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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 19, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CET

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the, the, this is to get the use coming lives from the the is riley's cold for the remaining hostages. to be free. people joined in new protests, intel available to them on the government, free the loved ones on the day have lost his youngest captive tens of one year old . so coming up pakistan and iran launched tit for tat. it strikes against each other. focused on says it attacked the militant hot out and around in retaliation for running and strikes. within its board is just a day plus stand off and state of emergency and drug gangs clashing with security forces. a prosecutor investigating the storming of a t v station by narcotics traffic has,
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has been shot the anatomy held. welcome is rouse parliament. buildings have been by in orange lot to mock the 1st day of coffee, a boss. the youngest hostage still believes to be held in gossip. the color was chosen to match the curly hair of kaffir and his brother, ontario kaffir, and his family were taken from the home by him last militants. in the october 7th, her attacks. around 1200 people were killed and some 250 adopted. half of them remained in captivity. crowds, gal, the intel of eve, bringing presents for created box on his 1st birthday. and holding the loft orange balloons. celebration 6, it wasn't attend. that he was captured by how must militants on october 7th when he
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was less than 9 months old and taken to gauze along with his parents. and 4 year old brother, are you crazy because we actually celebrate the ways and we did such a big event. so many things for the kids the year and he doesn't know that to be doing the listening frames and quotes one lloyd, how much claimed and the video released to november, the 5th his brother and mother had been killed by an is randy strike. but his death has never been confirmed by israeli authorities. his face has become a symbol of the shed desperation felt by his re lease to ensure the safe release of the remaining hostages. still held in gaza. as the conflict continues,
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israel's government is increasingly or to the united states over the scale of its minute tree offensive in gaza on the future of gaza. once the war is over bidding you do believe it is. conflict is all complex. you will end at some point and that there needs to be a political path forward for the establishment of the policy. and you'd say that is the only way, not just to answer the legitimate hopes, dreams, aspirations in the past. so many people, but it is also, this is critical. the only way to provide the lasting security for the is really people or maybe not, is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu strongly contests. this will be home. is there any future arrangement, settlement, or no settlement of israel need security control over all territory west of the river jordan. and this is a necessary condition added, collides with the idea of sovereignty. tensions of growing between israel and its closest allies over the direction of the war and gaza, while on the streets of tel aviv hopes of focused on bringing fear. on the other
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hostages, who. meanwhile, a shipment of medicine has arrived in gauze are intended for is rarely hostages, held by having us. it arrived along with fresh i will pay for the people, rather of gaza. cuts out in france helped arrange the deal between the israel and the militant group, which is deemed a tear, a group by multiple countries. meanwhile, the home us run health ministries is fresh, is read, the strikes have killed thousands of old people. of the last 24 hours, including at least 16 people in one strike on a house. in rafa the united nation says guys has remaining hospitals overwhelmed by the number of casualties the right time to take a quick look. now some of the headlines from around the world are threatening to us government shut down, has benefited congress back to build a cape operations funded into much the pasta by a wide margin in both the house and the senate buying time for the 2 parties to
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find common ground this, most democrats want more eyes to ukraine. republicans want the top of the board, a secure old having us report into a school shooting in last year in validate, texas has found major 5 is in the place response. the justice department review said the officers why did far too long to confront the government and repeatedly guide wrong information to families. 19 children and 2 staff members book you at least 15 people, including 13 children, have died after but capsized in west in india. students were traveling to a school picnic when the accident took place on a liking, good july state, local officials sitting around 2070 pages on board at the top to indies. and i have a package done now, which is it alleged militant hideout seem to run in a series of retaliatory attacks is lama pod says that target advices of biology set protest inside a run. all of this followed and the writing is dr. targeting terrorist impact has
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done, both countries are accusing the of hovering separatist bosses villagers assessing the damage. this footage appears to show the aftermath of the pakistani strike on the runs border region. your ran in state media say at least 9 people were killed there on thursday. is lama, but has confirmed carried out the attacks i this morning focused on and it took a series of highly coordinated and specifically targeted precision, military strikes against terrorist, how high adults and says donald, but it was just on probing of feet on number of total wrists were killed during the intelligence based operation. the strikes in the ran in border region offices down in baluchistan. our a response to a runs attacks inside pac is down earlier this week. take run,
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said he to separate his group, which threatens it, security us, history. it has a spot, none of the nationals of the friendly and brotherly country. of fact, it's done with targeted by themselves and drones of iran. there is this group id on the so called gish out of which is an iranian terrorist group ticket and they have taken shelter in some provinces inside the package done as mental a tip i purchased on how did you did the exchange of strikes has sparked the diplomatic crisis, it's not my badge, we called it some past so they were to run and stopped to use a rainy encounter part from returning to practice done by his down scared ticket prime minister and bar, all hot cut car cut shorts, his visit to the world economic forum and davos is advanced on fold regional powers have ers to come from both sides. both game is adolfo, the sort of all region does not need more problems and conflicts. we see that the war in gaza unfortunately escalates regional tensions. we saw this tension
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reflected in 11 on yeah, syria, iraq, yemen, the persian gulf and of the red sea. in addition to all this, unfortunately, we have been closely following developments between pakistan and iran over the last 2 days with consent approval. i get it submitted today, and it said that you all can, that's how it can be viewed as well. officials trade accusations protests or is have taken to the streets of islam about to denounce the strikes on pakistan's territory. there. say an attack in nuclear arms buck is done, would be dangerous for the whole world. earlier we spoke to pakistan to form a farm is the he not rub on the car and asked whether she thinks pack is done to the right thing by using force to respond to around strong as such as you say around they just put the keys stupid wrong thing aside, i don't think by the time has been the options. i'm not to go out and speak with me
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. i think when you know, the, on one side establish, look under the international, the board was according to the finish out to this, the concept of civility and control or what you are, what is what you got to put there. now here's a new movies we with which we have $900.00. normally just the one right. and the list is on the list of introduce the range parts including going to turn them does know, you know, if the you doing uh for the commissions and all of this was the ongoing of despite the fees and then the explanation given. so that's a, that's not a small into your godaddy. imagine from a guy being inside you. okay. and so, you know, we talked with somebody over there and we'd like to limit all of our kids to children, but it is us protecting on us and security. it doesn't work that way of focus on your, on what's the concerns about what has been happening from the other side of the
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border. we have mechanisms rule, but we didn't normally discuss but to find a solution for that to me. i think what happened yesterday, it was a reaction to domestic combustion, this domestic dom on for reaction. but you're on to what was happening within the around. unfortunately, iran decided dr. office on the to the th, which i hope is not the biggest fusion i see. and i think what we call the dress 90 the slide under the form it says. and so do you think we just going to be on the we need to come back to the magic thoughts and that was the form of foreign minister practice. done. she not rabbani costs vacant was early a 2 week window where 2 men have been arrested. other than the prosecutor tracking down to legal drug gangs. the prosecutor was investigating the storming of a t. v station by narcotics traffic is last week. drug cartels have been waging
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a bloody campaign if kidnappings in killings. the violence began one of the tories gang leader escaped from prison police into a major ecuadorian prison near the city of guy of quill. rounding up inmates as government forces tried to crack down on rapidly escalating gang violence. it was from this prison, the gang, both adults or macias, also known as fetal escaped, sparking major violence across a quick door. the government prosecuted a is the licensed casualty is swati is was investigating the recent storming of a t v studio by the gang members. he was shot deed on wednesday to remain have been arrested over the killing, and his colleagues are appealing for more protection,
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a little further than organized kind groups, framing those temporaries will not stop our commitment to wake weather and society . we. we continue doing our board with more friends and more compromises. it must be clear to all these that pros chose act is a message to those who are working for just the see me whether we quoted or lower enforcement to guarantee the security of those of us were fund feeding this mission number for the company. and so then that's, that's going see on this the government blamed the situation on the growing reach of contain trafficking gangs, which of destabilized waves of south america? president, daniel no boy has declared a 60 day state of emergency. the gangs have sit back todd with kidnappings and killing, leaving many equip dorians in fear that the situation could spiral out of control.
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over more on that, i talk to steph and cliff. now he's a journalist in ecuador, his capital key to i asked him if the 60 dice state of emergency will be enough time to make real in rides, in the fight against drug cartels. well, we've been under these kinds of states of emergencies and some former other locally or nationally, since really since 2015. so it's, it's a very typical measure that governments have announced and what goes beyond the usual is the curfew that exists overnight from them in 9 to 5 in the morning. and also the new boy has declared a state of war. he followed up on the declaration of emergency with a state of war. and what we, we still lack is, is clarity on the depths of the mission. there are issues with the, the,
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as the capacity, not just to the police and military to re take control of prisons because this has been an issue since since 2021. but also because we don't know how we don't have this clean mission statement. so we don't know whether emergency or homicide rate reduction is, is the major target or, or what other measure of success will be there. and that was gentlest different because not in case of it all before we leave turkey's 1st astro note has been launched into the spice is now headed to the international space station after blasting off from florida, a bonus by 6 roku, along with a swede. and they are the 3rd private crew invited by nasa. they will spend 2 weeks performing experiments, setting the school kids and searching the piece from this before returning home. it's costing each of the 3 countries involved. $55000000.00, i think separated from their falcon real have a casual should reach the space station on set page. it's critical. you're looking
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up at. that's all for now, the film is mixed with a voyage across the expanse as the vice of 3 mans. when leaned july seats, i'm anthony held for me in the time. thanks for your company and stay with us if you can, the fast fashion as an environmental nice clothing, graveyard immature land desert. this is where things well the industrial nations no longer need and flight us textile ways get stranded fashion, watch now on youtube. the 40 percent of the world population lives by an ocean.


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