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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 12, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the business dw news line from binding. the young man's who is the rebels, the voucher retaliate after a wave of us and ventures and strikes tens of thousands protest against the ministry action and the you have any capital sonata. sophie lead is born, that's american. and british interests are considered legitimate talk. it's also on the program. israel concludes its defense against accusations of genocide in gaza and calls on the international court of justice to throw out south africa's case. we'll take a look at the new plane, the code for commercials 3,
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1st on the travel back on the table as an asset to himself with lockheed martin's to produce the experimental ex 159 quest. the i'm feel good. you're welcome to the program. we started in yemen, who is the raffles of promise retaliation for a wave of us and business strikes the gains to the control targets in yemen, tens of thousands of filled with straight. so if you have any capital sent on to protest the strikes which the us and u. k. say what to protect international shipping. human services recently launch dozens of attacks on ships and the red sea aimed at stuffing israel's ministry campaign against thomas in gaza. so naz straight packed with protest,
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since they're ins ends by a wave of us and british strikes on thousands of here's the targets in yemen, launched in retaliation for a tax on shipping in the red sea island. this is a message to britain and especially the united states of america, that they will pay. i have a prize for this aggression. those crowds today authorized the leader of the revolution and authorized the military leadership to respond to this aggression a, ty levels, etc. and on land, but the us and u. k. say the strikes which hit military targets. what acts of self defense? who's the rebels who a batch by ron, have been targeting ships in the red sea for weeks, with the group releasing this voltage in november of its flashes, appearing to seize a vessel. it claims the attacks are in response to israel's war in gaza against
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from us in the u. s. a. u and other countries have labeled a terrorist organization, a u. k. prime minister richie snack, who is currently visiting ukraine, said the strikes when necessary, proportionate and targeted. but over the last month we seen a significant increase in the number of. here's the, a tax on commercial shipping. in the red sea, that's putting innocent lives at risk. it's disrupting the global economy, and it's also the, the stabilizing the region. and in that time, we've also seen the single biggest attack on the navy bullshit, the british navy bullshit that we seen in decades. now it's clear that that type of behavior con, carry on the big question now is what this could mean for the war in gaza and the wider region with the world bracing for a response from the who's these and those who support them. and so you shouldn't,
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that you're seeing the director of the n g o the counter extremism project to joins us from new york city. welcome to the tempting and what do you think this escalation means for the read, say, one of the busiest shipping channels in the world? thank you so much for having a. well, i mean, this situation was unavoidable over the last couple of months really soon. so to november, the with these have really tried to hit international shipping through the rates, which is a big problem for europe as well as a big problem for egypt whose proceeds from this was kind of, i'll have plummeted by think 25 percent. so the situation was not sustainable, it pushes up market prices. several shipping organizations are no longer using this who is canal and going around. after cabbage has 14 days to the time you goods for, for goods to reach your or a good from your 3. it's 80. i eat a lot of additional shipping insurance. so its, me,
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it global economic problem behind all of this, of course is the wrong wrong decided now that the seas, it's losing very clearly its proxy how much in gaza it wants to build out. there will be some kind of a pro tories boulevard in the south of israel, and that had to be some reaction. unfortunately, i don't think this is the last time i talked to on the calling on the ground in game and are going to be necessary. okay, here's the thing. how about right there are the points of this, this international flip taylor, this operation prosperity got you. and the point was to the, to who says from attracting shipping. and now that the hoof is not but the who is a bit attached in the am and they have said that they will responding cause they will retaliate. so this looks like this action from the us and britain looks like it's raising the temperature rather than calming things down. well, i mean, let's be clear on the oil things here. so it was not the international community of
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talking to these 1st people. so who does that back in the international community? yeah, yeah, yeah, no, when we get but we get the answer. my question, my question is about what happens now that this has happened? yeah, to look obviously, everyone hopes that there's one military strike on the wood. he's on the ground, right? 16 targets, a $160.00. i'm talking it strikes, feeding. these attack is going to be enough to each other with these. i did not expect the will face to making this announcement today to say we back down. but let's see what they do, actually then an operational terms. are they going to continue attacking the national shipping? i would say at least one more round of strikes will be necessary to really drive them to make it clear to them that they are up against a international force that is determined to keep the water is open except the really all they really up against a determined international force, the us is leading this operation. the us has elections,
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they see it. the us has demonstrated over the last few years that it does not have the stomach full protracted overseas conflicts. well, i mean, because the us has elections this year and we need to keep that open 10 percent of the work order transport goes to the bank has already gone off 4 percent last night . so, you know, we need to be moved to an open in order to prevent large scale economic outcome impacts of these things. so finally, i know you've just told me about how do they told me about the good reasons that but the, the us and britain like they have for launching this attack. i'm asking you about, i'm asking you give me your expertise to tell us about the, the likely outcomes. you talk about the, the, the, the who would fees the who is these have being out will pretty much in one way or another, a sense for the last couple of decades. they have a much bigger tolerance, not only for being shot that but for,
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for also sustaining casualties. though they have more stomach for this conflict than the international. uh, they be international for taylor that has been put together. or what, let me put it to you to another way. so how else was we supposed to be dealing with this should be except that the so is canal is simply no longer usable for international shipping. of course the with these are going to receive, of course they are emission of force will pace, absolutely no heat unless 1000 goes off upon his team and they don't care in government for him and he's, i absolutely understand. but i also feel that that gives us the ability to deter nope, to cease, but also a wrong from continued attack in this manner, international shipping. by removing that capabilities to do so as one of the things to fight, to move. he's on the ground again. it's quite another thing to remove the long strike capabilities, which is walk a lot of sites and, and draws all sides. and so same to make
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a message to yvonne that if they want to close to suicide canal, that this is a no longer regional but a global problem. i don't see another option of what could be done. you cannot accept this whose can also being close to your thank you for joining us on yak of schindler from the counter extremism project. thanks so much. i'm going to jump right in the amen was supported by the governments of australia. comments of the netherlands, south korea and jeremy, among others. here's the german foreign minister island, a bad bulk stable. that's what you want. the federal government's backs this reaction. politically. the odd ones, we have issued a statement in this regard together with our partners boy side. so who sees bear responsibility for their actions? for the attacks on civilian shipping? the, i'm get us the of the tv, the shift they have to cease these attacks without delay to,
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to please understand will be by we as the you are working urgently on contributing to destabilize ation in the red sea. and looking at contributions to the stabilisation by talking, this has to be decided within the framework and we're working on that urgently. sneezing with us. his thoughts will be a tool to get out of the funds onto this box. as a member of otto in a bad boss at green policy in the gym and pollard, he also sits on the problem. it's for an offense committee, i asked him about a you plans to contribute to the stabilize ation. in the red sea. i assume that this is mainly regarding, well, sharing the safety of the emergence. russel's probably we're talking about the readings securing the passage. i think that's the way to go for the european union . right. so is that germany is born, does that a german, silas,
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germany's at night if they are going out into the red sea, ready to engage the who is using direct combat as well? possibly. yes. um, i would say so, but of course it means it's embedded in an international approach to a securing our mentioned or immersion vessels and their security. and of course, if the duties decides to further attack um civil, but also military targets in the red sea or somewhere around that would also mean that if we participate in that means we are, we're securing that to of course, also it's necessary in a matter of combat right, so this is a plan that you support. how far progressed is it um,
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honestly i can tell them that currently we have not no information yet. as you know, the spare is a problem and terry and our meeting. so co parliamentarian army which means every time they are send into any kind of mission the problem and needs to discuss on it and yeah, agree on it. and so far we still are at the point on negotiations on european level . how is your mission could look like? and if we know further information about that, or if you don't have an agreement on your team that will i expect an a proposal to come to the parliament. um and then exploitation to come to the buttons via or towards the buttons where in germany and that's when we are going to discuss that. and so far we have no further information or, or anything as that this is currently under negotiation on your team. and what is it that you believe german soldiers, sailors, airmen would potentially be fighting and dying for what,
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what that mission be as well protecting civil and merch investments? i think that's the key and that's the biggest problem with the attacks of the who's these, within the last few weeks we, it. but that's, we have seen that they decided to attack vessels that they believed where aligned with the israel. and i mean, as the expert before is this list campbell just sat on the hook. these are exploiting a political situation where they hope to align with the, with the, the, the, of a student. and i don't believe they are doing anything in favor really for the posting in with that. but above all attaching civil and merchant vessels can feed to the rates as well as who is the tax and the right sir. also disrupting manufacturing here in europe, and actually comic
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a task that has announced that it will suspend production at its biggest european factory here in germany. many commercial companies may soon be forced to do the same production shelves. us automaker tesla plants to hold production edits facility outside berlin for about 2 weeks, saying and a statement. the components couldn't make it in time to a factory to, to disrupted read the cargo routes. many of the materials tesla uses and it's car production or shipped out of china a supply line currently under strain. since december may just shipping companies including germany's hat bag, lloyd begin traveling the longer and more costly route around the cape of good hope . which takes container ships an additional 2 weeks, and oil tankers, one more week, then traveling, we have a suicide canal. the prolong delivery times are now threatening companies supply
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chains. back in december, so we just frontage the house. ikea had worn, if possible disruptions, but industry analyst expect other companies could also run into trouble if the red sea route isn't cleared soon. as bringing saving badly from the w a business. so welcome stevens. what's well with a sig comic is react, but that's probably not the only businesses affect, you know, they're not, it's not just tesla by the way. it's also involved, though, there could be other car companies that are discussing this right now. we might see announcements later, but obviously this is something that affects a lot of companies around the world, but especially in europe, this was canal that route makes up a considerable hub for global trade. but for europe, especially for products coming from asia to europe, it's incredibly important for everything from toys to car components, especially electric, vehicle components to fuel and oil. so that's the concern here and for companies who are in europe and who are trying to, i would say they're trying to take
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a look right now at their supply chains. and this is, you know, reminiscence of what they saw a little bit with corona. so this is not completely unaccustomed to them, but we know the container prices are going up. we know that container movements through the red, so you're going down. so there's probably a lot of looks about what they can do to try and alleviate the situation. ok, so now this, this, this combined strike force in and around the red sea. and so all those strikes again as soon as he comes that they'd like me to calm those juices or to fuel them . yeah, that's the question we solve today. that's the ceo of mask one of the world's largest shipping companies. the danish company said that he welcome those strikes, that it was an attempt to do something and just resolve the situation. there may be others who feel the same way. the question is, how serious is what's going on right now? is it going to escalate through this? is it going to continue even if the who these are knocked out of their ability to threaten maritime traffic, then there's a bigger question of instability in the region. businesses don't like insecurity,
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investors don't like in security. so when you step back from just the shipping companies and look at the sort of the broader picture markets are going to be very on easy by what's going on. the strikes are an attempt to solve this problem, but they also our bit of an escalation. everyone wants to know what's going to happen next. so we're seeing the price of the oil go up. there were also of believe it was just the other day that's uh, randy and forces took over an oil tanker on the other side of the gulf peninsula. so that also add to that picture and that makes everyone jittery. i know that right now, this adds a lot of pressure on companies to again talk about their resiliency measures. what can they do to try and leave you this? and it again, race is really important. questions about supply chains and stretching them across the globe. you know, corona did this just a few years ago and we've just gotten out of that and now are again in this question period of what does this mean for supply chains? does it make sense to have such serious supply chains or such appears serious supplies sources coming from asia when they're always something that could walk ins? honestly, even best way of knowing you couldn't using that as far as i could see,
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but thank you. anybody else? the visually from that dw business thanks. the ilizarov has defended himself at the international court of justice. the guns claims that it's committing genocide in gaza. i'm so states south african prosecute has argued that israel's administrative response to the october 7th, how much the tenant attacks was on the attempt to destroy the palestinian people. is like the only history in arms. those claims inside the country was acting in self defense facing allegations of genocide in the united nation's highest quotes. israel projects the south africa ports to come to this court in the last, the position of a guardian of the interest of humanity. but in de legitimizing israel, 75 year existence in its opening presentation yesterday. that broad commitment to humanity rend,
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hollow and in its sweeping counts effectual description of the israeli palestinian conflict. it's the same to a race, both jewish history and any palestinian agency or responsibility. an argument failed to convince south africa's justice minister the state of the good on his face to display. and so the most compelling, cuz that was presented before the quote yesterday, we stand by them fed the law and then all the evidence we have submitted yesterday . and we believe in stands very confident that those but the more still in violation of the genocide convention, the division in the court room was echoed outside. it crowds gather to condemn israel's actions and goes a problem goes off,
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i am very happy and i'm expecting that to have very positive there is us today at least 2 types ceasefire now in gaza. they will say groups the defending israel's actions and demanding the immediate return of the hostages still held in gaza or to night the resting day for jew starts and symbolically. we have food here uh uh, ship a table with empty chairs with the images of the people that are still in hostage taken by hamas into their deep tunnels. and we want to symbolize the empty chairs here because we are missing them 2 nights at them shut off the table. this is one of the biggest cases to be brought to the international court of justice. south africa is asking for the quote to order an immediate suspension of israel's ministry action in gaza. the court could order provisional measures, such as
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a ceasefire in the coming weeks. but its final decision over whether or not israel has reached the genocide convention could take his 6 in about an hour. nasa and lockheed martin will reveal a brand new supersonic aircraft in california within 20 it. since concord last flew, this experimental plane could be the beginning of a new era of ultra fast commercial at travel. concord was too noisy to fly over urban centers. the new x 59 quest will break the sound barrier with just a 3rd. no louder than a condo closing in the x, 59 quest, short for quiet supersonic technology, an airplane that could lead to a new generation of faster than sound airliners. the sunset on the previous generation over 20 years ago, with the final flight of the concord,
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which has since been relegated to museums, the franco british ultra fast passenger plane, was always too expensive to operate. but that wasn't, it's biggest problem. aircraft generate pressure waves in the air, kind of like ripples and water that propagate away from them at the speed of sound . over 1200 kilometers an hour window, supersonic plane hits or exceeds that speed, the pressure waves compress and merge into shock waves. these are perceived by people on the ground when the plane passes over as a loud thunder clap of sound called a sonic boom. nasa and aerospace company, lockheed martin, has been working on the ex 59 since 2016. it's an experimental plane able to fly faster than sound that doesn't blast the ground with unwanted noise. using models and new technologies, the company's engineers came up with
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a design that minimizes the boom. after the plane crosses the sound barrier, only smaller waves reached the ground, making only as much noise it's makers say as a car door setting shot. dx 59 design still has to go through rigorous testing. its developers are also planning trips over population centers to see how people perceive its sonic footprint. first flight is slated for later this year. if the plane passes those tests, they could one day make high speed flight quiet enough to be a feasible possibility for passenger planes. let's pick this up with the keys counting. he's a journalist, a full but nasa employee. he now edits a nasa watch dot com. welcome back to dw case, our big a deal is extinguishing for sunicare craft. well, i live, i live in miles bit 15 kilometers some dulles international air. so for me,
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i remember the day we conquered for jacob, not even supersonic, and it was quite loud. of course, we now have one in the museum there, but it's important because, you know, there's so much of a, a benefit that could be gained by high speed travel if you could fly over land, which can't really do right now with supersonic transports. so what sort of difference would it make to travel times well, it used to be, as i recall, you could cut 2 hours on for flight from if you get a 1000000000 and you've got an airplane, you put to new york, you can save several hours, which to some people may be actually the difference between, you know, being able to do something in a day in terms of a meeting, but more overall to can also just this of efficiencies that go, we're traveling at certain speeds as well. so even if you're not going super fast, these aircraft can have benefits for how others are designed. especially if you're looking at some of your larger airliners, you want to get to flying from point a to be very efficiently. all right, i'm no, i've ation expert, but all of
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a sounds very expensive and also told green as well. this demonstrator is what they call, it's a quarter $1000000000.00 and they actually built it out of a part of our you have a little model here. it's a spatial for they built out of one part born here, play in the landing gear from another. so they really were cheap about this. and it has some very advanced engines. but again, the idea of flying it with hydrocarbons is always, you know, not green, but there's no reason why this, this design, which is this is really about the shape of the or clark crap. what that, anything else you can have it run that hydrogen, and we're talking about some jet engines that are like hybrids with electric. so there's more than just, you know, you know what, what kind of fuel use involved here. again, it's the shape as, as your introduction showed. so, well, you couldn't have said it any better than your, your real australians. right. so here's the thing. it's been watch 20. so say, when did the last time the concord flew back in the back of the,
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the late seventy's. i think we've had all of this time without supersonic flight that does not indicate a massive demand for this service. well, you're, you're quite correct. and then of course, back then we didn't have federal express. now we do to the, to the so that, i mean we're talking with the one must squared is big rock. you cannot really go into stage, but also hop from, you know, europe to australia in 15 minutes. i'm pretty sure you'll find a market for that too. so again, i think, i think the idea here is that you can fly supersonic aircraft in more places over more routes, then perhaps it will be profitable. before with concord, you can only flight supersonic speeds over the aware goshen that limited, you know where you could sell the tickets to build it. they will come coward from nasa. watch dot com. thank you so much. the pleasure to set you up today just with, well, there's following up with you in
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a moment. i'll be by say to you after the big stories of the day in the day taking a closer look at those that us some position actions over yemen. and also looking at a big scandal that's been hitting the u. k over the last few weeks. and that's it concerns that you can post office. so we'll do that in just a couple of minutes here on the, to
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the united by a shared sense of purpose. their bond has never been stronger. the twins, fussy, in whose side they grew up with different families. now they want to build their future together. and to do so, they must leave their home in sierra leone. twin sisters united in the search for a better life. in 45 minutes on d w,
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the no. i'm just trying to have a site just to make the right decision to dw news. i'm in the ground. can you know, follow the words. people have to say, that's why we listen to every weekend on w vacations an applicant. do they have the was i, when i told me that they don't have the islands do this,
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and we go sailing. colson tissue today, because when they go to that we set up for you, it's lovely new medical people who work hard won the tenants, although i so not because the the who was the rebels today promised retaliation against the united states and britain after they hit targets. and who if he controlled areas of yemen, the strikes were delivered as part of the us led coalition, assembled to protect international shipping. from increasing who is the attacks in the red sea, who is originally said they were targeting ships with links to israel because of its war against time us now they've added british and american concerns to that list. so doesn't matter to have the stomach for potentially another war, thousands of miles from hope. i'm feel go invalid and this is the day


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