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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 14, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news live from berlin. an ongoing volcanic eruption in iceland begins to burn houses. lava has reached the fishing community of grinda, vic, where several buildings are already on fire. the town close to the capital was evacuated, the head of the rupture also coming up counting the cost of a $100.00 days of war. what the conflict has meant to the people killed and displaced in guys by israel's military response to the us attack on october. the 7th. while in israel, people call for the return of hostages,
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still being held by him as, as the war shows, no signs of coming to an end. the next by sir, welcome to the program lava from the volcano which are ruptured early on sunday. in iceland has reached the small fishing town of grinda, vic lava flows have set some buildings on fire, the main road to the town, as well as the like tricity and hot water supply have already been destroyed by the molten rock. the towns residents were evacuated on saturday, so there is no immediate danger to life. going to vick, as hot as some 40 kilometers south west of the capitol, reykjavik in green. the vic there may be little to come back to law. they've reached the small town just hours of to residence where of at q
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a to it's the 2nd time in less than a month, the volcanic eruption has sent local scrambling. officials rushed to get everyone out to have a night of the seismic activity intensified again via the quartet label. we were waiting for an interruption up on the mountain, but not underneath the town but nobody knows what will happen to me. it is how many thinking authorities had been building holes to protect the town for weeks. but the latest, the russian has said law, the wedding up behind the defense is about the same will be only tens of meters from the town in the same line as the other. fisher, this is, and this is of course, what we feared that this would continue to open soft words to help the walk us through, through this well, molten rock is cutting through roads, water pipes, and the town itself, the rupture isn't expected to cause the kind of huge ash clouds,
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the ground is lights across europe and 2010. but for residents watching images like these of that town going up in smoke, that fact will likely provide a little comfort. journalist in go 6 weeks, it has in reykjavik. he told us more about the lava reaching the homes and infrastructure. the level is flowing very slowly, which i suppose under the circumstances have given that it's flowing into time is a blessing. it has only costs to building so far, which certainly seems amazing given that lava is feeling out of the ground near meters away. but it's slow and the geologist at the the iceland, the guy in the scientific decisions that are monitoring good say that's a volt kind of corruption. seems to be balancing out. now, the one that we had a couple of weeks ago that one fizzle dealt fairly quickly within a matter of hours, it was a shadow of what's of this one, the front that seems to be maintaining its starting. but as i say balancing out, they think it won't get any worse,
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that it won't get any stronger. they say that the but they don't measure as many smaller earthquakes. that would be an indication that the lava isn't sort of forcing the ground a 100 to make room for themselves anymore, which could indicate that at some point, this would be, well, this little taking on. but it's not waning, it's not fading away, not as of yet. but it's, it's, i mean, the movement that we see the there is a mountain between the tunnel is going to be going through many well known correspond with the blue and mountain is called sort of beautiful and send. and then the hours between the 1st queen to settle work, but we're around to, to 3. and then the 3 o'clock, the looking time in the morning and the, the russian starting at h. a g p. s. measurements showed that the mountain moved by 20 centimeters. when one month newton's move, you know something is going on. certainly an angle. as we were saying, anti level walls around the fishing town have been built in the last weeks because
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of the size make activity. did these walls help to prevent further damage in any way? they did to an extent the fisher actually managed to break through. so proficient itself, not just the level flow of but generally they seem to have helped steer the flow of the lava away from the into the gun critical infrastructure. granted the they manage to strike the main hot water pipe to the town and the electricity is out. but for the time being they seem to have done a decent job of steering love of the in the other direction. and then at least providing some of the damage that we're seeing otherwise would have happened. so that's definitely a plus and something i'm sure that people will be trying to replicate as jo. it just tell us this isn't the last that option that we'll see in the coming months in years. journalist in go 6 percent in reykjavik. thanks so much to the middle east now where the war between israel and how mass has reached it's one hundred's day. the fighting erupted after the estimates militant group launched
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a terrorist attack on israel on october. the 7th. israel responded with the air strikes and the ground invasion of the gaza strip. since then, the tool has been devastating for the people of garza. the last 100 days had been nothing short of a disaster. money of loss, not just the homes, livelihoods, and loved ones, but also any hope that life can ever return to normal. the solely page roger, to catastrophic indescribable situation. everyone's sole thousands of boxes and wounded. those who would not, multitude were wounded, who was wounded, had their home destroyed. those who didn't lose their homes. what is place? no one in gauze that has been on touched by the conflict. this family say they used to be wealthy. but like thousands of other girls and they've been forced to flee,
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and now they're making pastries to survive. put in the hey, i assume just 100 days ago we were living in power dice on a bad. we have buildings, houses, and possessions. we enjoyed a wonderful luxurious life since the thoughts of the will. we've lost everything, homes of possessions. everything in israel to the pain is real. despite efforts to chase it away at this rate in tennessee, it's one of a number of events taking place to mount the 100 day since the terrorist attack to plead for the return of the mold. a $100.00 hostages still being held in garza, including one of the youngest, opt up t's if it's possible to raise something to freedom from the home us to bring him and his family best to is rather to celebrate the best day with his
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family. is it possible, as well as government says it will push ahead with its campaign until the hostages of being returned and this other war aims have been achieved, including the elimination of home us and the threats it poses to the jewish state is joining us now from a man in jordan, this journalist hasn't been boucher. he lived in and reported from guys until he and his family fight in november. as of a good to see you again, listen, a 100 days of war. thousands are dead and more than 2000000 palestinians displays what goes through your mind. when you hear that it's hard. i never expected that the war would be that long. and as a prostate and fast as a someone from gauze, i never expected this war to be the harsh and long and the state and, and uh, from, for,
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it's harder than anybody expected. reaching an end is not so close. and, and in, in gals that people think this is the, the longest and all the conflicts before was like if we compare it with this one was a joke. this is the reward a most destructive and most that devastating war and, and particularly devastating for women. and children who are being killed in, in greater numbers in this conflict and then, and then in many others. can you tell us about the human tool, please? a. m, a, the situation in gauze, and after a $100.00 days, you know, it's more le result. so for more layers off of hardship, we are talking about lack of every thing, shortages of food,
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mid this in water, drinking water, access to the hospitals, access to the outside word named garza is in the fed a both the near total it black out communication, black out there isn't that communication in goals or no internet, no basics, you know, people have a lot of stuff or i so today a videos from dallas, the city, the that is which is circulating on the social media. thousands of people are rushing at to a truck to get a bag or overflow or that aid comes from from this house. and we have news from spokesman for the armed wing of her mouse has been speaking about the conflict and any possible talks with israel. what can you tell us about that? it seems that the tops and the between the 2 sides from us and
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these well through egypt, sions, or categories or other rudy is, is, is um, is, is facing difficulties. um, a link to the discussions or uh, the primary so for me is really side that they are talking about 2 different conditions. so it seems that gab is very wide and the reach to lately it seems, it's not clear. 100 percent, that the humanitarian deal that as well as providing more $8.00 a and a and with this. and which would allow, how much to and to, to give that to the hostages in gaza. so the, the, the appearance and all 4 of the spokesperson today was, was, it was a, was assigned that the situation is very hard. what she said was very targeted. targeted is still the guy i've been to find thing is, is, is going on. okay, well, thank you so much for that insight on this uh,
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summer anniversary journal. this has an belushi in a man. thank you. a denmark has begun a new chapter in his royal history with king frederick officially taking the throne . the new king's reign comes after the formal education of his mother, queen, queen, by guy to she is the 1st danish monitor to step down voluntarily in nearly 900 years. really a welcome fit for a king. dean, much pneumonic step down to push to build palaces balcony to huge crowds. people extension is king for it begins his ring and a new phase in danish royal history. they go to today, the throne is passed on my who used to become a unifying king for tomorrow.
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the featured small queen mcgrew to had indicated earlier in the day she shot many dames when she announced she would be stooping down 2 weeks ago. having signed the necessary paperwork, she wrapped up more than half a century as monique but she will keep her title, meaning denmark has 2 queens, the fraser, its astray in boone, weiss is now we neary tens of thousands of people slip to copenhagen to be part of history, i mean to retire and make sure we had a great spot to hold while i excited. now we have particularly supreme.
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i'm 52 years old and this has been a part of my life the whole life, you know, and the way it has ser uh proof homes are outstanding. i'm gonna say, i think you said that it's time for a cleaning year. how do you read x? and when he said sizing with the things, he also seen teddy over that way. i'll bring the chair to endorse royals across europe. i've seen the congratulations to the new king and queen who are assuming the new roles at a time of huge popularity for denmark's millnicky, one of timelines, largest illumination, festivals has put on the sho in the wretched brewery province. delight installations have been designed to fix tight religion and culture showing 20 different illuminated landscapes. people from around thailand and other countries
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are visiting the festival. the country continues rather until the end of april are pretty pictures. and so that is all the news for now. of next the documentary about greenland is dwindling glaciers and the scientist. res, seem to get as much information from them as they possibly can before they're gone . i'm mix spicer. thanks for watching. the my name is the calls back. said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. you guys would of being nosy bay like good everyone to kings to check out the award winning called call. don't hold back for
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