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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 12, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news line from finding the am and soon with you rebels for how to retaliate after wave of us and pressures, yes, strikes tens of thousands protest against the military action in the capital on us . so if you leave those vaulted american and business interests are now considered legitimate talk also on the program is right. that concludes its defense against accusations of genocide, inc garza calling from the international court of justice in the hate. just so out of south africa's case the
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i'm feel welcome to the program. we started in yemen where, who few rebels of promised retaliation for us and produced as strikes, which those they say killed at least are 5 people. the strikes prompted tens of thousands to take to the streets in protest and the amity capital santa iran, which backs the who is also condemned to strikes. the incident is increasing phase of the war between israel and how much would expand into a wide regional conflict. the us and u. k said the strikes against targets across who's the controlled areas of yeah, that's where to protect international trade routes from the attacks in recent weeks and see levels of launch more than a dozen drone and ms file strikes that gain specials in the red sea. one by one american military aircraft take off a part of a coordinated strife back against humans whose the rebels in retaliation for a tax on shipping. in the red sea, led by the us and britain,
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an emission described as an active self defense, to restore stability along the important trade route. the u. k. new a treaty has released these images of its strikes a u. k prime minister richey soon act, who is currently visiting ukraine, said the strikes when necessary, proportionate and targeted. but over the last month, we seen a significant increase in the number of. here's the, a tax on commercial shipping. in the red sea, that's putting innocent lives at risk, it's disrupting the global economy, and it's also a destabilizing the region. and in that time, we've also seen the single biggest attack on the navy bullshit. the british navy whole ship that we seen in decades now, it's clear that that type of behavior con, carry on us officials say more than a dozen sites were attacked, including come on centers and munitions. depos used by the who's the group with eye
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witness video claiming to show explosions. and the parents often mass of the strikes in the american and british enemies bear full responsibility for the criminal aggression of the gate. so you have any people will not go unpunished on onset to him and the armed forces will not hesitate to target . the threatening suicide is an old style targets on land and sea in order to defend you have on that sovereignty and independence. if uh the who wants to get on it. who's the rebels who a batch by ron, have been targeting ships in the red sea for weeks, with the group releasing this voltage in november of its flashes, appearing to seize a vessel. it claims the attacks are in response to israel's war and gaza against him. us in the u. s. a. u and other countries have labeled a terrorist organization. the big question now is what this could mean for
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the war in gaza and the wider region with the world racing for a response from the who's these and those who support them. i mean, elizabeth candle is i'm at least ex boss from cambridge. you'd have asked me, i asked her what this escalation means for the red sea, one of the busiest shipping channels in the world. while of course, the idea behind the strikes by the united states and the u. k. is to try to this engage the who sees from wreaking havoc in the red sea, say the whole point is to try to attempt down the conflict, the to ease the badge in a fair on the shipping industry and stuff for the knock on effects that, that has on our economies, the problem now is that the actual effect it may have on the region is to make things even worse. and the reason i say that is that the,
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here's these all know strangest strikes. they have been in a civil war in yemen. now for 9 years, they suffered more than 25000 strikes by the saudi led coalition, and it didn't to touch them. so i think looking ahead, we might stance to see even more conflict start to erupt in the threats the region . okay. the who is the site that launching these attacks for the sake of how mass in its war against israel, should we take that claim at face value. so i think that claim could be taken in 2 ways. i don't think we can't dismiss. it's entirely as not being genuine . i think the who sees as all many people around the world are genuinely concerned about the plight of the palestinians. and feel that they want to stick out for them in a way that other governments of the regimes in the region probably counts the counts . and however, it's absolutely the case that this works very well for them politically that they
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are able to exploit the situation in an opportunistic way to try to gain most support for themselves and so jasmine and indeed more broadly. so it works at both of those levels at the same time. right. let's go back then to this, this, this notion that you say it looks like, uh, this operation press to prosperity got, it hasn't what main data back fire. because the, i wonder about the calculation for come on does that, and in charge of this operation, how hot they must be looking at. so how do we fit them without the whole region going up in flames? that's going to be extremely difficult to understand. now, it didn't like there were many options left on the table. most things have been tried. sanctions against the who sees causing the flow of funds, some diplomatic efforts, but without much leverage over the who sees there's one really going to what. and then, of course,
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the threats of having the multinational maritime force in the region, none of that was enough to to them. and so we've now moved to this much more direct military action. finding that line, however, is going to be really difficult because being in the red sea is one thing we see is once a land taking this fine, now to get on to a land based a strikes situation that really could inflame the region on the histories. so the show will be milking best for all that they have. it plays into the narrative of being the victim of the us and its allies being aggressive towards arab and muslim states that right, exactly how they once it's to pitch it. just a quick final thoughts on whether the who would fees could just wait this out because the u. s. has shown itself not to be disinclined to become too deeply involved in foreign adventures. but who is this?
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could just absolve base america gets, gets bored or destructive. it's got an electron on the way. then the who is this still that and maybe even a change of, of policy at the white house. this is precisely that. i love my hair because it is an on a cool. on the one hand we have the us on allies who do not want to get booked down in a will on to all very sensitive to casualties. and on the out the we have the who sees who a quite willing to take significant casualties, who seemed quite comfortable with the discomforts of the populations who have been at war now on and off in the region for almost 20 years since 2004 in fact, i'm so the halt and they used to this. and really if you are around the age of 2022, inside. yeah. and that's all you've known, apart from one or 2 years, is going to be we'll say they have much more appetite to continue this the we do
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and they can do a lot with very different results. that's very clear. thank you so much for talking us through that. it is with candles from cambridge university. you're welcome. israel has concluded its defense against accusations of genocide on the 2nd day of hearings at the international court of justice in the hague. the defense team strongly rejected the case of prose by south africa, telling the court that israel was not seizing to destroy the palestinians, but to protect its own people. the next board, okay. and tom's barbecue south africa, of trying to deal legitimize israel's existence of absolving toddler. statements of any responsibility for the conflict. yes. and so this crime would be nice, got moved from dw special correspondent to abraham in jerusalem. welcome a. let's start with the reaction after these, at 1st 2 days of his interaction from israel. looks like
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you're having technical difficulties that will move on. i know i've waited instead will to will hear from i correspondent that lucy, a shilton who's the court in the hague. has more on israel's defense 2 days of hearing, say them to, to you today and they hate. on the 2nd day of the hearings each, i got a chance to make its case and defend itself against the allegations made by shows africa south africa saying that easter a breach to genocide convention by x and emissions. but genocide in character use read strongly rejects this and says that, so that's because distorting the fact is try once to see the whole case rejected and also does not want to see provision emetrius being put on it. so that because asked for these provision emetrius, and among them are, for example, the crest that the court orders each read to end all military operations. in the
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next step, the court would have to decide whether it brings forward any kind of provision of measures or not. this is expected to be relatively quickly. the main case, the question whether each read has indeed breached or genocide convention or not. this is expected to take years. this is fulton, we'll take a look at some old news making headlines around the world. the united kingdom and ukraine have signed the new security corporation deal, a key of ass and russia's invasion just it's 2nd kind of a spring degree, which includes of the 2 point 9 1000000000 euros imagery, a finish 5 minutes services to next draft for you guys. continuing a commitment to ukraine security training, present volume we have that on screen describes the deals unprecedented. tens of thousands of demonstrated into the back is a capital process, not against funds to change the criminal code. the government wants to be choose penalties for corruption and financial crimes. european union has also criticized
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funds to shut down a special prosecutors offers the us federal aviation administration says april for the boeing's 737, max 9 across the production line and increased oversight at the manufacturer after a cabin panel blue arrived to the plane during the flight last week, leaving a hole in the fuselage aircraft made an emergency landing. the move comes a day after the agency announced a full investigation and a couple of hours massa and lockheed martin will roll out to brand new supersonic aircraft in california for the 20 years since the last flight of concord. this experiment with time could be the beginning of a new era of ultra fast commercial travel. whereas concord made too much noise to flight of open senses. the new ex, $59.00 quest will break. the speed brought out with only a thought, no louder than a condo closing in the x 59 quest, short for quiet supersonic technology,
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an airplane that could lead to a new generation of faster than sound airliners. the sunset on the previous generation over 20 years ago, with the final flight of the concord, which has since been relegated to museums, the franco british ultra fast passenger plane, was always too expensive to operate. but that wasn't, it's biggest problem. aircraft generate pressure waves in the air, kind of like ripples and water that propagate away from them at the speed of sound . over 1200 kilometers an hour window, supersonic plane hits or exceeds that speed, the pressure waves compress and merge into shock waves. these are perceived by people on the ground when the plane passes over as a loud thunder clap of sound called a sonic boom. nasa and aerospace company, lockheed martin,
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had been working on the x 59 since 2016. it's an experimental plane able to fly faster than sound that doesn't blast the ground with unwanted noise. using models and new technologies, the companies engineers came up with a design that minimizes the boom after the playing crosses the sound barrier. only smaller waves reached the ground, making only as much noise it's makers say as a car door setting shot. dx 59 design still has to go through rigorous testing. its developers are also planning trips over population centers to see how people perceive its sonic footprint. a 1st flight is slated for later this year. if the plane passes those tests, they could one day make high speed flight quiet enough to be a feasible possibility for passenger planes. so i'll set you up today, so i'll have more than some of the hour of next on dw documentary series today
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