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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news, live from bell in a suspected call, robbing attack and central israel. authorities say at least one person has been killed in the incident and more than a 1000. others also i had no end in sight as the israel hum us. we'll process the 100 a month because us garza mos around the health ministry says at least 60 people have been killed in overnight strives by the israeli military. this is the, the news i live from the land. that rowdy reception for germany is finance minister,
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from protesting pharmacy to send in the face, who is in the car. coles, as he tried to explain, to demonstrate, is why the government is causing ongoing cultural fuels. some possible kind of get a reduction buttons. home is an ice lens, a new official has to appear to be at a community of grid of it. flowing lava has reached the village, consuming several buildings. the guy that says, welcome to the program, a mine as killed at least one woman and one did move in a dozen dozen people in a suspected, stabbing, and call ramming attack. and the central is where the city over on. there are reports. this could have been a carjacking incident. it is happens, i made
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a tensor security situation in the country due to israel's war with homos in gauze on the last i knew last and soul, the latest that's a bring it into the special correspondent, a brain. she joins us from jerusalem. i what else can you tell us? well we know that the police has arrested to palestinian men from the city of from hebron in the west bank, who were as it seems, according to reports working in israel illegally in connection with this ongoing investigation. we know that at least 17 wounded so far and one of the victim who has to come to their wounds and died as a result of this attack, the mayor of the town has asked doctor president's stay in doors for the time
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being as the police and other officials try to get to the bottom of what is going on. exactly. that is what we know so far. abraham reporting from jerusalem, the thank you and god, those home us wrong health ministry says at least 60 people have been killed and overnight strikes by israel. more than a 100 days off to how most carried off the deadly october 7, turbo tax israel's offensive and gaza shows no signs of slowing. the war has killed no more than 24000 people in gaza. that's also according to the home us. wrong health ministry fighting has also displaced any 85 percent of its population as well. the 100 stay was marked with more calls for the release of homeless hostages from us, which is does it make it as a terrorist organization by germany, the u. n. t. a u. s. produced a video of 3 is randy hostages on sunday. meanwhile,
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as well as close as i live us says it's the right time for israel to screw back kids operations in golf are doing all and there is an associate professor of politics and international relations. that's university college london. she is currently writing a book on the contemporary history of gaza and then i also have what title she would give the concept of gauze, history relevant, what are the only words that we can use right now is, is crisis. obviously, this crisis started on october 7th for menus rallies, but the way that the war has been conducted cents has just really been an unprecedented level of prices for guys. and not only in the casualty rate that we keep hearing going up every day in the headlines. but also of course, the displacement, the rising rates of famine, of house concerns and just to complete devastation of infrastructure and a society that i'm just gonna be very difficult to rebuild from afterwards. right
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now of course there's lots of worries about crisis expands and you've been throughout the region and, and all these cases of course are just having the most effect on, on civilians and all of these communities. and that's me is going to be very difficult to recover from. now. the common hall erupted, of course, of, to how mazda talk to israel on october 7th. did you see signs of this escalation earlier? well, obviously we everyone who follows israel palestine conflict. this is not on you the 1st time that we've seen an episode, but the scale of the episode on october 7th, the scale of the attack i would say, was surprising and was rather unprecedented. with that said, there has been ongoing tensions between israel and gaza for decades, and especially between israel and him, us over the last 15 years, we've seen a series of what are often called the guise of wars on starting 820082009, i know they're very significant when in 2014 and other considerations as well. some of those in hindsight are much more smaller scale don't we're seeing now, but
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a similar sense of i'm moving in from his relatives perspective for security concerns, trying to go after him us. but at the same time, devastating many civilian communities and infrastructure and in the meantime, and so all these things i would say had been building for, for quite a while. now let's talk about guns up off to the wall. we've seen several options that are on the table there in our report. and what do you think it will look like? it's extremely difficult to see that right now. as the report noted, there are different options that had been put forward as a result of a and to me blinking shuttle diplomacy. last week, we have seen, we'll commitment actually from numerous partners in the region to assist with the reconstruction. but that's predicated on the idea that there will be some kind of pathway to palestinian statehood and not something that is real is just simply not going for right now. the us would like to see some role for the palestinian authority of the governing body in the west bank,
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but has also been noted they are extremely weak and have very with a little virginia me see, i'm publicly so i think we'll probably see a couple different phases after the war, my sense is that israel will maintain a security presence for quite a while, probably some sort transitional government after that. but the real question is, if there's actually going to be some real substantive change that gardens want, the palestinians want that could actually lead to some kind of state heard that would actually address some of the deeper roots of the complex. do you see any circumstances under which this statehood may still happen? i think it's very difficult to see that right now at the same time, any time we do have a crisis like this, we do try and look at it as an inflection point. can this somehow change the status quo and at least get us talking in new ways about state heard about a 2 state solution, these kinds of models that honestly have been on the table for quite a while now, but have not had the momentum. i think we could maybe talk about a,
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a 3 to 5 percent chance of that as compose to oppose to a one percent chance before all this to it's still very slim, but i do think it's important to note the fact that the us, the posting authority most partners in the region, most air of states are now talking seriously about that. and it's a real question of what that might look like on the ground and what kind of buying it can have. most importantly from palestinians and israelis. dr. julie norman, them any science? so sharing your expertise with us. thank you. a quick look now at the headlines from around the well, is there any forces have shell, southern lebanon, following a missile attack on the northern israel by the has blood minutes and group, which kill 2 civilians. in addition to israel says it has killed 3 militants who crossed into the country to carry out an attack has been lost as it launched 8 operations in the area. at least one person has died of tropical sites long below struck francis. and y'all are the authorities on the indian ocean
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islands issued the highest weather of that until the storm passed. it won't residents to stay at home due to powerful winds and brains. and it's often india as main opposition. congress policy and it's supporters have become a 2 months cross country march. the parties trying to regain some supports of head of april national election. it's main challenge is the routing beach, a p policy led by prime minister in the end, remote in the spring and shots of the country for nearly 10 years. now. thousands of migraines have been rescued by spanish authorities off the coast of the kind of we islands in the atlantic. spain says that last year, well over 39000 people from west africa, which the island hoping to start a new life in the european union. according to experts, more than 6000 people have died last year while attempting the dangerous crossing.
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thousands of practice and trucks of converged on the german capital as angry farms protest against constant agricultural subsidies and increasing regulation. germany's find finance minister castille in the address of the crowds which responded with bows and whistles. monday's wiley concludes a week of protests including the blockade of most of my own rooms across germany. demonstrations have topped into a ground swell of dissatisfaction of the cost of living wisest, and john and the society. 2 2 2 did the political corresponding method more has been covering these protests for us on to austin area. what farmers have been telling him about why they're angry at the government? how that's right god, i'm going to you from the focus. it's actually kind of wrapping up by me and the thousands of people that were here. i've made the, with the warm,
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warm coffee's and restaurant. so idea, basically this is about, i don't that i'm greatly governments who should be taught to feel subsidies or something. and i said they will know slow dies, but when you talk to elizabeth more than that, they're angry about environmental protections, which they say make their lives and their jobs harder, their own grab a minimum wage here in germany it says use the see. makes it hard for them to compete with farmers in spain and naturally and friends. and they're angry at what they say is falsely assuming that they're not. they're not valued by the government in balance of a not kid for that type form that they're on off the phone. and that is why reading this be focusing on for weeks. and there's no site on in that i do. some of these plans measures have already been rolled back. is this most enough for the phones? no, not the whole. um, you mentioned it finance minister, crushed on. let one of the heads of there's 3 policy correlation here and valid.
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may do some walk on you will decision to, to speak to the farmers to day. i need go very far off the response, the base of the burden i completely and he was, were soon he couldn't really make himself had yet to show. at some point. at one point the head of the farm is associations intervenes, ask people to let them speak. but judging from the site until the end, the response and the reception they go, i don't think that people are ready to compromise and not to well, the government here seems to farmers live. you have to make a compromise. these are difficult times in germany. we're in a recession and felicia, there's still a global problem on yep. slightly based on what was called the pharmacy. they still feel that for years they've had their living situation we've made wash. if you liked it this sunday they've had to do within the bureaucracy, has only gotten further income as really stagnated. and so i don't. yeah, i just don't think that that is going to cost it for the farmers that we spoke to
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today. now, do you think these protests have any impact on this debility off the germany's a 3 policy coalition? government certainly does. what does that mean? does god is it seems to tap into a way to on and satisfaction dissatisfaction with people in germany or the government. let in, and that's why it's not just farmers as tradesman. we spoke to some of the women from berlin who came along, who didn't walk in farms, will work in the industry, but to kill them because they felt they felt that the fathers needed to support. that there was a way to kind of a feeling of um, problems and jeremy the aren't we tackled by the government. so unless the, the government can reach us an agreement with the farmers, which we'll find do this afternoon in meetings unless that happens. this will only go on the problem will only then become more of a headache for the, for the core of the should talk to see and balance your political correspondent, massey, move them forward to hearing from the farmers purchase in berlin. thank you,
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matthew. the german economy slide. ok, and that's 2023. that's according to face government days have published today for the full year of growth came in at the negative 0.3 percent mainly due to rising energy prices and high interest rates. also cooling for on demand for machines and other products to fit to so many economy is heavily dependent on export student business from a business team joins me now for more on that stevens. why is the german economies struggling even more than the rest of the year? but all you come to pretty well right there. course, essentially it is those high energy prices and the interest rates in the ukraine. more when we look at that, it's affecting all of your up. it's creating this kind of economic uncertainty. but it's had an outsized effect on germany as we know, and that's because of those energy prices. this economy so reliant upon a cheap russian gas until the war hits that effects households that affects
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businesses. it especially affects industry. it's very energy intensive such as chemicals such as glass such as steel, those are quite important or not insignificant. i would say in the manufacturing portfolio here in germany. also, as you mentioned, this is an export oriented economy. and last year was still one of recovery from cobit and some economies didn't recover all the way, such as china. on top of that, you have an auto industry that's in transformation right now. and then you have something like the current budget crisis, which matt was just talking about. and that adds to the feeling that prices are rising. not that things are getting better and not that the pressure on households and businesses is reducing, but that it's getting that it's growing. you mentioned households as well as businesses. what does it mean for normal household when the economy shrinks? well, here in germany, what's interesting is that this is actually the time of record employment. so it's not like you're seeing a lot of unemployment. we also expect this year the wages will get better. we
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expect that we expected inflation will fall. it's just that i think that there is still a very strong impression. prices are still high and the wages haven't moved fast enough. and so i think if you look at retails for example, what they did during the holiday period, ask them how they did, and they'll tell you, it wasn't very good if you look at those who are considering any sort of investment, any sort of risk taking right now this doesn't feel like the environment to do it as the tech sector, was it? what it seeing in terms of capital? look at the construction sector. would you take on a mortgage right now? you probably wouldn't. right now because the terms are so bad, so it, what it does is it dampens this kind of economic activity. when you would think of investing borrowing spending, you might think now is not the time now. uh, when will it get better? it's probably not going to be this year. that's what's the analyst all seem to agree on. it's possible that with inflation following consumption will rise. that is, the you will feel like you might have a little bit more money in your pocket. and so you might want to spend a bit more, that's the good news, but exports and investment are expected to remain down. and i think there's
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a lot of hope that some sort of plan, some sort of government plan will come out of all of this. but right now everything's been distracted by this budget crisis, which again, only adds to this feeling that things are getting worse, not better. and then i think when you take a step back and look at the broader picture, there really are concerns about the structure of the german economy. this export oriented economy at a time of trade disputes at a time or globalization is very difficult at the moment. look at the suez canal. look at what happened during coven one that's focused very much on industry and cheap energy cost. is this still a modern economy? and so i think that's a problem. and something that requires a lot of vision that we're not really seeing right now from the government there's, that's at least what a lot of critics are pointing out. and so also on top of that kind of lot of the annoyances that during good times you can overlook, such as bureaucracy, taxes, regulation, all of these are sort of begging for some different idea or plan and vision. i think that's what a lot of people are calling for right now. then visit w business. thank you very much. i and without you looking towards ty,
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well now it says losing one of its few remaining diplomatic allies. the government of narrow a small pacific island state and all these sorts of straight f set. it now recognizes taiwan as being a part of china. badging has welcome, that's diplomatic switch. the narrow flag has been removed from the diplomatic quotes and so i want it come says days off the top one elected a new president's china claims the island has its own territory with no rights to establish ties on a state level i that's a position disputed by taiwan and james chase, i was to w as crisp on an entire page. i often earlier, if taiwan losing another ally handset a motor to magically isolated future on the lights in day. this whole festival. just to emphasize the timing of this decision from now or this decision has been taken just days off to tie one, really likes it, the routing policy, the democratic progressive policy for historic. so time on saturday and now the 1st
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working day back off to the election, we've had bought a succession of diplomatic ties. this is a policy that the p p. the paging despises it openly, refuses to communicate with it. and i think, well this demonstrates is the strategy that we're seeing from china over applying diplomatic pressure to tie one over the last 8 years is going to continue under the new administration under the current president time when we see a tie, one of these tenant diplomats who catalyze, but at the same time it has been able to expand its international ties of unofficial palm, is like the us europe and japan earlier in a press conference with high ones deputy for minnesota. he said that china had specifically use his time directly off the election to tie when he's election. so make a point to tie one's people. but he also said that ty, once democratic opponents would likely see through distrust to you from china, and that they would come continue to support, ty, ones, democratic future. now what is the aging hoping to gain from this?
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what is important to remember that the strategy, as i mentioned is nothing. can you from badging as a, as i mentioned, this is to, to not take a strategy of squeezing tie ones. international space has been something they've applied over the last 8 years with putting away its high ones diplomatic allies. but it's just one of really a suite of cost as much as amazing applies to taiwan, which includes economic function sometimes on time when he's exports to china. but also in the ministry sphere. of course, obviously chinese will things entering sy, ones that defense identifications aren't on a daily basis. and more recently, chinese balloons flying directly over time ones. main island, the important point to make here is of course, if that if the strategy, if the aim of this strategy from badging is to put this time when he starts is away from the routing policy, the d p. p, which they despise. then the election that we've just seen over the last few days as evidence of that strategy isn't working. and that has really important representations to help aging decides to go forward from here. now,
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a delegation from the u. s. has already arrived in taiwan. what message does the u . s. one to send for this unofficial visit? washington has been very clear to to emphasize the unofficial nature of this visit . but the, the, the former officials that happen in taiwan events and size. that's us support. so if it's high, one isn't broke solid and that's high, one enjoys bipartisan support, and that's what i think that's high when his government will be looking to emphasize despite this loss of a diplomatic kind of eye. because they recognize that when it comes to the private, precise thing. so i want silver and seeing the future against a potential chinese invasion. that if these are the official relationships that they enjoy, but the us, europe and japan, which are really going to guarantee that future dw correspondent james say to the reporting from type a st. jude james and in the us. republicans will vote on monday the iowa caucuses to determine the presidential nominee for 2020.
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while former presidents, donald trump, is way ahead. the opinion polls a cold contests for 2nd place is expected to form a north carolina governor nikki haley is attempting to stay ahead of florida governor on december uh, washington bureau chief venus for his in iowa. and she sent us this report of the world is watching the stage and the opposite end of the us to day. it's only hours to wait until the republicans stop caucusing to find out who they want to pick us their parties. frontrunner in the presidential elections. this might be the coldest caucus in history, this minus 30 degrees celsius. the big question is, how will this affect the turn or it will people rather stay home and there while i'm home? so instead of going out in caucus end, which candidate will suffer most? will it be nikki haley? will it be rhonda census or will it be donald trump?
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or do you say that the republicans care about and to do they like, why and do they like them enough to come out even in this weather? i think nikki, nikki haley will come in 2nd. if i had to guess it'd be nicky healey just because she's had the most exposure. she's tough on the border. she doesn't have the extremities of donald trump. she's more rational and she's child number grades. i have a feeling the outcome is going to be overwhelmingly supported trunk. the polls are wrong. we, we often see these polls and they think that the mainstream media is going to be able to decide who's going to be elected. and i've been through a lot of i will caucus is and there's always a surprise that there's a doubt that donald trump will be the frontrunner. the crucial question is a former south carolina governor and nikki haley can finish ahead of florida
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governor rhonda dentist effectively. and they just run tonight, this would leave republicans, a choice between trump and hailey, and the race for the nomination open to more surprises than initially predict. as in iceland, as ortiz say, law from of ok, know that'd be wrapped it early on sunday. if you said ease the flow of molten rock destroyed several homes in the small fishing town of green, the vic as well as its electricity and hot water supply excavate. this has been clearing the main road off to lava flowed over it. the tom was evacuated on saturday, so there was no immediate danger to live. going to vegas some 40 kilometers south, west of the capital rescue. molten lava continued to spew and to green, the vic over nice. it's a natural size of stunning beauty, but also one that is threatening the towns future going to big lies above
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a fault line that geologist had long known about what had been inactive for hundreds of years. then last november, earthquake started hitting the area which was sometimes a warning of an impending volcanic corruption. this mountain lived all his life in print. the vic watching events on folds in his hometown has left him wondering whether he will ever return. it's tough in many ways, but i am optimistic by nature and i tried to maintain optimistic. but you know, this is, this is big, this is serious, is basically as bad as i can possibly get. lost december authorities decided to evacuate, printed x, 5000 residents. as a precaution, they also began constructing huge earth and barriers to guide lava around underway from the town. during the vic escape to live at that time. but part of this latest event was inside the protective barriers and just destroyed houses. iceland,
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government says it would provide more support to green to fix residence, but with multiple life and now within the towns perimeter, it's unlikely they will be going home soon. one of thailand's largest illumination festivals has puts on quite a show. they display and rocks at bowie province features 20 different illuminated installations designed to depict, tire, religion and culture. so any proven popular businesses from thailand and many other countries making their way to the festival, which continues until the end of april. or what same d, w, and use the as a reminder of our top story. and mine has killed at least one woman and wounded more than a dozen people and a suspected stabbing and car rhyming attack. and the central is, is rarely city of well known of results. this could have been
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a comp jacket and that's it from me and, and it was the fun out of an update for you at the top of the hour. of course, god f, as in berlin from me, entity the
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wonders of the ocean. these 2 highly specialized creatures and highly sought after rolling materials. deep sea mining is still in its infancy and is still completely unregulated. how is it threatening you go system tomorrow today? next, on the w it shouldn't be this warm here. it's like summer conditions in the middle of april. hard not to feel that something really is
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happening here. what is happening is degrees and size. a team of china to research has a store and on task for put in place the into the ice in 45 minutes on d, w, the enjoying disease. and come to take a look at this out to the highlights every week in your inbox, subscribe. now sometimes a seed is all you need to allow big ideas to grow or bring an environmental conservation to wife with learning facts like global ideas. we will show you how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world
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and how we can make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing. download it now for the the deep sea is dock and freezing cold. still some creatures cold, a tube. how do they supposed on that? and what do we really know about fish? do they to paying, for example, how does biased electric beacon agriculture work without the use of animals, personalizes? and how do you make sure it's done right? the that's, i know, coming up on tomorrow today d, w science. the dc begins at.


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