so almost 20 years since 2004 in fact i'm so the hold and they used to this. and really if you are around the age of 2022, inside. yeah. and that's all you've known, apart from one or 2 years, is going to be we'll say they have much more appetites to continue this the we do and they can do a lot with very different results. that's very clear. thank you so much. the talk history about it is with candles from cambridge university. you're welcome. ministry operation and you haven't, we suppose the boss drive? yeah. condos in the netherlands, south korea and germany amongst us. his german foreign minister and elaina, babble the federal government backs this reaction. politically. we have ones, we have issued a statement and disregard together with our partners voice up. so who sees bear responsibility for their actions? for the attacks on civilian shipping?
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the i'm gives us the all the dealer so far they have to cease these attacks without delay to, to please understand would be by we as the you are working urgently on contributing to the stabilization in the red sea. and looking at contributions to the stabilisation by talking, this has to be decided within the framework. and we're working on that urgently. sneezing with us as fast will be a mentor to get out of the funds and as well like this you have in florida, secretary to be as background that as a member of but you have a problem. and so the green party also sits on the problem. it's a commission on farm the fast welcome to dw. so we just had unrelated bat box. i use looking for ways to contribute to the stabilize ation in the read say, what is that likely to look like? um i assume that this is mainly regarding, well sharing the safety of the emergence. russel's probably we're talking about the
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readings securing the passage. i think that's the way to go for the european union . right. so is that germany is born, does that a german, silas? germany's at night if they are going out into the red sea, ready to engage the who is using direct combat. well possibly yes, um i would say so, but of course it means it's embedded in an international approach to a securing our mentions or immersion vessels and their security. and of course, if the duties decides to further attack um civil, but also military targets in the red sea or somewhere around that would also mean that if we participate. so that means we are, we're securing that sort of course also is necessary in a matter of combat. right. so this is a plan that you support. how far progressed?
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is it um, honestly i can tell them that currently we have not no information yet. as you know, the spare is a problem and terry an army. so cool parliamentarian army which means every time they are send into any kind of mission the problem and needs to discuss on it and yeah, agree on it. and so far we still are at the point on negotiations on european level . how is your mission could look like? and if we know further information about that, or if you have an agreement on your team that will, i expect an a proposal to come to the parliament and an expectation to come to the spirit or towards the buttons where in germany. and that's when we are going to discuss that. and so far we have no further information or, or anything as that. this is currently under negotiation on your team. and what is
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it that you believe german soldiers, sailors, airmen would potentially be fighting and dying for what, what that mission be as well protecting civil and merchant vessels? i think that's the key and that's the biggest problem with the attacks of the hoops these within the last few weeks we, we have seen that they decided to attack the best source that they believed where aligned with the israel. and i mean, as the expert before is this list campbell just sat on the hook. these are exploiting a political situation where they hope to align with the, with the, the, the, of a student. and i don't believe they are doing anything in favor really for the posting in with that. um, but above all attaching symbol and merchants vessels can be tolerates. and so
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briefly is germany's button does that willing or even able to engage in a direct can for confrontation with who is this in the red sea, it was only 2014, but the equipment shortage has been german soldiers were using broomsticks instead of having a machine guns during a native military exercise, you actually have the where it was all to do this the 1st of all, yes and 2nd of all to get one thing clear. but i do hope that the who fees will stop their attacks. but not only if they see that the european union is willing to protect their and other civil and merchant brussels so that it won't be necessary. but if it's necessary, if there's, if these and decides to further attack ships, whether it's a merchant vessels or navy ships that we might be sending there. of course,
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i'm pretty sure that's a audible, disappear is ready to, to come up that i could be doing here. at to best buy here that i agree and a member of germany's that you have a problem with the foreign affairs committee. thank you so much. thank you very much. of israel has concluded its defense against accusations of genocide on the 2nd day of hearings at the international court of justice in the hague. the defense name strongly rejected the case brought by south africa telling the court that israel was not seeking to discharge palestinians, but to protect its own people. it is true, okay, thomas fair, which many countries classifies and service organization the hostilities between israel and well i taught respondent. lucio shilton is at the court in the hague. and how small on israel's defense 2 days of hearing say them to, to you today. and they hate on the 2nd day of the hearings each, i got a chance to make its case and defend itself against the allegations made by so as africa says, africa saying that each try
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a breach to genocide convention by x and emissions. but genocide and character use read strongly rejects this and says that, so that's because distorting the facts you try once to see the whole case rejected and also does not want to see provision emetrius being put on it. so that because asked for these provision emetrius, and among them are for example of the crest that the court orders each road to end all military operations. in the next step, the court would have to decide whether it brings forward any kind of provision emetrius or not. this is expected to be relatively quickly. the main case, the question whether it's read has in the breach the genocide convention or not. this is expected to take years a. this is something that's a crime on page 5 minutes to this. you soon act as not as to for the 2500000000 pounds. that's around the 2 point. 9000000000 euros in miller street. a full key
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funding is part of a new security corporation deal signed today with the presence of landscape and key . the agreements includes intelligent sharing and ministry training. just as soon as i said the commitment was meant to send a strong signal of support from the u. k. as in the landscape discrepancy of us unprecedented courses and faced with ukraine is needed and it's 2nd anniversary. we need a 5 gaming significant ground. the w's and economy has been to ukrainian outside of the units there backwards. on the 2nd winter, on the front line. you have them before you see them. given enough time, these men tell us the mice nipple everything from sleeping soul, just fingers to compute the cables. in an age of satellite internet connection for this darling books, they're still waiting for an innovation to properly defeat rodents. the caps that we brought down here, they all run off because they were too scared of the rags. sometimes a weasel comes by and helps us out with the mice. ask them why. i don't mind the
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mice. really. they're pretty harmless. at least it's some kind of distraction with the russian drones have a presence in this guy's dis, ukrainian artillery unit essentially lives underground and then not out firing. it targets a dozen. also men hold up together and they've dug out several meters on the frozen ground. satellite internet connect some to their families watching the lives they now comp peoplesoft facilities. and sometimes i call my daughter and ask her how schools go in. and she says it's saturday or sunday. don't hear you lose track of time. every day is the same unless you're outside doing your work. on. during the summer offensive, they were able to advance to here. they built themselves this new dugout, knowing full well their lives would depend on it. this went to the defending this position against russian troops trying to take it back to you and it was just recently, a russian shrapnel shell landed outside one of our dugouts. we weren't expecting
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anything. we were down in the dugout, but it was still pretty scary and you can see the flash even from where we were. some of the original crew couldn't get used to the constant shilling, and i had to transfer to other units. there's no criticism of those who left. one thing you hear locked down here, is it, there's no such thing as an ideal soldier. so you know my, there's no point sitting around at home saying you're sick or telling yourself. i wasn't born to fight. someone left, you know, one is sort of cheapest from what you learned all the jobs. and if you don't learn hope of the war won't forgive your mistakes. everyone is going to have to fight eventually. and there's no point trying to hide. that's the message. these men have for their fellow ukrainians. this will heads into it's the, the style vapor with marine i made on from the will studies department to kings college london. welcome back to
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a d. w marina. what difference is this near security deal with britain likely to make a hello field? this is an unprecedented step, is the u. k is being the 1st country to sign such a deal was ukraine, and this is a long term commitment from re she select. pledging to spend was ukraine, as long as it takes and to outlast russia. the aid has been increased to 2500000000 pounds as we have heard. so slightly more than the past 2 years. the problem here is it's more about a strategic messaging. so you, if with a, the aides that your brain will receive without the us aid, which provides the lines fair and the european aid, it's still not going to make any difference to ukraine. besides, we don't know, and what trenches and how and when you create and will receive this aids, specifically the military aid, such as a long range, missiles and brains. and it's more a message to put in. it's a message to,
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to ukraine, obviously. but more than anything, it's a message to allies and britain is trying to do what it's done with the challenger attacks and hoping to results a car in deadlocks, both within the you and in the us and or the deliberate the funds to support ukraine 1st or because this has, this has been a problem with new kinds allies all the way through this. that even when the spurious is willing and the money is available, it's a, a, comes in bits here and bits at a not when you try and needs it. and it has to go through this committee or that committee. it's absolutely. it's a bureaucratic fabian because in, in europe l. 27 members have to vote for the aid and ukraine. and we know hungary has been to be doing it. and on the 1st of february, we'll, we'll see how far as the talks was, victor oregon have come in order to see whether is at a less than number, about $20000000000.00 euros now will be liberated for ukraine. but again,
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it is not the only problem, but the crane has even delivering a missiles, artillery shells. and so one will be problematic because of the current global supply chain and the fact that they cannot deliver whatever the problem is all in one batch. meaning there will be different batches, deliberate, over time, which makes it complicated, briefly about the, the, the states of the ukrainian ministry at the moment time this time they've been struggling to recruit new soldiers. and this problem is, i presume, likely to get bigger. that is correct. and new bill if it has still not been passed and there are other discussions on reducing the length of the draft and possibly removing punishments for those who are waiting to draft. the problem is again, will the people go because the people do not want to fight, obviously under the, the risk of polarization of the society right now. and that's a one problem of the problem that has to be money. and there has to be time to
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train the people, so the new draftees will have to be equipped, they need kept, they need training, and there is no time for that. so hope that will go is problematic. thank you so much. as a marina marina, i'm here on from the board studies department at kings convention. and thanks for having me. its verses in taiwan, head to the poles on socks that in the tide, race dominated by relations with china. the governing positives sticking to a tough line on badging, but it's facing that opposition that wants to strengthen ties. johnny claims, ty, one isn't as one that the election is a choice between war and peace. they say it will say a record number of elections around the well and verses in taiwan will be among the 1st to make a difficult decision about the future. i, chief international edison richard will come reports from type by 2024 is a year of watches for democracies around the world. what if donald trump with is
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the white house again, which is the european parliament gets overrun by the far right? but the 1st big war, 2 of 2024 is about to play out right here in taiwan. off the use of antagonistic relations with china. focus here might be about to choose something very different. a friendly approach to badging. we spoke with a man who embodies and that's how i did mine. joe was the last president of taiwan, subbing from 2008 to 2016 now he hopes his k m. t party will win the presidency again. with him is one of its top power brokers. he says the current government's whole approach to china, boosting the military to determine attack is flat out wrong. oh, no matter how much you defend himself, you can never fight a war with the mainland. thinks the neighbor we is the too large too much stronger
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than us. so we use a noun, use a place where it means to reduce the tension. instead, my calls for dialogue with china picking up where he left off when he met she, jim pink in 2015. i mean say like that between cj and paying on the current tie, one he's president, is old, most on thinkable. but mine, joe says that under a different president, taiwan could work with she and even trust him. so you're saying you can trust what, as far as customer relations you have to. well, this actually goes further than mazda and our team. it's candidate for president who your he says he is committed to taiwan defense and has no illusions about the chinese leadership taking the bottle that i've never had any unrealistic ideas about the maintenance intentions that i'm very pragmatic level and steady in my
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approach to the main to bottle the, the governing parties kind of did william lie also gave us his response. thanks. yes. so he said he's also prepared to talk to china in quite he won't make concessions to make that happen. and it's planned that for him. the territories comes in the clear 1st. this week we spoke woman sweet, your cookie, we see peace through strength, not by the goodwill of the aggress on because it's a good will of the aggressive cannot be relied upon to cope with sooner. so what is the right balance between the tyrants and dialogue when facing such a massive and threatening neighbor as china? now it's up to the time when these people to decide they're just $19000000.00 out of the billions of voters around the world who will cost that balance this year. but tie one's choice will have huge implications. in this 1st one case of 2024. that set you up today,
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i'll have more of the top. i'll be our next on the w i lifestyle program after max . have a good the
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