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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 19, 2024 2:00am-2:16am CET

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the the, this is the deadline. use my from goodly packers, don, and ron launched tit for tat. it strikes against each other. text on said it attacked militant hot out soon. around in, for tele ation for a rainy and strikes with and it's board is just the date only. so coming on a stand off and state of emergency and it pulled drug gangs clashing. but security forces, a prosecutor investigating the storming of a tv station by not caught ex traffic is, has been shocked at madison and the i the arrive for the people of guys a shipment of supplies is desperately needed. but there's no lit up in the funding . at least 16 people from one family be killed in an abstract of the store. they
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hung in wrap the math and how it welcome to the program. we begin with the tit for tat strikes between iran and pakistan. earlier today, pac has done his alleged militant hideout inside to run in a series of where a teller 3 attacks is learn about says it targeted bases of biology, separate test inside the run. all of this followed in a brand new and asked dr. targeting terrorist impact is done, both countries are accusing the of us, of hovering separatist, find his villagers assessing the damage. this footage appears to show the aftermath of the pakistani strike on the rounds border region. iranian state, medias say at least 9 people were killed there on thursday. is lama,
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but has confirmed, carried out the attacks i this morning focused on and it took a series of highly coordinated and specifically targeted precision, military strikes against terrorist, how high adults and sis donald. but it was just on probing of feet on a number of terrace, or killed during the intelligence based operation. the strikes in the ran in border region offices done and baluchistan, our a response to a runs attacks inside pac is down earlier this week. take run, said he to separate his group, which threatens it, security, us, history. it has a spot, none of the nationals as a friendly and brotherly country. of fact, it's done with targeted by themselves and drones of iran. there is this group id on the so called gish out of which is an iranian terrorist group ticket and they have taken shelter in some provinces. but that inside pack is done as mental
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a tip i purchased on the exchange of strikes has sparked a diplomatic crisis. it's not my badge, we called it some fast so they were to run and stopped to use a rainy encounter. part from returning to pack has done like his down scared ticket prime minister and bar will have cut car cut shorts. his visit to the world economic forum and davos is advanced on fold regional powers have ers to come from both sides. both of them is it off as a sort of a region does not need more problems and conflicts. we see that the war in gaza unfortunately escalates regional tensions. we saw this tension reflected in 11 on, you know, syria, iraq, young and the persian gulf and of the red sea. in addition to all this, unfortunately, we have been closely following developments between pakistan and iran over the last 2 days with consent approval. i get it submitted today. and it said that you all can. that's how it can be viewed as well. officials trade accusations protests or
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is have taken to the streets of islam about to denounce the strikes on pakistan's territory. there say an attack in nuclear arms buck is done. would be dangerous for the whole world. early we spoke to pakistan's former farm. is he not rubbing the cough and asked whether she thinks puck us down to the right thing by using force to respond to around strong as such as the keys? stupid wrong thing. as far as i don't think the husband you options, i'm not to go right down and speak with me. i think when you know, we all walk by this stuff just law, we look under the international, the board. well, according to the central to the concept of civility and control of what you are, what is what you got to put there. now here's a new movies with which we had 9. the just wondering and um, the list is on the list of things that you said,
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the range bar including going to turn them does know, you know, different things uh for the completion of this wasn't that ongoing despite the base . and then the explanation given for that. so that's not small viewing anything. imagine from being inside, you get it as a whole. we thought there was somebody over there and you'd like to limit or our kids to children, but it just us protecting on us and security. it doesn't work that way of august on and you're on what's the concerns about what has been happening from the other side of the border. we have made those mechanisms, robot where we can normally discuss but to find solutions for that. to me, i think what happened yesterday, it was a reaction to domestic combustion. this domestic demand for reaction by iran do what was happening. they did it wrong. unfortunately, iran decided to focus on the, to the theater,
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which i hope is not the biggest fusion i see. and i be on the quote, the address 90, the dr. unemployment says, a strategic, we're just going to be the and the we need to come back to the magic tops. that was the form of foreign minister of practice. done. he not rabbani there. well, to ecuador, where 2 men have been arrested, either the murder of a prosecutor tracking down to legal drug gangs. the prosecutor was investigating the storming of a t. v station by narcotics traffic is last week. drug cartels have been waging a bloody campaign of kidnappings and killings to the violence of again when a notorious gang leader escaped from prison police into a major ecuadorian prison near the city of guy of quill, rounding up inmates as government forces tried to crack down on rapidly escalating gang violence, it was from this prison, the gang both adult for macias,
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also known as fetal escaped, sparking major violence across ecuador. the government prosecutor, that is the licensed casualty, is swati is, was investigating the recent storming of a t v studio by the gang members. he was shot deed on wednesday to remain have been arrested over the killing, and his colleagues are appealing for more protection. little schools in organized crime groups, framing those temporaries will not stop our commitment to a quite during society. we. we continue doing overboard with more friends and more compromises. it must be clear to all these up pro steals act is a message to those who are working for just the c make whether we call or nolan foresman to guarantee the security of those of us. we're feeding this mission
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number for the company, and so then this does policy on this. the government claims the situation on the growing reach of cocaine trafficking gangs, which of destabilized waves of south america. the president daniel navarre has declared a 60 day state of emergency. the gangs have sit back todd with kidnappings and killing, leaving many equip dorians in fear that the situation could spiral out of control. for more on this. so i talked to a different group that he's a journalist in a for those capital key to he told me how the public has reacted to the prosecutor's motor. it's another another blow to a population of people that has seals very insecure at the moment. but it has reacted to the state of emergency really by,
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by withdrawing by staying home. schools remain closed at least to the end of this week. and this flow is, is proof of the resilience also of the drug games in the face of the attempts by the police and military to, to crack down on the violence which is widely which has been widely applauded. stephanie said the public, if i have withdrawn some watch, i wonder where they stand and all this inside fire. as soon as i back the government measures and threes, i have confidence these measures will work. i have not seen the ceiling simply opposed to to indicate what kind of backing president no more has. so what, what is palpable? is that yes, there is widespread support for the need for this kind of across, down on the,
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on games because the situation was really out of control and especially because not only did the homicide rapes spike especially focused on areas like working for other coastal hopes. but also the, the, the problem, a very, very widespread extortion rockets has spread through the entire country and is the effecting many, many businesses, especially small businesses. so there's a, there is a demand to, to solve this problem. so at present, the government has declared a 60 dice type of emergency. is there any sense from the government? if that will be enough time, does that give them enough added power to my wheel in rides, in the fight against these drug captives as well? we've been under these kinds of states of emergencies and some former other, locally or nationally, since really since 2015. so it's, it's
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a very typical measure that governments have announced and what goes beyond the usual is the curfew that exists overnight from them in 9 to 5 in the morning. and also the new boy has declared a state of war. he followed up on the declaration of emergency with a state of war. and what we, we still lack is, is clarity on the depths of the mission. there are issues with the, the, as the for capacity, not just the police and military to re take control of prisons because this has been an issue since since 2021. but also because we don't know how we don't have this team mission statement, so we don't know whether emergency or homicide rate reduction is, is the major target for or what other measure of successful be. there was general a step and confident in chico, speaking to me earlier. well,
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a shipment of medicine has arrived and jobs are intended for is where the hostages held by him. us. it arrived along with fresh side full people of gossip and friends, helped arrange the deal between these royal and militant group which is deemed a territory by multiple countries. meanwhile, the how must run. house ministry says pressure is ready as strikes, have killed thousands more people under the last 24 hours, including at least 16 people, one strong on a house. in rafa. the united nation says gases remaining hospitals overwhelmed by the number of casualties. and we asked general assembly socco in jerusalem about the distribution of medicines for the hostages and the i for palestinians in gaza as yeah, well we know that these the trucks with medicines, they have entered the gaza strip and it has been handed over to the how mos run administrator of hands and they have said that they will it distributed 1st to the
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hospitals in the gaza strip. i'm from these all split there's. there's supposed to go a also among other to the is there any hostages that are kept inside? now, according to how i'm us, it each box of medicine that was located for the hostages, the $1000.00 boxes for the, for the guys. and as we know more than 50000 gallons, that have been wounded and the medication is a highly necessity. and these are the hospitals, and i've been doing anesthesia. so doing a operations without the anesthesia and so forth now is runs. the concern has been, is whether this, how mazda led a ministry will actually bring the medication to those hostages. and how would they
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know? so according to a is around the media today, the cup of has promised is around the day with the supply, with the visual evidence of these hostages that we're talking about 45. is there any hostages? who are i need for medication? and they would provide this visual evidence to show that they actually go through the medication. a semi circle in tourism will techies 1st ask for no, it has been launched into space. is now headed to the international space station after blasting off from florida. about a spice walking along with a swede. and in the having the 3rd private crew invited by nasa house spent 2 weeks performing experiments getting to school kids and sucking in the views of the full, returning hon. it's costing each of the 3 countries involved of $55000000.00. having separated from the south and wrong, they'd drag and capsule should reach the space station on a saturday shield that will return the x 3 crew. and that's all for now,
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coming up next, the film with a voyage of discovery across the huge expanse. as a vice, it's part to of a feature looking at the threat of greenland. dwindling glasses. i'm anthony. how it. i'll have more headlines for you in 45. the, the goldsmith. i'm not saying. in the late seventy's shlomo smiles now make go stop bog. now. the man who had to maintain him to use light to wagner was date. was it suicide? the evidence raised has done what really happened january 27th on d. w. 40 percent of the world population lives by an ocean.


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