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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 18, 2024 7:00pm-7:15pm CET

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the the dw news lied from berlin tonight in ugly dispute between neighbors, pakistan and the ron watching tit for tat air strikes. pakistan says it attacked ability to hide eltony ronnie, retaliation for a rainy and strikes with its borders just a day earlier. also coming up in germany, growing calls to band a far rides, the lyrical party that is now the 2nd most popular in the country. the hybrid golf is good to have you. with this, we begin with the tit for tat air strikes between the ron and pakistan. earlier
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today, pakistan hit alleged mil within high belt inside the ron and a series of retaliatory attacks as lama bon says, that it targeted bases of below cheat separatist inside the rod. now all of this followed and a rainy in here strike targeting when he calls terrorist inside pakistan. both countries are accusing the other of harboring separatist fighters. villagers assessing the damage. this footage appears to show the aftermath of the pakistani strike on the rounds border region. your ran in state media say at least 9 people were killed there on thursday. is lama, but has confirmed it carried out the attacks i this morning focused on and it took a series of highly coordinated and specifically targeted precision, military strikes against terrorist, how high adults and says donald, but it was just on probing. well,
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if you don't know what of total risk or killed during the intelligence based operation, the strikes in the ran in border region of cis donnen baluchistan, our a response to a runs attacks inside pac is down earlier this week. take run, said he to separate his group, which threatens its security. it should have asked by none of the nationals of the friendly and brotherly country of packets done with targeted by themselves and drones of iran. so there is this group feed on the so called gish out old, which is an iranian terrorist group ticket and they have taken shelter in some provinces. but the inside pack is done as metal. a tip i purchased on the exchange of strikes has sparked a diplomatic crisis. it's not my badge, we called it some bass. so there to iran and stopped to use a rainy encounter part from returning to practice done by his down scared, ticket prime minister on the bar will how car cut shorts,
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his visit to the world economic forum and tablets as events unfold. regional powers have erst come from both sides, both use it off as a sort of our region does not need more problems and conflicts. we see that the war and gaza unfortunately escalates regional tensions. now we sold this tension reflected in living on yeah, syria, iraq, yemen, the persian gulf and of the red sea. in addition to all this, unfortunately, we have been closely following developments between packets done and iran over the last 2 days with consent approval. i can get you submitted today and to show you how can that's how you videos. well, officials trade accusations protests or as have taken to the streets of islam about to denounce the strikes on pakistan's territory. they are saying attacked in nuclear arm to pakistan would be dangerous for the whole world. or earlier we spoke to pakistan's former ford minister here rabbani car. and we asked whether
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she thinks pakistan did the right thing by using force to respond to the wrong strike or surgery. say around to do the keys. stupid wrong thing. as far as i don't think by the time has been the options, i'm not enough, i'm afraid thousands. because i think when you do your walk by to establish law, we look under the international the board. well, according to the central to the point of energy and control of what you are, what is what you got to put the name. now here's a neighbor with with which we have 9, the just the one right. and the list is on the list of introduce the range bar, including going to turn them does know, you know, the you doing uh for the completion of this wasn't that ongoing despite the fees and then the explanation given for that. so that's not
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a small piece on any imagine from being inside. you get it as a whole. we thought there was somebody over there and you'd like to limit all of our kids to children, but it is us protecting on us and security. it doesn't work that way of august on the, on what's the concerns about what has been happening from the other side of the border . we have mechanisms, robot where we can normally discuss but to find solutions for that to me. i think what happened yesterday, it was a reaction to domestic combustion, this domestic demand for reaction by iran to what was happening within the wrong. unfortunately, iran decided you grad office on the th, which i hope is not the biggest fusion i see. and i think 24 the address 90 the drive and it's almost sense. and so do you think we just going to be and do we need to come back to the magic tops as that was the former foreign minister of
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pakistan. he now rabbani carr speaking with this earlier. a shipment of medicine has arrived in gaza. intended for is really hostages being held by him boss. it arrived along with fresh aid for the people of gauze as well. guitar and france helped arrange the deal between israel and the military. group of moss moss is deemed a terrorist group by multiple countries. the how much run health ministry says that fresh is really near strikes of killed dozens, more people just the last 24 hours, including at least 16 people in one store. i go to a house in rafa. united nation says guys is remaining. hospitals are overwhelmed by the number of casualties. here in germany, tens of thousands of turned out the protests against the rise of the far right. the alternative for germany party is growing in popularity. it is now 2nd place in the national polls. the demonstrations were triggered by reports that a f
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d party members as well as others, discussed, deporting millions of foreigners and germans. if you have a migration background a barrel and hit the f d, that was the tron. so stars and meet their voices haired under the lights of the city halls, the latest show of force against the rise of the far right in germany. we hit today because there's a shift to the, to a more i, we approach and politics in germany and that's a horrifying goal. i think it is the duty of all of us to be here today against the have the against hatred and rabble rousing hits the am unless others we know that the f d is already quite popular nationwide in germany and it's important to stand up against fascism against anti democratic ideas against nazi ideas, to protest to rob did after which a marriage the alternative for jam, many members,
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a neo nazis met to discuss plans through the port. millions of people with migration routes, including german citizens. the distance themselves from a so called re migration plan one and for germans has on migration background, invalid. the story has brought to mind the doctor's chapter in german history. when not sees deported and murdered millions of people. it's not the right to do it. it's not right for they as a nation. yes, it reads associates with me, it sucks me that people have not learned from history miss clear. and how this works is they, me, cuz that's really why do we migration is the worst you can hear, especially in a country that one's slipped through that history. i'm of that gives us the community. good. we got to explain to people who were born here with the migration background should also leave clipped. i'm 0 but i did too hard to go to bed because
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you see gemini o, belinda is your home and it's all very difficult either. do you usually let racism get to me like that? but it did. it didn't make me aggressive. do you think? what so this crap most? the focus no times to the parties position and the german parliament where the debates is whether they should be fund entirely a new, clear option for all with legal hard those. and that may help rather than hinder the far right. so do you know me use political correspondence? i mean youngest following this for us, i asked him why the a f d is so successful? the spike resistance that we've seen on the streets. what brett, of course, there are many different reasons why people might be drawn to a policy like the alternative for germany as the one key thing certainly is the issue of migration. that's the issue that they've put to the center of many of the campaigns. and they call this a tough line that you,
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you heard about in the piece there. and that's something that it clearly is, is wondering a lot of people, it's got a lot of people interested them, focused on them. but it's not the only thing. there's a lot of uncertainty and the disgruntlement in the population at large, for instance, with environmental legislation. and just generally they rise in the cost of living . and so, and so you've got a lot of people looking at the current government, the 3 way coalition on the life shelves and ceiling the, you know, those main stream parties don't have the answers to the, the questions that to concern people. that's why they're looking to at what certainly seems in this case, the a f d. yeah, the of the is apparently an alternative, and yet we're seeing calls to ban the party. why did people want to see this party being? well, a lot of people are very alarmed. they say that this policy is hostile to democracy
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and that it essentially is sort of the freshest frontal organization. indeed, parts of the a, if the have been declared a threat to democracy by intelligent services in various places around the country . so there's a lot of concern. i think that that concern has been wrapped up in recent days by these reports of a meeting with the different far right groups, a sort of coming together in a network, including a, if the representatives and talking about this a circle plan for re migration deporting people that are essentially at these far right, members don't want to see living in gym and they will, it's got a lot of people worried, but this isn't just about street protests at their full. so being debates here at the gym and paul event, for instance, today, we saw a debate on the far right and what to do about it. let's listen to some of the voices from that debate. today we've been fined white. you're
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a wolf in sheep's clothing argue, but i'll say this, you'll facade is beginning to correct the, the true phase of the f d is coming out of old to see, and we'll make it clear what kind of ideology they office you a bit. i'll be by, by now the body plan to, to pull people who watch them and citizens is clear and obvious to everyone in class options. this, please, no democrats can remain silent about this time on time demo. caught me a slide. my new dining room town is duty and is that the war in syria is over. 600000 syrians have to go back. even denmark ruled by central democrats ascending syrians home. this is the re migration we're calling for. for this, the migration is done against the law and the constitution. it is the implementation of below and the constitution we have to defend as a rule of law and you are its opponents, the video game. so you,
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you hear the, the, a, f, d a defending themselves and even taking ownership of that to re migration of the policy is site that they're trying to bypass democracy. whereas they say they're speaking of for what only people care about, that certainly the mainstream parties are worried worried because for one reason there are several important local elections scheduled this year in the east of the country. what would an a, if the victory in these local these regional elections, what would it mean for germany's political landscape? yeah, that's right. you've got a regional elections coming up in september in section 8 there. india and, and brand new bible in the east of the country. the f d a polling around, so 2 percent pretty consistently that puts them is the largest policy in each case . but it's not enough for the policy to form a government on its own, so they would need
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a partner. and so for all the other policies continue to say they would never work together in a coalition with the a f d. so the question will be among others, will they think that promise a will some of the policy perhaps be tempted into power to try and pass motor right to the far right as they see it and bring them to their senses? well, we'll have to see, you know, certainly if they go into power they, if they would change the landscape and jim and politics, i think a political correspondence. i mean young with the ladies tonight here in berlin, so i'm just always thank us. and finally, winter weather here in germany has created chaos for travelers hoping to use blaine's drains or cars, heavy snow and ice cause traffic jams stretching for as far as the i can see, like behind the here rescue workers handed out hot drinks and blankets to thousands of drivers called up in the wintery congestion emergency services responded to dozens of accidents of schools and kindergartens. reclose hundreds of flights and
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long distance trains have also been cancer. this is dw news up next doc. film looks unhealthy diet and tailored to your body can help you lose weight. i'll see you at the top of the hour with mobile nick the and he tackled to the special hot spots in germany. d. w. travel extremely worth a bit.


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