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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 19, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the, the c, w, news, live cumberland, israel's leader publicly defies the united states over gaza. i minister benjamin netanyahu versus called from the white house to scale down israel's war against him off and rejects the idea of palestinian statehood in the future. also coming up in india hype around the opening of a hindu temple, it's a chance for prime minister and a run from moti to score some of the major political point of possibly at the risk of sidelining religious minorities. the,
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i'm sorry, kelly walked into the program. we begin with the war and gaza, where israel is pressing on with it's offensive in the territory south after rejecting calls from the united states to scale back in a televised address, prime minister benjamin netanyahu. so that is real, would not stop fighting and gaza until it has destroyed him off, which is considered a terrorist group by israel and the united states among others. then yahoo also project is caused by the us to facilitate a post war palestinian state. as the fighting and gaza read is on israel's increasingly at odds with its closest ally. the war and gaza is still backed by the united states. but the intensity of operations has come under us scrutiny of israel says it won't cave to american pressure prime minister benjamin netanyahu stresses israel won't scale back and appear to reject the idea
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of creating a palestinian state the whole in any arrangement, whether there was an accord or not, these ready states must have security control of old, which have a true west of the jordan river. is a necessary condition. but that cautious with the principal of palestinian sovereignty. it doesn't matter what can i say? i've told our american friends this truth. i've also stopped this, the attempt to impose a reality on those that would hom is where it was security and is ready, prime minister should be able to say no, even to our best friends. no, when necessary. yes, we, when possible. and we, what the us has reiterated palestinian statehood is the only past to lasting piece . it will be we do believe that this conflict is all conflicts. the will end at some point and that there needs to be a political path forward for the establishment of a palestinian state. that is the only way, not just to answer the legitimate hopes,
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rings, aspirations of palestinian people. but it is also, and this is critical. the only way to provide the lasting security for the is really people. and it's not just the us trying to push the israeli government in a different direction until the protesters accused the government of pursuing aggressive policies. will we ask for, is it bring people to live in the jewish people in the city and people these liberal many fear and out, right. the rejection of palestinian statehood. now we're only worse and regional tensions and trap israel and, and less conflict. and we've got more with us the medical burg, who is with the middle east and north africa program at the think tank. chatham house, i asked him how much netanyahu's rejection of a 2 state solution is about appealing to his domestic audience, or sending a clear message to allies abroad the city. so basically the question,
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it goes christian, but because nothing, you know, officials for many years, according to political needs, maybe his own political needs. ready st paul and. ready so guy's info, and if he's sensitive and moving in, these are these against the policy and the statements executive. what? well, what the sides. once the licensee, you talked about conic section of balance of the, of the west bank. and then it stopped up on the cold east of done the ideal conic section and, and sign them a goodman's on or re flips the you, are you, in boston and all that blown a cold. and nobody's ation with these categories. the police because invitational smith and the mall and the stuff to do any. ready anything you know, because he's facing for a collection guy because he failed miserably to, to. ready text the people in defend the people whose are on october the 7th. it's all about seems staying. ready file, but you know,
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he sends the message to the united states and he started from united states to send the message. and we've seen the united states. they have steadily been ramping up pressure on israel regarding how this war has been progressing and especially that the human told that it has taken. it appears as if the united states keeps getting brushed off at least publicly. how much influence does washington still have over? is rarely policy, especially given the support that the us as providing financially and otherwise. or i think i should do it, i should say, should they click on the hose. it's nice to just say the clips that you did to show that to the friends sometimes say, you know, to, to a close friends. and that's exactly what they should say to me is that not to resources 5 in the 6 year with the concept not to stop boats are conditionally low even guys of. ready legs well the. ready then 24000, a nice many of them, a civilians. that notion so called i got some and that is actually not seeing
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a disagreement that is the spokes person. as i say, the spokesperson said, is the only light to go and, you know, the family. so then i mean that, that, that's, that's your own personal policy prescription for the united states. but, but ultimately, i mean, does the united states have that sort of influence over israel? do you think that it could get it to change tact because it's true. yeah, it's right, but it might have been but the thing that we know the kind of close the nations between do in that space and inside and deliver to to and i could say is phone the one. i'm not on the phone service off the low default so they just use the. ready that it states politically big, romantically, economically make it totally so cost is or it's as it's also as the lives of. ready the visa visa a visa visa, or at this point talk to each of us in a way that to this house its own interest. it's also really the rest of the same
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itself. and by doing that, this stays divided into the installation. and i understand the selection you also to think about us synchronize originally into this global interest. and also in this case, i basically have to cross the sellers because we sold it to say, i mean there. and that was, you'll see middleburg with the middle east and north africa program as the think tank. chatham house in london, europe is pushing israel to agree on the terms for a post war future. meantime, the european parliament has adopted a resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire. but the resolution contains the stipulation that have moss, which is designated as a terrorist group by the you must be dismantled and that all is really hostages, kidnapped by him aust, during the october 7th terror attacks on southern israel must be released. the resolution also calls for renewed efforts to find a lasting political solution to the complex i asked you to use brussels
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corresponding jack park. how important a signal the resolution sense, as well as long as the symbolic it is in no way, legally binding. the european union, this isn't a representation of the european union, this is only a representation of the institution of the european parliament. the vote was passed by 312 vote in favor, a 131 against with 72 extensions. and if you quickly do the mass, that means that we're a 200 and any piece the didn't even attend the vote. a told of the 705, i mean p's in highs. now, as you mentioned, the stipulation that uh, the cold for a permanent seas 5 would only come with the condition that the how much terrace the organization was dismantled. and the, all of these really hostages were released. that sort of lied, that particularly sense of right little make is in your pin parliament to get behind the vote and vote in favor of it. and those caveats have a lot of
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d is re these, essentially, to accept this as a vote. the is right, emissions of your opinion has brief saying that because of those copiers, that's what they want. they want the hostages released and they want to how much dismantled, and then they would like to cease fire as well. so as i say, it's not legally binding, but it is a symbolic desta from the european parliament. they want to make sure that there is a sort of aim towards finding a way to peace in the situation. and here's a quick look at some other headlines from around the world. humans who the rebels have launched a fresh missile attack on and us own ship and the red sea. the united states said no damage or injuries were reported after 2 missiles were fired at the vessel. the run back to militia has been targeting shipping in the waterway since november, saying it is acting in solidarity with palestinians, or in russia. protests over the jailing of a local activists have spreads the regional capital police arrested protesters
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during a riley in lieu fi in the central russian republic pushed quarters active this fail, awesome enough was sentenced to 4 years in prison for allegedly inside and hatred. he had been campaigning for the protection of the local pass code language. square footage has surface from north korea, which shows 2 teenage boys being sentenced to 12 years of hard labor for watching television dramas from south korea. as the 16 year old boys were sentenced in front of hundreds of students, that amount or stadium entertainment from south korea, including popular tv shows, known as a drama, are banned in the north. in india, hindu worshipers are pouring into the northern city of jo todd for the opening of the rom temple built on the grounds where a mosque stood for centuries. it's an event that is being portrayed as along the
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way to victory by prime minister and are under moody and his willing hindu nationalist party. w correspondent, ideal bought, went there to speak with both hindus and muslims. i found a city where religious politics have some feeling triumph, others feeling left out the homes and so can do, do these, make your way to the wrong template now you'll get. the city is brimming with excitement, head office in operation. 6 you know, the one is the good feels like divinely. i'm ecstatic, unhappy, and feel like dancing. i feel like taking load rom in my arms and roaming around the plains and the can with in the somebody raises occasion for all hindus to come together. the construction of the rom temple is the beginning of the hindu nation. it'll bring all hindus together, but in the selection, you're just mix up politics and religion is,
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was up of all the what town flags up the routing, faulty elected along side images of the candidate the wrong the messages this new temple is a gift from the voting fucking the pgp. yes, and the majority is grand gesture is matched by smaller local campaigns, local bgp problem, interior and loosing and his party workers are busy cleaning all the temple grounds . your prime minister, multi is government wants have done all the for you with the to 40 lad. he explains, i own the every house the now you're j as a temple and we need to believe in this year. the project is central to move these re election bid. is this liberals and can do so the majority in this country. it is their culture that will prevail in almost and demolishing the mosque was the right
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thing to do on it brought to an end, a debatable that had been ongoing for 500 years. the site has been a source of tensions between those and muslims, for decades. in 1992 and the fundamental is to down the 16th century, most known as the buffering must it be said. it was built by most of the rulers, on the ruins of the rump temple, which they believe to be the place of the candle guard spot writing throughout the country. all, most of the people in the field, the 16 in white been dismissed with neighbors, was people who witnessed those events still be at the most in scott's college. gone with fios the upcoming riley's around the north variation clicked on. why didn't you see sometimes when you were deeply hurt?
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you know, i did speak no cry. i don't, we've not come out of that situation about the pain and trauma of demolition. double fire. honestly speaking, there was no way to protect us or give justice to us. and this feeling has been, this is december 1992. until today if we before hip hop on with us. okay. for the do you want these web calendar on the least cool evening this celebration as a pre owned or not about politics? yeah, i looked up the city, give out sweets and rejoice a ranch next week promised to be even grand, but with the temples to me under construction. could see movies rusting off with the temper is calling about the upcoming election. and reminder now and our top story is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has called hopelessly, has rejected calls from the united states for palestinian statehood. then yahoo
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also said is, will, would not scale back it's offensive in gaza until it has destroyed him on the fact you're up to date here and dw duce, i'm sarah kelly, and for land. thank you so much for joining us. take care fast fashion. as an environmental, nice clothing, graveyard immature land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile ways get stranded fashion. watch now on youtube. the beauty you know, wants to help both him and his talent. then the last 16 years old as.


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