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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 16, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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the the, this is the w news live from the land, ukraine's president makes a heartfelt play the world economic for him on the 1st full day of the global gathering. and devil, switzerland load them is lensky appeals to business and political leaders for more support. this country tries to repel russia's war of aggression, will bring you the very latest. also coming out, donald trump, cruises to victory in the iowa republican, focuses the pool. the president cooled at a special night, often more than 50 percent backs him to run for the white house for the governor on the sand has came in 2nd place. the head of full met you n about to the the he, hailey and red carpet time in los angeles is the us to the television industry
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whole it's annual emmy awards succession style ring. brian cox won best drama as well as the m. e, for best actor and best actress in the draw on the series, the color there are many group is mckennan. it's good to have you with us. your friends, president, the modem is lensky has appealed to, will lead us to present a united front and supporting ukraine against russia. speaking to global business and political leaders of the world economic forum in switzerland. so landscape left alison pollution saying one man's hatred is threatening more than just to try and see. he also signed the wes for providing military aid, but he called for more support saying the war in ukraine must not become a frozen complex which is trying to normalize what you do have,
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and it's in the twenty's thing. sure. a mess. you bird, the sense, see it is and will adjust the raise to the ground and that terrifying feeling that the war may never end. in fact, splits in employees or we'll know that he is the sole reason why barry is wars and conflicts are seized and why all attempts to restore peace have failed all the zalinski made that speech in davos. i spoke to a correspondent, the ben phys, leland, i'm so dw, isn't it commonly who is in keith? i started by asking ben for his reaction to the landscape speech. but there's no doubt that people are listening and listening very carefully. no doubt that people are also very supportive of ukraine when it comes to how much invest as a willing to invest,
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how much countries are willing to support you quite. that's another question. it was and remains a hot sale when there's another ball going on in the gaza, where there are so many other huge topics of concern here, including the extremely fast developing technologies of artificial intelligence, for example, which some countries want to use to ensure they have a tight grip of their citizens, but when it comes to ukraine, the arguments that savanski was putting forward were uh, it's streaming extremely disheartening if at the end of the day he doesn't get the money that he needs. he was saying that this war has not only been going on for 2 years more than 2 years now. but putting has had his hand in other was for a decade for over a decade in other parts of the world. inflicting pain,
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not just on the people of ukraine, but so many of those that this is not just ukraine's ball that the west needs to ensure that it continues its support of ukraine. one of the quotes that really brought it home to me was which e u. country is prepared to defend itself or another country to the extent that ukraine is doing this. this is the world's chance, the chance to stop a madman. that's basically how he was describing president putin. and it's a question you'd have to ask yourself, would you as a european, be prepared to go and fight for your country because this is what mr. so let. so he says ukrainians are doing not just for themselves, but for the rest of the west and well down. yeah. mm hm. uh, nick, if i can ask you, uh he did have cool. soleski did of course mention the ukrainian people that bravery the way that they think slicing for more than 2 years now. can you give us
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a sense of what ukrainians are expecting from the president's visit to douglas? what, what do they want him to achieve and bring home of the i think this is about money . first of all, it has to be said that we hear a lot about west of weapons being delayed and not coming in volumes promised that it was so she was question of cash. lots of the money has been promised to keep your brains, government pay or paying wages, paying pensions that has been delayed. whereas in the beginning, the we saw lots of smaller transfers without seeing few bigger ones. so if one of those gets late, that is a real problem and really has ministers here, scratch me a has how to meet the bills. and i think that is also about trying to just give the west a cold shower and say this hasn't gone away. yes, you might now be getting board of ukraine. the 2nd anniversary of the source invasion is nearing, but this hasn't gone away. and actually we're doing you a favor. this is not about you helping us for all say this is about you doing this because is actually cheaper and
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a lot less dangerous to you. if we still play recruiting, where he is right now and ukraine and stop him attacking nature and the baltic states. i think that was something that they really felt was important to us to bring to the west us when you were told people here and key of something that the noise people, that perception that ukraine is a, is a burden or something to be somehow tolerated. and maybe the thoughts of less than a year regarding people are realistic that yes, people have their own domestic concerns. yes, israel palestine pleasant churches. that is an issue that is occupying the media attention. but still the something that it is on your, it's 2 step. this is a 1000 also kilometers from bullying and it's not going away. so there's a real sense that there was a need now to just cool or what's needed to get that focus back in to try and make sure that these deliveries happen in the way that allows you create another need to hold the territory. it's still controls, but also to re gain control, at least of some of it start treat overview on what they have right now. and that was dw correspondent and connolly, and keith and in douglas,
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then the facility moving to the us. now what donald trump has passed, his 1st big test with republican votes has in his quest to become that 2020 full presidential nominee. the former president has won the iowa caucuses by a huge margin, edging out florida governor rhonda santas who came in a distance 2nd and he came ahead of full months south carolina government and x u n. and best of the, the key hailey drums sweep of the iowa caucuses is deep and white, taking more than 50 percent of the board. and looking ever more likely to become the republican presidential nominees for 2024. and i really think this is time now for everybody in our country to come together. we want to come together, whether it's republican or democrat, or liberal or conservative. it would be so nice if we could come together and straighten out the world and straightened out the problems and straighten out all of the depth and destruction that we're witnessing. that's practically never been
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like this. i don't know what's the lowest and what i'd take it would have had to turn up to cost a board meeting freezing, temperatures and treacherous conditions to reach hundreds of schools, churches and community centers withdrawn, securing victory on across iowa, including the conservative evangelical and moderate counties it was all about duties for the 2nd. please. 20 the governors on defensive. eventually picking that spot. but despite taking only 21 percent of the vote, he's optimistic. people want to have hope for this country future. and that's what we represent. we represent a chance to reverse the mat this, that we've seen in this time 3 to reverse the decline of this country. and to give this country a new birth of freedom and
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a restoration of vanity. that's what we're going to do. pointing to is behind boost nicky healey. the former you an investigator during the trump administration. trump, and i'm are both about 80 years old. trump invited both put our country trillions of dollars deeper in debt and our kids will never forgive them for the trump invited those lack of vision for our country's future because both are consumed by the past . the result in iowa is significant, but the risk to become the republican presidential candidate is far from mobile. trump though it's one step closer to the v match he wants, but presidential fight in israel is allowing to push on with its military campaign in gauze. despite growing international cold for
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a ceasefire. the government says it must maintain military prussia to eliminate from us. the group considered as a terrorist organization by many countries, but the country's defense minister says the military will switch tactics and start scaling back as military operations in the south of the territory. as trucks of a entered through gaza, southern border with egypt, smoke rises over rafa. residents and the border city spent the morning looking through rubble from a strike the night before. even as israel says it will tell him down the intensity of its operations there. they say 12 of their neighbors died and the tact is then home enough in how would they at fault they were having dinner. we want peace. notable look at the destruction in the neighborhood. people were bombed by israeli strikes, well having dinner as the trails of destruction and gods expand the conditions for
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palestinians and the pear tree are deteriorating. further of israel has signaled that the war and gauze as moving into a new phase that says it's main aim to eliminate him off still remains the military for leasing these videos of continuing operations stated to be targeting him off militants killing fighters and taking down rocket launch sites, but people here say it's civilians war bearing the brand. many of them children like 6 year old, safe. his father says his son died from shrapnel injuries after miss style hit close to a school in con eunice where he was playing. so i live at the bottom of i ran out and i saw him on the ground. i called out safe, safe, but he didn't move. then i found a piece of shrapnel. it pierced his heart from one side and then it came out his back. they tried to resuscitate him,
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but there was no use. safe died. the israel argues that military pressure is the only way to secure the release of more than $100.00 hostages, still being held by him us. and despite renewed calls for sees fire, the government says it won't stop. and when we use the new tactics to kill them, us leadership described as the head of the snake. so let's take a quick look now as some of the headlines from around the world and the european union has added the political leader of hamas and gaza to its terrorist list. yeah, yeah, i'll send was seen here in 12 footages accused of most the mining the october, the 7th attacks on israel. any assets that he holes within, the will now be frozen. he's been on the us most wanted list since 2015. switzerland has offered to organize a piece summit and it ended russia's ongoing war with ukraine. president b will,
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i'm had made the announcement during a visit by the low to mid zalinski to bun ukrainian. president said, all countries respecting his country's territorial integrity would be invoices. this with anita, so announced a package to the funds now enough to being postponed for months because of hollywood strikes emmys. night finally arrived in la on monday. dominating the 2023 awards was hbo succession, which claimed the best the drama series award. that was one of 6 gongs from the drama series, which follows the bottles of a powerful media. finally, the back also did well that was named best comedy, while road rage, drama, beef to best limited series and statement good unless k, j matthews, in l. a. told us why c things the session came out on top and so many categories. or if you've seen all 3 of those?
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no, it's not a surprise. if you watch succession and there you're an ad, it's like i am, i love succession. it was in its final season. it just did an incredible job to in the show. and so yes, it deserve the 6 awards, but it one also of course winning was be 145 awards and it's and then you also have to be are winning 6 awards. so no, no one surprise i do think though that some people were surprised that they were putting the, they're in the comedy category. uh, there's been a little contention as to whether or not it's a real comedy more. it's more drama than comedy. but it have some funny aspects to it, so bantering back and forth tonight online about that, but definitely well deserved winning 6 awards k j matthews, in a way that we're that you are up to date coming up next close. that looks at the small groups of kurdish resistance slices,
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as opposed to it runs regime to the camp out in the mountains of iraq, stick around so that if you can, i'm on you can submit can and on behalf of the whole team, thanks so much for watching dw, the, the gold smith and the nazi in the late seventy's shlomo smiles. now i'm going to go stop bog. now. the man who had to maintain him to use light to wagner was date. was it suicide? the evidence raised has done what really happened. january 27th on the w the .


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