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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 13, 2024 1:00pm-1:15pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from berlin ly ching, to the presidential candidates of taiwan routing. parking takes an initial lead in pivotal elections. both kind of thing is still ongoing in the polls that will decide the parliament and the president and shaped the course for relations between china and taiwan. also coming up for u. s. military strikes. if you targets in yemen for a 2nd date, that's after tens of thousands of yemenis protested against the 1st wave of funding to see leaders we're in the us and british interests are now considered legitimate targets. also in the program israel defends itself in court against accusations of
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genocide in gaza. it closed on the international court of justice to throw i would set down for his case as germany aims to join the proceedings in support of his route, the unpopular fall. yes, thanks for joining us. or any results from taiwan, selection show the ruling party candidate lighting tad taking the lead. a wind by like the turn to vice president would give the routing d p, and unprecedented 3rd term with results commented from more than half of posting stations. authorities give line nearly 42 percent of ballots cast. put sam comfortably ahead of his nearest rival. the opposition k m t candidate o u e. the outcome is being closely watched by china, which claims taiwan as its territory and just called like a dangerous separatist. earlier paging warren, the vote was
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a choice between war and peace. all right, well let's go now to the don't use correspondent james changers, who joins me from the governing d p. p. headquarters in taipei, james, it's great to see you, and it looks like the d. p. p is in the need to win the presidency. so what's the latest you can actually tell me? well, i'm hoping that you can maybe decide because the the the very far ahead is close. that's why the whole you, we of the main or positions this would be a very, very significant result. date it's way of course we all pretty close like things to
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be a be able to find the result on this. this is a simple majority election. the 1st 2nd kind of get the most votes out of the increasing united states like you guys can available. obviously in the next hour or so. okay, james, what sets this election apart from others? the, the, one of the really key things is the election is based on the policy that has put much more issues like how surprised and low wage, the reinforcing thing. we're going to see here is that even is fighting the guns when the president, steve, this time people like you to do so with the majority of it is much smaller than the previous tests are and not does how big implications of how much trying to use the selection efficient montes were really pushing for dialogue, or redemption of dialogue with aging. they those 2 policies combined in there, they haven't been able to then like to win the presidency of a selection today,
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really, if, if it's design within. so i want to have some kind of communication with the agent and even you might see that i hope that really talks with the rest of once. it gets over the line to james. as china made his presence known in the run up to the selection and how much pressure are we seeing from badging with a day before it actually happens. height is the needs to be in a statement saying that they would smash the image or they can see now that it looks like we're not going to go that way. it is significant moments in the history of politics, as you mentioned, and 9 studies being the 1st assignment. and i want democratic history since it's
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a direct presidential elections and nights and not to fix it if possible with the executive election. so it's quite a challenge of quite a bit of transportation of agent for the time of the cost of abuse that the d d p remains the concept choice. if it's like when you use james, don't use correspondent change, change her in taipei. let's take a look now at some of the stories making news around the world. key residents have taken shelter in the cities, metro after russia fired a by roger of myself. ukraine overnight. ukrainian officials say dozens of may 1000 drones were launched a targets across the country. keith is pushing allies for more air defense systems to defend itself against russian attacks. or turkey's defense ministry says this air force has carried i'd strides on kurdish militants in iraq and syria . officials say the targets belong to the bind,
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kurdish or curtis done workers. party or p k. k strikes come a day after 9 turkish soldiers were killed in an attack on a turkish military base, interact thousands of people have rallied in hamburg coding for a ban on germany's farm. right. a f d party protests have been triggered by the exposure of an alleged plan to deport millions of people with non german ethnic backgrounds, including german citizens, investigative journalists, say, party members discussed the proposal with a new nazi group in near berlin and accusation. d, a. f d denies the u. s. has carried out a 2nd day of ministry strikes on his he reveled targets in yemen, us official site. the new targets posed a threat to shipping in the red sea, which was being disrupted by whose he attacks in recent weeks. because he need his advisor to retaliate following the attacks. the aftermath of air strikes on
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who's the targets. the rebels said at least 5 people were killed. as 2 waves of strikes had 28 targets in parts of government controlled by the rebels. the us and u. k. c. v strikes were acts of self defense. this is, these are backed by iran. they've been targeting ships in the red sea for weeks with a group releasing this voltage in november. a bit. spiker is appearing to seize a vessel. it claims the attacks are in response to israel is war in gaza against the radical islam is from us organization. it's the u. s. b u and other countries, i'm labeled a terrorist group a different ship though, the us. it's connie launched another attack on saturday, destroying a who's the radar station with a miss file present in 5 and one. there would be more to come if the who these didn't leave shipping alone. we will make sure that we respond
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but he also said that who these main allies knew better than to escalate the conflict that the united nations, the us once again pointed the finger at turned on. we need to also be clear about the role of iran and these attacks without arriving in support in violation of their obligations under resolution $2216.00. the who these, which struggled to effectively track and strike commercial vessels, navigating shipping lines through the red sea and the gulf of aidan to the iran. that's how i russia is currently waging a war of aggression against new crane. but it condemned the are strikingly claiming that they were against international law to make up the website, though there is no authorization for the arbitrary act that the us and its allies
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are carrying out in human. and there is the risk of a full fledged war not only in human, but throughout the region. it's a worry, shared by some, including these protesters in seattle. but washington, once again, sees era strikes as but least bad option to keep a conflict from spreading. after the 1st 2 days of hearings at the international court of justice and the hague, israel continues to defend its military operation in gaza as an act of self defense . in response to the october 7th, thomas terror attacks, a set of african delegation argue that israel's offensive was going beyond that to them. it's an attempt to destroy the palestinians as a people claims that of mine to genocide. and i have the german federal government . it says it will request to join the case as a 3rd party in support of israel. berlin says there is no basis for south africa's accusations as well. some more on this story i'm joined by
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dw political correspondent, julia. so i have dennis you too. yeah, great to say you. so jeremy wants to join the trial as a 3rd party. how could that affect the court case? hold your name as a 3rd party and doesn't mean that germany will then be directly implicated in the case in the dispute. but it allows german need to bring forward written statements and participate in the oral proceedings. that wouldn't mean that germany could bring forward its own legal interpretation of the case and of the convention on genocide. now it also is not an obligation for parties that join the proceedings to states which side there on. but we've heard clearly from statements made by the german government that germany is taking parts to stand on the side of israel and is against the accusations brought by south africa. we heard from a government spokesman that germany rejects these accusations and says that they are baseless. and germany also sees this case as politically instrumental lising
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the convention on genocide. and we've also heard similar strong statements coming from the economy minister of atomic, who was in israel on thursday. and let's have a listen. might have his industry and my personal and political opinion is that 110 criticized these really ministry from using harsh measures in the gaza strip. however, that does not constitute genocide, took a more to pick those who would commit genocide or desire to do so. if given the opportunity or how muscle solution is still not elation of the state of israel is on their agenda from the rest. so we can understand the slogan from the river to the sea as not to meaning the jews should lead israel by boat. but as an extinction fund to say, allison accusing israel of genocide is a complete distortion of victims and perpetration. as in my view, i'm just, it's just wrong for an upfront on 2 ton the to on the size of hutch or hi. trudy is
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a very clear statement there from the all but how back at tell us why is germany getting involved in this case at all? all countries that signed the convention on genocide can take part in proceedings as a 3rd party. and in this case, we don't see this as the 1st case that germany joins proceedings they've done that recently. and the case brought against me on mar, for accusations of genocide against the ruling. yeah. and also germany joined the case against russia for his war and ukraine. and in those 2 cases, germany supported the accusations of genocide. in the case of israel, it is not and we see that germany was to stand by israel being one of israel strongest allies. right? now and also though, there is a sense of historical responsibility on the side of germany, given that the genocide convention was born out of the atrocities of world war 2 as a sign of never again and also out of the atrocities committed by nazi germany in
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the holocaust, so germany sees itself as responsible to ensure that the convention is interpreted correctly in the way that germany sees it's correctly. so it wants to also take a principled stand in this case. thanks judy and for breaking that down for state of the federal correspondent julia so that a nasa and lockheed martin have unveiled what they call the next generation of supersonic aircraft to make or say the experimental plane combined supersonic travel with low noise. the public got the 1st glimpse of the new x, 59 research plane at lockheed martin's design center in california. the manufacturer say it will break the science barrier on state no louder than a car door closing. the last supersonic commercial aircraft concord stopped flying more than 20 years ago. and here's a reminder of our top stories or and he was just in that the
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presidential candidate for taiwan opposition party has conceded defeat, meaning the routing parties lie chain to has won the presidential election. china has criticized lie as a dangerous separatist who the rebels have 5 to retaliate for us and british airstrikes which they say killed at least 5 people in the us. and the u. k. hit targets in the capital china and across the country who seems to have been attacked in shipping label units in the red sea for we bring the old latest from taiwan and if you want to stay up to date, there's plenty more information on our website, dw, dot com and also don't forget, you can always get to, to be in use on the go, just download our app from google play or from the apple app store that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world. as well as push notifications for any breaking news. that's all for myself. next,
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our tech program shifted looks at how social media is being used by traffickers as people smokers. and like i said, there's plenty more news and information on our website and you can follow some social media for me. but the pemberton x, watching the questions, got any issues or thoughts say what the discovery would change your mind. just depending.


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