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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 18, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm CET

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the the, this is dw news live from berlin tonight, pakistan and the ron launching tit for tat air strikes against each other. pakistan says an attack from milton high belts in iran, in retaliation for it, raining and strikes within its borders just a day earlier. also coming up tonight, medicine and aid arrive for the people of gauze of the shipment of supplies is desperately needed, but there is no lit up in the fighting. at least 16 people from one family were killed in an air strikes that destroyed their home. in rough up plus a stand off in state of emergency and ecuador, drug games clashing with security forces. and they prosecutor investigating the storming of a tv station by narcotics traffickers,
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has been shot dead. and here in germany and growing calls to band the far wide political party a f d, a party that is now the 2nd most popular in the country. the i bring golf, our viewers watching on tv, as in the united states. and to all of you around the world, welcome, we begin with the tit for tat air strikes between iran and pakistan. earlier today, pakistan hit alleged militant, high built inside the ron. and a series of retaliatory attacks is on a bunches of targeted bases of below g shepherds is inside the ron. all of this followed in a rainy, an air strike targeting what t, ron called terrorist inside pakistan. both countries are accusing each other of harboring separatist fighters, the villagers assessing the damage. this footage appears to show the aftermath
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of the pakistani strike on the runs border region. your ran in state media say at least 9 people were killed there on thursday. is lama, but has confirmed carried out the attacks this morning focused on and it took a series of highly coordinated and specifically targeted precision. military strikes against terrorist holly high adults and says donald, but it was just on probing of feet on a number of terrorists were killed during the intelligence space to oppression the strikes in the reigning border region offices done in baluchistan. our a response to a runs attacks inside pac is down earlier this week. take run, said he to separate his group, which threatens it, security, to teach it as a spot. none of the nationals as a friendly and brotherly country of practice done with targeted by themselves and
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drones of iran. there is this group id on the so called gish out of which is an iranian terrorist group ticket and they have taken shelter in some provinces. but the inside pack is done as mental a tip i purchased on the exchange of strikes has sparked a diplomatic crisis. it's not my badge, we called it some fast so they were to run and stopped to use a rainy encounter. part from returning to pack is done by his town scared ticket prime minister and bar all hot cut car cut shorts. his visit to the world economic forum in davos is advanced on fold. regional powers have erst come from both sides . both humans, adolfo as a sort of our region, does not need more problems and conflicts. we see that the war in garza unfortunately escalates regional tensions. we sold this tension reflected in 11 on yeah, syria, iraq, yemen, the persian gulf and of the red sea. in addition to all this, unfortunately,
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we have been closely following developments between pakistan and iran over the last 2 days with consent approval. i get it submitted today. and it said that you all can. that's how it can be viewed as well. officials trade accusations protests or is have taken to the streets of islam about to denounce the strikes on pakistan's territory. they're saying attack in nuclear arms buck is done. would be dangerous for the whole world. but i'm joined now by michael cooper, them, and he's the south asia institute director from the wilson center in washington dc . mr. google mean it's good to have you with this. how do you see this conflict? um, does it have the ingredients that could help it morph into a full fledged war between pakistan and iran as well? i certainly hope not. uh, but it's important not to be complacent about just how precarious the situation is right now. let's remember that packet is done as a country with nuclear weapons. that's the 1st thing to,
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to keep in mind. and if you look at what's happened over the last few days, or ron striking, the impact of sponge counter strikes. both of those strikes. as i understand it involves civilian fatalities including small children being killed in both cases. this was not just the case of middleton's being taken out. so given that reality, i think it's going to be very difficult. and the immediate term for both sides to be willing to start talking about the escalation tensions, temperatures are, are very high right now. and that's very troubling. and when you pick up on this nuclear power point, i mean, why do you think you're wrong? the launch strikes against pakistan in the 1st place, knowing that it has nuclear weapons it's, it's very risky one. could i do it for a reckless as well? i think that we have to see a ron's decision to strike guy in the broader context of what's happening in the middle east. and that entails a ron's proxies ramping up efforts to undermine israel and its allies. and this has
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put a run in increasingly precarious and vulnerable position at seeing more threats to it. security. it suffered a terrible terrorist attack uh, just some days ago in iran. and this has made a run decide to hit out against what it perceives to be its biggest threats around the broader region. and we saw it carry out some strikes and a rack in syria. and of course, in pakistan as well. and the group that it targeted is a group that as long worried around because it is carried out attacks and around in the past or on has long been worried that pakistan has not done enough to deal with this group. a former picking stanley foreign minister told us earlier today that the country had no choice but to respond with force. do you agree, was that the only choice pakistan have or well, i think that, um, it would have been difficult for pakistan not to respond. the i think the main reason for that is that, um, it knows that 1st of all the strike that are on carried out was unprecedented. ron has carried out these types of cross border activities to target in to your,
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on milton. some talk is done in the past, but not putting on the scale in terms of the type of weapon re involved and in the casualties and so on. so i think that was one reason why bucks on had to respond. the more important reason why it had to respond was it, it had to restore to turns as quickly as possible. it knows that iran, as i was noting before, has been on the offensive, is clearly committed to acting kinetically to take out threats. and i think that pockets don't have good reason to worry that if it didn't respond and respond quickly, it could, his face, the prospect of another iranian stray contact to study. so we'd be furred from the united states calling for restraint. china has said that it could possibly mediate here, and i'm wondering what would china want out of these because she ations, if it were to be the mediator, i can't think of any more logical mediator than china. it's got very strong relations with both pakistan and enter on both doc, this done in a right or tack strep countries that are dependent on china for economic support.
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so that means that the agent has leverage, and that could help us help it as a mediator. it look, china doesn't want to see these 2 countries go to war. it had a significant investment interest in both of these countries. and obviously those interest would be imperiled in a big way if, if, if these 2 countries go to war. so i think the china has a lot to get out of putting itself out. there is a mediator not to mention it. so it's evergreen goal of trying to increase in the cloud and influence, particularly in, in the middle east where it's been trying to make inroads not too long ago. it mediated a deal, a surprising deal between saudi arabia and iran. you know, it's a very good point to your opinion. what needs to happen right now to, to help de escalate the situation as well. the pakistan he's in the radians need to start embracing diplomacy. you know, this is not a hostile relationship. they do have dialogue and that condition is that they could resort to if they're willing to. and i think that's, that's the goal. the incentive structure has to change that. they turn away from the kinetic activities and focus more on talking to try to deescalate things. and
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that's where a 3rd party mediator such as a china could be helpful to, to try to quietly press the 2 sides to, to focus on lowering temperatures and lowering contentions. michael cooperman, south asia institute director from the wilson center mr. coleman. we appreciate your time in your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you. well, it is a clear and direct message. the is really presidents isaac care talk has called iran and evil empire at the root of tensions in the middle east. speaking of the world economic form in davos, switzerland have so said that her moss was armed and financed by t. ron iran is using him. ah, she said to the rail stability not only in the region but also in the entire world before the dw correspondence as it was. and is that the world economic forum in davos. and he told us more about these really presidents speech hetzel goals. this war, a battle of the universe. he asked the international community to stand with him,
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and he received a standing ovation at the congress center here in denver, switzerland, online. it was a different story that were angry colds for an immediate end to the war. some questioning wine or palestinian officials were invited to speak following the as why the president had said his nation is still in shock following the bond. the reason of the october 7 attacks, he said, those at home us is just one element of the evil empire, driven by a ron, with its proxies across the region, spending billions, he says, on the stabilizing the world and preventing piece. you said a lot of that money is being invested in the tunnels. how much uses throughout gaza to launch attack. so this is why the ground defensive and to be supplied with its weapons. it hasn't been using them though to protect its civilians in a conversation with the needs by the businessman, he said these very tunnels could be used to evacuate the civilians. hundreds of
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thousands of have a stock in an active was a force defend for themselves above ground. 8, you said now the problem had solve said that israel is now scanning 400 trucks a day, but those deliveries and not getting through because of problems at the board of organizational problems. and the fact he says that those come boys of being showed that he says he wants to enable a better future for his palestinian neighbors. but 1st, the hostages need to be released. there are more than 100 of them having being held for over a 100 days in gaza. he will say once safety guaranteed the nation of israel and the normalization of relations that was close to with saudi arabia, at least before the war. he says that would be a game changer. the saudis, once the condition of a separate palestinian state that was dw, has been visible there reporting from davos, switzerland. a shipment of medicine has arrived in gaza,
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intended for his really hostages were being held by him oss. it arrived along with fresh aid for the people of gauze of guitar and france helped to arrange the deal between israel and the militant group from us, which is, as you may recall, deemed a terrorist group by multiple countries. meanwhile, the homos run health ministry in gaza says that fresh air strikes by israel, of killed dozens of people over the last 24 hours, including at least 60 people in one strike on a house in rough up un says gauze is remaining, hospitals are overwhelmed by the number of casualties. i asked journalist sammy, circle in jerusalem to tell us what we know about the distribution of medicines for the hostages and the aid for palestinians inside of gauze us. yeah, well we know that these uh trucks with medicines, they have entered the gaza strip and it has been handed over to the how mos run
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administrator of the hands. and they have said that they will it distributed 1st to the hospitals in the gaza strip. i'm from these all split there's, there's supposed to go a also among other to the is there any hostages that are kept inside? now, according to how much it each box of medicine that was located for the hostages, the 1000 boxes for the, for the guys. and as we know more than 50000 gallons, that have been wounded and the medication is a highly necessity in these hospitals. and i've been doing anesthesia, so doing a operations without the anesthesia and so forth now is runs. the concern has been, is whether this, how mazda led a ministry will actually bring the medication to those hostages. and how would they
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know? so according to a is around the media today, the cup of has promised is around the day with the supply, with the visual evidence of these hostages that we're talking about 45. is there any hostages? who are i need for medication? and they would provide this visual evidence to show that they actually go through the medication is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu spoke a while ago and take a listen to part of what he said yesterday. or there are 2 stages to the fighting. the 1st is just drawing the how most regiments, those are the organized combat frameworks. open till now. 16 or 17 august 24th been destroyed. the notary after that, the 2nd stage is clearing the territory militants. the 1st action is usually short to ship. the 2nd usually takes longer. so now when you're dealing with both of the same time, the governor skimpy snap william sammy, when we hear that update is here, what is the status of the war against
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a mazda in gauze? so if we're looking at the noise in the part of the gaza strip, we do about the city of gaza and that area. so is one over there. they say that they have already, the finished a phase one is that means that the, sorry, phase 2. and that is why they withdrew some of their forces from these areas. and the in the other areas of the gaza strip. that means in the central area of the gaza strip, the area of building by law and the refugee cam. so the z and then to say the age and so forth. and then hon eunice, they are spend in the earlier phase, which is a more intensive, a phase of the military campaign journalist,
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sammy circle with the latest or not from jerusalem semi as always. thank you. here's a quick look. now some of the other headlines from around the globe, the european parliament, has adopted a resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire in gaza. but only on the condition that the palestinian militant group, tomas is dismantled, while maker say all hostages must be released. the resolution also calls for renewed efforts to find the lasting political solution to the is really public city and conflict. nato has announced its biggest military exercise in decades. the alliance is top commander christopher ca. bully said the exercise will kick off next week and involve around to 90000 forces from all nato members. it's supposed to be a rehearsal to test how the alliance could respond to, to a russian attack. i wonder if study that the german parliament has passed legislation designed to speed up the deportation of asylum seekers whose applications have been rejected. the law gives police greater powers in dealing with those slated for deportation. the interior minister says that this will allow
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germany to focus on refugees who need protection funds expense in ecuador to men have been arrested in connection with the murder of a prosecutor who's working included tracking down a legal drug cartels. the prosecutor was investigating the storming of a tv station by narcotics traffickers last week. cartels have been waging a bloody campaign of kidnappings in killings. the violence began when a tory is gang leader escaped from prison. police into a major ecuadorian prison near the city of guy of quill, rounding up inmates as government forces tried to crack down on rapidly escalating gang violence. it was from this prison. the gang, both adults full macias, also known as fetal escaped, spiking, major violence across a quick door. the government prosecuted
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a is the licensed casualty, is us what is was investigating the recent storming of a t v studio by the gang members. he was shot deed on wednesday to mean have been arrested over the killing and his colleagues are appealing for more protection, a little further than organized crime groups, framing those temporaries will not stop our commitment to wake weather and society . we. we continue doing our board with more friends and more compromises. it must be clear to all these of pros chose act is a message to those who are working for just the see me whether we call it or nolan forestman to guarantee the security of those of us. we're feeding this mission number for the company. and so then that's the best policy on this. the government blamed the situation on the growing breach of cocaine trafficking gangs. which of
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these stabilized waves of south america? president daniel no boy has declared a 60 day state of emergency. the gangs have sit back todd with kidnappings and killing, leaving many equip dorians in fear that the situation could spiral out of control. let me join now by vonda feel, bob brown, she's the director of the initiative on non state or the actors at the brookings institute. it's good to have you with this, you know, we just saw and that report how the army, the police in ecuador have lunch. this huge operation inside this prison complex in the city of wire killed. can you explain to our viewers how this prison, how we could become the center of what has become a drug more in the country as well. i'll just like in many other parts of lived in america. prisons had been both stuff,
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the inmates or those arrested on suspicions of having committed crimes often without being convicted. and yet at the same time they are reading grounds of organized crime. yeah. often very powerfully connected page to violence on the street. and of course, what's happening in quite a key or what's happening in the prison. it's one important element of the violence and that quite or but it is just one element that are very many of the sources go way beyond the prison and beyond. the don't lose yet, i want to just stick with feel for a moment that this gang leader also known is adolfo macias. i mean, he was imprisoned in this prison until he escaped last week. how big of a role does he place here? well, has been the leader of i was kind of turn that on is the very important the criminal group in a quite ordered this connected to the scenario of cartel. and it's really the linkages to the send the lock of town and cut the funds come to us. and then i'll
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see on the 2 mexican criminal grooves. and one of each other that has set a violent really across the southern cone. and they find local dynamics of however, as important, this feature is the leader of the team. there on is he is just one man. he became leader 4 years ago if he is arrested or killed the violence and the gang will go on, you know, up until a few years ago, ecuador was considered a bastard and a piece in latin america. it was a top destination for us retiree is looking to spend, you know, the, the best parts of their lives. that's all change. now, why has this big change happened in such a short space of time in ecuador? well again i see that we have to little bit analyze the short space of time. so you know, obviously if you haven't been a bit sane, dramatic events, high violence over the past year. but violence has been building out,
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seems to go with 19 and violence has, has, it's really what's really going on for over a decade. but if you have a set of policies across various administrations in the cloud or weakening on purpose on accidentally traditional institution based on institutions and law enforcement capacities. and then the same time you have the movement of the 2 cocktails at 1st, you know, into place like my door sends beach between columbia and po, 2 important sources of cocaine. whether it's so became a public transportation of cocaine through europe. so there's been a long build up of an institutional becoming coinciding most lately and with this bipolar war between central cartoon catacombs kind of looking at a ceiling intersecting with local crime dynamics. so let's talk to him for a moment about solutions. here is the ecuadorian government's crack down the military operations of the rates that we're seeing. is this the right way to go at
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this moment? mr. brown, can you hear me up so it looks like we unfortunately we lost her. but yeah. can, can you hear me minutes? i can hit now. okay, let me do this. i do. okay. let me just ask you um, quickly, before we run out of time, what's the best? what's the answer here to the is the government's crack down. is that the correct way to solve this problem as well? it's almost inevitably an element of the answer, but it's certainly not sufficient. and what really needs to happen is profound institutional strengthening. then it will take a long time, lots of resources and commitments across the innovations. in the meantime, the government does need to improve security on the ground. i am not persuaded that it will follow from the craig the down,
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but i do understand how the government does need to take meaning floyd forestman situation to call the street and avoid agreed to silence that he had been seeing. and where does all of this believe the ecuadorian public? i mean, people must be, i assume, suffering from this ever increasing amount of violence in the country. well, it's a lovely people in a club or have been suffering from many challenges and you have seen great fights of crime since the onset, cool, with in 2020, with the it's many repercussions. and the violence over the past year. and it's really been morrenda cindy are currently in a major attack by the criminal groups on state institutions. the killing of the prosecutor, the killing of the political candidates, the rives in prison, or part of the system as the campaign to complete, to intimidate the state. and the state cannot be intimidated, including because of these to protect as its primary responsibility,
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the equity equity. and what do you hear inside at the door? do you ever hear the argument that we wouldn't have this problem? if we did not have the demand for cocaine in the us in europe mean that there's no demand, then there are no drug cartels. oh absolutely. you know, that is certainly a line that is for across the left in america and in various other parts of the world that are dealing with drug trafficking. of course, the man has become very complex, that is probably as much demand in brazil and argentina. pru copy that is, but it's in the united states in the us. it has declined as a drug of choice 10 times the miss. nonsense. i mean, not really by finding the dominant drugs and it's the group of cocaine in europe. this has been driving a lot of the shifts, including the trafficking into white glove or so yes. addressing demand is very important that it's loose if it hasn't worked well in any country, but it's kind of be an excuse for poor law enforcement policy. one to tell bob
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brown with the brookings institute in washington, we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you. it is a quick look now and some of the other headlines around the world this our a us reported to a school shooting last year and you've all the texas is found a major failures in the police. respond to the justice department review said that officers waited far too long to confront the government and repeatedly gave wrong information to the families. 19 children and 2 staff members were killed. host election unrest in the east african island nation of coma ross has left at least one person dead, $25.00 wounded demonstrations. again after incumbent president, as ali assume money was declared, the winner, the opposition is alleging fraud and calling for even larger protests. and i'm finally winter weather here in germany has created chaos for travelers using planes, trains and automobiles,
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heavy snow and ice and cause the traffic jam stretching from many kilometers rescue workers and to they have hot drinks and blankets to thousands of drivers who were stuck right there in the snow emergency services responding to dozens of accident of schools and kindergarteners closed flights and trains were, can't we watching the videos that the short break? i'll be back to take you through the day. stick around. we will be right back. the
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don't seem, despite the 16 year old denny know, aspires to become a stop to live his dream. he sees his native ukraine to germany. can he just keep on dogs? an international body competition puts his skills to the test. in 45 minutes on d w, or the
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wish i could've done more to save, you just click away, find the best document on you to really see the world as he's never seen it before. the drive now to dw, so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and want different things from life and your parents. i just want to pursue what that's nice on fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable stuff. i want my son to become
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a doctor to in the canal. it's time to to us. and then when generations class this week on d. w. in the past 48 hours of ron and pakistan if carried out ears drawings on each other's territory, cross border strikes, allegedly targeting hostile militant groups. officially, these are not 2 countries attacking each other. so why this apparent military tit for tat? and why is pakistan recalled? it's invested from a rod. why has his mom a bunch of splendid, all high level visits from tehran tonight, a region of the world that has long been a powder keg? is this a new spark? i'm for golf and berlin. this is the day the.


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