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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 13, 2024 10:00pm-10:15pm CET

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the, the, this is deal of the news live from berlin. ly ching tay. when's taiwan? is presidential election? the ruling democratic progressive party's candidate emerges victorious over his 2 opponents for the president is election will set the trajectory for tense relations with china for the next 4 years. also in the program, the u. s. military strikes with the targets in yemen for a 2nd day with the leaders about or a tally or in the us and british interests are now considered legitimate targets. also in the programs taking up plastics, volunteers on spanish beaches sift through this and in
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a painstaking effort to clear up a spill of tiny plastic pellets and put authorities have called an environmental emergency. the next spicer welcome to the program. in taiwan, the ruling party candidate, lodging tay, has won the presidential election, giving his party the d p. p, an unprecedented 3rd term taiwan. so electoral commission says live just took over 40 percent of the road ahead of his nearest arrival in the opposition. can t, china claims taiwan as its territory and in the run up to the election called by a dangerous separatist, the dvp champions. taiwan is a separate identity and project staging claims of sovereignty over the island. now let us welcome our next president and vice president lights in the and show me t a. it's a moments with far reaching implications for tie wants future liking the of the
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routing d p. victoria softer a tightly for 3 way race. this is him speaking to the international press, moments of to winning the presidency. that's it. i wonder. i mean, well thanks to the time when these people for writing a new chapter in our democracy, we've shown the world how much we cherish our democracy. this is the unwavering commitment policy. the defending time owns democracy, was it the hearts of life campaign, and projecting pressure from badging to succumb to chinese rule as opposed to the government led by lodging. the, because his goal was very clear, he knows clearly that we are a country and the taiwan has an independent government. the, the to a position, policies at fort for a recess of relations with aging. and some 60 percent of votes is back to them. but
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with the opposition, 3rd splits, it wasn't in the back of the d. p. lighting the insisted he was ready to talk pointing out it was china that had long stumbled him. he called on badging to think he get logan exchange can mitigate the risk to china. only when we replace obstruction isn't with communication and confrontation with dialogue. can we achieve peace and share prosperity? his story, a big time in taiwan, democratic history that upon occasion, china describing the choice between warranty. the question now earlier i spoke to bonnie glazer, the managing director of the endo pacific program at the german marshall fund. she
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explained to us what lodging days when means for taiwan as well. first and foremost, it's a victory for taiwan democracy that despite china is attempts to interfere in the elections of that they did hold a legitimate election out. only 40 percent of timelines voters are cast. their votes for lighting does start with 60 percent voted for the opposition. and that is an expression of dissatisfaction to some extent current policies. but nonetheless, i expect that there will be consistency, especially in foreign policy. that means approach to china to the united states and uh, and to europe. i do think that ty, once a partnership with the world with democracies will remain very strong. and you mentioned continuity in foreign policy lodging. k has said, he vows to defend taiwan from what he calls china's intimidation. what is
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a james initial reaction been to his victory as well, making expected lights and go to wind. and so they were well prepared. the initial reaction and my view is relatively marked. china, we integrated statements that it has set up for some time and the emphasis was on warning against separatist activities and foreign interference. that particularly means the united states. the statement from the taiwan affairs office in beijing also reiterated that re unification is inevitable. and this of course, was a statement made by cj and ping in his new year's address, where he said that reading the cation is a historical inevitability. so once again, this is consistent with prior statements. and if we can just go to washington and involve the americans in this president biden said after the both of us does not
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support the independence of tie one. uh, what does this mean? well, that's longstanding us policy to not support taiwan independence. i think we stating that at this particular time, what's important to reduce the potential for a very strong reaction from right uh, badging. i think that does not call into question your support for taiwan, which i expect will remain rock solid and know what do you think of the possibility or the risk of some kind of military escalation in the past years and months there has been a wretched thing up uh, you know, military exercises in the region. are things going to calm down now or can we predict that far ahead? or? i don't think that things will calm down. i expect the china will continue to put military pressure and growing economic pressure on taiwan. that said,
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i do not expect china to use force in the near term. i think that china is interested in preserving the stability in the us china relationship that was achieved in the summit between siege and ping and presidential bible in their summit. last uh, november, i think central tank is focused on his economic troubles, the corruption in his military. and i do not think that he wants to take risks by using force against taiwan at this point that said in the growing uh, in the next 4 years or longer. uh, there is a possibility that china could decide that it does need to use force against taiwan . but that will depend in part on liking those policies toward major and toward china, as well as us policies. not only enter the by new ministration, but also of course, depending on who is the president in the united states next year,
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understood bonnie glazer from the german marshall fund. thank you so much. thank you. and now to some stories that are related to the middle east conflict, thousands of pro palestinian protesters have marched in central london and called for a ceasefire. and does a conflict between israel, how mass approaches is 100 today? london's metropolitan police at 1700 police officers were deployed for the march to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who says no one will stop his country from achieving victory against him. ask militants and the guest strip. you said israel is planning a huge addition to its defense budget to cover suit your needs. you added that one goal as an independent military manufacturing sector to ensure as real security as well. so how, how master on the health ministry says at least 60 people have been killed and the latest is rarely strikes on gaza, bringing the total death tool in the territory to almost $24000.00. these rarely
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military says the strikes destroyed, rocket launchers, and killed several palestinian militants. have masses designated a terrorist organization by multiple countries. the us is carried out a 2nd day of military strikes on who the rebel targets in yemen. us officials have the new targets post a threat to shipping in the red sea, which has been disrupted by who the attacks in recent weeks with the leaders have vowed to retaliate following the attacks. the after massive air strikes on who's the targets. the ripples said, at least 5 people were killed as 2 waves of strikes had 28 targets in parts of game and controlled by the rebels. the us and u. k. c, the strikes were acts of self defense. this is, these are backed by iran. they've been targeting ships in the red sea for weeks with a group releasing this voltage in november. a bit. spiker is appearing to seize
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a vessel. it claims the attacks or in response to israel is war in gaza against the radical islam is from us organizations. which the u. s. b, u and other countries, i'm labeled a terrorist group a different ship though, the us. it's connie launched another attack on saturday, destroying a who was the radar station with a miss file present in 5 and one. there would be more to come if the who these didn't leave shipping alone. we will make sure that we respond but he also said that who these main allies knew better than to escalate the conflict that the united nations, the us once again pointed the finger at turned on. we need to also be clear about the role of iran and these attacks without arriving in support in violation of
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their obligations under resolution $2216.00. the who these, which struggled to effectively track and strike commercial vessels, navigating shipping lines through the red sea and the gulf of aidan to the iran. that's how i russia is currently waging a war of aggression against new crane. but it condemned the strike claiming that they were against international law that make up the website. though there is no authorization for the arbitrary act that the us and its allies are carrying out in human. and there is the risk of a full fledged war not only in human, but throughout the region. it's a worry, shared by some, including these protesters in seattle. but washington, once again, sees air strikes as the least bad option to keep a conflict from spreading. looking at some other world news though, thousands of joined to protest in tbilisi demand to demand harsh punishment for
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women, accused of splashing paint on a religious icon depicting joseph stalin. the crowd of orthodox believers gathered in front of george's part of it and for marching through the city to holy trinity cathedral, where the icon is on display. in the old german chancellor, all that shows has warned, against political extreme is trying to exploit the social unrest and conformity. made the comments after far ride supporters to join to farmers protests and blocks . traffic this week showed said that if legitimate protest, certain to anger or contempt for democratic processes and institutions, everyone, this justice then talks. this was a mudslide in northwestern. columbia has killed at least 33 people. an injured dozens, landslide buried a busy highway linking the cities of cheap bow and knitting and completely able kitchen save for a beach load of sand. these what the volunteers are searching for tying the plastic pellets, valley the size of a lentil it slo,
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painstaking work on the arrived. it seemed a when so many to clean compared to other days. but once you start to pull its keep coming out, it's quite a tedious job. but a fee is like we're doing something on the bottom and has done with the pilots. have been washing up on beaches like this one across north west in spain for weeks . now. tons of the minuscule bowls went overboard from a cargo ship during a storm in december. while volunteers have been scouring the beaches with anything that comes to hand, local se the official response has been slow. many a worried about the economic impact in the area that relies heavily on fishing. voting for that's yep. i see a powerless and angry because so many people who make their living from to see they don't have the means to avoid it. it's n g a. i think we're all in the same
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situation. so get those simultaneous, most people feel experts, one that we're covering all the pallets is essentially an impossible task. many of those that remain will likely be eaten by birds, fish, and other aquatic life, often with deadly consequences. storms are set to dump even more of the micro plastics onto the sand over the weekend. and us the news for now up next, our tech show shift with a look at how traffickers and people smugglers are using social networks to lower their victims. don't forget there's always more and using the website and social media channels. i'm mix spicer for many tardies to interpret. thanks for watching. the questions. got any issues with a lot say what the
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data on picks are. we in fact every day the world wide web for free or just because we can take the different w.


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